#(ooc: ughhhh I hate how I wrote this)
pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year
[STORYLINE POST: Haunting Regrets, Part 2]
WARNINGS: Pokémon death, human death, somewhat graphic descriptions, violence
Auberi’s mind was a blur as they made a sharp turn and slipped into a cave. They didn’t know where they were going, or what was even going on really, all they knew was that the outside world was too damn loud and they needed to get away. From what, they weren’t sure.
Their ragged breaths echoed off the cavern walls as they jogged further in, clutching tightly to the fabric of their shirt.
No matter where they went, no matter how far they ran, the memory of his voice haunted them, ringing in their mind on a loop. It felt like they were there again, at the ruins atop Mount Coronet, and all they could think to do was keep running.
A monster engulfed in shadows with burning red eyes lunged at them. Auberi had stared the incarnation of death in the face before, and yet that was nothing compared to the bloodlust that raged within that Giratina’s crimson stare.
They were shoved to the ground by their Typhlosion. The ghost and fire type snarled at the colossal opponent, standing over his trainer’s trembling body. Blanche took a similar stance; black flame-like wisps beginning to dance across her fur as she readied to attack.
Both the remaining members of Auberi’s team charged at Giratina, the sounds of their violent battle causing the ground to quake. Auberi managed to lift their head, trying to process the chaos unfolding around them.
Scattered across the temple’s floor were bodies. Pokémon bodies. The ones of the companions who’d helped guide Auberi through this treacherous journey. They were gone, in the blink of an eye, reduced to lifeless heaps. Volo’s team hadn’t shown a single one of them a shred of mercy.
Ignis and Blanche were the only ones left standing. The only survivors. The ones that had managed to defeat all six of Volo’s ruthless team of Pokémon. So why was the battle still raging? Why hadn’t that horrible man accepted defeat yet?
The Zoroark and Typhlosion were on their last legs. They could barely get a hit on Giratina- most of their energy was spent trying to evade its attacks, which was hard enough- the demonic legendary was phasing in and out of the floor, making it near impossible to tell where it would pop up next.
A bloodcurdling screech rang in the air, forcing Auberi to cover their ears. Giratina came bursting out of the ground, snapping its jaws at the pair of smaller ghost types. Ignis and Blanche tried to leap out of the way, but we’re met with the giant dragon’s head slamming painfully into their sides, sending them flying all the way across the ruins.
“No!” Auberi cried out weakly, reaching out for their Pokémon as the two were flung somewhere out of sight. Hearing their voice, Giratina snapped its head towards them, its eyes locking on to them like a hunter spotting prey.
One of its tendrils came rushing at them, and all Auberi could do was cower as they waited for it to impale them.
The sound of two familiar voices screaming their name made Auberi look up. They saw Hana and Atticus arrive at the scene, their Decidueye and Samurott at their respective sides, running straight into the fray.
Distracted by the arrival of the two other Galaxy team members, Giratina snarled, creating a dark fog that enveloped the temple. Agonized screams followed, and the sounds of a fight could be heard- the whirring echoes and booms of attacks, desperate commands yelled out by humans. Auberi slammed their hands over their ears, hot tears flooding down their face.
“No, no, no, no, please-“
The fog began to dissipate. For a moment, Auberi couldn’t bring themself to look up and see the carnage. Once they did, they immediately regretted it.
Several more Pokémon had been thrown about, this time members from Hana and Atticus’ teams. Some were still barely clinging to life, others were mutilated beyond recognition.
And probably the worst part of all- was Giratina stabbing one of its smoky tendrils clean through Atticus’ torso.
The sight was printed on Auberi’s mind. One they’d never be able to forget, no matter how hard they tried. One that would haunt them for years to come.
Giratina tore its claw out of the young man’s body. Atticus’ knees gave out, and he collapsed face-first onto the stone ground. Blood began to pool around him, staining his uniform.
Darkness began to pull at the edges of Auberi’s vision. The last thing they heard was Hana’s horrified scream and Volo’s maniacal laughter.
They managed to keep their eyes open long enough to see a giant, blue blur leap out of a portal and tackle Giratina down. Then, everything went black.
A clawed paw gently resting on Auberi’s shoulder managed to pull them back to reality. The trainer gasped, grabbing for Blanche’s arm. Their wide, panicked eyes met the Zoroark’s.
They’d been propped up against the cold, rocky wall of the cave. Had they passed out while running?
Blanche let out a worried growl. Tears quickly rose to the corners of Auberi’s eyes, rolling down their cheeks. Breath shaking as they let out strangled sobs, Auberi reached for Blanche’s mane and buried their face in the Zoroark’s soft, transparent silk-like fur. Blanche sighed sorrowfully, wrapping her arms around her trainer.
“They’re gone,” Auberi’s voice trembled as they spoke in muffled whimpers. “Atticus, the team- it’s my- I should have done more-“
Blanche nuzzled against her trainer’s shoulder as Auberi let it all out, continuing to embrace them for as long as they needed her to.
Minutes went by, maybe hours. Auberi wasn’t sure how long they were in that cave. They just knew they didn’t want to come back out any time soon.
Eventually, they pulled away from Blanche, cheeks puffy and eyes red from crying. The Zoroark licked their tear-stained face, and they managed a small, brief smile. Gently cupping the fox Pokémon’s face, they pressed their forehead against hers.
“Thank you…” They muttered after taking a few deep breaths. Stroking their Pokémon’s fur, they closed their eyes before speaking again. “I… I don’t know how I’m gonna explain everything to Blake or Hop. That day on the mountain… that fight… those entire six months… still don’t feel real to me.”
