#(because i ship Rooster and Phoenix)
ddejavvu · 1 month
MEI i have severe top gun maverick brain rot and all i can think about is reader being the admirals daughter and everyone assumes rooster or hangman is gonna go after her but it turns out she’s been hooking up with bob for AGES and they’re all like ??? how did you do that???? bob gets kinda flustered but readers just like idk he was really nice and he’s really good in bed
"Check it out," Phoenix elbows Bob where the man is engrossed in reading the back of the bar napkins Penny had handed them so that they didn't stain her tables again, "There's Mav's daughter. 'Think she's got that Hawaiian shirt on to seduce Rooster?"
Bob's eyes dart to where you're chatting with Penny, his shoulders stiffening as his friends turn to watch you.
"Nah, Rooster doesn't like orange. But those cowboy boots she's got on are probably for Hangman- didn't he say he'd teach her how to square dance?"
Penny reaches over the bar to tug affectionately at one of your braids and Bob tries to no avail to break the conversation.
"Actually, she's-"
"I'd say she was here to meet Fanboy, but she doesn't date losers," Phoenix's eyes are narrowed dangerously, and she hides a smirk against the rim of her bottle.
"Hey! Hangman's a bigger loser than I am!" He protests, but before the taller man can trap him in a headlock, Penny points towards the dagger squad where they're lounged in a corner of the bar, and your eyes shine as you rush over.
"Bob!" You shriek, throwing your arms around his neck and letting your legs bend when he hoists you off of the ground for a hearty hug. His muscles are well hidden beneath his regulation khakis, but he's built for much heavier loads than you, and he lets you hover a few inches off of the ground while he hugs you.
Your face is buried in his neck but you press a kiss against his cheek, catching the bewildered blinking of the rest of his squadron over his shoulder.
"Oh. I forgot you didn't know." You supply, your feet back on the ground as Bob keeps one arm slung loosely around your waist, "Sorry, we- uh, we've been hooking up for a while, it's just... I haven't seen him since you guys got shipped out."
"You've been hooking up with her?" Coyote stares down his nose at Bob who shifts subtly closer to you, nodding once, stiffly in the face of his teammate's scrutiny.
"Damn. And he was good enough in bed to keep you waiting 'til he got back?"
Bob flushes - you feel his skin warm where it's pressed against your own, and you fill the awkward silence.
"Oh, please. I'm sure you've seen it in the locker room; I'd wait a lifetime."
Bob scoffs over your shoulder, now even more flustered, but Phoenix is happy to save the situation.
"Does your dad know?" She tilts her chin towards you, remembering how viscerally uncomfortable their Captain had been whenever someone had suggested you get together with one of his aviators.
"Of course he knows," You laugh, "He's the one that set us up! 'Said Bob had to get his hands on me before Texas over there tried to Hold 'Em."
Bob wraps an arm protectively over your chest, leaning over your shoulder from behind to return a kiss against your own cheek.
Hangman whistles lowly, shaking his head with a dazed look, "Well, shit. I didn't know the offer to hold 'em was on the table, but-shit!"
Bob's face darkens but Rooster levels the toe of his boot with Hangman's lower thigh, striking him at the back of the knee and subsequently spilling beer over his khakis. Hangman grunts as his knees knock against the beer-sticky floor, but he seems to know he deserved what he'd gotten because he doesn't retaliate.
"We'll wrangle him." Rooster promises, "You two go have fun, Bob you gotta quarter for the jukebox?"
"Yes'sir," Bob nods, tugging you towards a lesser populated area- perfect for slow dancing even if the bar isn't, "Let's make up for lost time, honey."
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callsign-fox · 4 months
Wingman - Rooster
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Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader
Been sitting in the drafts/Lightly edited
Written with @fanficgirl429 <3
18+ Only // Enjoy xo
When you sign on to be a pilot for the Navy as a female, you know you’ll have to put up with egotistical men on a daily basis, however, it’s not until you have to work with them that you realize how incredibly self centered they actually are. 
The canopy to my jet raised and I quickly climbed down the ladder. My wingman, Rooster, landed right behind me and he was currently maneuvering his jet into the assigned spot beside mine. Rooster was not my first choice for a wingman, he wasn’t my second or third either. It was near impossible to work with him and I was sure our superiors were getting ready to ship one of us off to Guam just to separate us from one another. Fortunately for them, we were two of the best the Navy had to offer and so for that reason alone, we were stuck together. 
I glanced up from my current conversation with my flight crew just as Rooster walked by, his head down and stupid aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes. I rolled my eyes as he continued by not saying a word. Of course he wouldn't say anything, he was the reason we failed the exercise.
“That was a disaster,” I mumbled to myself.
I turned behind me just as my friend Phoenix walked by. “What was going on up there?” she asked, watching    
Bradley as he disappeared into the locker room. 
“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask Bradley and report it back to me?” 
Phoenix shook her head. “No thanks. I’m slightly terrified of him when he’s angry.” 
I rolled my eyes. “Well, he’s an asshole.”
Phoenix glanced back at the locker room before looking over at me. She lowered her voice as she said, “I have to tell you something about Bradley and it’s probably going to make you mad.” 
“Well if it has to do with Bradley, of course it’s going to make me mad.”
Phoenix sighed and began, “Well, I was at the Hard Deck the other night and ran into Anders. Apparently there is a rumor going around about you back in the Academy.” 
My eyes narrowed in on her and I clenched my fist, “About what?”
“Now don't shoot the messenger, you can be scary sometimes too.” 
“Phoenix!” I yelled, losing my patience. 
“Apparently Bradley started a rumor that the only reason you got into Top Gun was because you…” Phoenix trailed off. 
My heart began to race and I felt my cheeks grow hot. “Because I what?” 
“Because you gave Admiral Rhodes a blow job.” 
“What?” I shrieked and quickly began to walk towards the locker room. 
When I reached the door to the men's locker room, I pulled it open and immediately locked eyes with Hangman. A towel hung off his hips, showing off his incredible abs. I tore my eyes away, feeling a blush creep up my neck. 
“Where is he?” I asked. 
Without hesitating, Hangman pointed towards the back, where I assumed the showers were. There was only one shower being used and I walked over and pushed the white curtain aside. 
“Hey!” a very familiar voice shouted. “What the fuck?” 
I took a step back, not wanting to get wet. Bradley reached out and grabbed his white towel from the hook and wrapped it around his waist. I couldn’t help but notice how well built he was. His six pack abs were on full display and I hated how much I wanted to run my fingers along them. 
“What do you want Y/N?” 
My eyes snapped away from his body and I stared into his brown eyes. “I heard a rumor about me. One that you might happen to know about.” 
Bradley narrowed his eyes and nodded. “Yea, I might happen to know what you’re referring to.” 
“Are you insane? What did I do to you besides tolerate you every damn day for the last four years!”
Bradley shrugged. “I’ve been a delight! You have done nothing but drive me insane.”
“You didn't know, the only reason I’m here is to drive you crazy!”
Bradley laughed. “Nope. The only reason you’re here is because you gave Admiral Rhodes a blow job.” 
My jaw dropped and I couldn't help but growl at him. “That never happened! I hate you so much.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, the feeling is mutual.” 
I took a step forward and shoved him hard causing him to stumble back into the shower, but before I could react his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me under the hot stream of water. To my amusement my hands were pressed against his chest, and before I could register what I was doing my nails ran down his toned abs to the top of his towel. The moment was over when I pulled my hands away and brushed them through my now wet hair. 
“Do you have any idea how attractive you are when you’re mad at me?” he said, his voice low. 
His words caught me off guard. “Wait, what?”
The hot water was still running over my body and I was becoming increasingly aware of just how see through my white t-shirt was when I noticed Bradley’s eyes looking down at my chest. 
“I know I shouldn't be this turned on right now, but I am.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed a piece of wet hair behind my ear. “You’re such a prick.”
Bradley ran his tongue along his lower lip and smiled. A moment later his lips came crashing into mine. The urge to push him off of me came and went as my hands snaked around his neck and I began twirling my fingers through his hair. 
His lips moved quickly as he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. My body was pressed against his and I could feel his erection against my stomach. My core slightly throbbed, begging to be touched by him. 
Bradley’s fingers toyed with the bottom of my wet t-shirt before he slipped them under and pulled the shirt over my head, barely breaking the kiss. My shirt dropped to the floor and I quickly pushed it away with my foot. By now the rest of the guys would have left, but I pulled the shower curtain shut just in case. 
His lips brushed softly against my neck before pressing against my ear and whispered, “Does that mean you want me to keep going?” 
My fingers toyed with the top of Bradley’s towel as I gave him a slight nod. His hands gripped my waist and he swiftly spun us around so that my back was pressed against the wall. Bradley hurriedly unbuttoned my wet jean shorts and pushed them down my waist before dropping them to the floor. He quickly turned off the water as it began to get cold, but not before our lips were once again intertwined. In the mess of clothes coming off, I hadn’t even noticed his towel dropped to the floor, proving to me that the rumors about how endowed Bradley Bradshaw was, were indeed true. 
“Well, well. I guess I won’t ever be able to spread anymore rumors about how small Rooster is.” 
He pulled back, slightly offended. “Wait, what have you been telling people?” 
I let out a small laugh. “What’s done is done, YOU told people I gave an admiral a blow job.” 
“And if you’re any good at it, I'll be sure to pass that on and your spot in Top Gun will have been well deserved.” 
I gave him a small smack on his arm before reaching over and placing my hand against his chest. My eyes locked with his as I slowly began to run my fingers down his chest and towards his stomach. My polished nails left faint red lines on his skin and Bradley looked all too amused as he watched me drop down to my knees. 
Bradley sucked in his breath as my hand wrapped around him. I slowly moved my hand along his length, which by Bradley’s reaction of pressing his hand to the wall to steady himself, was a good move. I gently grazed my tongue over his tip and his free hand instinctively moved to my long brown hair, giving it a slight tug. I smiled as his hips jerked forward, pushing his length further into my mouth. I didn’t miss a beat as I continued with my lips wrapped around him, causing him to let out a deep moan and pull tighter on my hair.
“Y/N,” Bradley breathed, “you need to stop…now.”
I let out a small chuckle before standing up and Bradley immediately pulled me against him. He placed his lips against mine, kissing me quickly. One hand wrapped around my waist, while the other moved up my stomach and towards my chest. His fingers played with my nipple, causing it to stand erect. With each touch, my core throbbed from being ignored by him. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ease the tension but Bradley noticed. His hand moved from my chest, along my stomach, and towards my core. 
His calloused fingers ran along my center, coming to a stop at my sensitive spot. Two fingers rubbed against it and I let out a moan. Bradley’s lips continued to move against mine and he slipped two fingers inside me. He moved them against me and I could feel my high quickly approaching with each movement. 
“I’m close,” I told him. 
His fingers continued to move and it didn’t take long before my walls were clenching around him. My legs became weak and Bradley placed his hands on my hips, helping me steady myself. It had been a while since I had an orgasm that intense. 
Once I was able to stand on my own, I reached down and placed my hand on his erection. He took a step closer to me. 
“Are you sure you still want to do this?” he asked. 
“If you ask me one more time, I’m going to walk out of here,” I told him. 
“You’re making it really hard to hate you right now,” Bradley said, while placing a hand on the back of my thigh. 
My leg wrapped around his waist, and without hesitation Bradley pushed his length inside of me, my walls stretching around him. A gasp escaped my lips and Bradley smiled.
“You’re so tight.” 
He gave me a moment to get used to the size before he began to move his hips against mine. 
Each thrust pushed me closer to my second climax of the day. I let out a loud gasp as his length hit the perfect spot. 
Bradley smirked as I continued to melt against his touch. 
“I’m so close,” I whispered. 
He reached down and pressed two fingers against my sensitive spot, rubbing it casually. 
Within moments my walls clenched around him and my legs became weak. The humidity from the shower made our bodies sticky and sweaty, which only helped my arousal. Bradley continued thrusting and seconds later he released inside of me, a moan escaping his lips. 
The two of us stood there for a moment, catching our breaths. Bradley stared at me and I smiled shyly, fully realizing that we were both completely naked. I reached for the towel he had hung on the side of the shower and wrapped it around my waist. 
“That was mine.” 
I stepped out of the shower, reaching down and picking up my soaked t-shirt and shorts that had lazily been pushed aside. “These are the only clothes I have with me. How am I supposed to get home?” 
He walked over to his duffle bag that was sitting on the bathroom bench and pulled out a gray t-shirt. “Here you go. I can get it back from you tomorrow, after training.”
“That would imply I am inviting you over to get it, and I haven’t.” 
“Oh,” Bradley said with a wink. “You will invite me over.” And once again there was that attitude I knew and hated.
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Sixth Sense // Mickey Garcia
Summary: A freak accident occurs at the Hard Deck and Fanboy is faced with the challenge of being left to care for you, his not so official girlfriend.
Warnings: Mickey Garcia x F!reader. Hurt/Comfort. Gas explosion resulting in hearing and vision loss.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author Note: Day Three of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Sensory Deprivation. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Holy shit, what the hell was that?” It all happened so fast, so fast in fact that the explosion that ricocheted through the Hard Deck didn’t register a sound until a few seconds after the fact. 
Patrons laid strewn across the bar, ducking for cover under tables and bars. Glass from the windows had sliced unsuspecting patrons as it blew apart from the force of the blast. Food and beverages littered the floor, thrown in the panic of the moment as all inside ducked. 
“Everybody okay?” Jake Seresin stayed shielding Natasha Trace with his entire body. “Is anyone hurt?” His arms pinned her down against the hardwood floor at either side of her head. Seconds ago—they’d been arguing over a long standing disagreement over who could tie more Cherry stems with just their tongue in three minutes. Now, Phoenix had never been this close to a man she could hardly stand. 
“Yeah—we’re good!” Rooster replied as he looked around, he’d been knocked on his ass by the bast. Coyote was right beside him, as was Payback. The three of them had been indulging in a game of darts to see who could knock Hangman down a peg or two on the leaderboard. “Bob? Fanboy? You guys okay?” 
“I think we’re alright?” Bob groaned as he pushed himself up off the ground—peanuts were crushed all over the ground around him. Mickey sat back on his knees scanning the Hard Deck. He couldn’t see you. There was a small cut on the side of Mickey's face but other than an artificial flesh wound, he was relatively unscathed from the unsuspecting blast that had pummeled through the Hard Deck. 
