#(mikey is mumblinghow he still could have done better)
cow-tag · 1 year
since i just reblogged saying smthn about casey being able to cook i think i should share with you this thought i had like a month ago while cooking dinner
So, and just hear me out on this, April isn't BAD at cooking. she can do it. She just. Shes not too good at the flavor part on her own. she has to follow a recipe or it will be dry, bland, and overall a. not bad but NOT GOOD. experience.
So, within the farmhouse arc, April is cooking dinner. Casey walks in, makes a couple jokes about being married, yadda yadda, normal casey stuff. Then he sees. then he sees the bland mess that she is cooking. i'm talking chicken with no seasoning other than salt.
Casey: not even pepper?
April: It's a bit too spicy for my tastes..
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