"I can fix him" good for you. I need to craft a scenario in which he betters himself, to prove to myself that I can meaningfully atone despite how much of myself I see in him.
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collecting these like funky little bugs..................
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M fcmiei adonl qnkmybvb un yge rzze ffp m drsshkcd tyyf dzbz’t cghe.
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"Bellis perennis (/ˈbɛləs pəˈrɛnəs/),the daisy, is a European species of the family Asteraceae, often considered the archetypal species of the name daisy. To distinguish this species from other plants known as daisies, it is sometimes qualified as common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy."
"Bellis may come from bellus, Latin for 'pretty', and perennis is Latin for 'everlasting'."
"The name 'daisy', possibly originating with this plant, is considered a corruption of 'day's eye', because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. In Medieval times, Bellis perennis or the English Daisy was commonly known as 'Mary's Rose'. It is also known as bone flower."
"Daisies have traditionally been used for making daisy chains in children's games."
Interesting excerpts from the Leakypedia article for the common daisy.
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do you ever think about how like, if you're driving a car really fast - it's a bit complicated but hear me out here - and then like hit a bumpy part it goes BRRP and how maybe someone in the car with you would accuse you of farting and you would have to defend yourself from the accusation despite the fact that half the time it was the driver of the car making it go BRRP and now you're being accused for their actions? no justice in the world right? but like - what i'm trying to say - quite simple really - actually, do you play videogames? maybe this would be better as a reference. have you ever played portal? you know how they say the cake is a lie - but at the end of the game the cake is definitely real!! you see it in a cutscene and like you never got given your god given right to cake and its kinda fucked up when you think about it but also like, maybe it was a lie, maybe that was fake cake you never actually know and it's a mystery that doesn't get solved in the sequels, just like life's greatest mysteries, such as that time some idiot spent 10 minutes writing an anonymous ask
...what? What in the Idols' names did any of that mean? Are you okay? Do you require medical attention? Is this an encoded message asking for help? Who are you??
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How has Enoch's experience in Arkias differed from his previous life as the Spirit of Tragedy, and how has he adapted to the coexistence of Humans and Monsters in this new world? How has the introduction of magic and the breaking of the Barrier affected Enoch's abilities and role, and how has he interacted with characters like Frisk, Toriel, ASGORE, Alphys, and Undyne in this changed environment? How does Enoch view the events leading up to the breaking of the Barrier and the current political situation in Arkias, particularly in areas like First Castle, Newer Home, Snowdin Forest, and Waterfall? How does he envision the future of this world, considering the coexistence of Humans and Monsters in places like Ancient Road, The CORE, and MTT Resort?
(It's differed a lot. Even with all the chaos and strange happenings in Arkias, it's downright domestic compared to before. He's stranded in this world, and without enough magic to make a portal back. So he's had to come to terms that for now, his previous responsibilities are put on pause. It doesn't stop him from trying to create new ones, though. He's constantly busying himself with others' problems and problems that aren't really problems. And recently, he's officially taken the mantle of Tragedy back up again.)
"...I am sorry for abandoning my duties, for letting myself rest...I've come back to you, creator. I will carry out what must be done, for you. I...I hope you're proud."
(So we'll have to see how that goes. But the coexistence of humans and monsters isn't too much out of the norm for Enoch. His home was rife with different sapient species of all sorts, so this feels almost the same, though he's scientifically curious about how monsters function.)
(Magic in Arkias, while there's a lot of it, there's less naturally occurring in the environment than there was back home. Enoch's had to readjust and compensate severely. Unlike most other spirits, Enoch can only "feed off" a specific type of magic -- death/decay magic. This, plus less naturally-occurring magic...he's had to hot-wire his own body to take in a lot more magic at a faster "processing rate." Spirits have a built-in "funnel" that puts a cap on how much external magic they can process into usable magic, in case it's too much.)
(So magic gets absorbed by the spirit into a sort of "storage" that is slowly processed into magic the spirit can actually use. Enoch made his processing cap a lot higher, which makes him more vulnerable to magic corruption, but means he's not quite as hindered from Arkias' lower magic levels.)
(He's a lot less capable currently than if he were back home, but maybe that's for the best. He's struggling more to fulfill his role. The breaking of the barrier doesn't have much active importance to Enoch specifically, other than the obvious effects it's had on Arkias overall. Enoch only arrived in this world about a year ago, after all.)