“Anyone seen Y/n?” Fanboys eyes continued to scour the entire expanse of the Hard Deck as he rose to his feet and dusted himself off. “Yo, guys—anyone see Miss Barkeep?” 
“She was heading out back to help the gas guy change out the—“ Bob didn’t even need to finish his sentence before he’d connected the dots. “Oh god, Y/n.”
A gas explosion. 
Mickey took a few seconds to register where his best friend's mind had gone, but then he realised. In those few seconds where Fanboy couldn’t breathe he knew he couldn’t live without you before he had a chance to really have you. 
Sure, the two of you were friendly. Probably more than most friends would be. Sure, you sometimes spent the night in Mickey's bed after he’d stay back and help you shut the Hard Deck up. Sure, he spent lazy Sunday mornings with you in the kitchen making breakfast and drinking coffee more often than not. And sure, the two of you enjoyed each other’s company, blatantly flirted beyond belief and made sure to always text each other when you got home, finished work, and stole secret kisses here and there when it was just the two of you. But. You weren’t official. 
And that may have been Mickey Garcia's biggest mistake. 
“Y/n!?” There you were. “Oh my god!” Lying unconscious on the ground a few meters away from where the gas bottles were kept behind the Hard Deck. Penny kept a tight ship—they were locked behind a wire cage that made sure patrons couldn’t fuck around. Something must have gone wrong during the change over, because the gas man wasn’t too far away from you. 
“Hey—hey!?” Mickey was by your side in an instant, the second his eyes caught your body lying there—thrown away and discarded like you weren’t the most important person to him, he was by your side. “Amor? Can you hear me?” 
Rooster had already called for paramedics to attend the scene while Hangman and Phoenix had begun to do whatever they could with their advanced first aid training—using the Hard Decks first aid kit to fix small cuts and abrasions on patrons from lying shards of glass. 
“Y/n?” You had a pulse, Mickey knew that much. But you weren’t waking up. “Please—come on Amor, you gotta wake up for me.” 
“This guys dead—“ Payback calls out. Mickey's mind fills with worst case scenarios the longer you were down for. “He’s got no pulse and the back of his head’s cracked.” He’s an ex paramedic, he knows. “I'm gonna start chest compressions, see if I can bring him back, how’s the kid?” 
You weren’t just shy of Fanboys age, he was the youngest in the group after all. Top of his class, intellectually gifted enough to graduate highschool three years earlier than most ever would. But to Paybacks forty one? You were still a child, in his mind anyway. 
“She’s breathing.” Is all he says before your stirrings. “Hold on! I think she’s waking up!” There’s nothing but a ringing in your ear. A sharp high pitched buzzing that’s incessant and ear piercing. You groan at the sound as you try to blink away the clouded vision that’s plaguing your eyes. But nothing can get rid of the thick fog like blur. “Y/n—it’s me, you’re okay, I’ve got you—“  But you can’t make out who it is. You can’t hear anything but that annoying ringing that won’t go away. Your head hurts, holy shit what the hell happened? 
“I—“ You stutter out. “I can’t see.” It sends Mickey's heart racing inside his chest, even more so than it already was. “I—I can’t see—“ You can't even hear yourself talking so you just assume you’re talking far too quiet. But in reality you're screaming, screaming so loud you’re straining your neck. “I CAN'T HEAR!” 
“Hey—I’ve got you.” Mickey doesn’t know what else to do besides try and calm you while medics make their way around the Hard Deck. “I love you, yeah?” Payback hears Mickey say it before you ever do and his heart breaks. You don’t deserve this. Neither does Fanboy. “You’re gonna be alright Amor, I’m right here.” 
But all you do is cry. You can’t hear a single thing being spoken or see a single thing in front of you. All there is before you are shadows of light and darkness. Mickey's hands squeeze yours and you feel it. His signet ring—the one his Abuela brought him many moons ago. But you know in the darkness and uncertainty that it’s Mickey at your side. 
“If she’s lost senses, Mick, it's gonna be a head trauma of some sort.” Payback keeps going with his chest compressions. “Is there any sign of blood?” You squeeze Mickey's hand a little harder as he goes to pull away to check. You squeeze so hard that he can’t let go, you’re far too afraid of being left alone in the dark. “Fanboy?”
“I—I dunno, probably! She probably hit her head on the ground!” Mickey manages to wiggle free just one of his hands so he can push your hair out of your face. “Shhh—I’m right here.” He tries to soothe you once again, but your cries are just too heartbreaking. “Amor, I am right here with you—I’ve got you.” 
“Please don’t let me die here alone.” Was all you mumbled out. You didn’t know what Mickey was saying or if he was saying anything at all. The ringing was all too deafening. But when you begged him to stay, to not leave your side. Mickey's heart shattered into a million different pieces. “Please don’t leave me.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” He traced your face with his fingers, just letting you know he was there with you. Your grip on his hand began to falter as you slipped into unconsciousness again, just trying to find some shelter from the ringing. “I’m right here with you.” 
“Without the surgery your daughter might regain her vision but it’s only a slim chance Mrs Y/l/n—“ Doctor Perry spoke to the woman on the other end of your phone. Mickey had called her on your behalf from the other side of the country, she was already packing her things for the flight she’d booked to be by your side. “I’d say it’s barely twenty percent.” 
“What about with the surgery?” Mickey asked as his eyes looked over you. You looked too peaceful to be in this situation. You knew he was there just by his touch alone. He made sure you knew it was him by his ring as he ran his thumb across your palm. “What’s the odds of her getting her vision back with the surgery?” 
“Almost one hundred percent—if the surgery were to go well. If it doesn’t then she runs the risk of being permanently incapacitated for the rest of her life.” Doctor Perry was a little too blunt for Mickey's liking, but he appreciated the direct route. “She’ll regain her hearing, hopefully, her ear drums were significantly damaged in the blast but they should recover.” 
“Do the surgery.” Your mother barked on the other side of the phone. “My daughter can’t be deaf and blind—what type of future would she have then? What kind of quality of life would she have?” Mickey couldn’t take his eyes off you as you slept. It was better this way, to keep you sedated. That way you couldn’t panic. But he thought about it while the doctor droned on to your mother about the surgery, that no matter the outcome you’d have a life with him. He’d take care of you—learn how to adapt, help you with anything you ever needed. Do anything you ever needed him to do. 
A freak accident that took away two of your six senses shouldn’t be the reason your life ends. You were still alive and oh how Mickey Garcia was grateful to whatever God was on duty that day. 
“Mrs Y/ln?” Mickey interrupted as he turned the phone back his way. Your mother silenced herself mid sentence to listen to what Mickey had to say. “I know we haven’t formally met before but I just want you to know that I’ve been head over heels in love with your daughter since she served me for the first time.” He explained all the while his eyes never left your perfect face. A face he really wouldn’t mind waking up to every day. “And I know there’s a hell of a lot of uncertainty about what may come, but I just want you to know that her quality of life doesn’t diminish if her sight can’t be restored or her hearing doesn’t improve.” Mickey could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks as he squeezed your hand, and as much as he wished none of this ever happened, he knew he couldn’t leave you know. Not ever. 
“I’ve got her ma’am—“ 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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write4tomorrow · 2 years
Imagine Hangman Being Caught Leaving Your Room
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Request: Could you write a cute oneshot of hangman x reader where the team catch him coming out of her room one morning after they went home together and they all think they had sex, Hangman plays into it because he doesn't want to admit they were watching cringey reality tv shows all night and the team finds out they have actually been dating for like 6 years? Thank you <3
Genre: Adventure / Fluff
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Maybe Rooster had over done it at The Hard Deck tonight. He was feeling that last drink and was vaguely aware that he’d probably regret it in the morning.
Normally, he turned in early and would leave his fellow pilots at The Hard Deck to get a good night’s rest. But tonight they were celebrating. Rooster, Phoenix and Bob were able to successfully shoot Warlock down during a practice dogfight today. The other pilots had cheered for the trio when they landed earlier that afternoon. Rooster smiled as he remembered the triumphant high five you gave him. The best part was seeing Hangman’s nod of approval. 
Now, as he walked back to his room, Rooster smiled at Phoenix and Bob. The three of them were the last to leave The Hard Deck that night and they remained quiet as they walked toward the Top Gun dormitories. 
A small handful of pilots were recalled back to Top Gun for a brief detachment that no one was worried about. It would only be a week of training before the mission, so Rooster told himself that he would try and enjoy every moment of his friends’ time. It wouldn’t be long before everyone was shipped back to different corners of the world. 
From down the hall, Rooster heard someone cursing. Judging by the way Phoenix and Bob straightened, they also heard it. The group tiptoed down the hall until they could poke their face around the corner. The dim lights cast eerie shadows along the hallway of doors. Rooster didn’t have time to think about the creepy hallways, though. Instad, his attention was immediately pulled to Hangman, who was leaning on the doorway of your room. 
Hangman was speaking in a near whisper to someone inside the room, Rooster could only assume it was you. Rooster was suspicious by Hangman's loose pair of pants and a casual shirt. Maybe they were pj’s, but Rooster was more interested in the way Hangman was holding his bicep, a small scowl on the arrogant pilot’s face. Rooster guessed that he had been the one to curse just a moment ago. Had Hangman tried to worm his way into your room? Did you punch him for it? Rooster wished he could have been a fly on the wall to watch Hangman attempt to seduce you. Rooster would have punched Hangman, too.
Sure, you and Hangman were close but the endless teasing between the two of you hardly counted as flirting. If anything, Hangman would flirt with you but you would only toss insults back at him. It was one of the reasons Rooster liked you: the only person that could keep Hangman’s ego in check was you. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t-” Bob began, but Phoenix shot him a glare that could only mean “shut up”. 
Rooster rolled his eyes as he saw Hangman flash his award winning smile. You stepped out into the hall, your chest nearly flush against Hangman’s and Rooster waited for you to tell the pilot to politely fuck off. But Rooster almost fell over when he saw you grab a fistfull of Hangman’s shirt and pull him in for a kiss. With too much familiarity for Rooster’s comfort, Hangman wrapped an arm around your waist and his other hand slid into your hair. 
The kiss was over as soon as it began. You pulled away and pushed Hangman toward his own room. Hangman winked over his shoulder at you before you shut your own door.
The feeling of whiplash was beginning to settle over Rooster. Phoenix waited until Hangman’s door was closed before breaking the silence. 
“I must be dreaming,” she muttered. 
“I know I’m drunk…” Rooster said, running a hand over his face, “but I’m not that drunk.” 
The hangover that Rooster had the next morning was nothing compared to the confusion he felt while watching you and Hangman. He found himself reading into every little inside joke the two of you shared or the way you two would argue with one another. And Rooster knew he wasn’t the only one. Phoenix had her eyes laser focused on you while you traded snide remarks with Hangman. 
The two of you sat next to one another nearly every day. This morning was no exception. Rooster assumed that you two were friendly because you were stationed together. Being near one another for a couple of years could do that to a pair, despite one of them was as insufferable as Lieutenant Jake Seresin. But even being stuck on a remote island with Hangman wouldn’t lead to… what was this? Romance? A crush?
“They touched hands during Warlock’s lecture,” Phoenix whispered over lunch. Rooster and Bob leaned in and tried to talk between bites. 
“They didn’t touch hands,” Rooster answered, “she punched him.”
“Well what about-”
“-when Hangman fixed her flight uniform?” Rooster finished for Phoenix. She nodded, a grin on her face. 
“They were just being friendly,” Bob said, rolling his eyes. “They’re not doing anything illegal. What if they just… I don’t know… what if we don’t know what we saw?” Bob looked between Phoenix and Rooster. No one notice you or Hangman approach.
“What did you see,” you asked sweetly. Phoenix and Rooster nearly jumped out of their skin when you took a seat at their lunch table. Hangman took a seat next to you and the two of you looked around at the table. Bob looked down at his food. 
“Is everything okay?” You didn’t know what was happening but you knew enough to tell that something was happening. 
“Do you fly this afternoon?” Bob asked, finally breaking the silence. 
“Yep,” you answered, “I’m going up with Fanboy and Coyote.” 
The rest of the lunch passed amicably. However, that didn’t stop you from catching strange glances from your friends. You couldn’t tell if Hangman noticed, but you tried to push the thought out of your mind. You told yourself that you should focus on the coming dogfight. 
Hangman also notice that the others were acting strange but he chose to bring it up later. He didn’t want to distract you from your job. And Hangman knew that your head would be stuck on the coming dogfight. You didn’t need any drama.
But after lunch, you said goodbye to everyone and left for the tarmac. Coyote and Fanboy laughed with you as you strolled down the hallway. Hangman smiled at the sound. He knew that Coyote and Fanboy had your back.
Hangman left the lunch room and made a few jokes with some of his fellow pilots as they all walked to the rec room. Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob were walking with him and were good company.
Passively, the group listened to your dogfight over the radio while Rooster and Bob played a game of foo’s ball. Bob was losing, but Hangman and Phoenix cheered him on. Even with one ear on the radio, Hangman was able to give Bob a couple of tips. 
“Hangman, I thought you were on my side!” Rooster said as he almost let Bob score a point. 
“Since, uh, when?” Hangman crossed his arms and smiled at Rooster. It was enough of a distraction for Bob to score a point. Hangman gave Bob a high five and Phoenix clapped. 
“You’re off your game today, Rooster,” Hangman said with too much glee, “in fact you’ve been acting weird all day.”
“What do you mean?” Rooster looked up, meeting Hangman’s eyes. 
“Did they put something in the water yesterday at The Hard Deck?” Hangman looked between Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob. “Because the three of you have been… off all day.” 
“We’re fine,” Rooster said with a shrug. His eyes slid to the floor and Hangman scoffed at them. Phoenix and Bob exchanged a look and Hangman almost laughed at how guilty the group seemed. 
“What is it?” Hangman was distantly aware of your dogfight coming to an end. He heard the missile lock tone beep over the radio and he heard you and Coyote begin the landing procedure. Hangman threw his hands up at the ridiculous silence the group was giving him. Not even Rooster was rising to the challenge. 
“Do you have a thing for y/n?” Phoenix said, her words coming out too fast. Rooster’s head shot up and Bob pressed his lips into a tight line. Hangman blinked at Phoenix. Some of the other pilots in the rec room turned their attention towards the group. Hangman let out a laugh. 
“Y/n?” Hangman looked around at the people that were listening. “I mean, she’s fine, she’s cute, I think-”
“Are you blushing, Bagman?” Rooster interrupted. A smile widened on Rooster’s face as Hangman spluttered to silence. The blonde pilot ran a hand through his hair.
