#(didn't think I could make a serious response out of that ask now didja?)
Have you ever noticed how when you're driving on a highway and you see a sign for a rest stop, but then you pass it and there's no actual rest stop there, but then you keep driving and you see another sign for a rest stop and you think to yourself, "Maybe this time there will actually be a rest stop," but then you pass that one too and there's still no rest stop and you start to wonder if the rest stops are just a figment of your imagination, but then you finally see a rest stop and you pull off the highway and you're like, "Thank goodness, I really needed to use the bathroom," but then you go inside and there's no toilet paper in the bathroom, so you have to use your shirt, and then you come back outside and there's a chicken standing on your car and you're like, "What is going on? This is the strangest day ever," and then you start to wonder if you're actually dreaming or if this is all just a hallucination brought on by some kind of toxic gas leak, but then you realize that none of this makes any sense and you have no idea why you're even thinking about all of this in the first place? Do you know what I mean?
I...am not familiar with what a "highway" or "rest stop" is, and I've unfortunately never driven anything beyond the occasional carriage. But if I'm right in assuming this is a metaphor of sorts...I believe I understand.
Hoping there will be rest, thinking it's just beyond the horizon. You wait so long and start to lose hope, but...it's there. An end to the suffering. But it's never quite as good as imagined, is it? Even if it was, you start realizing it was never real to begin with. Just some farce, a dream of a deluded mind. But even if it's simply a dream, maybe it's better to live happily in a lie than to suffer in the truth.
But that has already been decided for me.
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