(Enoch hasn't personally met any of the main characters other than Frisk, Chara, and a good bit of the Deltarune Chapter 1 cast. He has a lot of respect -- though more concern -- for Frisk, and has conflicted feelings about Chara. He wants to visit the Dark World sometime soon, though. He misses Lancer, and won't admit it but wants the taste of freedom that his encounter with Jevil gave him.)
(To be direct: Enoch does not like Asgore. Endangering and killing children like that has put the former king on Enoch's kill-list if he ever runs into him. But Mayor Frisk's actions in the Underground that led to the breaking of the barrier...Enoch has major respect for it now that he knows about it -- but once again, concern. He's thought about it a lot: how a small child could free a whole people like that without a single drop of blood spilled. He's reconsidered some things since.)
(The Spirit of Tragedy isn't much a fan for politics. For someone who likes rules so much, he loathes bureaucracy and all the beating around the bush that comes with so many governments. As far as I'm aware, there's not a lot of political happenings with most of those places, save Newer Home. Mayor Frisk is swamped in paperwork and low on funds. Enoch plans to help a bit with all of that nonsense, maybe keep an eye on things or manipulate something here and there, but he doesn't trust governments with how many empires he's seen fall.)
(He's hesitantly hopeful about this world's future. Things seem headed in a good direction, especially human and monster relations, but the strange crowd that Arkias has become a magnet for seems to threaten that. The constant conflicts and the concerning amount of very powerful individuals makes for a delicate situation. But right now, he'll just have to do his best.)
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Have you ever noticed how when you're driving on a highway and you see a sign for a rest stop, but then you pass it and there's no actual rest stop there, but then you keep driving and you see another sign for a rest stop and you think to yourself, "Maybe this time there will actually be a rest stop," but then you pass that one too and there's still no rest stop and you start to wonder if the rest stops are just a figment of your imagination, but then you finally see a rest stop and you pull off the highway and you're like, "Thank goodness, I really needed to use the bathroom," but then you go inside and there's no toilet paper in the bathroom, so you have to use your shirt, and then you come back outside and there's a chicken standing on your car and you're like, "What is going on? This is the strangest day ever," and then you start to wonder if you're actually dreaming or if this is all just a hallucination brought on by some kind of toxic gas leak, but then you realize that none of this makes any sense and you have no idea why you're even thinking about all of this in the first place? Do you know what I mean?
I...am not familiar with what a "highway" or "rest stop" is, and I've unfortunately never driven anything beyond the occasional carriage. But if I'm right in assuming this is a metaphor of sorts...I believe I understand.
Hoping there will be rest, thinking it's just beyond the horizon. You wait so long and start to lose hope, but...it's there. An end to the suffering. But it's never quite as good as imagined, is it? Even if it was, you start realizing it was never real to begin with. Just some farce, a dream of a deluded mind. But even if it's simply a dream, maybe it's better to live happily in a lie than to suffer in the truth.
But that has already been decided for me.
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(Enoch has his own Spotify playlist, by the way! Check it out if you're interested, there's a lot of angst, as well as a somewhat linear story if you can listen between the lyrics.)
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早上好中国 现在我有冰淇淋 我很喜欢冰淇淋 但是 速度与激情9 比冰淇淋 速度与激情 速度与激情9 我最喜欢 所以…现在是音乐时间 准备 1 2 3 两个礼拜以后 速度与激情9 ×3 不要忘记 不要错过 记得去电影院看速度与激情9 因为非常好电影 动作非常好 差不多一样冰淇淋 再见
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Apologies, but I do not yet know that language, and this translator seems to provide rough estimations at best. Something appears to have been lost in translation. I suppose I will consider watching this "Fast and Furious 9?"
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What is Enoch's role as the Spirit of Tragedy and how has he fulfilled this role for thousands of years? How has Enoch's sense of duty, purpose, and honor influenced his actions and decision-making, and how has this clashed with his personal feelings and emotions? What are some examples of Enoch's short temper and difficulty handling personal matters and social situations, and how does his softer side sometimes show through in his interactions with others?
