#(before I get 'why could he look through the surface of the lotto tickets in a VIDEO if they weren't actually there':)
ckret2 · 5 months
I don't really understand Bill's abilities. If I'm not mistaken, it was said that he knows lot of things because every image of Bill works like a camera through which Bill can observe this world.
And at the same time, he knows where long-forgotten treasures are buried and which lottery tickets you need to buy to win. And recently you said that Bill knows everything about humans, until the moment it is necessary that Bill did not know about something so that there would be a funny situation.
And also Bill can see the future. Is this how he was able to see where the treasure was buried and which tickets needed to be bought? Did he see in the future that a treasure would be found in some place, and tickets with such numbers would let somebody win money?
You don't fully understand Bill's abilities because they haven't been fully explained. It's on purpose. He's a mysterious guy with secrets and he doesn't sit around thinking about how his own abilities work. However, I've shared what you need to know in order to understand as much as you're supposed to about what he's done so far.
Yes, he knows lots of things because he's been spying through his eyes on earth for millennia. This is based on semi-canon info: Bill states this in the Bill Cipher AMA. ("JUST DRAW MY FORM ANYWHERE IN YOUR HUMAN WORLD- EACH IMAGE OF ME ACTS A PEEPHOLE FROM MY DIMENSION TO YOURS.")
He knows where long-forgotten treasures are buried because "long-forgotten" means the last human who knew is dead. He's not a human, he was around when it was buried, he knew about it at the time.
HOW he knew isn't explained because it isn't necessary—it's supposed to be weird and impressive that he knew and that he flung it out so casually—but it isn't hard to think up logical reasons: buried treasure has a whole lot of money in it, I'd think a few of those dollar bills could have been luckily angled to watch the treasure-buriers while they were drawing up the treasure map for where they planned to bury it. Or maybe the chest they used had an Eye of Providence on the iron lock and it could see where it was carried. Or maybe one of the people who buried it was wearing an Eye of Providence brooch. Doesn't matter. What does matter: if Bill knows about something old, it's because he has known about it.
When he's looking at the lotto tickets, his eye is bleeding and Mabel says he's looking into a higher dimension. Other places (definitely chapter 29, I don't recall if any of the other upcoming references have been posted yet) state that Bill can see into higher dimensions, which lets him see through solid objects (such as walls), but doing this makes his eye hurt/bleed. Therefore: he's looking through a solid object—the scratch-off surface—to see if the cards have winning numbers. This wasn't explained in chapter 20 because you're supposed to go "how tf did he do that," that was the goal.
"And recently you said that Bill knows everything about humans, until the moment it is necessary that Bill did not know about something so that there would be a funny situation." <- Now this here is what we call a joke about the writing process. I am not literally stating that Bill's powers are supernaturally controlled by the concept of comedy. I'm stating that, as a writer trying to craft an entertaining narrative, sometimes my decision to include a line is based less on "does this hold up to rigorous scientific & logical scrutiny given the internal rules we have constructed for this universe?" and more on "is it funny enough to balance out the fact that it's a little bit implausible?" I won't fully violate the rules of his powers solely for a gag, but sometimes it just ain't all that serious.
Here are Bill's 'sees/knows things he shouldn't' powers based on what has thus far been shown in the fic:
Knows a lot of random stuff; they're among the Lots Of Things he's observed over the millennia. This is based on semi-canon info.
Can (occasionally) see into "higher dimensions," which lets him see through solid objects, at the cost of pain and a bloody eye.
Can (constantly) see into the future; full extent yet to be explored in fic, but it's at least a few minutes. Please note that every time this has happened where we see it from his perspective, he LITERALLY SEES the future, visually, with his eyeballs. As in, he looks at the place where something is going to happen, and sees it happening there. (Places he's observed the future just off the top of my head: ch 2, 7, 18, 20, 27, 28, 34, 35—there may be others I've missed.)