“No,” Hangman finally said, “I mean, I do like her. But I’m not going to do anything about it.” Hangman set his jaw and looked at Rooster, who had the biggest smile on his face. 
“Oh, but Hangman,” Phoenix said with false sweetness, “what were you doing by y/n’s room last night if you’re not going to do anything about it.” Rooster wanted to laugh when he saw Hangman’s face pale. The arrogant pilot froze where he stood, eyes locked with Phoenix’s. Phoenix, like Rooster, was grinning like a mad woman. 
“You calling me a liar?” Hangman said, a corner of his lips turning up. He heard footsteps down the hall and knew he needed to make a decision before you came back. 
“I wasn’t that drunk last night,” Rooster added, “I know what I saw. Are you trying to tell me it was someone else outside of y/n’s room last night?” 
“I mean,” Hangman said slowly, “I was safe in my room all night.” As if Hangman planned it, you strolled into the room, followed by Coyote and Fanboy. The three of you still wore your flight suits and smelled like sweat and oil. You took one look at everyone in the room and knew something was happening. 
“But if there was someone outside of her room last night,” Hangman said, standing beside you, “I’d have to show him who she belongs to.” Rooster’s mouth fell open as he watched Hangman wrap a large hand around your throat. He used his thumb to tilt your head toward his and planted a swaying kiss against your lips. 
After a shocked moment of silence, Coyote let out a whistle. Hangman pulled back from you and Rooster could see the blush on both you and Hangman. 
“They know,” Hangman said to you before you could say anything. 
“Did Bob tell them?” You turned your head toward Bob who mutely opened and closed his mouth as he fished for words. Phoenix punched Bob’s arm. 
“You knew?!” She glared at Bob who rubbed his sore arm. 
“I mean, I saw them once-” Bob tried to explain before Phoenix tried to punch him again. The room erupted in gossip and accusations. You and Hangman stayed quiet as the others talked over one another. 
“Just wait until they find out how long we’ve been together,” Hangman said, his lips against your ear. Your toes curled and you leaned into him. You kissed him again and enjoyed the chaos around the room. It felt good to kiss him so openly. 
"Wait until I tell them you're addicted to watching Love is Blind." You raised an eyebrow at Hangman.
"We can finish the season tonight, right," Hangman asked without shame. You rolled your eyes.
"As long as we aren't up as late as we were last night," you said. Hangman only laughed and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Maybe it was good that the others finally knew.
A/N: thank you for reading this little one shot! It took a little longer than I thought to get this one out.
Thank you, @barbiegirlbaby for the request!
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rlphunter · 1 year
My Girl | Bob Floyd
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description: Your relationship with Bob is a secret and Phoenix sets you up with someone else
warnings: bad writing, nothing else. if I need to add let me know!
ship: bob floyd x reader
authors note: this is my first fic that I have posted on here! plz be nice lol
You could feel Bob’s eyes on you as you walked through the Hard Deck. He didn’t say anything. A quick look was exchanged before Rooster put a drink in your hand. Your relationship with Bob was a secret. He did not like being the center of attention and knew there would be jokes made at your guys’ expense. Bob could feel the hiding was hurting you but did not know how to change his feelings about it. Nat’s voice took him out of his turmoil as he heard her shout your call sign, Spice, one he coined, and gives you a big embrace. “Spice, I found the perfect man for you”, Bob sees you blush and try to shut Nat down but she is having none of it. It does not go unnoticed that you are refusing to make eye contact with him.
“Spice, just go on one date with him and then I won’t try to set you up again. Scouts honuor” Your laugh rings through the bar as you link pinkies with Phoenix. “In faaaact he is coming in 10 minutes' '. Bob’s eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. He murmurs some excuse about needing to go to the bathroom, he doesn’t wait for any response. What can he do? He put you in the position where you can’t say that the true reason you can’t go on this date is because you’re dating Bob. He yearns for you to knock on the door and say Robby “let me just humour her, you know I only got eyes for you.” He imagines the light blush that would be on your face and curses himself once again.
Bob is introduced back to the Hard Deck by hearing your laughter. He sees the guy tuck some hair that got in your face and his hand lingers there till you take a step back. The WSO’s silence as he goes back to the squad’s table is noticed as Rooster gives him a supportive nod. He and Phoenix have led the charge of trying to get Bob to confess his feelings to you but little did they know that he had done it two months ago and you and him had been in a committed relationship since.
In private Bob did the whole ten yards. He knew you had been in some bad relationships and he wanted to show you that you were worthy of love. You wanted the love shown in the movies and he tried his best to give that to you but he knew it was not enough. Bob took Roosters beer out of his hand and finished it off in a sip, he ignored the curious stares from his friends and headed towards you. A quick excuse me fell from his lips as he dipped you and gave you a kiss that expressed everything he hadn’t said in the past two months.
A smile that rivaled the world’s greatest beauties was coming from your face and Bob knew he did the right thing. “I love you, so much”, “I love you too Robby”. Without looking back Bob pulled you out of the Hard Deck and back to your apartment.
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bo0tleg · 2 months
Despite being head over heels in love with Ice and Mav's dynamic in the original Top Gun, the same dynamic in Top Gun Maverick with Rooster and Hangman never worked for me. This is my attempt at voicing why:
DISCLAIMER: This was not created with the intention to offend anybody who ships Hangster/Sereshaw. It is simply my understanding of their relationship, and why it doesn't appeal to me. Opinions are like the butthole, everybody has their own. By all means, continue shipping them if you want to, this is only for fun.
Hangman and Rooster's entire relationship is based on resentment.
Unlike Mav and Ice, they have history. There's something from the past that lingers in all of their interactions, poisoning all of their words and actions.
Hangman is frustrated with Rooster, all the time. Of course, he banters with everyone, Phoenix about her gender, Bob about his callsign, but those are more 5th Grader Playground insults than anything. It's different with Rooster, and not in a good way.
When it comes to Rooster, Hangman goes straight to insult his character. He doubts his judgement, insults his way of being and flying, prods about how he needs to change if he wants to fly the mission.
With Ice, he was criticizing Maverick, not insulting him. Hangman is both criticizing AND insulting Rooster because he perceives him in a less that ideal light.
Hangman doesn't understand why Rooster flies the way that he does, and doesn't try to either. He just sees it as wrong and doesn't think twice about it. He goes straight to insulting him because he thinks that it's wrong, and that it's something about Rooster that needs to be fixed.
And Rooster is constantly exasperated because of it. Hangman prods, and jabs, and insults Rooster, but it never works. The more Hangman pokes, the more Rooster closes up, frustrated. He gets angry, pissed and becomes much LESS inclined to listen to anything Hangman is saying.
Rooster doesn't work well under pressure. And that's the only way Hangman operates.
Throughout the movie, Rooster doesn't listen to Hangman once. He might've been right about Rooster being too slow, but it only fell on deaf ears (not to say that he was right to bring up Goose's death, he was defo wrong about that one). All it causes is strife, to the point where Rooster almost punches Hangman because of how infuriating he was to him.
The entire movie, Hangman provoked Rooster to get him to stop being the way he is, because he sees it as a flaw of character. And it doesn't work.
Rooster only drops his need for playing it safe when Maverick tells him to 'Not think, just do'. Because Mav only gave him a push in the right direction, not throw in his face all of his flaws.
(Side note: This is also the reason Rooster doesn't listen to Mav in their argument, because he thinks Maverick was insulting his way of being by saying he wasn't ready. On the mission, by selecting Rooster as his wingman, he recognizes that he is ready, and that he trusts him with his life. Making him more inclined to listen to Mav once in the canyon.)
A relationship where one person is constantly frustrated by the other and the other is constantly exasperated by the former doesn't work.
Because that's how they are, and that's how they function, and it isn't going to change.
Rooster isn't going to stop frustrating Hangman because that's how he works, and Hangman isn't going to stop making Rooster exasperated because he doesn't know how else to voice his feelings.
I can see where the ship comes from, because obviously. Their homoerotic tension could be seen from space. I totally believe that they might have had a fling in the past that ended badly, and that they possibly could have hooked up at some point in the movie in the 'Hate Sex' vein of things. I just don't think it'd be anything beyond that.
They wouldn't work in the long haul, is what I'm trying to say.
They're too similar, and too different at the same time.
They're both hothead stubborn motherfuckers that couldn't come to an agreement if they tried.
And you might show me the scene where Hangman is happy about Dagger 2 hitting the target, and him being absolutely devastated when the same hornet is shot down. I recognize it, it demonstrates care. Hangman cares.
Thing is, that doesn't change anything that I said prior to that.
It's possible to resent, despise, be bitter towards and irritated by someone and still care about them. It's possible to hate them and still care. Hate them, and feel like you don't hate them all the time. Human emotion is a funny thing like that, nothing is ever black and white, always varying shades of gray.
Just because they hate each other (and yes, that is the reading I have on them, doesn't stop them from being horny fuckers about each other tho) doesn't mean they want the other dead.
I believe it's similar to the sentiment of "I hope you get everything you ever wished for, and that I never hear a word about it". Similar, but not the same, in a way I do not know how to describe. Thus, I used that to give the same vibe.
I can't see any future for them, in any shape or form. They hold too many grudges against each other, and both of them have a tendency of holding on to old (bad) feelings far too strongly. Even if they work through whatever problems they have now, new ones would emerge and they would go through the same process again and again and again.
That isn't healthy nor stable. It's not what either of them should strive for in a relationship. With that, I'd probably say that both of them need stable people that hold logic to high regard, and that are easy going (I say that in general terms, with no one specific in mind for either of them).
All that being said, this is my opinion. This is how I view them, and understand their relationship. They don't work for me because I see no logical way they could.
If they work for you, that's great! Enjoy the air gays 2.0 to your hearts contentment, I'm happy for you.
This was just a fun analysis of my vision, with no intention to diminish anyone who might enjoy them.
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callsign-daydream · 1 month
Rooster: Listen, I don't need the Bob who once had a panic attack during Rock-Paper-Scissors because there were, and I quote, "just too many variables." I need the Bob who jumped into a ship behind Phoenix and flew a suicide mission without thinking of the consequences. Bob: Oh, boy, now I'm nervous about that decision. Rooster: Retroactively? I mean, how do you even...? Bob: I don’t know.
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 16 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You unfortunately let Phoenix talk you into going to the Hard Deck on a night when it was swarming with sailors. And there's only so much that can be done to keep both Bradley and Jake safe during their special mission. 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, and swearing
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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You knew from Bradley's emails that he was flying his mission today, you just weren't sure what time. You only seemed to be able to think about him and Jake, wondering what they were doing and if they were staying safe. 
Your wedding was less than two weeks away now, and you were leaving work early to drop off your permits with the county office. That was the last thing you had to do. Your plan was to finish writing your vows and making the photo collage this weekend. Then you'd truly be all set for the wedding, and one of Bradley's gifts would be complete. 
Now he just needed to make it back in time so you could pull off the most spectacular surprise of all time, with a little help from Mav.
When you got home, you played with Tramp and argued with Phoenix over text about whether or not you should go to the Hard Deck tonight. It just wasn't the same without Bradley there, but it was even worse now. You knew you were a little antsy, but you wouldn't even be able to tell anyone that it was because your wedding was coming up!
But she got you to agree to go if she picked you up on her way there. So now you were scrambling to get changed into some cutoff shorts, a cute top and your boat shoes before she arrived. You were still eating the sandwich you made and feeding Tramp his dinner when she let herself in the front door.
"You look cute," she said, giving you a look. "That looks like something you'd wear out with Bradley."
"I know," you said between bites of food. "I need to do laundry tomorrow."
Phoenix just sighed. "You sure you don't want to throw on a sweatshirt or one of his massive tees? There's a carrier docking like right now. The bar is going to be swarming with guys."
You just rolled your eyes at her. "This is hardly inappropriate, and it's like a million degrees outside." But now you understood why she was wearing jeans and a baggy shirt. The guys could be a bit relentless when there was a ship in port. "Hey, maybe I can get a free drink," you said with a shrug. 
But five minutes into your night, you realized you had made a mistake. 
"Why did you bring me here?" you growled at Phoenix as you waited in a massive crowd of people to get a beer. "I could be sitting in my backyard with a drink that I didn't have to physically fight someone for!"
But she just shrugged. "It's not as crowded by the pool table."
After a few more minutes, you groaned and told her, "I just want one fucking beer!"
The guy in front of you turned around and smiled at you, and then you heard him add another beer to his order with Penny. 
Your cheeks felt a little warm as he turned around and held a bottle out in your direction. "Here you go, gorgeous. One fucking beer."
You were flustered, not quite sure what to do. So you reached for it, and he pulled it back with a grin. "Just tell me your name first."
"I'm engaged," you responded with an eye roll.
"Wow, that's such a pretty name," he said with a laugh, and you had to keep yourself from laughing at how ridiculous this was becoming. 
"I can buy my own beer, but thanks anyway," you told him, trying to push past him to the bar while Nat shoved you from behind.
"You can have it. I don't even mind if you're engaged. I'm only off the carrier for the night," he told you with a smirk. Now that Nat was ordering her drink, you decided to take the free beer from this guy because he was being such an asshole. 
"Oh? You don't mind?" you asked with your best attempt at a charming smile. 
"Not at all. And my name's Will. You don't need to tell me yours, but I just wanted you to have something to scream later."
You just grimaced at him before putting the bottle to your lips and chugging the entire thing in front of him. He watched with interest as you wiped your lips with the back of your hand and leaned past him to slam the empty down on the bartop. 
"Well, thanks a lot, Will. The beer was delish. I'll just be going now," you told him, grabbing his hand and holding it up so you could give him an awkward high five. 
"I'll be at the pool table," you told Phoenix before turning on your heel and squeezing your way back through the crowd. But you realized Will was following you.
"Hey, wait up! Let's go outside!"
"Seriously?" you mumbled, not sure what else you needed to do to turn this man off to the idea of you. But that's when you spotted the guys playing pool. 
"Hey, come on," Fanboy called to you across the table to you. "I need a partner."
But you reached Coyote first and wrapped your arms around his waist right as he was saying hi to you. "Oh, hey," he said with a laugh, patting you on the back. "It's nice to see you, too."
"There's a guy," you mumbled, glancing over your shoulder. "He bought me a beer and I accepted it when I really shouldn't have. Oh shit, he's still coming! I thought he'd leave when he saw me with you."
"What guy?" Payback asked, tossing his pool cue down on the table and turning to look. 