Blanche crooned in understanding as Auberi went on. “…But it was real. I left all my friends to die. I-I know Dialga chased Giratina off, but I never saw what happened after Quartz pulled us out of there. I don’t… I don’t know if Hana made it out or not. If any of our other teammates survived…”
“…I never even got the chance to say goodbye to anyone,” Auberi lamented, biting their lip as they tried to hold back more tears. Blanche continued to cradle them, guarding her trainer like they were one of her pups.
It took a minute for either of them to notice, but a light had begun to seep into the room. Lifting their gaze, Auberi blinked away their tears in confusion. At first they thought it was sunlight- but it couldn’t have been morning already, could it? Then they realized the light wasn’t coming in the direction of the cave entrance- rather behind a secluded boulder further down in the tunnel.
Curious, Auberi slowly and cautiously rose to their feet, Blanche lifting her head under their arm to support them. The pair carefully made their way over to the source of the dim orange glow, their footsteps gently echoing off the walls of the cavern.
Soon, the object emitting the light came into view- a oval-shaped object nestled behind the rock, partially covered in mud. Half red and half beige in color. Two yellow squares on either side of the object were responsible for the odd glow. Crouching down and placing their hand on its smooth, warm surface, Auberi’s eyes lit up when they finally realized what it was.
“An… egg?”
As soon as their hand came into contact with it, the glow began to fade. The soft warmth began to drain away, and now the egg almost felt like ice.
Shit, Auberi thought, not hesitating to scoop the egg up into their arms. It must’ve been abandoned. No mother actively guarding this egg would let it get this cold.
“Blanche?” They looked to their Zoroark, and the fox Pokémon’s ears perked up attentively. “See if you can find a nest or a mother nearby. I’m gonna try and keep this little guy warm as long as I can…”
With an affirmative nod, Blanche dashed off further into the cavern. Their feeling of safety now retreating with their Zoroark, Auberi took shelter behind the boulder where the egg had previously been hidden. They held it close as they pulled their knees up to their chest, trying to provide it with whatever warmth they could.
“Wish I brought my jacket or scarf…” They murmured underneath their breath. For several minutes, all they had to accompany them was the subtle noise of water dripping down from the ceiling of the cave.
By the time Blanche had returned, the egg’s surface had only grown somewhat colder, leaving a nervous pit in Auberi’s stomach. Their Zoroark could sense the egg’s dwindling life force, too, groaning worriedly and pressing her nose against it as she approached her trainer once more.
“No luck?” Auberi asked. Blanche shook her head.
“Okay…” the trainer sighed heavily, gaze falling back to the egg. “…We should get this thing back home. It’d be better if Blake and Hop were here to help.”
The thought of going back and having to confront their friends about what happened made their stomach turn. They were no where near ready to confess… everything. Still, Auberi managed to hesitantly get back on their feet and make their way towards the exit of the cave. They handed the egg to Blanche, who’d probably have better success keeping it alive on their way back.
Auberi pulled their phone out of their pocket, and felt a twinge of guilt when they saw the wall of missed notifications from their friends piled on the screen. Opening the group chat, they typed out a short message to finally reassure everyone that they were alright.
“Hey guys. Sorry about everything. I’m on my way back.”
They felt the phone buzz multiple times after they slid it back into their pocket, but didn’t have it in them to read the newly sent replies.
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Madara has been my favourite character of all time. The depth of his character is just sooo well written ig? Idk. But when i see posts when madara the fricking warlord, reduced into a literal housewife......... Ughhhh its just pisses me tf off. Like i dont wanna hate on the people who made such art or wrote such fanfics but like at least respect his character a little. Its like a lion is suddenly deplected as a fkn kitten in need of milk. Like tf? I wanna tell them to stop it, but then again i don't wanna say something mean to people who are just living their life. Like its their opinion even if it pisses me off sm that i wanna throw my phone to a wall, bang my head and die with how chrige it makes me feel. What do you feel about such fanfic or art? Do you believe these artists need to stop it?
Amen to this ! To answer you, artists are free to create whatever they like however being free doesn't mean you're magically waterproof to critics. When you put something out in the world people gonna have a reaction. And if it's about a pre-existant character rooted on some tangible reality like canon, anime, Kishimoto's interview, other member of his crew's interview ect ect.... So yeah if that's OOC, people are gonna point out it's OOC. As simple as that.
But what is most important is your own ethic. How do you spend your time in tumblr? How do you contribute actively to the fandom you like? What do you reblog? Do you engage in conversation anonymously and/or directly with artists that you admire? Do you commission them for a visual you would like to see? Do you tips/or kofi them? Are you genuinely curious about their working process? What inspire them? Do you comment under your favourite fanfic? Do you post review of your fav fics and why you like it? Do you encourage around you people who do good analysis/meta? Do you write yourself your own thoughts even if it had been said before by others? there is always a different angle only you could have notice. Do you write fic yourself? even just a small one shot? Do you draw even if it's just a doodle?
I do everything I've listed above except drawing but that's something I wanna do in a near future. And for a blog who's less than a year, centered around a character as you said with depth, who is not part of the tier 10 or even 20 in term of popularity. I'm really thriving to the point I don't have time now to answer everyone as quickly as before, my notifications are always active even if I'm not there for days. I'm also engaging conversation with a lot of talented, articulate, funny people everyday. It takes maybe more time that if I was doing what the majority are doing but the reward is that I'm rarely bitter, less headache, and I don't have trolls. My dashboard reflects 80% of time what I love about Madara. I'm always excited to show my next post or read my mutuals. So yeah be authentic, consistent on creating and uplifting contents that you like and that will naturally attract around you the fandom that you want.
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