Can see & hear things in the mindscape (ex: Dipper's ghost floating around) that other people (ex: Dipper's whole family) cannot
Can see in the dark (explicitly confirmed in ch 34 but he regularly hangs out in the dark startling people—ch 15, 20, 24, 26, 32)
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny ― Chapter 15: The Storm
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny ⥽
Nadya Al Jamil (MC) has been struggling from the day she moved to Manhattan, but her new job as assistant to the mysterious CEO of Raines Corp was supposed to turn her luck around. Until she finds herself caught in the middle of a war involving the Council of Vampires who secretly run the city. An evil from the birth of Vampire-kind stirs beneath, feeding on the conflict, and finds Nadya bound to a destiny she never asked for.
Bound by Destiny and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Destiny tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
Valdas and Isseya come to collect Nadya as a witness for Adrian’s trial. Tired of things being out of her control, she takes matters into her own hands with Kamilah.
WARNING: this chapter contains explicit sexual content
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In everyone else’s defense she is just as surprised as they are by her howling laughter.
Not really the reaction one would be expected to have after getting another heaping pile of bad news on top of the garbage landfill that’s become her life recently. But the brain works in mysterious ways.
Lily, the only one even remotely qualified to try and dissect the strange being Nadya’s found herself becoming, pulls her close with a glare at the intruders. She looks rapidly between Valdas and Isseya — can’t seem to figure out which one she wants to direct her hatred at more.
“Yeah well since that’s not happening I guess you can take your leave. Buh-bye now.”
They don’t move. Literally — from here it looks like they aren’t even breathing. It makes Nadya’s skin crawl; just another weird emotion in the unstable bowl of soup inside her.
Valdas removes his sunglasses — sunglasses, underground, when he can’t even go into the sunlight; the mark of the douchebag — and cocks them in the dip of his silken dress shirt.
“This isn’t a voluntary matter. Even if it were I’m rather surprised you wouldn’t want to leap to Raines’ aid.”
His flippant tone helps Nadya calm her laughter enough to compose herself.
“Adrian’s — I mean that means he’s alive. That does mean he’s alive, right?” His curt nod makes her feel weak in the knees. “And Kamilah…?”
“If you keep standing here fretting there are no guarantees. On both the lives of your friends and your own.” Isseya yawns as she says it; like this entire ordeal bores her.
To Nadya’s surprise it’s Jax who steps around — places himself between her and the other vampires.
He reaches for the sword at his back; lets it rest on the hilt. “Is that a threat?”
The couple laugh in sync. Isseya rolls her eyes. “When we threaten you, pet —”
And witnessing such speed again makes Nadya sweat — reminds her of Isseya’s nails digging into her neck. Makes her practically crush herself against the safety of Lily’s side.
Valdas holds Jax several inches off the ground. Just enough for his boots to scrape by with the promise and denial of stability. He struggles to pry the man’s hand from his throat. Lashes out with fangs and red eyes that show no sign of deterring Valdas in the slightest.
“— you’ll know it.” He finishes his partner’s sentence. Opens his hold like one might a machine for Jax to fall and walks at a human pace back so Isseya can wrap herself around his arm.
Jax rubs his throat and makes a real move for his katana. Behind him Maricruz looks ready to jump one — or both — of them from behind.
Isseya rolls her eyes.
“Are you all really so foolish? Or is it that you hate your grimy lives down here so much that you’d use us as a way to set you free of it?”
Maricruz actually growls. “¡No mames! Shut up if you know what’s good for you.”
But before the Clanless can make a move Nadya rushes out with her arms extended.
“Don’t! Jax… don’t. You don’t know who they are.”
He scoffs. “I don’t need to. I know their type.”
“No, you don’t,” and she lowers her voice, “they’ll kill you. Just stop.” But before any more quips can spark the blaze she gives a glare to the Trinity. “Insulting my friends is probably not the best way to get me to go with you. I want to help Adrian — but they’re not wrong either. So talk.”
They look at one another without a word. Maybe two thousand years with someone erases the boundaries of language — or maybe they’re actually telepathic. The second thought feels intrusive and upsetting so Nadya pushes it aside with all her might.
“We will be happy to explain on the way.” Valdas says finally. “Is that enough of a compromise?”
Not even close, Nadya thinks, but if her stubbornness is what makes the difference between Adrian living and dying she’ll never forgive herself for sticking to her scruples.