Will stopped short when he saw you with Coyote, Payback, Fanboy and Bob. 
"I thought you were joking about being engaged," he said, holding his hands up. "Since you took the drink."
"She's not joking, man," Coyote said, keeping his arm around your shoulders. 
Will just shrugged and said, "Your girl's a tease," before he started to turn away.
But now Payback was starting to look like he wanted to punch the guy, and you felt terrible for letting this happen. 
"You want me to pay you for the beer? Fine," you said, digging in your pocket for some cash.
But Payback set down his glass and said in a very calm voice, "We'll consider the drink you bought her a peace offering. Now apologize for calling her a tease, and you can be on your way."
Will looked at him for a minute before turning to you and Coyote. "Sorry." And then he walked back into the crowd. 
Just then, Nat strolled up with four beer bottles in her hands. "You guys missed the funniest thing! She got a free drink from some guy who told her he wanted to fuck her even though she said she's engaged!"
You just cradled your head in your hands. "That's what he said to you?" Bob asked, going pink in the face. 
"Where the fuck did he go?" Payback snarled, cracking his knuckles. 
"Everyone calm down!" you said, pushing away the bottle Phoenix tried to give you and grabbing Payback's hand. "I'm never coming here when there's a carrier making a port of call ever again! And next time we go out, I'm wearing a trash bag."
But soon everyone went about their business again. And you were happy you didn't feel alone when Bradley and Jake were both gone. Fanboy handed you a pool cue, and you joined the game. 
Bradley and Jake woke up and did the exact same thing as each other all day long. They showered, ate breakfast, got some fresh air, went over their final flight briefings, ate lunch, and then dressed in their flight suits.
If you had told Bradley then that the day would change so dramatically for just one of them, he would have found it hard to believe. But that's that way things always seemed to go. 
"You ready?" he asked Jake who was still getting his helmet bag packed up. "What do you have in there anyway?"
"Mosty snacks," Jake said. "Maybe someday I'll have something a little bit more special inside. What's in yours?"
"Mostly snacks,' Bradley said with a laugh. "And a picture or two." He pulled out a printout of a selfie he had taken of you and him holding Tramp between the two of you in your backyard. Jake looked at it and shook his head with a grin. 
"You two thinking about having kids?" he asked, putting his helmet on. 
Bradley laughed. "If I had it my way, she would already be pregnant."
"Yeah," Jake replied, shaking his head. "I don't know why I even asked you that. Angel already told me you want kids right away."
Bradley put his helmet on as well, and they both started walking out to the airstrip. "I find it really disturbing that the two of you have 'girl talk' sessions."
Jake scoffed. "You don't seem to mind it when you put your foot in your mouth and I'm there to bail you out, Bradshaw."
Bradley really couldn't argue with that. He loaded into his F/A-18 and started on his safety checks, missing the days from last year when you were on the other end of his radio communications. But he checked in with some faceless voice in the tower, and he listened to Jake do the same. And soon they were airborne, launching off of catapults one and two with Bradley taking the lead position. 
Bradley checked in with the Comanche for a radar update, and then soon he and Jake were entering enemy airspace for a mission that should have been a quick in and out again. They would need to conserve all four of their missiles for the mission to be a success, so just knowing a dogfight scenario would come down to guns and flares had Bradley a little wary. 
"You all good?" he asked Jake, turning to see him over his right wing.
"All good."
And then it was time to attack, and Bradley fell back into the comfortable way that his mind seemed to take over and keep him calm without the rest of his emotions fighting for dominance. Was he thinking about you? Of course he was, but you were always at the back of his mind. Was he still focusing on what needed to be done with almost exact precision? Yes, because he wanted to stay alive. 
"Attack," he informed Jake at just the right moment, and then Jake split off to the right, behind a mountain range and out of sight. 
They were in constant radio communication as they each eliminated two perimeter targets, and then Bradley flew along a river while Jake flew parallel to the mountain range. This would put Bradley at the coastline first, but Jake should have been close enough for Bradley to see him. 
"Hey Hangman, how far?" 
"About twenty miles."
He had no idea how Jake had managed to fall so far behind, but he would make up twenty miles in less than two minutes. However, now Bradley couldn't see him, and he had to make a decision about lingering for his wingman or conserving his fuel. 
Bradley punched back on the throttle, easing his speed back. He kept checking his mirrors and turning around to look for the telltale glimmer of the dying sunlight on the canopy of Jake's aircraft. It wasn't easy to catch unless you were looking for it. 
But he waited, checking in with the carrier a few times, when finally, he saw what he hoped was Hangman.
"Out over the water," Jake told him. "Coming in hot."
"Copy," Bradley replied, throttling back up to his previous speed. He made sure both he and Jake were cleared for landing and then went down first, hooking the tow line, and waiting for the deck crew team to pull his aircraft safely to the side, making room for Jake to land. 
Bradley was just opening his canopy when he saw Jake buzz the tower, which was very unlike him. Then he heard Jake say, "Complete engine failure," through the radio in his helmet before it cut out. 
"What the fuck is going on?" Bradley asked the ground crew as he scrambled down the ladder. But everyone was frozen in place, awaiting instructions. The intercom started blaring over the deck, and Bradley ripped his helmet off just as Jake brought his jet around again.
It was too late to get the barricades ready if he was truly in full engine failure, and it was also impossible for Jake to get enough altitude to eject. 
"Fuck," Bradley whispered as Jake came down at a strange angle that made him cringe and cover his mouth. It sounded like he had lost both engines, and trying to get onto the deck was the only option. 
Bradley stood back with the deck crew as they raised an additional cable to try to catch the tail hook. But he knew the angle was too extreme, and Bradley watched in horror as Jake hit the deck a little too hard before skidding over both of the cable lines. Since he had no means to lift off and try for a second landing without his engines, everyone had to watch Jake's aircraft skid the length of the runway and then go careening into the Pacific Ocean. 
It felt like someone had sucker punched him, and Bradley sputtered for a few seconds before he started to make a run for the end of the carrier deck. There were crew members everywhere, and even more flooding out of the tower. The closer Bradley got to the end, he was finally able to see Jake's Super Hornet, half sunk in the water sideways. But it was too far away for Bradley to make out where exactly Jake was.
He turned around, trying to find someone who could make sense of what was happening, but it felt like everyone was moving in slow motion. Nobody was moving fast enough to get Jake out of the water before he drowned as the cockpit started taking on water. 
Bradley could hear himself screaming out questions that didn't quite make sense even to himself. But nobody was answering him. Before giving it too much thought, he started yanking at the laces of his boots and pulling them off one at a time. Then he was ripping off his gear and unzipping his flight suit, stripping down to just his compression shorts. 
The deck was about sixty feet above the water, which should only be marginally painful for Bradley, as long as he jumped straight. Otherwise he would just be creating more problems. But now Jake's aircraft was starting to sink, and he hadn't opened the canopy yet. 
So Bradley took a running jump into the freezing cold water to try to save his teammate, only partly because he knew you'd probably never forgive him if there was something he could have done but decided not to.
The water was ice cold, and all of Bradley's skin was burning from the impact as he was sloshed around by the waves as he tried to kick to resurface. He was gasping for air as soon as he broke the surface, and then he was off and swimming as fast as he could toward the F/A-18 that was mostly underwater. 
When he reached the cockpit, he could tell it was still sealed. But then he saw that Jake was fighting against the water pressure to get the canopy open. The further underwater the plane sank, the harder it would be to open it. Bradley took a deep breath and went under, pounding on the canopy until he had Jake's attention. He needed Jake to open all the latches, and then he could try to help him pull it open. 
Jake was scrambling with the last latch, and Bradley went back up for another breath of air. This time, when he went under, he planted his feet against the metal panel and pulled as Jake pushed. The cockpit immediately took on water as soon as they opened it just a few inches. He watched Jake get soaked and hit in the face with a wave of salt water, but then it became a little easier to pry the canopy open a few feet. 
As Jake started to squeeze through the opening, the Super Hornet started sinking in earnest. Bradley knew getting Jake to the surface in his gear would be the hardest part of this entire disaster, so he pushed himself up to the surface for one more good breath of air.
This time his lungs were burning as he dove down deeper, his hands connecting with some part of Jake's flight suit before he pushed off of the metal with both feet. He was kicking for everything he was worth, trying to keep a good hold on Jake's arm or leg. But Bradley's lungs were on fire. He could barely stand the pain. He was starting to lose his vision as he kicked harder and harder. He hoisted Jake over his head and pushed him to the surface, letting himself float up as his limbs gave out.
When Bradley felt the cold air hit his face, he opened his eyes, suddenly alert again. Jake's body was refusing to float from the weight of the soaking wet flight suit, and his eyes were closed. Bradley got his fingers on Jake's neck to find his pulse and made sure he still had a strong heartbeat, then he grabbed him under both armpits and kicked relentlessly to keep him above water. 
And thank god there was finally a diving crew jumping in now. Bradley kicked until he heard a woman telling him to stop, and that she had him while another diver had a hold on Jake. Bradley sank back into her grip, letting himself go boneless. And eventually they were all being raised back up to the deck where Bradley finally realized exactly how fucking freezing cold he was. 
Someone bundled him in blankets while he watched Jake's flight suit being cut off of him. "Oh, fuck," Bradley whispered, dropping to his knees on the airstrip and staring at the surreal scene in front of him. Jake's forehead was bleeding profusely and his lips were blue from the temperature of the water. But at least his eyes were open, and then he rolled onto his side and started coughing up water. 
Bradley sat quietly on the deck for a moment, but when a smile broke out on Jake's face, he couldn't help but smile too.
"Well, that fucking sucked," Jake sputtered as he rolled onto his back again. 
Bradley laughed. "You scared the shit out of me, man."
"You're insane," Jake said quietly. "Angel is going to be so mad."
You were exhausted and irritable by the time Phoenix dropped you back off at home. Your night had been terrible right off the bat. You shouldn't have accepted the beer from that guy just to try to get under his skin. You really hated guys like that, the ones who couldn't take the hint when a girl wasn't interested in them. 
You brushed your teeth and got changed for bed, leaving your glasses on your nightstand before lifting Tramp up into bed with you. Should you start a new pill pack? You had been looking at it sitting next to the bed for the past few days. If you didn't take it now, your cycle would be a mess if you changed your mind in a few days. But if you didn't take a pill and also didn't change your mind... well, you were ready now. 
You tossed your unopened birth control pills into your nightstand drawer, next to your new necklace charm and a stack of paper airplanes. Bradley had been telling you for months, ever since you thought you might have gotten pregnant in La Jolla, that he was ready when you were. That it was up to you. 
You took a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. Sometimes the pain you felt from missing Bradley was as much physical as mental, and right now, your body was aching. It almost felt like you'd been out in the sun too long after getting bashed by ocean waves. You felt stiff and achy and uncomfortable. You were trying not to think about the fact that you had no idea what was going on with Bradley and Jake's mission. But you supposed no news was good news, at least as far as a deployment special mission was concerned. 
So you turned off your lamp and snuggled up with Tramp, spinning your engagement ring on your finger and reminding yourself that Bradley would be back soon with Jake in tow. Hopefully just in time for your perfect, surprise wedding. 
Too much excitement! Holy shit. And how's Bradley going to feel about Baby Girl discreetly going off birth control?
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callsignthirsty · 5 months
I'll do #9 "I don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until I tell you to." With Bradley 😏
hey girl, hey —
so I’m finally getting around to the smut prompt fills from forever ago. please enjoy my first crack at writing Rooster. I had a fun time writing him, so hopefully it translates.
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x F!reader Word Count: 1005 Warnings: sex toys, slightly under-negotiated kink (kind of), in public, overstimulation (mentioned) Minors DNI
Smut Prompt #9
The last thing any of the Daggers had expected after the uranium mission was to be granted time off. Not that you were going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it meant that your boyfriend would be home for two whole months. The time off was a gift, and you were determined that you and Bradley would make the most of the unexpected time together.
All over his assigned housing.
After three weeks, the endorphins had you in a good—if slightly loopy, dick-drunk—mood, and when the Instagram algorithm struck while Bradley was in the shower, who were you to say no?
Which is how you ended up with your newest toy for $39.99 plus shipping and handling.
Frankly, you’d thought it would be hot. Sexy. Something to spice up your already adventurous sex life. The ad made it seem like a good time, and the premise was simple enough: a remote-controlled vibrating egg tethered to an app on your boyfriend’s phone.
You’d managed to keep hush-hush about it while it shipped, entertaining visions of Bradley activating the toy while you made dinner or watched a movie. Maybe, if you were both feeling up to it, you’d wear it out while the two of you were out on a date. A trip to enjoy sunbathing on the beach. So once your package had arrived, it was fair to say that when Bradley had invited you out to the beach, waggling his eyebrows as he offered you the toy and an opportunity to take your play outside, all from his open palm, you’d said yes with a smile.
What you hadn’t expected was for his squad mates to be there. Your fate sealed when a weak mechanical vibration made itself known between your legs as Phoenix pulled you into a hug.
Dogfight football, you’re sure, is a lot more fun to watch or ignore when you aren’t being tortured. You grab an ice cube from a nearby cooler and cup it to the back of your neck, but it does nothing to cool the fire raging inside you. You whine, face tilted up toward the sun. If anything, the shock of ice against your heated skin makes everything worse. Skin tingling. Senses heightened.
“Rooster!” you squeak, grabbing more than just your boyfriend’s attention to the point that you must remind yourself that no one else knows. “Can you c’mere real quick?”
Rooster smirks, all broad shoulders and glistening tan as he passes his Nerf ball off to Coyote and makes his way toward you. “Yeah, babe?”
“Please,” you whine when he’s close enough. You’ve already crimped your beer can, toes curling in the sand as you try desperately not to writhe for all his friends and other beachgoers to see.
“Please what?”
You don’t see his hand disappear into his pocket, but you feel it. This time, you can’t help but arch your back, a gasp tumbling from your lips. “I need to cum. God, just–” He cuts you off with his lips against yours, pressing you into sun-warmed sand, and you drag him with you. You open your mouth and welcome his tongue with your own as you press your chest to his, overeager to feel his body against yours. Every touch sends a zing straight to your core. You don’t care that you’re on the beach. You don’t even care that his friends can definitely see you. You just. Need. to cum.
You’re almost there when the vibrations cut out completely.
This time your groan is from frustration. Because what the hell? Did it just die on you?!
