#(Waiting for the inevitable Lupin III series/special that takes place in Novoselic)
morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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Because they’ve been on my mind recently, I wanted to share a few Novoselic headcanons. Particularly concerning their fascination/obsession with Japan and its culture.
- While Sonia has her anime, manga, J-dramas, and her life abroad at Hope’s Peak or otherwise and her father has his mecha and kaiju hobbies, every member of her family engages in at least one pursuit that can be related to Japanese culture. Whether it’s video games, dramas, ikebana, sumo, technology, anime, food, or other types of cultural interests, all of them partake in something related to Japan for leisure.
- Anime is big in Novoselic. The life-size Gundam Sonia bought her father makes perfect sense, considering the context that out of the highest-rated television programs in Novoselic for the past thirty years, the series finale of Sun Witch ♪ Esper Ito ranked second, with only the Royal Wedding between King Alexandre and Queen Valentina garnering more live viewers.
Spots three and four are occupied by the most recent time Novoselic made it to the quarter-finals of the FIFA World Cup and their last concentrated effort at Eurovision (they lost in the quarter-finals and placed fifth in the contest in those respective years. They’re due for a win!).
Furthermore, plenty of anime feature films and screenings happen in Novoselic, with plenty of members of the aristocracy turning out to see them before anyone else. Most recently, the King of Novoselic had a private screening of Hathaway’s Flash at Novoselic Castle and he may have teared up seeing the story play out on a giant screen.
And of course, there’s shops selling various manga, discs, merchandise, etc. It’s not as great as Tokyo in terms of variety, but for otaku in Europe, the Novoselic capital is a great shopping destination.
- Novoselic may not have caught on to the wonders of tacos or marshmallow squares, but they do have plenty of Japanese restaurants in larger cities and smaller towns alike. They stand proudly next to the more traditional and European fare and range from izakayas to ramen houses to sushi restaurants. 
However, nothing tastes quite the same as it does in Japan. Sonia will insist there’s something in the water or the long journeys some of the ingredients make affects the flavor, but part of it is many of the chefs wish to do an East-meets-West fusion to handle Novosonian (and other European) palates: to sell, sometimes bland is better.
And they don’t shy away from novelty Chocolate Ramen. Yes, it’s savory. Yes, it has chocolate. Yes, it’s often ordered as a touristy option.
- The Novosonians, on average, tend to find Japanese people very attractive. They may not state it directly, but researchers have published studies that confirm native Novosonians will be more romantically, and sexually, attracted to those of Japanese origin. 
That means if your muse is a 3 in Japan, they’ll likely be a 6 or 7 in Novoselic. Average 5 in Japan? Yeah, they’re more of an 8 or 9 in Sonia’s country.
If they’re overwhelmingly attractive and possibly famous? They will have interested parties staring at them and possibly following them in the streets (I weep for the likes of Minato and Shirou already).
In short: nearly every Novosonian wishes to visit Japan in their lifetime. It is a source of pride and accomplishment to be able to do so. 
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