Then Lily’s at her arm and interlaces their fingers. “No way she’s going with you creeps alone. I’m coming with.”
“Hell no.”
Mari appears at her side in a blur with a concerned frown. She cups her girlfriend’s cheek and Lily leans into it with a tiny smile.
“She’s my best friend. I’ll be fine.”
“Friend or not, mi amor, walking into a Council trial is suicide for the likes of us.”
Lily falters slightly — as if the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. “Oh.”
Jax agrees. “As it is I’m still deciding if we’re going to let you leave here at all.” Did he not just almost die for saying that stuff? Nadya doesn’t even try anymore. “The Council can’t know where we are. Not after everything we’ve done to make this place safe.”
“I don’t know which is more amusing,” croons Isseya, “that you think you could stop us or that you think we care about your menial cluster of vagabonds. You swarm like insects hiding in plain sight and call yourselves hidden.”
Her scorn dies with Valdas’ stare. “What my beloved means is that your existence; your little hidey-hole, is inconsequential to us. We are here on behalf of the Council — not as part of it.”
“Then promise not to tell the Council the location of the Shadow Den,” demands Nadya, “it’s that simple.”
Because she knows Lily and her humor she’s glad that Valdas answers, gaze locked with Jax’s, before she has the chance to make a joke about a measuring contest.
“Very well. If we’re through wasting time, then, ladies?”
The Trinity and their luxury look more suited to a runway in Paris than the Spartan lives of those in the Shadow Den. It’s no wonder every conversation stops and any witnesses stare openly while their leader and his deputy, along with the strange human girl, head towards the exit closest to the city center.
Maricruz steals Lily for one more goodbye — not a last one, just one more — with an embrace that could break bones and a kiss filled with so much longing that even Valdas looks away after several seconds.
All Nadya can think is why she didn’t do that to Kamilah when she thought it might really be the last, and not just one more.
Jax rests his hand on Nadya’s shoulder; makes her flinch briefly and actually seems remorseful over it.
“Lily knows how to contact us. The second anything seems fishy you run like hell, got it?”
“I think I know how to deal with vampires by now. This isn’t my first rodeo.”
“As I seem to recall you were being locked in a dungeon at your first rodeo.”
She huffs.
“Well I’ve learned a lot since then.”
A strange look comes over him; concern, maybe? She’s not used to it being directed her way so it throws her off her game.
“I hope so,” he replies, “but from everything I’ve seen so far…”
“Watch how you finish that.”
“Stop — please just listen, will you? Any vampire you meet is going to be stronger, smarter, faster than you. That’s just the way it works. But you can’t let that stay your hand and keep you from fighting. You have to try — even if the chances are slim to none. ‘Slim’ is better than ‘impossible’ in my book.”
She thinks back to his readiness to threaten Valdas — not just once but twice and that following nearly having his head ripped off his neck. It sucks to admit but he kinda-sorta has a point.
There’s an uncomfortable feeling inside her chest; makes Nadya frown down at her shoes before she can muster up the words.
“I’m not strong enough. You said it yourself — I’m just a human.”
“Hey, humans have been a thorn in our sides since the dawn of time, or civilization, or whatever.” He squeezes her again and she can feel it; the power lurking beneath his skin — and the restraint he shows with it, too. “Don’t underestimate yourself.”
“It’s more than that, Jax. It’s —”
He interrupts her curtly. Makes her have to look him in the eyes before carrying on. “When I asked Espinoza how all that went down with Lily you know what she told me? She said that the same human who let herself be captured and rescued looked a vampire right in the eyes — looked Council member Adrian Raines right in the eyes — and told him that she wasn’t taking no for an answer. I don’t see that human right now — but I saw her back at the train station. And she’s probably shown up other times too — whenever her friends have needed her.
“We all need something to fight for. For me it’s everyone in the Shadow Den; everyone forced into a life on the run with no say in their lives. For you, Nadya, it seems like it’s your friends. So if thinking about your friends gives you the balls to tell the Council to ‘fuck off’ then start putting together a photo album or something, you know? Whatever it takes.”
Whatever it takes. The tightness in her chest isn’t gone but it’s definitely easier to breathe. Was he actually being… nice to her? Telling her how she needed to find the strength to help her friend a Clan Leader?