You’re contemplating a refund when Bradley parts from you with a nip to your lower lip. “I don’t care how good it feels,” he murmurs, close enough that his mustache tickles your lip when he speaks. The toy pulses once, then goes still again. “You’d better not cum until I tell you to.”
“Bradshaw!” Bradley’s head whips around to where one of his squad mates is heckling him back to their game.
“Be right there!” He presses a wet kiss right below the crux of your jaw. “Don’t worry, this game’s almost over.”
You heave a sigh of relief. “Thank god.” The sooner you can drag Bradley back to his housing assignment, the better.
“Best two out of three.”
You pout. “Bradley.”
“Then maybe some drinks. Wouldn’t want to leave if everyone’s sticking around.”
“If you really think I’m sticking around for you t–” You’re cut off as the vibrator kicks up again, this time settling into a pattern that is just light enough that you know it’ll drive you mad.
“Bradshaw! Let’s go!”
Rooster stands up, idly brushing sand from his shorts, sunglasses snug on his stupidly handsome face. “Be good.”
What follows is the longest, most tortuous game of dogfight football probably ever. It feels like Bradley purposefully lets the other team win the second game to force a tiebreaker, all while fiddling with his phone. By the time the third game wraps and everyone makes their way to the cooler, you’re flushed and covered in beads of sweat.
Ever observant, Phoenix clocks the shake in your hand as you pass her a water bottle. Her brow furrows. “You feeling alright?”
You open your mouth to tell her you’re okay, but nothing comes out.
“Hey, Roo!” someone echos, “your girl’s looking a little flushed. She okay?”
Bradley takes a knee at your side, offering you his water like that’ll help. “You okay, baby?” And because talking hadn’t worked for you so well last time, you glare. Or try to. You’re unable to hold it. There’s no real fire behind the look—desperation and oversensitivity set in a while ago.
“Might be heatstroke,” Fanboy suggests. “Have you been drinking enough water?”
“Yeah, I just–” you cut yourself off, eyes slamming shut as the rhythmic pulsing switches up again. Blindly, you smack Bradley’s hand away from his phone. “Take me home.”
“Alright, baby,” Bradley smiles, gathering you in his strong arms. “I’ve got ya.”
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
Everytime I watch Top Gun Maverick (or clips of it like I have today) I get such an urge for a time travel fic where the Daggersquad & Mav end up in '86 Top Gun
The ship goes through a storm and the daggersquad end up in 1986
Mav ends up in his '86 body but is still his TGM self because he was there when they time travelled but Bradley wasn't yet
I'm unsure whether it's all 12 or just Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Coyote, Hangman, Payback and Fanboy because managing all twelve may seem a little cluttered so we'll just go with those
I mainly want this just because 1) Rooster, Hangman and Coyote will have to somehow figure out how to fly f-14's because they're double seaters and 2) I want them to experience flying in the cold war, because like the film says "they've been dropping bombs from high altitudes with little to no dogfighting"
Like, the attitude has got to be different from today
Also, Rooster's heartbroken the entire time because his dad is right there but he has to act like just another Naval Aviator
Phoenix is the only female aviator there, I checked and they were allowed in but probably weren't common, the first woman to graduate from Top Gun was in 2004! So yeah, 🌟 80s Misogyny 🌟
I have a few scenes in mind, one where Goose happily walks into the locker room after getting a call from Carole saying that she’s got the time off work and will have 2 whole weeks with him
Slider says he didn't know the circus was coming to town
Also, maybe Goose giving advice on how to please a woman, Rooster's mortified and didn't realise how sexual the locker rooms could be
Talking of locker rooms being suggestive, everyone from the daggersquad picks up on Ice and Mav, including Mav because he's from the future
But things start to change as Mav spends more time with the daggersquad, trying figure out how to get home
Such as, when Carole and Bradley are there, what usually happens is: the Bradshaws + Mav go out for dinner, get spotted by Hollywood and Wolf, then by Ice and Slider until it becomes a group hangout
But, Mav’s with the daggersquad, so it's just the Bradshaws, so Hollywood and Wolf leave them be for some family time, so Goose gets to have the night with his wife he's been planning for almost 10 months
He runs around to Mav’s room and, disregarding the daggersquad, practically begs Mav to take Bradley for the night as he "is a loyal husband"
Mav’s confused, this hasn't happened before, so Goose sighs and blatantly says "I haven't had sex in almost 10 months and my wife is getting into something 'more comfortable' that 'we'll both enjoy', so please, take Bradley"
Rooster's even more mortified
Mav realises they're changing the past and has some hope that maybe they'll be able to save Goose
All is not well, as Bradley and Rooster are starting to see each other’s vision and almost passing out because there's 2 Bradley's in one timeline
They end up passing out and they all have to come clean
If you have any ideas, please tell me! Also feel free to suggest any fics like this, I love them 😍. Thanks for reading this!
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dckweed · 3 months
Helloooo ☺️ since I adore your writing so much, I also wanted to request something. Maybe a Rooster imagine where you fly with Rooster during the Dagger Mission and also help him saving Mave as he crashes but you also got pretty hurt but not tell anyone. So when you're all finally back at the ship, you black out just in front of Rooster and he freaks out. He stays by your side the whole time you're being taken care of and also stays by your side till you wake up. First he lectures you why you didn't tell him, but then he also admits his feelings and it's all cute and fluffy then? Hope this is okay for you and sorry it's so long 🤭
Hi love! of course i can do this for you! i love a good rooster fluff makes me all ooey gooey on the inside!
feel free to send in requests guys, or even just random questions! also this took me so long and im so sorry! also i feel like this really sucks and i could have done so much better and im so sorry..
let me know if we should turn the two birds into a series???
warnings: shooting, near death experiences, plane crash, traumatic injuries, rooster being a mother goose because he cares too much, mav being mav reader is referred to as callsign duckie (or duck for short), incorrect military references and portrayal because what the fuck do i know about the navy? although i did actually google the catapult thing because i was curious.
"TWO BIRDS AND A MAV" bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x fem!pilot reader
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You stood with the rest of your fellow pilots inside the hangar of the aircraft carrier, back straight and gaze forward as you stood at attention, waiting for the mission team to be chosen. Captain Mitchell stood at the front of the room, calling out names.
"Phoenix and BOB," He starts first, his voice ringing out. "Fanboy and Payback" He looks over towards Rooster, who is stood right next to you. "Rooster, Duckie." They had modified the flight plan to include a fifth single plane bringing up the rear carrying a third explosive in case of failure. You and Rooster share a look, the pair of you more nervous than you realized, not expecting to hear the others name called.
Your fellow pilots congratulate you as you and your other squad members gather your things to go finish getting your flight gear ready. Everyone files out before you and Rooster, and just as you're about go, he grabs your wrist. "Duckie," His voice is gruff, full of emotions that you more than recognized. He was worried about you, he always was, you supposed that was the price of the lengthy fling the pair of you had had during your time at the academy. You both cared about each other too much. "Be careful up there, yeah?"
His voice is tender, and you can't help the small smile that spreads over your lips as you squeeze his hand, moving in to give him a brief hug. You had missed his embrace, it had been years since you had stopped seeing each other, but it hadn't ever changed the way you felt towards him, or how you reacted when you were in his presence. "You too, Roo.." You say, kissing his cheek before walking off.
Rooster kicks himself as he watches you walk off, he wanted to stop you, beg you too step down and let Jake fill in your spot, he didn't want you to be careful up there, he didn't want you to be up there at all, but he couldn't change the decisions, not when he didn't have a say in them to begin with. He has to remind himself that you are an extremely capable pilot, and quite underestimated by the unsure looks of the fellow squad members and the admiral.
It wasn't long before you and your team were on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, loading onto your aircrafts. You did your usual pre-flight check right along with Nat and Bob, and just before you got ready to climb up the ladder to your cockpit, you gave Bob a fist bump and told him and Natasha that you had their backs up there. You were bringing up the rear, you were support for the whole mission, you knew what your role was and deep down, you knew what you would have to do if it came down to it.
Climbing up into your cockpit, you slide into your seat with ease buckling into your safety belts and going about your onboard flight list. When you're sure that you're set and secured and your plane is safe to fly, you give signal to the ground crew that you're prepped and ready for take off and start to lower the dome of your plane, listening to it lock in place. You know you'll be last to take off and say a silent prayer for yourself and your crew as you slide your orange and black helmet on over your head, your callsign written in cursive on the front and back of it. And as you wait for your go to start taxying onto the runway you let you the mission control team know that you're ready. "Dagger Five, up and ready." You say, locking your visor down into place to help protect you from the glare of the sun.
Not much longer after that they start to taxi your crew onto the runway, as Rooster's F/A-18 scoots along past you, next to go off the deck and into the air, you send him a salute, noticing he was looking at your from his cockpit. He nods back in recognition, holding his fist up to his glass, his way of telling you to be careful.
Soon, it's your turn and before you know it you're being released from the catapult and lifting your nose off the deck and up into the air, catching a beautiful headwind. "Dagger Five, in the air." You report to the control tower, hearing an affirmative response from them as you catch up to the rest of your crew. There was an apprehension in the air, even if you weren't all in the same plane, you knew you were all nervous, all scared. This was the most high stakes, life risking mission any of you had ever faced before, but you knew were the right ones for the job and so did the U.S. Navy, otherwise you wouldn't have been called back to TOP GUN. You were all the best of the fucking best, and you were going to do your damn jobs and do them well.
The mission was going smoothly (even with Rooster falling behind), almost too smoothly you thought, and even with Fanboy and Payback's radar malfunctioning Rooster somehow, by the graces of whatever higher power that might be, managed to land his bomb perfectly bullseye. You were hot on their tail, pulling up sharply as you came out of the inverted dive down the mountain wall, just catching glimpse of the collapsing ground beneath you as you flipped back into position, pulling hard on your controls.
Somewhere in the distance, your vision and hearing going spotty as you pulled in more gforce than was probably healthy for your body as you climbed altitude rapidly, you hear your team yelling over the shared radio connection, and mission control chatter in the background. By the time you're able to gather your own wits about you, your deep into an air strike of surface to air missiles, noticing your radar going off just in time to deploy counter protective measures. "Holy fuck!" You shout, looking around through your cockpit, trying to gather where exactly you were and where your teammates were and how the fuck to get out of the mess.
You pay attention to your radar again, pulling up the nose of your plane just in time to deploy your counter flares once more, punching the button on your side wall like its your savior. "Dagger 5, deployed counter measures twice!" You report, on the mission controll channel, keeping an eye on your radar and in the air in general and you see the flares lighting up the sky. "Daggers report!" You shout into your shared channel needed to know that all of them are okay. You know it will only last a few minutes, but it was going to be a long and brutal few minutes, a true test to how sharp your skills were in the cockpit.
"Dagger One, safe!" Mav's voice comes over the coms, you knew he was team leader and was probably the one that should have been calling for the report but you needed to know. You deploy a third counter measure as you listen to Phoenix call over her com for her and Bob.
"Dagger Two, safe!" Rooster calls, you can hear the edge in his voice, and a grunt. You see a light of flares and missiles colliding just above you in some clouds and you realize that must be him. Fanboy and Payback call in their safe report, and you're about to add in yours at Mav's urging when it happens.
"Dagger Five, sa-" The plane shakes with the force of it, the bomb clips your wing, just barely making contact, but enough to take a chunk out of the right wingtip and cause your engine to missfire. "I'm hit! I'm Hit!" You repeat into your com, urgently deploying your engine safety measures. You knew this plane like the back of your goddamn hand, you knew what to do when one of the engines missfire.
"Duckie!" Mav yelled over the line at the same time as Rooster dropped down next to you, wing to wing on your good side. You ignore Mav, shutting down your right engine before refiring it. It doesn't start. You panic, turning your head to glance at Rooster. He shakes his head at you from his cockpit, wondering what was going on. "Duck! Report!" You flip the engine switch a second time, just as a set of flares comes up on your radar.
"Bradley!" You shout, trying to keep your plane level with only one engine working. He grunts over the line, and you hear him punch his flare button. And then punch it again. "Bradshaw!?"
"I'm out of flares!" He yells, getting ready to deploy bullets, even though he knew they wouldn't do much good judging by how loud your radars were yelling, when all of a sudden Mav dropped down from your damaged side, dropping his flares. They work, but he clips your wing on the way down and it sends both of your planes spiraling. Your instinct is to scream, but you know it will do no good so you try your best to steady your aircraft, though it's not easy to do with only one engine working properly. "Y/N! Mav!" Bradley yells, and before you know it you can see the ground coming up fast through the cockpit.
"Oh shit!" You yell, pulling the ejection handle between your legs as hard as you fucking can, your lid flies off and your seat topples out, and so do you.
The cold air meets your face, the wind hitting it as you race to the ground, waiting for your parachute to deploy. You scream the whole way down, your plane not too far from you, and if you squint you can see Mav off in the distance to your right side. Your planes hit the ground before you do, fiery messes as they collide with the earth. It takes a few minutes, and your parachute hadn't slowed you down nearly fast enough so your body collapses as soon as your feet touch the snow covered ground of where the fuck forest you were in, merely fifteen feet from your fireball of a fucking plane.
"Oh my god.." You groan, looking at the mess of it as you unclip your parachute as quickly as you can, not wanting to be weighed down by it incase the enemy came searching for your downed plane. You looked around, trying to see if you could spot Mav somewhere, but through the smoke and trees you couldn't see him. "Captain Mitchell!" You scream, before flinching, realizing that probably wasn't the smartest idea to do in enemy territory. You wanted them to assume you were dead, it was safer for you that way until you could figure out how to get the fuck out of here, hopefully with your Captain.
A loud burst of flames comes from whats left of your plane and you duck just in time, shrapnel flying over your head and landing merely a foot away from you. "I am so being discharged!" You yell to yourself as you start running toward the tree line, hopefully in the direction of your teammate.
You trudge through the snow for what seems like forever, thanking god for the heavy duty boots on your feet and the fact that you wore long sleeves under your flight suit, the air was a tad brisk in the middle of the dense forest, though you know it was only a few minutes and you start to see the flames of another plane in the trees on the other side of a clearing, and a quarter of the way into the clearing, Maverick is slowly clambering to his knees. He must not have had an easy landing, you deduce.
"Mav!" You call, running over to him, though just as you do the sound of helicopter blades chopping the air reach your ears. You both look up, you merely twenty feet away from him when you see it in the tree line near where his craft had gone down. "..fuck.." You mutter, noticing someone in all black point towards you guys out of the open side door. The chopper turns towards you guys slowly and Mav struggles to gete his chute pack detached before telling you to run, grabbing your arm and pulling you with him as he passes you.