(I'm not sure if this is asked being asked to Enoch or myself, but I'll assume it's for me. There's no way I could condense all of this into a Tl;Dr, so read the whole explanation under the cut:)
(Enoch, along with Ekho and Euno, his siblings, are magical constructs that were created with the intent to record as well as maintain the progress of ecosystems, while making sure they are never at risk of collapse or other issues that could have serious consequences. This is "keeping balance.")
(How the directive of "keeping balance" has been interpreted and carried out has changed over the years, but it never changed much from the original intention other than the scale. All three constructs have a mutual agreement of assumed responsibilities, each covering their own jurisdictions, while collaborating with each other every now and then to compare notes and make sure nothing catastrophic has happened or will happen. They work behind the scenes, orchestrating events to make them play out a certain way for a more stabilized ecosystem, or stop events from happening for the same reason.)
(The term "ecosystem" has been stretched in its meaning with time. Really, it's more apt to say the siblings majorly preserve ecosystems, while also preventing societal collapse, world-destroying events, etc. on the side. Almost like superheroes. Almost.)
(Enoch's own responsibilities as the Spirit of Tragedy mostly cover that of death, destruction, war, and decay for broad categories. He figures out what killed organisms in case of something they should be concerned about, records information on the dead, tends to grave sites, protects spirits, as well as manipulates conflicts behind the scenes. Though less-officially, he's also responsible for rooting out and destroying any cults that form around him or other dark and deadly forces, and rehabilitating "bad" guys.)
(I think as much as honor matters to him, duty matters most, always. Whether it was given to him or taken upon by himself. And Enoch has yet to break a single promise, except one. Purpose however...tends to switch priorities with his emotions he tries so hard to suppress. The stresses of his position have made his faith in his creator and purpose waver, and over time he's become more and more favorable of going past his purpose to take a more active role in the world. And as tactical and methodical as Enoch is capable of being, his emotions make him very impulsive. He cares too much. His duty and purpose stop him from interfering, but he desperately desires to do. Not necessarily of a moral obligation, as much as a hatred of being a bystander.)
(Ah, his temper. Rage is one of Enoch's "favorite" emotions, besides misery. Like me, Enoch tends to take moral issues very passionately and holds nasty grudges if he thinks someone is a cruel/apathetic person. He's gotten into fights with Ekho with the full intent to kill for this reason. He also gets very easily heated and loud when debating something -- no matter how mundane, when Enoch cares about something, it's always full-throttle. Many jokes have been ruined for the sake of scientific accuracy because of him. The reaper struggles with voicing non-logical things, too. His emotions, especially. Small-talk is impossible with him, for lack of understanding how to socialize and his obsession with working. So despite the rehabilitation and redemption he helps people through, those people remain grateful, but distant to him.)
(But. There are times where he just silently offers physical comfort, and times where he's like a social sponge for the people he likes, picking up their quirks and mannerisms. Times where he resigns himself to becoming a part of whatever hi-jinks his strays pull him into, the entire time with a private, small smile all to himself. Where he musses their hair or makes them food exactly as the recipe tells it. Playing along while being terrible at acting, dramatic as he can be. Acting as a mother hen, but always giving into any demands made with puppy eyes. Some good, innocent part of him survived the horrors he's been through. This is the shard of the past he clings to, his most precious moments. He feels as though he's fulfilling his purpose, but not the one he was given.)
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"Bellis perennis (/ˈbɛləs pəˈrɛnəs/),the daisy, is an Arkian species of the family Asteraceae, often considered the archetypal species of the name daisy. To distinguish this species from other plants known as daisies, it is sometimes qualified as common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy."
"Bellis may come from bellus, Latin for 'pretty', and perennis is Latin for 'everlasting'."
"The name 'daisy', possibly originating with this plant, is considered a corruption of 'day's eye', because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. In Medieval times, Bellis perennis or the English Daisy was commonly known as 'Mary's Rose'. It is also known as bone flower."
"Daisies have traditionally been used for making daisy chains in children's games."
Interesting excerpts from the Leakypedia article for the common daisy.
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After much pestering from colleagues and compatriots, I have created a "social media" account. I do not perfectly understand what a blog is, but I may only hope to educate and be of service to those in need.
If you are in need of a private investigator, especially for matters in regards to necromancy, runic magic, or magic in general, send me a message and I will respond at earliest availability.
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