She makes a mental note to buy a lotto ticket when they’re back on the surface.
“You were a motivational speaker before you were Turned,” she teases, “weren’t you?”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I. I bet there’s a self-help book hidden in the back corner of every bookstore. What’s it called… ooh, I bet it’s something like —”
He stops her with a hand over her mouth but the mirth in his eyes is genuine. Jax may not find it nearly as funny but at least he’s not glaring at her any longer. And honestly his advice is comforting. Enough to help her find the strength to turn around and join the vampires by the service stairwell towards the subway above.
“Be safe.” Lily says to Jax and throws one last parting kiss at Mari.
The Trinity has had enough of their sentiments. Evidenced by the groan of the metal handle under Isseya’s grip. “Come. A car will be waiting for us.”
With Isseya at the lead and Valdas behind them the four begin the winding path up into the world.
Lily holds her hand the whole way — and she couldn’t ask for a better best friend.
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The driver steps out onto the curb and opens their door. The rush of noise and light takes a second to get used to but it soothes Nadya like a long-lost home. Thunder rumbles up above, bounces off every building around them in a drumming tune.
She looks around the crowded sidewalk — turning this way and that to get her bearings — but quickly realizes she doesn’t have to and ducks her head to see where Valdas and Isseya remain seated.
“What’s going on? I thought you were taking us to Adrian’s trial.”
“The Council requires all those giving testimony to be in their personal hands at least twenty-four hours before proceeding,” Valdas states with boredom. Beside him Isseya picks up her vibrating phone from her lap and answers with a sultry purr.
“Impatience is an ugly thing, Priya. We’ve just finished dropping them off. You’ve saved me the blond one, haven’t you?”
Nadya recoils in disgust at Priya’s name. “That answers who you’re staying with, then.”
While his partner continues making demands on the phone Valdas gives a lazy salute to the pair of them.
“It’s been a pleasure, Miss Nadya. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.”
She doesn’t get the chance to respond — the driver slams the door practically in her face and when he peels away from the curb at least half a dozen taxi horns screech in protest to his blatant disrespect of the rules of the road.
That’s when the skies open up; slowly and then all at once. The first drop that tickles Nadya’s nose is soon joined by another, then another, and then the storm blankets New York in a sheet of water.
Lily breathes in the night and rain with a stretch and gusto. “God I missed this! And good riddance! I don’t know if I could have spent a whole day with them.” She looks around for the street intersections — tries to place where they are. “So… you know where we’re going, right? And is it like… safe for someone like me? Because I’m kinda hungry — if you know what I mean.”
“You know, I think I do.” There’s teasing behind her sarcasm. Nadya jerks her head to the glossy black doors of the skyscraper they were dropped in front of. “Let’s get inside.”
Lily cranes her neck up and up with awe. Nadya, though — she’s grown familiar with the view. It’s even better up top.
The same security guard lazes around at the same desk. Stops not-so-sneakily watching The Crown and the Flame on his phone as Nadya approaches.
“Haven’t seen you in some time, Miss Al Jamil.”
“Hi Doug.” She greets back and offers her best and most innocent smile. “Would you hate me if I said I left my key at the office?”
Doug gives a jovial, if exasperated, sigh. “I could never hate you, dear. I just wish you’d be honest with me and say you lost it again so we can change the code. You know how she values her privacy.” He looks over his glasses at Lily with a trained, if borderline retired, scrutiny. “Can’t say I’ve ever met you before little lady but judgin’ by that hair your name is Lily.”
“Uh — yeah…?” Lily gives Nadya a wary look that makes the guard chuckle.
“Miss Al Jamil’s told me all about you. Next time you gotta go through the proper channels though, you know that.”
Nadya nods. “I promise. It was… a sort of last-minute thing. She’ll be okay with it.”
“Welp, still gotta have you sign her in.” He taps a clipboard on the ledge in front of him and Nadya hastily writes in Lily’s name. “You gals planning on going out before dawn?”
“Yeah—no thanks.” Lily seems positively disgusted at the thought.
Nadya elbows her gently. “No, but thank you for checking.”