Just in time too because whoever mans the guns starts shooting at the pair of you as you run, the bullets chasing you as you run as fast as you can through the thick layer of snow. Mav is pulling you over a thick log when you feel it, the searing, burning pain going through your leg and your side. You've been shot. You grit your teeth as Mav pulls your body under his, shielding you from the hail of bullets sure to come as the Helicopter positions in front of you guys, pointed directly at your forms. He was prepared to die for you, if it meant that at least one of you got to get out of here.
You close your eyes, preparing for the spray of bullets and your captains blood to riddle your body, but it never comes. You hear a large explosion and peak an eye open, your breath leaving your body as the helicopter and its occupants go up in flames, the unmistakable sound of a fighter jet filling the valley as it flies away. You don't have to be smart to know that it's Bradley, though you do have to have some ounce of brains to realize that there was probably more SAMs hidden in the area and he was probably about to catch the attention of them.
And sure enough, as Mav pulls you up to your feet the both of you in disbelief, you watch as his plane erupts into a ball of smoke. "Oh god.." Mav says, and starts running in the direction that Bradley's plane went down in. You followed right behind him, the fact that you were shot in two different places the least of your worries, your adrenaline pushing you forward and keeping you from feeling the burning pain of the bullets in your body.
You're right behind Mav when you finally make it to the clearing, Bradley had thankfully landed far away from his plane and you hear him yell "You okay?" and Bradley's affirmative response before Mav picks up speed and pushes the stupid ass to the ground.
"The fuck was that for?!" Rooster yells, taking his helmet off and standing up, catching sight of you coming up just behind Mav.
"What are you doing here?!" Mav yells, worry lacing his voice. "You could've been back on the aircraft carrier by now, what the fuck were you thinking?!"
Bradley looks at him, eyes wild. "You told me not to think!" If you weren't in the situation you were in, this whole scene would've been comical.
Mav is silent for a moment, not being able to argue farther because he was right, he had told the boy not to think. Just do. And, at the end of the day, if he hadn't, they would've be alive right now. "Yeah, well..its good to see you.." The older man concedes.
Bradley chuckles. "It's good to see you too.." He says, bowing his head before looking back up at you. "Duckie? You okay?"
You rear back and punch his stupid as shoulder as hard as you can, gritting your teeth as a burning sensation goes through your side. You'd been shot on your dominant side, that wasn't a good thing. "Just fucking peachy." You grunt, hoping that neither men realized that something was wrong with you. You wanted to get the fuck out of here.
Rooster nods, rubbing his shoulder. "So, what's the plan?"
And that, that small question was how you wound up in the back of an F-14, sat on Rooster's lap, the only thing securing you in place were his arms wrapped around your waist holding you tightly against his chest and lap as Mav took off from the enemy base.
"This is so not safe!" You yell, gritting your teeth as you try not to cry from the pain of Rooster squeezing your bullet entry wound. "Bradley' don't you fucking let go of me!" You cry, trying desperately to get the radio back up and working so you could reach the carrier, let your crew know that you guys were still fucking alive. He squeezes you even tighter in a way that clearly says 'I've got you' , and despite the pain you feel a comfort go through you that allows you to focus that much more. "How the fuck do i work this shit?"
"I'm really not sure, that was always Bradley's dad's expertise!" Maverick calls back over the intercom, maneuvering the ancient ass plane through the valley. You could cry, or slam your head against the radar. Either way you didn't care. "Um..there should be a switch.."
"Pete theres like ten thousand switches back here!" You yell back, your voice high pitched and panicky. You try to recall anything you read about an F-14, about working an RIO cockpit (which wasn't much because it really wasn't your specialty) and start mentally cross referencing it to what you know about working your own cockpit to get your systems up and running. Eventually, you start flipping a few switches and to your utmost surprise, one of them works.
"Got it!" You call, your Radar flipping on. Just as it does you spot a bogey not too far off your tail. "Mav, tally two right wing, tail." You say. "Rooster, let go of me and try flipping on your locator!" He lets go of you for a brief second just as the Bogey starts to pull up even with Mav in the cockpit.
"Uh, what do we do?" Rooster asks, looking out the lid and then to the back of Captain Mitchell's head. "Mav?"
He doesn't answer for a minute. "Just, be cool." He says and you want to yell at him that this is a do or die situation, not a 'stay cool' situation. What the fuck did that even mean, be cool? You guys just obliterated their entire base, you were most certainly not cool and pilot in the next plane over was most certainly not stupid. Scary, but not stupid.
The pilot throws up a hand signal, his hands decked out in all black. "Jesus are they wearing leather flight gear?" You ask, barely heard over Rooster's "Mav, mav what does that mean? I don't know what that means.."
You see the captain shake his head in the reflection of the dome, and swallow back fear, closing your eyes. "I don't know either.." He says, trying to do something with hand signals that he did know. The plane falls back after a moment, only to get into attacking position.
You're pressing down into Rooster for dear life now as Mav does (as rooster had called it), some of that pilot shit, your hands bracing on the dome above you, trying not to fucking die in your secured predicament. Your former boyfriend does his best to keep you secured to his body, but there isn't much he can do when you're both being thrown around in the air, the craft rolling and diving every few seconds as Maverick tries to get you guys back to safety with your fucking lives.
Just when you think you've made it, the radar goes off again and none of you see where the danger is until it's much too late, and your defense mechanisms are far too gone. With a shaking breath and tears in your eyes you listen to Mav and Rooster get over whatever bullshit had been between them, an emotional apology that really means nothing if the two of them aren't going to survive this. You're scared, all the things you've never done and said running through your mind, all the things you'd missed out on and were going to continue to miss out on because you wanted to be just like your own father. Your sister would laugh at you, would tell you to stop being so dramatic and use your last few seconds (or minutes if you're lucky enough), to do something besides think about all the things you could have done.
You feel him try to pull the ejection handles as Mav pulls up hard, only for you two to not eject. He gives an emotional cry before he tells Mav that they aren't working.
"Rooster," You blurt, eyes squeezed closed. If you were going to die, you didn't want to see it coming, it was better this way. You would much rather go with visions of Bradley dancing behind your eyelids anyway. "Bradley," You sob loudly and he squeezes you tightly against his chest, you don't even feel the pain of the two bullet wounds anymore. "I love you..i'm so sorry i never said it back but i do, i fucking love you."
And then it must happen, you must fucking die because you hear the explosion. You see the light of the burst of flames behind your eyelids, cutting through the vision of you and Bradley. You brace for it, the pain or..the coldness, but it never comes. Instead, you think you hear what must be Satan's voice.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen," What the hell have you ever done bad enough that you're sent to a hell with Hangman as the voice guiding you? "This is your savior speaking, please return your trays to their locked and upright positions."
You cry in relief.
Every person on the carrier must be on the flight deck that you guys have surely marred and damaged with your lack of landing gear in the ancient ass plane you'd been forced to fly in. Their loud cheering greets your ears, a sea of thunderous applause as the dome of the cockpit slides open. You still don't think that you've made it. That you're even alive, and maybe that checks out because as soon as you step out onto the wing, you collapse.
three days.
You're out for three days in the medbay of the carrier, Rooster by your side. He doesn't leave, but he fusses over your unconscious form, fusses over the doctors and nurses to the point that they threaten to kick him out if he doesn't sit the fuck down.
His words rattle in his mind, those three little words that the both of you had been much too scared to say to each other when you were in the academy, when you were in TG the first time around. He never realized how much he truly longed to hear them come from your lips until they finally had, and he wanted to grab you up and tell you how much he loved you back, wanted to kiss you until you saw stars but you had collapsed as soon as he let you off of his lap.
He had been so scared, moreso than he was before Hangman had saved them because at least then he was going to die with you in his arms, it was a pretty decent death considering the way death could have been. You dropped like a rag doll, hitting the wing of the plane first before sliding off of it onto the crowd below as he unhooked his safety belts as fast as he could. He remembered shouting your name, dropping to the ground next to your where he looked at your flgihtsuit for the first time and found the two bullet holes. You had taken on fire. You were bleeding. And you hadn't said anything to him. How could you not say anything?
He supposed he shouldn't dwell on it because you were still alive. You were still here with him. He just needed you to open your damn eyes so he could say it back to you. He had his head tilted back, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to rest, he was exhausted and still in his dirty suit from three days ago. He was sure his mustache was being joined by a beard, and he was sure that he smelled, but he wasn't going to leave you.
"Bradley?" A hushed whisper. Had he really heard it? No..no he couldn't have. "Bradley!" He snaps his head up, eyes on you instantly. You're staring up at him, your beautiful eyes glossed over with unshed tears, your pale skin looking even paler under the harsh florescent lighting of the medial bay.
"You fucking scared me." He says, voice wavering with unshown emotions. He moves so he's hovering over you, a gentle hand on top of your head. Your lips quivered. "Duckie, you fucking scared the shit out of me, do you know?" He says again, putting his lips to your forehead. He feels you sigh against him and he pulls away, looking down at you. "I love you too.." He whispers. "Scared the absolute shit out of me, but i fucking love you, you brat." You chuckle at his last words, only to wince at the pain that goes straight through you.
"That hurts, don't make me laugh." You groan, taking his hand in yours. "How long have I been down?" You didn't remember exactly what happened once you'd landed, hell, you barely remembered that. "Are we home yet? Roo, I want to go home.."
"Three days..and we should be stateside by tomorrow.." He says, brushing hair away from your face, squeezing the hand that you had in his. "They had to take your gall bladder, bullet lodged in it real good.." He grazed a hand gently over the wound. "They fished the other out of your leg..said you might need rehab.."
You hum, closing your eyes. "Just get me home first," You say, not letting him go. "We'll handle everything else later.."
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Hiii!! I just came across your blog and I seen you are doing requests and that you hit over 100 followers. That’s amazing! Congratulations I was thinking about requesting one of your prompts!
#5 Person A kissing person B in the rain. With Jake
He knows the reader has always wanted to be kissed in the rain but the opportunity never comes til he tries to propose to her! And obviously she has yes! Mayjor fluffy!!
Again congratulations!!
Hi Elizabeth! Thanks so much for this request! It's kissing in the rain, and I know you'd mentioned Reader always wanting to be kissed in the rain, but I took it a bit differently! I hope you like it anyways! Here's Fluff Prompt 5 with Jake, Person A kissing person B in the rain.
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Welcome Home
Nowadays, when you get asked what your favorite place to go in the world is, you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to name a place. In truth, your favorite place isn’t a place but rather any place you go with one specific person. Even trips to the grocery store or hardware store are fun when it’s with Jake by your side. Any trips you take, and domesticity you share with Jake are always on a timer controlled by the US Navy. But you still wouldn’t trade your relationship for anything in the world.
You’ll even willingly wake up early in the morning to fight San Diego traffic on the way to the waterfront in the middle of the worst rainstorm San Diego has ever seen to meet Jake’s aircraft carrier as it docks to bring your heart home. You’re not alone, either. So many people are waiting at the docks littering the pavement in small groups huddled under umbrellas. You know it’s to welcome family and friends home. 
Out of the fog shrouding the water, you finally see the hulking gray bulk of the ship as it approaches its’ berth. There are uniforms milling all around the upper deck. You’re immediately at attention, craning your eyes to look for a glimpse of aviator green among all the khaki-clad souls onboard. No matter how you search, you can’t see even a glimpse of him. From prior experience, you know the aviators are always the last off of the ship. But no matter how cold you are or how the rain is finding its way into your boots, you won’t move. It feels like your legs are frozen to the ground, stuck in a limbo zone of worries and tension until you can see his face again.
Finally, you can see the crowd of Navy personnel being dismissed. They leave the ship in waves. All around you, you can see the happy reunions around you. There are so many families in the crowd. Small children run to meet their fathers and mothers who have been serving for months away from home. There are very few dry eyes in sight. It makes you crave the opportunity to give him that, too. To see little legs toddle a small body right into Jake's arms. To see the smile on his face when he knows that he's home safe and sound with the people he loves most in the world.
Finally, the aviators disembark. They're a milling crowd of olive green flight suits. It's like divine intervention when a break in the crowd shows you Payback and Rooster. That's when you begin to jostle your way through the crowd. Your heart and mind are both fixated on one person. Your pace slows as you approach them, neck craning as you search for Jake. But he's not there. Your heart falls at the thought of a flag being all you have left of him. Phoenix sees you first. She must also see how your face falls because you’re soon being hugged tight.
"Hey, Natasha. How are you?" Your voice is barely loud enough to be heard over the rain pouring down.
"Hey! I’m doing alright. It was a long deployment. I still feel like I’m on board even when I’m standing on solid ground." She's smiling. She wouldn't be smiling at you if he was gone, right? "You're looking for Jake, huh?" She releases you from the hug and then turns you around. "Well, there he is."
It takes you a while to figure out what Natasha’s pointing at. You can’t comprehend what you’re seeing. It’s Jake alright, hale and hearty and whole. It’s that he’s on one knee in the pouring rain that you’re glazing at in shock. Your umbrella falls out of your hand as you step forward. You don’t care that you’re getting drenched. All you can see is Jake. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” Your voice is soft as you take his outstretched hand. “What’s all this?”
“This, sweetheart, is me telling you that I love you. I love coming home to you. I love seeing you every day, whether you’re in your pajamas or dressed up to go out. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you for accepting my life-long affair with the US Navy. Marry me? Make me the happiest man in the world?” You can’t hold back your sobs as you drop to your knees on the wet pavement and kiss him as fiercely as you can. 
“Is that a yes, darlin’?” You’re smiling at the huge grin on his face.
“Yes, it’s a yes, Jake! I will marry you!” You’re crying as he sets the ring on your finger before kissing you again. You can’t resist kissing him over and over again. Your knees are aching and stiff when you finally stand. You don’t care, though, not when you’ve got Jake wrapped around you and your friends all around you.
Your ebullient mood extends through the rest of the night. Though the squadron offers to buy drinks for you and Jake at the Hard Deck, you just want to get your fiance home. There’s also the little fact that both of you are drenched, and your teeth are already chattering from the cold. The rest of your night is easy as you pop dinner into the oven and enjoy spending time with your fiance. There will be time enough to call your families and share the happy news. The two of you are just happy to be in the same place at the same time again. The domestic bliss sinking through your veins is a feeling you want to keep for a long time. And thankfully for you, you can have it too, once you marry the love of your life. For now, you’ll stick to cuddling into Jake’s arms and sleeping for once easily.
