#(i have a lot of thoughts about Van going to Fransokyo)
the-messenger-hawk · 2 years
So what exactly IS Ven and Vanitas’ relationship in guiding wind? Is Vanitas a heckler that likes to pop in from time to time and mess with Ven? Does he use the kids as a way trigger him? What’s their deal?
At first, its worse than its ever been.
In the prologue of the story, Ven basically uses a loophole to eject Vanitas from his heart without destroying himself (more or less a variant on the Power of Waking), but its painful in the way that shearing off a limb is--and Vanitas gets the brunt of it. He's metaphorically and literally shattered from this experience, and it takes him years to reform enough to track down Ven again (but he's gotten some of the Sora Reset treatment; he lacks a lot of his old power and his keyblade is quite damaged).
Vanitas is absolutely out for revenge at this point, since being kicked out put him through utter hell (granted, you can't blame Ven for this, since it was self-defense but hey). Since he's been Reset, Vanitas doesn't stand a chance against Ven anymore, so ends up going after softer targets in order to hurt Ventus --the kids, but mostly Sora since he's easier to find and does more to stand his ground.
(His plan starts to go off the rails when he starts having a little too much fun fighting Sora (and also Riku and Roxas to a lesser extent) in a time when he's rarely enjoying anything ever, and starts making excuses to let him go/have a rematch later when he's stronger.)
Ultimately though, with Ventus having found a method to throw him out of his heart at will, and him continuing to age when Vanitas doesn't, he starts to doubt whether actually becoming one again is even possible at all. And since he pinned so much hope on that possibility, depression sets in (though he tries to hide that mostly). Vanitas develops his humanity slowly through his run-ins and enemy-of-my-enemy deals with the Destiny Trio, and that slowly softens his behavior towards Ventus, though he never stops heckling him entirely. Later on, they might work together for the sake of Sora's safety, while still not particularly getting along with each other either. There's a lot of bad blood there, but things do get slowly better over time.
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arctimon · 3 years
The Beta Team That Never Was - Fanfiction Corner (BH6 Edition)
So all of this Peni Parker comic talk actually got me thinking about the process of her being included in my fanfiction.
I wish I could tell you it was a long and arduous process, but...
OK, maybe some of it was hard.  But when you have a virtually endless supply of Marvel characters that you can use for possible teammates for Big Hero 6, you have to go with your gut.
We all know that the team will be Robbie, Aspen, Peni, Doreen (eventually), and Kate.  But there were six other candidates that could have been in the mix as well.
And five of them have their emblems here:
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These were made before I actually knew how to make hero emblems properly.
Some of them you might recognize.  Some you may not.  But we’re going to go through them all, from left to right.
And to start...it’s really hard to draw tiny hearts.
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1.) Riri Williams/Ironheart - Ironically enough, it was around the time that Hiro started chasing Sirque around the town in “Portal Enemy” that I started brainstorming her.  A teenage genius, stuck as to what to make, sees “Captain Cutie” and the chase on the news and gets brainstorming.
Thus, the Power Armor is born.
And she gets so excited that she bolts off to San Fransokyo to show her idol what she’s created.
And then, as per the Big Hero 6 Fanfiction Clause states...shenanigans ensue.
It was an interesting possibility, but the thought of Ironheart was really late into me doing the backstories of the people that I had chosen, so she was pushed aside.  I don’t personally see me revisiting her in the future, but who knows?
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2.) Nadia Van Dyne/The Wasp - Back when Karmi had first been pulled out of SFIT, there was a young woman who wanted to recruit her into a special organization.  It was one that brought together the greatest female minds in their fields, and Karmi was on said recruitment list.
The organization?
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Genius In action Research Labs, or G.I.R.L. for short.  And it was led by the Wasp’s daughter, Nadia Pym (later changed to Nadia Van Dyne).
Plot-wise, this was probably the person that I got the farthest with, since the story would’ve been more of a focus on Karmi than anyone else.  Also, the idea of writing someone with Bipolar Disorder (which Nadia was confirmed to have in her latest solo run) was intriguing if nothing else.
Unfortunately, it sort of dried up from there.  A lack of a central conflict, uncertainty as to how many of the other girls (Taina, Priya, Shay, and Ying) to have, and how to handle her actual powers stopped it cold.
But seriously, how do you write in the ability to shrink to microscopic size?  That’s not really a thing, even in a world as futuristic as San Fransokyo.