Doug types up Lily’s name on the computer and hits a button on the underside of his large obsidian desk. Behind him the glass doors click and begin to open automatically. He tips his hat off to them.
“Have a good evening Miss Al Jamil, and friend Lily!”
“You too, pal.”
“See you tomorrow Doug.”
Once they’re clear of the lobby, elevator button alight and calling one down, Lily gives Nadya a light shove.
“What? And ow!”
“I was sort of making fun of you when I went on about your fancy life but… dude.”
“This isn’t me. This is the people I know.”
Lily takes in the luxury of the atrium around them with awe she doesn’t even try to contain. “Still… it’s a step up from a broken fire escape ladder and homophobic neighbors.”
They enter the elevator together and Lily’s whistle when she hits the ‘P’ for penthouse doesn’t go unheard.
Her eyes flick upwards to the building name in large gold block-letters on the far wall. She holds the gaze of ‘AHMANET FINANCIAL’ until the doors close them off.
“Yeah, I guess.”
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Gerard has the door open before she can even give Lily the low-down on what to expect.
She greets him with a wide and genuine smile; it quickly falters when she sees him hastily dab at his eyes with his pocket hanky.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?” She hovers her hands over his arms, doesn’t know how to help but wants to, and then finds herself in a crushing hug. He smells of fresh baking with just a hint of mothballs. Like how someone’s grandpa is supposed to smell in an ideal world.
“Forgive my impropriety, Miss,” his voice wavers both with emotion and his age, “I promised I’d hold myself intact. But seeing you unharmed after everything that happened…”
Nadya squeezes him tight. Didn’t know how much she needed the comforting touch of another human being after all that’s happened until that moment.
“I’m okay, Gerard. And I’m glad you’re okay, too.”
She introduces Lily — the butler looks ready to reaffirm his ‘stiff upper lip’ mentality but Lily doesn’t give him the chance and greets him in a hug of her own. She’s told him enough about how much she missed her friend that he doesn’t particularly mind.
“I only expected Miss Nadya here — but let me get you something to warm your bones.” Gerard pauses and shakes his head; laughs at himself. “Silly me. Well — you know what I mean.”
But when he goes to lead them into the kitchen Nadya stops — looks around the penthouse with haste to try and find some small indication Kamilah’s been there.
Stupid butler keeps everything spotless, though. No, she doesn’t think he’s stupid. But a little mess never hurt anyone.
Then a weathered hand on her shoulder makes her jump a mile.
“Lady Kamilah’s gone up for a swim,” Gerard whispers in her ear, “lots on her mind — you know how she can be.”
Nadya nods; resigns herself to waiting for Kamilah… again.
“I’ll give her some time then…”
But he stops her from turning around. Fixes Nadya with a stern look.
“I rather think you should go to her instead.”
“But —”
“Don’t worry about Miss Lily. She’s in good hands. You and Lady Kamilah need one another right now, I should think. Could do you both some good.”
She’d never say it — but she needs you, say Gerard’s eyes. Nadya finds herself hugging him again before rushing out the back balcony door and into the rain.
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When she was thirteen Nadya’s mother forced her to go to a two-week sleepaway camp in the mountains. It was something her mom had done as a young girl with her sister, and something her cousins had been doing since they were old enough to beg for the chance.
Nadya was never an outdoors-y person though, and dreaded every hour of her summer up until the time when she was watching her mother drive down the gravel road; leaving her behind.
She learned a lot of things at that camp — all of them useless in the long run but seemed so vital and important while there. And she only looked forward to one thing: the pool. Unfortunately that summer—the summer of her thirteenth year—Colorado had never seen so much rain.
“Why can’t we go in when it’s raining?” Asked every girl in the same whining preteen voice.
And the counselors would always reply with the same stern tone of an adult. “Because it isn’t about the rain, it’s about the lightning. That would be quite a shock in the end!” And the adults would laugh at their glorious joke and move on to something else entirely.
But every time it rained, even when there wasn’t a bolt of lightning in sight, Nadya would lean against the windowsill of the dining cabin and stare at the pool with a sigh of longing.