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Want to request something for my 100 Follower Celebration? The guidelines are here! Please leave me a request in my inbox with your ask!
- XOXO Star
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crinkled-emotions · 5 months
Day 25: Secret Santa
Hi hi! This one, again, would have made... so much more sense... had I published on Dec 25th 😂
Ship: Hangster (I'm in such a Hangster mood rn please disregard)
The original prompt:
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Maverick finished cutting and folding paper then tossed them into his helmet, opening the airstream door and calling out to the Daggers who were floating around the hangar. Hangman, Bob, Payback and Rooster were lying on Maverick’s couches in front of his TV, squabbling about a football game. Phoenix and Coyote were playing table tennis and Fanboy was on a running commentary, earning an eyeroll from the other two. Rooster glanced up from where he was sitting on the floor between Bob’s legs, an eyebrow raised.
“What’s up, Mav?”
“Come grab a piece of paper each; the name you draw is who you’re buying for this year’s Secret Santa.”
“Hangman if I draw your name know you’re not getting anything,” Phoenix said as she climbed over the back of the couch between Bob and Payback, the first one to grab a name from the hat... helmet.
“Please tell me that’s not the one you’re using at the moment,” Rooster complained to Maverick as he reached up to grab one himself.
“Okay, I won’t tell you that.”
“Phoenix if I get you, I’m getting you tickets to the next Longhorns game,” Hangman said as he accidentally tripped over Rooster who was back on the floor after grabbing his paper.
“Getting yourself tickets to the next Longhorns game,” Bob muttered. Hangman smirked.
“Why not, right?”
“Just when I thought you’d changed, Bagman,” Phoenix sighed as she flopped into a spot on the couch. Once everyone had their piece of paper Maverick shooed them off to go back to causing chaos in the rest of the hangar. With everyone else distracted, Rooster opened his paper for a second time and winced. He stood, touching Maverick’s arm in passing.
“Hey, I forgot; I have PT first thing tomorrow morning. I’m gonna head back now and get some sleep beforehand. It’s been great out here this week, thanks Mav.”
Maverick regarded him for a moment, then smiled at him.
“Back still giving you trouble?”
“It never got better after I ejected, but PT helps.”
“That’s good, kid. Keep up with it. Let me know when you get home, yeah?”
Maverick gave him a quick hug and Rooster went over to the rest of the Daggers to let them know he was heading out, earning a groan from Phoenix and a look from Hangman. If anyone could tell he was bullshitting, it was probably those two.
“You good, man?” Coyote asked. He was also so very perceptive when it came to bullshit.
“Fine, it’s just- y’know, I don’t really want to miss PT if it’s the only thing that helps my back, especially because I can’t do my usual gym routine at the moment.”
“Ah, gotcha. Okay man, we’ll probably see you later, we’re all thinking of going out for dinner sometime next week if you’re down?”
“Only if you’re paying, Javy,” Rooster grinned. The two bumped shoulders in good jest then Phoenix gave him a hug.
“Call me if you want to talk about it,” she said subtly as she pulled away.
“Thanks, Tash.”
With that he waved goodbye to the others and got into the Bronco, starting the engine and letting it warm up whilst he connected his phone to the new Bluetooth system he’d managed to connect about a month ago. He took a deep breath, glancing toward the others who were still having fun in the hangar and wondered if they’d figured out what was going on.
“That was weird, right?”
Phoenix hummed when Hangman appeared at her side, lining up her next shot on the pool table.
“You and I both know he freezes like that for no reason sometimes. He’d say something if it was serious-“
Hangman sent her a look and Phoenix cleared her throat.
“You’re right, that’s wishful thinking. We both know he doesn’t have PT for another week so what made him run for the hills?”
“The threat of commitment?” Hangman suggested, earning a pool cue to the gut. She continued to be a good shot, apparently. The pair glanced up when the airstream door opened and Maverick quietly slipped inside. They exchanged a look, and Phoenix reached for her phone.
“I don’t think they had a fight, we would’ve heard it, but I’m just gonna make sure he’s okay,” she muttered as she typed out a text. Hangman hummed.
“I’ll go see if I can get it out of Mav. He doesn’t go quiet unless it’s to do with a Bradshaw.”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Phoenix pleaded. She went back to her pool game and Hangman approached Coyote and Bob.
“Hey, did either of you see when Mav’s mood changed?”
“As far as I’m aware it didn’t-“
“-when we all checked who we had for Secret Santa.”
Coyote was quick to dismiss it but Bob’s wallflower personality had the gossip Hangman needed. He was quick to ruffle Bob’s perfectly styled hair, glancing over his shoulder.
“Hey Phoenix, I got it!”
Phoenix: did you fight with Mav? (sent: 1:32pm)
Rooster: no? (sent: 6:30pm)
Rooster: what would make you think that? (sent: 6:31pm)
Phoenix: you pretty much ran out of the hangar and you’re not a runner anymore (sent: 6:32pm)
Rooster: look (sent: 6:35pm)
Rooster: it’s nothing (sent: 6:35pm)
Phoenix: you drove the 4 hours back to San Diego for no reason (sent: 6:40pm)
Rooster: do we really have to do this? I have PT (sent: 6:45pm)
Phoenix: bullshit (sent: 6:46pm)
Phoenix: if it’s not a big deal you would have already dealt with it (sent: 6:47pm)
Rooster: seriously Tash it’s nothing (sent: 6:48pm)
Phoenix: fine (sent: 7pm)
Phoenix: but I’m here if you want to get it off your chest (sent: 7:01pm)
Rooster: I know (sent: 7:02pm)
Rooster: but thanks (sent: 7:03pm)
Phoenix: I got your back (sent: 7:04pm)
Hangman had let Maverick go for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, but after dinner and a couple beers he sidled over and flopped onto the couch beside him.
“So; you and Roos have a fight?”
“Just checkin’, he left like his tail was on fire.”
“He’s your boyfriend isn’t he?” Maverick replied, an eyebrow raised. Hangman cleared his throat.
“Don’t change the subject, sir. Something changed when we did the Secret Santa draw; is everything okay?”
“You don’t give up, do you?” Maverick sighed, “but fine, as long as you don’t tell him.”
He reached into his pocket, offering the piece of paper he’d drawn last. Hangman opened it and whistled.
“You got something in mind?”
“Maybe. It’s... I dunno, it’s probably stupid, but-“
“-it won’t be stupid, and you’re not gonna piss him off. He’s come a long way since the Dagger mission, Mav, don’t worry about that.”
Maverick hummed, but his gaze remained on his lap. Hangman gently bumped his shoulder.
“If it helps, I’ll go and check on him tomorrow. I was thinking of heading back anyway, leave isn’t super long this time and I have to do a couple things before they torture me on base.”
That earned a chuckle and Hangman took it as a win.
Rooster wasn’t entirely surprised to find Hangman in his kitchen when he came back from his morning run, making what looked like coffee and breakfast. They shared a gentle kiss against the counter, Hangman offering the cup of liquid gold he was drinking to his partner.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?” He started. Rooster shook his head.
“I need a shower first.”
Hangman frowned but he slowly nodded.
“Okay; go shower and then we’re going to talk. No slipping out a window, yeah? We’re too old for that shit.”
Rooster snorted, pressing a kiss to his lips before heading upstairs. Hangman sighed.
Hangman: he’s being cagey (sent: 8:45am)
Phoenix: duh (sent: 8:46am)
When Rooster returned, freshly showered and ready for the day, he took the plate offered and the couple went to the dining table. Whilst they ate they made light conversation, planning out what they wanted to do over the next couple of days other than a date night and making out on Rooster’s couch. Their plates quickly became empty and Hangman took Rooster by the hand.
“Babe,” he started softly, “tell me what’s going on in your head.”
Despite popular belief, Hangman wasn’t a pet names guy, he leaned more toward nicknames and variations of callsigns; the way he said babe told Rooster he was serious. Rooster’s gaze fell to the dining table, spotting various stains on the tabletop.
“It’s dumb,” he muttered. Hangman squeezed his hand.
“Probably, but I want to hear it anyway.”
“I got Mav for the Secret Santa. I knew there was a chance, I just didn’t think it would happen. There’s six other names I could have drawn, y’know?”
“That makes sense. You worried about it not being good enough for him?”
“It’s our first Christmas after coming back together; I think I broke his heart last year when I told him you and me were going to Australia for Christmas so I wouldn’t be around. I just want it to mean something.”
Hangman’s brows furrowed.
“I didn’t know he’d offered to have you last Christmas, but it makes sense now. You were unhinged in Australia, honey.”
Rooster snorted. When Hangman stood to approach him he instinctively opened his arms to let him into his space.
“Look, there’s a couple things you need to remember; one, I love you. Two, Mav adores you. Three, you could give him a plain white mug and he’d still treasure it because it came from you, B. He doesn’t care about what he gets, just that you’re there.”
Rooster hummed.
“You know this is why I keep you around, right?”
“Oh; so it’s not the great sex?”
“That too.”
Christmas Day rolled around and the Daggers plus Penny and Amelia gathered at the hangar, sharing a meal and playing football on the tarmac. Amelia had quickly integrated herself into the group of adults around her; as much as Penny was a great mom Amelia found that she also liked talking to Phoenix, a great role model for younger girls like her. Penny and Maverick sat back to watch them hand in hand, exchanging a fond look when Bob tackled Payback and everyone cheered for him.
“He’s come a long way,” Penny said. Maverick hummed.
“It shows in the air, too. He’s always had confidence in the air but it’s only grown-“
“-oh, no, I was talking about Rooster.”
Maverick’s gaze tracked around the group, finding his godson with his boyfriend. Amelia approached them and Rooster smiled at her, leaving Hangman’s side to listen to what she had to say.
“I’d say he’s finally found peace,” Maverick agreed. Penny squeezed his hand.
“Have you?”
“Who knows.”
Amelia came running to the two adults, tugging at Maverick’s hand.
“C’mon, Rooster wants to do Secret Santa.”
“Oh, does he?” Penny teased, exchanging a look with her partner. Maverick hefted himself out of his seat.
“We better not keep him waiting. Go round up the others, Amelia.”
She took off to the others, yelling for them. Penny bumped Maverick’s shoulder.
“Do you want to tell me why you’ve been so cagey lately?”
“Me? Cagey? Just trying not to get myself sent to another foreign country, Penny,” he replied. She gave him the look, the same one he’d just seen Hangman give Rooster, and winced.
“I got Rooster for Secret Santa and I’m a little worried about what I got him.”
“You’re worried he’s going to throw another temper tantrum? I really don’t think he’s got it in him anymore, honey.”
“I know... I think. I don’t want to risk it.”
“Okay, well, Hangman’s here, Phoenix is here, I’m here. We’re not going to let him ruin Christmas if that what he feels he needs to do.”
Penny squeezed his hand and they went to join the others who had gathered around the Christmas tree toward the back of the hangar.
“Thanks, Amelia.”
Phoenix took the wrapped present from the younger girl, watching her hand the rest of them around. Rooster’s came as a wrapped large box, whilst Maverick’s was flatter but more rectangular. The others tore into theirs but it took a minute for Rooster and Maverick to pull off the paper. Rooster was the first to pop open his box and he immediately tossed the box on to Hangman’s lap to give Maverick a hug.
“I didn’t know you kept it,” he muttered. Maverick breathed a sigh.
“I found it last week, thought you might want it back.”
“What is it?” Phoenix asked Hangman, who reached into the box and produced a tiny airplane toy. When Rooster returned to his side he took the toy back, keeping it close to him. Hangman frowned but chose not to question it at that moment, instead flipping open the envelope he’d been handed.
“Oh, would you look at that! Longhorns tickets. I wonder who did that?” He said in a way that told everyone exactly what had happened.
“How the fuck did you draw yourself?” Bob groaned at the same time the others laughed. Hangman smirked.
“I’m just that good, Baby on board. I’m so good, in fact, that Rooster-“
“-open yours, Mav, before I have to cover Amelia’s ears,” Phoenix pleaded. Maverick gently opened the box and his eyes softened.
“All these years I thought I’d lost it. Where did you find it?”
At first the team assumed he was talking to Penny, but Rooster was the one to speak up.
“A couple weeks ago, I was cleaning out the Bronco and I found it wedged in a really weird spot. Never noticed it before, thought you might want it back.
“Guys, being mysterious is fun when you’re not pushing sixty,” Amelia groaned. Penny gently swatted her arm whilst the others laughed. Maverick rolled his eyes, holding up what looked like a keyring that had seen better days.
“I bought this when Bradley was born. I don’t believe in luck but this thing went everywhere with me and it kept me safe. The one time I didn’t have it, well... we lost Goose that day and I searched for it every day after. I had no idea it was in that damn truck of his.”
The others went quiet, Hangman reaching subtly for Rooster’s hand between them. Finally, Rooster cleared his throat.
“You never told me that.”
“I know, kid.”
“Is that Tasmania?” Phoenix blurted, standing from her seat and gesturing vaguely toward the desert outside the hangar doors.
“What does that even- oh. Yeah, goddamn, that looks like it! C’mon guys.”
Hangman followed along, gesturing with a (not) subtle head tilt toward the hangar doors. Everyone but Maverick and Rooster made a swift exit, giving them a moment to themselves.
“I’m really glad you could be here this year, Bradley. I’m not upset about Australia, you do know that right?”
“It’s good to hear it,” Rooster confessed. Maverick hummed.
“Let’s start fresh in the new year, huh? Stop running and try talking?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
They shared a look, then laughed.
“I can’t believe you still had it,” Rooster muttered.
“Always. Thought you might want it back, give it to your kids some day.”
“This is a real cockblock, Roos. I’m trying to get laid and you’re staring at that toy?”
“Shush, Jake.”
Rooster lifted the toy to the tent light, showing a crack in one of the wings. Hangman huffed, making himself comfortable against Rooster’s shoulder and sending him a look.
“Why are you so hooked on that toy?”
“My mom said it was the last thing I got from my dad. We went to see him and Mav at TOPGUN and it was only a couple days later that he...”
Rooster cleared his throat.
“You know the story.”
“Wow... what’s the crack in the wing from?”
“I cried for, like, three hours. I was playing with it in the park and some older kid took it, stepped on it, then called me a baby. I was six. It took Mav and mom about an hour to fix it, but when they went to give it back to me I was hiding under Mav’s leather jacket and sobbing. Apparently the crying stopped the second I had it back.”
Hangman laughed, reaching up to press a kiss to his lips.