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3.) America Chavez/Ms. America - The mere idea of a Superman-esque Latina teenager was enticing, especially because America, in her relatively short comic history, was with the Ultimates and the West Coast Avengers (meaning there was a possible Kate/Hawkeye angle).  Making start-shaped portals was the Silent Sparrow angle, and the all-around badass, headstrong attitude would be the counter to Honey Lemon’s more nurturing personality.
But being from an alternate universe (which has very recently been retconned in the comics in part because she will be appearing in the MCU and Doctor Strange 2), no real villain to play off of, and becoming possibly way too overpowered for the BH6 universe, she was scrapped.
It’s quite a shame.  I really like her in the comics that she’s in.  Perhaps there will be an opportunity for her somewhere down the line...
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4.) Alison Blaire/Dazzler - A pop star with light-based powers?
Or better yet, a struggling artist with acoustikinesis?
Her power to convert sound into light was what originally drew me to her.  Something that could be made into a technological ability, unique enough to put a (pardon the pun) spotlight on it.
An actual blonde instead of whatever HL’s hair color is.
Heck, she even has a half-sister named Lois that could have been the antagonist (death tough, destruction waves, and the like).
But she quickly got lost in the fold.  Better ideas (like Kate and Doreen) got more of my brainstorming, and she was eventually given up on.
But funnily enough...
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It’s almost like she’s already in the show.
(See, for the people who may be new, one of the many Marvel theories that I’ve touched upon is that High Voltage is actually this universe’s version of Dazzler.  Juniper is Alison and Barb is...well...Barbara London, Alison’s mom).
Hey, @baymaksu​ totally agrees with me kinda sort of.
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5.) Cindy Moon/Silk - I knew right from the get-go that I wanted a Spider-person on the beta team.  I also knew that I didn’t want Peter.
No offense to Peter Parker.  He’s fine.  But there’s a billion other Spiders out there, and I wanted someone out of the normal vein of Peter, as well as even Miles and Gwen.
And in came Cindy.
Locked away in The Bunker because of her spider powers manifesting, she was eventually released by Peter and thus began her entrance into the main Marvel world.
Her “unique ability” is her improved Spider-Sense, which Peter has said is even better than his own.  That, plus her other powers, brought her the closest out of anyone to being a member of the Big Hero 6 Beta Team.
As we all know, however, Peni ended up getting the spot over Cindy (for the family angle with Hiro and the giant robot that she pilots).  On the other hand, Cindy would later make her debut in the stinger of the last chapter of Along Came The S.P.I.D.E.R., along with Miles, Anya, and Joey.
Unlike Riri, Nadia, America, and Alison, Cindy and the rest of Peni’s little Spider Society are going to be showing up in future stories.  And if I can get everything in order, they will be starring in their own story set in the Big Hero 6 universe.
Finally, I have no emblem for them, but the honorable mention goes to...
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6.) Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur - Yes, there was a point in time where I was seriously considering putting a nine-year-old super genius and a giant red T-rex into my stories.
Ignoring the giant...”red flag” here, the reason why Luna never made it is the same reason why I haven’t put Rishi in anything yet.  It’s because I don’t really know what to do with supergeniuses that young.  Hiro is at least a teenager and thus has teenager-y problems to fall back on (like puberty and Karmi and all that jazz), but a nine-year-old?  That’s a little too extreme for me.
When I was nine, I was busy playing with sticks in my backyard with my brother, not solving unsolvable puzzles from Bruce Banner.
...All that, and the giant dinosaur.
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But hey, at least Disney is jumping on the MG/DD train.  That’s good to see.
Crossover potential, perhaps?
P.S. - As I was finishing putting this post together, it occurred to me that I may get this possible question in the comments, so I’m going to head it off at the pass.
“You know that all of your possible superheroes are girls, right?”
First of all...sexist.
Second of all...true.
That was about 90% on accident.  The actual team (Robbie, Aspen, Peni, Doreen, and Kate) has only one guy on it (two if you count Eli, three if you count Tippy-Toe).
I don’t really have a good explanation for that.  I like all superheroes, but I think that the girl and woman superheroes need some spotlight, you know?  I could have pulled people like Namor or Miles or the male Hawkeye into the mix, but to be honest, I find the characters I chose more interesting than a lot of the guy characters I was contemplating.
Of course, nothing is stopping any of you from using those characters in your stories.  Be my guest, not that you really need my permission or anything.
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But you can’t take Aspen.  Aspen is mine. (Spoiler: Aspen is not mine.)