Though the rain tries to diminish the bright city lights it only makes everything look glassy. It clings to Nadya’s glasses and runs down in trails — she has to squint to see but can make her way up well enough.
The sight of Kamilah laying spread-eagled on the dark surface of the pool reminds her of that camp; the rules of the water driven home in her skull.
The woman’s hair spreads in inky tendrils just under the surface of the water. Nadya stands soaked to the bone and shivering yet Kamilah’s eternal beauty is as still as it is naked.
Nadya’s voice cracks when she calls out again. “Kamilah!”
Through the rain she thinks she might catch the vampire’s eyes opening but doesn’t have a chance to call out again. Suddenly there’s a hand around her throat and she’s pinned to the stone wall near the stairs.
The corner of the brick is sharp and digs into her back and the press of Kamilah’s grasp against her neck is a hundred lifetimes of pressure keeping her from breathing. She forces her eyes up; wants to take into her memory the sight of Kamilah’s bare body but what use will it have if she’s not alive to remember it?
Kamilah’s eyes are dark and hazy. She looks both at Nadya and through her. No fangs in sight. Her hair clings soaked to her shoulders.
When she tries to say Kamilah’s name again nothing comes out. She doesn’t choke — just simply can’t find the word. What is a name compared to the creature of beauty in front of her? Instead her words surprise even her.
“I’m here. It’s okay.”
Like a golem brought to life without a purpose Kamilah stares vacant. Her hand falls back to her side; allows Nadya to take a large gulp of air and taste the salt of the rain on her tongue.
“I’m here,” she repeats; doesn’t know where or how or if to touch Kamilah in her fragile state but if she’s right, if Kamilah’s having her own response to being thrust into the void with nothing to cling to, then she’ll risk her life a hundred times over to stop her from falling.
Nadya delicately cups Kamilah’s cheeks. The rain looks like teardrops falling down her curved expression. Nadya knows better. “I’m here,” again, “I’m here… I’m here for you I swear. I’m not going anywhere ever again a-and I’m… I’m here Kamilah so—so please just… just know I’ve got you. I’ve got you — I’ve got you.”
The first time she kisses Kamilah it’s not like any of her dreams at all. Taking into account some of her more recent nightmares though… well it’s bittersweet.
It’s like kissing a statue — cradling the Venus de Milo in her hands and hoping she might have the magical affinity to turn the marble into flesh. She doesn’t stop — hopes she’s doing the right thing somewhere in the back of her mind.
Hopes—prays—that she’s right. That the rain is only acting as a curtain. That Kamilah might feel the sa—
The stone melts away and soft lips begin to kiss back. First with gentle touches. Trying to understand what’s happening, who they are — discovering something for the first time in thousands of years.
Like a waltz Kamilah steps back and Nadya moves with her — desperate to seek out her mouth, her taste. And to get away from the brick digging into her back.
Her hands rest chastely on the vampire’s bare hips. Electricity sparking in every touch and threatening to gather its own thundercloud over their heads.
This time when their eyes meet she knows Kamilah is looking at her. Not just that — but deep into her soul with that slight tick in her perfect brow and those plush lips turned down. Confusion, retaliation, denial beginning to bubble up to the surface.
Nadya doesn’t think she’d be able to survive Kamilah retreating. Her heart couldn’t take it.
“I’m here.” She whispers; a final plea. I’m here. See me. Have me. I’m yours.
Kamilah’s reply is almost lost in the howling wind.
“If you truly knew what you’re asking for…”
“Stop —” she pushes a rain-slicked palm across Kamilah’s head to move her hair out of her eyes, “— don’t. I’m here, that’s all. I’m here.”
There’s rueful regret in the way Kamilah’s expression softens — in the way her eyes roam over Nadya’s desperate face to try and latch onto one single speck of hesitation or regret and use it as a way to push them apart.
She doesn’t find any. So she leans forward and meets their lips. Marble on flesh, eternity on youth. Nadya doesn’t spare a thought to yielding.
The path back to the penthouse is a struggle not only because Nadya is clumsy even when she’s paying attention but also because sometimes movement requires pulling away — and neither of them can be fussed with a concept so awful — so impossible. Now that they’ve discovered what it feels like to kiss one another they have the same singular thought that means they have to catch up on every time they could have—should have, would have—done this before.
