#(plus the dog's demeanor would provide some indication of appropriate concern level if they were trained for service)
cesium-sheep · 2 years
I wonder if a service dog with alert training would be of any help for me. because part of the problem is it's always a roll of the dice as to when I'll hit the threshold and I usually don't know what exactly was the tipping point, especially now when the threshold is both low and usually delayed reaction.
cuz like, the utility of a service dog with like, retrieval training is obvious for my situation, where I am often too exhausted to even get pre-made food from 5 feet away although the necessity varies wildly along with my condition and the availability of human support. and some dogs have been trained to lead their charges home or even pull wheelchairs like sled dogs, which would make it safer for me to leave the apartment by myself (if other things weren't making it untenably unsafe regardless).
but I feel like if I'm ever going to seriously look into the possibility of getting a service dog it's somehow my job to figure out what they can do to help me, rather than like. an occupational therapist. and even with a service dog I'd still realistically need intermittent human care, but crash alerts are something a dog can potentially do that a human can't. and would probably be helpful. if the dog says to lay down, I trust the dog.
#really I should probably just get in with an occupational therapist at least once anyway#it sounds like it's their job to know all the right tools and people to have a livable disabled life#(if you don't have the means to sort it all out independently)#also I just like dogs and really want to have one around.#although my desire for a dog gets exponentially stronger the worse I feel (somewhat counterintuitively)#which does indicate they may be of benefit beyond just 'I like dogs :)'#also also even if we get to a point where arin is working sane hours and matt is living with us#they're both going to be gone for portions of the day#and if I'm too unwell to greet them the dog can let them know where in the house I am.#which I imagine would put them at ease#(plus the dog's demeanor would provide some indication of appropriate concern level if they were trained for service)#or a dog could wake them up/find them if I'm too sick to do it#I know arin is *not* a selectively-light sleeper like I am#matt's only slept over once and in a separate room so I don't know much about his sleep#but I know if one of them was sick knowing to listen for a dog bark instead of a distant thud or whatever would put me at ease.#a service dog would also be great for the type 2 episodes.#I wouldn't have to fetch stuff for myself and I wouldn't have to worry about being unable to get help if it gets out of hand#and having a living being next to me has always helped with those#okay I think maybe I need a service dog.
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