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seanshumblehome · 5 years
The Secret trio in:The Sons of Liberty (Part 3 - Brawl with a monster).
      There where no words just action as Jake opened his mouth a white hot jet of flame spewed forth from his mouth watching as Sigma was completely engulfed in flame.Jake then turned to Danny and Randy, wrapping his arms around them both, he charged for the apartment window.Randy and Danny could do nothing but brace themselves as Jake smashed through the window and part of the wall, Jake spread his wings and quickly began gaining altitude as he rapidly flapped his wings.
“Jake what the juice! Circle around so we need to get that guy!” Randy shouted as he tried to wiggle out of Jake’s grip.
“We can’t fight that thing man, it ate a person in front of us! Jake shouted back, seemingly terrified.
“Was he magic! Please tell me he’s not magic?!” Danny asked.
“I don’t know, I couldn’t tell! I was too busy watching him eat someone!” Jake shouted answered.
      Then they heard it, the sound of wings, large, powerful, leathery, wings coming from behind them.Jake didn’t even bother looking behind him, he simply began flying as fast and as hard as he possibly could.Danny looked behind to see Sigma following close behind.Not only had he grown a pair of wings to chase them, but what was worse is that he looked completely fine, not a single burn on him.Danny knew something had to be done, some offensive would need to be taken or else he might chase them all over the city.
“I’m gonna fight him, Randy you with me?” Danny asked.
“You know it ghost bro!” Randy shouted as he pulled out his sword.
“Fine will fight that thing, just be careful alright, I’ll distract him when I can so you guys can lay into him.” Jake said as he began his approach to an empty parking lot.
      After skidding to a stop Jake released Randy and Danny then quickly took to the air once again.Danny and Randy watched as Sigma slammed landed several feet away from them, his wings absorbing back into his body and his arm once again forming into a jagged flesh covered blade.
“Well at least two of you children are done running.” Sigma said dismissively as he approached them.
“Yeah well guess what you shoob, me and my friends are gonna kick your weird monster people eating butt back to where ever it came from!” Randy braked.
“Yeah...what he said.” Danny said sheepishly.
“Then let’s not wait a moment longer.” Sigma said with a wicked smile.
      It had been uneventful to say the least for San Fransokyo’s most famous hero, Hiro Hamada.Looking over the shoulder of his robotic companion Baymax, he couldn’t help but notice how seemingly quiet the city seemed.
“Nothing on your scanner Baymax?” Hiro asked.
“I have detected no emergencies on my scanner or radio.” Baymax responded.
“I guess that’s it then, take us home.” Hiro ordered.
“I have detected four signatures on my scanner.” Baymax said methodically.
“Wait seriously?! What are they doing?” Hiro asked surprised.
“Three of them appear to be fighting, while the fourth circling them from the air.” Baymax responded.
“Sounds like it could be something, let’s head that way.” Hiro ordered.
“Should we call the others know before we act?” Baymax asked.
“We’ll check it out first then decide that.” Hiro answered.
      Baymax turned and headed towards the disturbance, Hiro hoped that it would be something simple, but something tonight just made it feel...off.
     Jake circled overhead watching the battle below, waiting for the correct moment when he could swoop down and blast sigma with a white hot blast of dragon fire.He watched as Randy’s sword glanced off Sigma’s bladed arm as he spun to dodge a swing from Danny’s ghost blade.Randy threw his ninja scarf at Sigma’s legs, but Sigma leaped out of the way at the last moment.Danny rushed Sigma swung toward his head, an attack he easily dodged and countered with a devastating punch to Danny’s gut.Danny flew back and slammed into the ground with a sickening thud.Randy rushed Sigma but was smacked away sending him sliding across the parking lot.Now was his chance, Jake folded back his wings and dove fast towards Sigma, his arms out stretched to slam Sigma into the ground, but then seemingly out of nowhere, a large rocket powered fist slammed into Sigma’s back.Jake landed and watched as Sigma the fist flew across the parking lot and crashed into the side of a van with a wet, crunchy, bang. There was no thought, just action, Jake loosed a fireball at the van causing it to explode in fire, the resulting explosion threw the fist into the air and slamming back down with a loud metallic bang.Jake turned to see a large red robot land before him, missing it’s left hand.He then watched as a small figure dressed in purple armor came around the robots right side and bolted towards Danny.
“What the heck is going on here?!” Hiro asked.
“Oh you know, getting are asses handed to us by a monster, no biggie.” Danny answered in hoarse tone.