At this rate it might be more than Nadya’s oxygen-starved brain can handle. She’s okay with that.
Then her clothes go from sopping wet and a mild nuisance to utterly please-get-off-me and Kamilah, somehow developing a psychic tendency between the pool and the doorway, agrees. Tears her shirt quite literally off except for one lone short sleeve.
Well as long as it isn’t in the way.
The same strong grip finds her jeans and Nadya finds enough of herself to reach down and cover those hands with her own. “C-Carefu—hh,” she tries; can’t exactly manage to speak with the way Kamilah intends to suck her soul out through her mouth. But the point is made; because when her zipper catches on soaked-through denim Kamilah rips it hard enough for the clink of metal to sound off in the distance.
Nadya fumbles for purchase on anything when Kamilah’s cold hands dig into her bottoms. Find the scalding heat between her folds and drag the soft tips of her nails along Nadya’s clit. It’s too much unreleased tension at once for Nadya to even think about trying to keep her voice down but there Kamilah is ready to drink up every decibel like the best wine in the world.
The door jamb digs into her back; makes Nadya arch her spine as much as she can with a whine of complaint — until there’s no doorway under her hand, rather a pillow instead, and the soft press of a mattress bends with her and takes Nadya from Cloud Nine to Heaven itself.
Three miracles happen at once.
The first is a crack of lightning against the window-wall of Nadya’s room. Gerard’s kept the curtains pulled back — knows she likes seeing the city at night to help her fall asleep. The brightness blinds her now but who needs sight when she can feel—touch—taste all that’s atop her.
The second is the tentative exploration and press of Kamilah’s fingers inside her. Cold as ice yet slick with her arousal Nadya keens loud, unabashed. Suddenly wishes she hadn’t said a thing about the jeans because they’re too tight—too cold—they need to be gone.
And the third scares her; Kamilah pulling away and the rush of air in her lungs making her dizzy but the vampiress holds herself just out of reach of a ravishing. She looks down at her prone, human form and suddenly Nadya wants to cover up — hide in the darkness and away from the omniscient quality of Kamilah’s eyes. She can see herself reflected back in them and she looks…
With a cocked head Kamilah crooks one finger inside her and Nadya stops caring what she looks like. Settles instead on how incomparable this right here is to any ridiculous notion her imagination may have had before because the real thing is leagues better. Leagues.
With desperate, high-pitched noises Nadya tries to shimmy her hips on the bedspread. Either to strip or encourage Kamilah to keep with the ripping of the clothes.
She doesn’t. Just bends her other finger and draws a lazy circle with the pad of her thumb that Nadya weeps for.
Time might keep going around them but it certainly doesn’t mean a whole lot. The world outside the confines of the bed, through the door and out of the building where Adrian isn’t safe and her friends mourn their losses and plotters of evil lurk in the shadows — it surrounds them and it’s still important but it just doesn't seem to matter.
Not when the dexterous goddess above her maneuvers a third finger in the continued pursuit of exploring all the ways to drive Nadya absolutely wild.
Kamilah’s nail scrapes along her clit again — sends shocks of pleasure-bordered-pain that she would howl into the air above them if familiar lips weren’t suddenly suffocating her.
Oh my god oh my god ohmygod — Is she saying it out loud? Does it really matter? Because Kamilah isn’t stopping and Nadya doesn’t want her to stop — not ever. Wants the rest of her life to be frozen in this exact moment in time until Death comes a-knocking.
She’s digging her fingertips into Kamilah’s back; writhing underneath her with wordless sounds and the imprint of lightning behind her closed eyelids. Everything hurts only because it’s too much and that’s the best way to be.
Slowly Kamilah peels her lips away — replaces it with a steady but soft grip on Nadya’s jaw. Her forefinger strokes along the damp curve of her human cheek.
Nadya tries not to think about the vulnerability of the moment. Of how Kamilah can see her clear as day yet she has to squint in the black to try and make out the woman’s expression — to know if she’s doing something right.
Don’t grow tired after this… Don’t become bored of me.
