#(also the fact that potter orders charles to operate while severely hungover a few episodes later. and the squeamish nurse in images.)
marley-manson · 11 months
yk speaking of fallen idol you could actually draw a pretty decent parallel between radar acting all affronted because hawkeye had to take five during surgery and the rest of the camp acting all affronted because hawkeye yelled at radar
like they do all put him on a pedestal, not just radar, and that's kind of more evidence of it lol, hawkeye mildly fucks up once, ruins radar's faith in the world. hawkeye gets upset when one of his friends is being an unfair dumbass once, draws the wrath of everyone else because how dare he not be the perfect personable friend to lean on and look up to.
i mean idt it's intentional, but it definitely fits.
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