“Uh huh, you got any wounds Baymax could fix.” Hiro asked again.
      Before Danny could respond, a scream rang out from the burning wreckage of the van, everyone watched as Sigma burst from the van and landed in front of them, his clothes in a state of disrepair.
“I must say, I’m very impressed with you all,” Sigma said with an amused smile as he got closer. “But I’m done playing with you children now, so excuse me while I violently kill everyone of you.” He continued as his armor covered his body and his hands turned into claws.
      Danny got up with a grunt and wiped the dust from his shoulders and manifested his ghost blades and sighed.
“Hey Ninja, you and the Dragon stay out of this for right now, I’m ending this.” Danny said as he glared at Sigma, “And you, guy in the purple armor with the big red robot, thanks for the help now get his arm and go.” Danny commanded as he began to approach Sigma.
      Though Hiro wanted to stay and help he could tell that whatever was going on here just might be a little above him, after grabbing Baymax’s hand and reattaching it Hiro climbed onto his back and flew off into the night sky.
“So you’re gonna take me, just one on one?” Sigma asked, seemingly curious.
“Yep, all by myself.” Danny said with a confident smile.
“Well if you feel so capable, then I’ll be happy to oblige you with a quick death.” Sigma growled.
      Randy and Jake watched as Sigma rushed Danny and swung, Sigma’s strike was a direct hit to Danny’s chest... but he had nary a scratch on him, again Sigma swung and again he struck a direct hit but left cuts, no deep wounds, not even a scratch.Sigma growled in anger and unleashed an flurry of attacks upon Danny but still he was unharmed.Danny smiled then swung at Sigma, his ghost blade burned straight through Sigma’s armor causing him to roar in pain before Danny kicked him away.
“How did none of my attacks hit you, you should’ve been dead after the first.” Sigma shouted in anger and confusion.
“You can’t kill that which doth not live.” Danny said in smug tone.
“Wait, you can become ephemeral at will, that’s why I didn’t harm you, should have figured that given what your had to say about you file.” Sigma said nonchalantly, sending a chill up each of the trio’s back.
“What do you mean my file?” Danny asked.
“The file we gathered on you and several others who might pose risk to the goals of the Son’s of Liberty.” Sigma answered in a calm tone.
“So you know who we are?” Danny nervously asked.
“Yes and no, we don’t know your families or anything like that, but we know a weakness or two.” Sigma answered.
      Though the relief of knowing that the Son’s of Liberty couldn’t target their families, but the idea of being spied still made the boy’s feel uneasy.
“Now then let’s...what?...but sir I...yes I understand, I’ll head back to nest.” Sigma said seemingly to no one. “Sorry kids, kill you later.” Sigma joked as wings sprouted from his back.
      The boy’s watched his Sigma shot up in the air with a single flap of his wings, and in moments he was gone as he flew into the night sky.
“Guess we’re calling Mr.Fowler again huh?” Jake said discouraged.
“Seems like it.” Randy said as he pulled out his phone.
“No, I have a feeling he want’s us to know where he’s going.”
“What the juice makes you say that?” Randy asked perplexed.
“Gotta be something back at the apartment right.” Danny answered.
“A few moments later”
      It didn’t take the boys long to return to the apartment, the soldiers that where unconscious where now nowhere to be seen, they could only imagine what happened to them but they all knew too well what Sigma might have actually done with them.
“Search everything, there could be a clue here that could lead us to their base.” Danny commanded.
      The boys went to work, scouring every inch of the room to find anything that could lead them to the “Nest” that Sigma mentioned.The minutes turned to hours and the trio was beginning to feel the exhaustion set in.Suddenly, a commotion from one of the rooms Jake was searching, Randy and Danny rushed to the door just as Jake came bounding through it.
“I found something, I found something!” He shouted as he slammed into Randy and Danny, sending them all to the floor.
      After picking themselves up Danny snatched the folder from Jake and opened it.
“What does it say?” Jake asked in a curious tone.
“Hold on.” Danny answered as he continued reading.
“Anything useful?” Randy asked.
“Hold on, I’m still reading it.” Danny answered in aggravation.
      Randy and Jake impatiently watched as Danny’s eyes carefully scanned the folder’s contents, then a smile came across his face, tossing the folder to the floor Danny pulled out his phone and began typing, much to their confusion.
“I know where we’re going.” Danny confidently answered.
“Really, where to then?” Randy asked?
“I hope you guys like hiking, because tomorrow, we go to Black Mountain.“
To Be Continued in Part 4.
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