The hand tilts Nadya’s jaw. Urges her to the side to expose the pounding veins in her neck.
There’s a small bit of rational Nadya left in her brain and she sets off the bells and whistles while screaming with a bullhorn. Stop! Danger! Alert! Vampire!! VAMPIRE!!! She doesn’t know whether it wants her to stop or to get Kamilah to stop but it nearly wins — nearly convinces her to take a metaphorical step back and turn back to better things like kissing. Kissing was excellent.
Instead, and in contrast to everything safe, she holds her breath — closes her eyes. Lets Kamilah take the lead (like she hasn’t been already?) because not only does she deserve to be eaten if this is what everything has been leading to but she trusts the woman above her.
She trusts her with her blood. With her life.
Despite the pool of molten pleasure she’s drowning in Nadya can’t help but tense when Kamilah descends on her neck. Readies herself the only way she knows how — thinks of all the times she’s had shots or stitches in her life and tries to put them all together at once and imagines that is what being bitten by a vampire feels like.
Being bitten by a vampire feels extremely soft, actually. Then she realizes she’s not being bitten at all but instead just kissed somewhere new.
Her pulse thunders under Kamilah’s lips; trying to stop it only makes her heart race faster, her blood pump harder. Then there’s a hot breath and warm scrape that makes her cringe but Kamilah’s teeth stay blunt on her skin. The warmth of her tongue drags along goosebumps and makes Nadya briefly consider passing out to stop herself from having the opportunity to do something embarrassing.
Below her belt Kamilah’s fingers begin to move faster. Slick and sticky; warmed to the inside of Nadya’s body and eager for something very nearly in sight. She trails kisses mouthed along the human’s sweaty neck. There’s something building up inside her — but doesn’t that something mean there might be an end?
God, please never let this end. Please.
Faster and faster — there’s no way a human would be able to match that speed and if she could form words she’d accuse Kamilah of cheating. Lucky for her Nadya can’t form words. Legs trembling in oscillating waves; so violent she’s fearful of actually kicking the woman then in such small movements her muscles strain with the effort.
Kamilah’s lips stop at their goal. Playfully nip the lobe of Nadya’s ear before she noses the shell with a cat-like purr.
Desperately Nadya tries to turn her head, feels that something with one foot off of the cliff; wants to see the look in Kamilah’s eyes — or vice versa.
She’s one strangled breath away from begging for the woman’s attention when there’s a sigh in her ear. Kamilah’s voice is dark and somehow forbidden. It rasps heavy on her heart and brings up a literal geyser of emotions — all wordless in nature — that lock her limbs and god they hurt but she never wants them to go away.
“I’m here,” whispers Kamilah, “I’ve got you.”
Yes, Nadya has cried more in the last few days then she has in her entire life and yes she’s pretty tired of it. But when she literally sobs her release with shuddering hips and thighs clenching around Kamilah’s hand she doesn’t mind one bit.
Doesn’t mind the light, torturous way the woman peppers kisses down her neck to her heart hammering between her sweat-slicked breasts and kisses there, too. Right on the flat of her sternum. Piercing it like a knife to the heart.
Kamilah rides her through her orgasm like she’s taming a beast — shushes Nadya’s fumbled failed attempts at words and caresses her soaked hair with a free hand. Playfully (maybe, because there has to be some torture technique achingly similar and if anyone would know it, Kamilah would) flicks Nadya’s clit with lazy strokes of her thumb until it’s no longer an aftershock but the pain of going too hard for too long and being too exhausted to get the good things going.
When Kamilah speaks again the calm demand of her tone is gone; replaced by something that maybe—possibly—once upon a time could have been called affection.
Even now—especially now—she’s just not sure.
“I’ve got you, Nadya.”
Like a trigger pulled exhaustion falls down on her chest in a weight. Makes it hard to breathe, think, do anything other than curl into herself as tightly as she can and press against Kamilah’s solid presence.
Something that sounds vaguely like “stay” rolls off her tongue tasting of heavy cotton. Kamilah shushes her and mindlessly Nadya obeys.
“I’m here…”
The dark that claims her is warm; inviting.
Kamilah kisses her forehead.
“I’ve got you.”
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