“That’s adorable; I’ll be telling Phoenix that one later.”
Rooster hummed, finally tucking the toy into his backpack and using his body weight to flip them.
“Sorry, you said something about getting laid?”
“Tell me more,” Hangman grinned.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Push Ups | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: You Count Rooster's Push Up's after he looses to you in Dog Fighting.
Warnings: None
A/N: Most of you already know these but for those who don't Y/N (Your Name) L/N (Last Name) Y/CS (Callsign)
Maverick had gotten special permission from Admiral Simpson to have help in a training exercise so when you got the call from Mav you were very excited.
You were sat at the bar in the Hard Deck drinking a beer when someone came up to you. "You new around here i've never seen you" "new something like that" you say but in reality you had lived in North Island for quite some time now.
"Well can I buy you a drink" he says "already drinking one" "ok how about you come home with me tonight I can make it worth your while" "mmm... no" you say "Ok a name" you smirk "you'll know soon enough Lt... Seresin" you say looking at his name tag, before you place a 20 on the bar before heading home you had an early morning.
The next morning you got up and left for the base. The minute you open the door to the classroom all eyes are on you "guy please welcome Lt. Y/N L/N callsign Y/CS"
You walk to the front and face the a wide smile on your face. It only grew more seeing the look on Hangman's face. "Thanks Maverick as Maverick said i'm Y/n and I'll be here for a few days helping you out" you eyes scanned the aviators before your eyes land on one particular man. Rooster also know as Bradley Bradshaw. You had known him from the academy. You and him had a little fling back in the day but that ended the minute you were shipped off for your first mission.
"Now I've known Y/CS for about 5 years now she is one of the best pilots I know" I blush "oh stop it Mav. We have no time for compliments" Mav nods "your right so today Y/N is going to be joining us for our favourite little game Dog Fighting tag" and with that the pilots all get up.
Maverick calls Hangman, Payback, and Fanboy up first. You all get up in the air and take off. "Hey you guys what to put a little something on the line" Payback asks "Whatcha got?" you ask "Push ups again this time 250" "This time?" you ask confused "yeah last time they challenged me 200" you smirk "Ok Payback you got yourself a deal but I get to count" and the game starts.
It surprised you that Hangman leaves Payback and Fanboy hanging but then you caught on that's why they call him Hangman. "Mav you take Hangman i'll take Payback and Fanboy" and you both break. It was too easy in an instant you had shot Payback and Fanboy down. "I'll see you on the ground boys" you said smirking.
You stood there watching the three men do their push ups on the ground as Mav got the next group ready to go. After the boys were done you could tell they regretted their decision. You walk back to your plane and hop in getting all situated. "Next group ready?" you ask "ready" you hear. The next group was Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob. Their tactic was going pretty well until they made the bad decision of splitting off from each other. You went after Rooster and you were behind him when he flipped over you so now he was behind you. mmm very smooth but you had the upper hand you used the sun to your advantage and went up before breaking right knowing he wouldn't see because of the sun.
"Damn it Phoenix I lost her, where is she" “a little busy here trying to shake Mav.”
"where are you" Rooster asks looking for you "right behind you" you say before shooting him down. "that's a kill. I'll see you on the ground" you say before going to help Mav before the time was up. "Mav how you doing with Phoenix" "i'm trying but she's just to slippery" you had spotted them and flew to help but the timer went off. Phoenix and Bob had made it but only because of time.
As soon as you land you congratulate Phoenix and Bob before making your way to Rooster. "Well Rooster let's get a start in those push ups" Rooster grunts as he gets down on all fours and you start to count.
"147, 148, 149, 150" you say smirking as he is only halfway done. "i'm going to kill Payback" Rooster says. You chuckle "remind me to thank him. 153, 154" you say continuing to count.
He finally finishes "well better work on those tactics before next round or i'll be seeing you for another 250" Rooster groans before going in waiting for the next group.
Let's just say by the end of the day you didn't do any push ups but Mav did and that was sure fun to count.
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redfurrycat · 6 months
🤠🧠🤔🐓Amnesia & Memory Loss Fic Recs🐓🤔🧠🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Attolians, Bottledyarn, Chase_acow, Discosleaze, Earthangel_44, Fearfrost1211, Harrietvain, KarenFreitas19, MerielTLA, Nighttimedawn, Renai_chan, Secretservicebadger, WaffleToaster, WeTheWriters.
> Time Travel/Loop & Reincarnation {🏍️☃️🤠🐓}
How do you like your coffee? by WaffleToaster {M}
Javy receives the first call after Jake makes an emergency landing on the tarmac and Bradley has to deal with the complications that arise. “Do we get along now?” “We do, yes. We’re.. good friends.” “That’s good. Cause you seem like a nice guy, Rooster.”
falling for you everytime by nighttimedawn {T}
Jake responded with a full body laugh, and, like they had done this a million times before, the two of them gravitated into a quick hug. He could see the astonished stare of Javy behind Jake, could sense that Phoenix was giving the same astonished stare behind him. And why shouldn’t they? For years, they had fought like children on a playground, pushing and shoving and yelling, never letting anyone get a word in otherwise. But now, now they were hugging and laughing like they’d been friends for years and even Bradley didn’t know where the animosity had gone. Or a time loop AU in which Bradley and Jake have spent years and years falling in love, but neither of them can remember.
if you don't remember by attolians
tonight you're a stranger {T}
“Captain Mitchell, thank god! Can you get me out of here?” Bradley looks between them, trying to hold up a hand as if to stall any of this. “Jake,” he says, breath trembling, “the mission was two years ago.” “No it wasn’t,” Jake says, lips tilting in that infuriating smirk. “It’s next week.” Bradley sags back into the chair, covering his face with both hands. “Captain?” Jake scoffs, apparently dismissing Bradley completely now. “It���s not Captain anymore, Jake. I’m retired.” ... OR the obligatory amnesia fic
just hold me {E}
Jake still doesn't have his memories back - he and Bradley try to find their way through
it's only been a moment {T}
Jake is stressing about when Bradley is going to propose now that he's got his memories back - he knows Bradley has the ring but he doesn't know when he'll see it again. Maverick invites them on a trip with Penny and Amelia which should be a great distraction. Only...Bradley's not proposing on their trip. He's not proposing...right?
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him. “You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams. “I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.” Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster
Boys Only Want Love if it's Torture (don't say I didn't warn ya) by harrietvain {M}
How much had he forgotten? How far had he come in the past two years? He had friends waiting for him. He was in a relationship, apparently. A boyfriend, the nurse had said. A boyfriend who was very, very attractive, and incidentally, also his biggest rival and worst crush. Not a safe choice.
The death of piece of mind by MerielTLA {M}
Last time he had seen Jake, had been fourteen months ago. More than a year since Bradley had escaped, like a coward, and had completely lost contact with the man his body missed with a strength that terrified him. The man that had been there for him as he had woken up, disoriented and scared. The man that had taken care of him, as he fought against his ruined leg and a fucked-up mind. The one he had abandoned, at the first chance he got. The man that was his husband, the one he didn’t remember. Or Bradley left after losing his memory and forgetting his relationship with Jake, but now he has begun to remember and it's time to get his hubby back.
If I can't be close to you by WeTheWriters {M}
“Did you just call me, Bradley?” Are the first words out of his mouth, that lost look in his eye that bothered Jake more than it probably should, quickly morphing into one of amused curiosity. “Why, did you change your name?” Jake smirks, immediately slipping into the familiarity of their usual back and forth, if a touch more amicable now, after everything they’ve been through. “Nope.” Bradley screws up his face, squinting up at the sky through his fingers like it surprises him to find it there. “Then it looks like I did.” Jake shakes his head, sort of amused too. “Now, at the risk of sounding like I’m not happy to see you, what the hell are you doing here? I thought they’ll be keeping you on lockdown for the rest of the leave at least, with how freaked out everyone on the carrier was when we landed.” ~ Jake doesn't make it in time to save Bradley and Mav in the end. He's a second too late. The missile is faster, and Jake can't come to terms with that, his mind rejecting the reality that robbed him of so much. So Bradley conjures one last miracle - 7 days of borrowed time to make peace with it. 7 days to make up for the entire future they lost. 7 days to say goodbye.
We Were Nothing by Renai_chan {M}
Jake and Bradley were together during their first stint at TOPGUN. Bradley breaks it off with Jake afterwards. Later, they meet again at the special detachment training, and Bradley tries to rekindle their once-upon-a-time romance. Except Jake doesn't know what the hell Bradley's talking about.
when the sun came up(i was looking at you) by fearfrost1211 {M}
“Goddamn, you make a lot of noise,” a rough voice says from the door. Rooster startles, splashing water all over the sink. Hangman is standing naked in the open bathroom door.
Days Like This by chase_acow {E}
Jake's in Hawaii to lose himself after getting the Navy's first air-to-air kill in decades. Instead he finds a ramshackle diner, a cast of odd characters, and possibly the love of his life. Bradley goes to the Hard Deck to order waffles. He orders waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck to get some waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck, and who is this hot asshole acting like they know each other?
my hand(was the one you reached for) by fearfrost1211 {T}
Bradley turns to Nat. “What happened?” Everything is so bright. So loud. He wants to bury his head under the pillow behind him, but he wants something else even more. “Where’s Jake?”
strawberry wine by bottledyarn {T}
He’d heard yelling; he’d heard a few moments later the crunch of wood and metal of a door being kicked in; and his eyes had slit open enough an instant or a minute later to see a golden, terrified face appearing above him. Hands sliding desperately onto his cheeks, holding him still; long tan legs kneeling in a puddle of blood and water. He should’ve known then. He’d never seen Jake Seresin look so afraid. - Bradley Bradshaw always imagined himself going out in either a blaze of glory or a lavish retirement party. He never imagined his flight career ending from something as mundane as an off-the-job head injury. Then again, he also never imagined that Jake Seresin of all people would be at his side when he decided to drive across the country to cope with it.
I love you - It never ends by secretservicebadger {T}
They died there, foreheads pressed together as they held each other, Jacob’s arms circling Bradley’s head like a halo. They had so much left to do with no time to do it.
there's a limit to your love by discosleaze {E}
“Hello, is this Jake Seresin?” a female voice speaks from the other side, clipped. Jake frowns, glancing at the unfamiliar caller ID before he continues. “Speaking, who’s this?” “This is the Naval Medical Center, I’m calling from emergency room services. We have you listed as a contact for Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, is this correct?” Bradley gets into an accident and forgets, well, everything.
He doesn't remember we're married. by KarenFreitas19 {G}
Jake hears breathing next to him and looks expecting to see Javy, since he is his contact number, but what a surprise he has seeing Rooster. He frowns not understanding why Rooster is there, they aren't even friends. Or are they? Jake isn't sure, his mind is confused.
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tickletastic · 1 year
SAT Words and Moments-After Giggles
Fandom: TG: Maverick
Ship: Hangster
Summary: The only reason that Jake tenses up when Bradley kisses his neck is because he was taken by surprise, and there is absolutely no other reason.
Warnings: mentions of sex, crude language
AN: was inspired by @amazingmsme and their Top Gun anon lately, and, having seen TG:M like a dozen times, felt like I should come write something 
The room was so warm that Rooster nearly felt like he was suffocating, the stifling heat of what they spent the last hour doing mixing with the burning of Jake’s body heat. Rooster had thought the hate sex was good, but this? This was ineffable. 
He laughs to himself, thinking about the stupid ass SAT word he had learned more than a decade earlier now. Ineffable, a word to describe the indescribable? Isn’t that a bit paradoxical?
“Roos?” Hangman mumbles, eyes opening. He had been blinking a little longer every minute or so, a sign Rooster had become familiar with, signalling that his boyfriend was on his way out. 
“Don’t worry,” Rooster whispers back, his head craning slightly so he can put his lips to Jake’s neck. “It was nothing.”
Jake tenses up, a hot puff of air quickly leaving his nose, cheeks dusting the slightest of pinks. 
“What was that?” Bradley says quietly, leaning his head so he can catch Jake’s expression.
“Jus’ surprised me, s’all.” Jake breathes out, closing his eyes again.
“Oh,” Bradley says before returning his lips to Jake’s neck. Jake tenses again, and he can almost sense the confused puppy look on Bradley’s face.
“My eyes are closed!” He argues, “you surprised me again!”
“Surprised you? Jake, I just had my dick in you, this is the surprise?”
Jake’s cheek flush a bright red this time, and he laughs. “Not cool, Rooster, low-hanging fruit and all.”
“I wouldn’t say they were low-hanging-”
Rooster laughs, hearty and full, before bringing himself back down to lay his head on Jake’s chest. 
“I’m gonna kiss you now, Jake.”
“Nope!” Jake’s hands shoot up, and he struggles to push Bradley’s head away from his neck, even with both hands.
“I knew it!” Bradley’s hands are suddenly on Jake’s sides, sending the blonde into a fit of pitched giggles that are completely uncharacteristic compared to his usual pompousness. 
“Roos, it tihihickles!” Jake screams, hands scrabbling to choose between pushing Bradley’s head away, where his teeth are nibbling at his collarbones, or push away his hands, which are growing dangerously close to his ribs. 
“That’s the point, Jake,” Rooster returns, smiling far too fondly down at Jake for the blonde’s liking.
“Sohohorry! Plehehease! Mehehercy!” Hangman yells the closer he feels the hands roam towards his ribs. He feels Bradley laugh against his neck, warm breath adding to the warmth of his face.
“What are you even apologizing for?” Bradley giggles. His laughter is soon overshadowed by a noise he could only ever describe as shrieking, though Jake would deny it to his dying day.
“NOHO! BRAHAHADLEY! FUHUHUCK OHOHOFF!” Bradley’s right hand reaches that spot right at the top of Jake’s ribcage and Jake absolutely loses it. He thrashes enough that they end up flipped, Jake huffing on top of Bradley, loose giggles still escaping. “You’re terrible.”
“Oh, you know you love me.” Bradley leans up just enough to kiss Jake’s nose, not at all helping his blush fade.
“I’d bet you’re just as bad,” Jake huffs, “or even worse. I bet you’re even worse, you big baby.”
“Not even close, baby.”
“Well,” Jake has a smirk on his face that sends a chill down Bradley’s spine, “good thing Mav’s downstairs and Phoenix is just a call away.”
With that, Jake is dashing down the stairs, grabbing a shirt off the floor while he runs to find Maverick. Bradley knows that Jake’ll find out sooner or later, but he can’t help but chase after him anyways. 
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