🏁 Hi Tom!! Hope you're having a good day! (beware the upcoming Christmas season💀) Okay I give you 6 and 13 from the causal takeover asks for you to answer!
And I have my own question: What do you think about this song? It reminded me of you and Jesse. I also think you should show it to her😆
- Hi there, I was gonna say I'm currently having fun until you reminded me that December is right around the corner
Just kidding, I can hold myself down now. Say thanks to her for me :)
6. What made you head over heels for Jesse? What lit that spark for you?
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- To be honest...? It was just her being her genuine self that really got to me. I was talking to her one day, I think I was talking about some of my interests since she asked me what I like to do. I felt that I should stop talking since I've been babbling for long minutes now, I apologized then said something like how it's probably hard to catch up with what I'm saying. I've gotten a bit more worried if people really cared about what I talk about lately. But to my surprise, she smiled at me, and said something like;
"I like listening to you, it's how I can get to know you more."
From that point, I started feeling uneasy. Maybe it's because I've never, or haven't heard someone say that to me for quite some time now and it's like a wave of water suddenly washing over your face and you're fazed? Something like that, but that uneasiness wasn't necessarily bad because it made me feel ticklish inside.
And since then, I couldn't help but anticipate for the next day she would come back to visit, because she wouldn't mind — no, heck, she would LOVE to know more about me. That anticipation slowly became admiration because I've started to think about her even when she's not there, then I would notice her little habits and quirks and suddenly — boom. It's more than just admiration now. I had a crush on her. Then the rest happened, and then to present. I still think about those days, honestly, she makes me smile a lot more now.
13. What’s something you know about Jesse that not others know about? Any secrets you wanna share? Come on, embarrass Jesse, it’s okay.
- Heh, I like this one. I have some to share :)
Ever since I expressed my interest for Ska, the next time we talked about it, she suddenly became more knowledgeable about it. I couldn't help but raise a brow at that. I jokingly told her "it's like you suddenly researched about it for me." and she looked a little nervous after that. Turns out that I was right, she did search about it after I talked about it. She just wanted to impress me, but I can't make fun of her, because I totally would've done the same.
Another was when she would come home from either her part time job, or university, she ALWAYS has something written on her hand. It will always have something to do with writing "T + J" or "Tom <3". She admitted that it's always her happy place when she looks at her hand whenever she's feeling stressed. She adapted habit this back at her elementary days, but it still continued on to this day. It's adorable, yeah but it also tells me that she needed to cope momentarily and I feel that I have to do something about it, whenever I see ink smudge on her left hand.
• What do you think about this song? It reminded me of you and Jesse. I also think you should show it to her 😆
Okay, I gave that song a good listen and, I...???
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It's fantastic. There were so many parts where I couldn't help but widen my eyes because of how accurate it was. Also that Novemeber mention made me chuckle, just make it December and we're good to go.
The part where it went "Mine was wack, then I thought about you, felt alright.", why was that so accurate??? I smiled hard, because yeah! Pretty much! And the "did you call me baby?" is a good throwback to the whole T.omee Bear nickname thingy, it's like this song is written by me, except I didn't even know it existed!
I lent my earphone to Jesse before I typed this, she kept giggling and asking if I'm sure I did not write this. She totally loved the accuracy, good reccomend by the way!
This was very entertaining, thank you!
- 🏁
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a-mustard-flower · 4 years
Hi! I'm sorry to bother you with this but I don't know where else to ask. I haven't read SVSSS yet so I'm a little confused about some things so I was hoping you could tell me some spoilers pls? I wanted to know basically if the version of LBH that SQQ marries also has the harem of 600 women and other wives? Or is that the OG!LBH? Sorry I'm a little confused. Also, could you pls tell me how Bingqiu got together/how they resolved things post-Endless Abyss? Thank you so mucj in advance!
Hi Anon! I’m humbled you have come to me with your questions! So, you are considering reading SVSSS? Good, good. It’s an extremely good novel. Even those who personally don’t like it consider it’s a good one. A bit of a warning though, if you are worried about the romance, and your words make me think you are, proceed with caution. I can assure you that never for a second will you doubt the two main characters love each other and it’s not a spoiler to say they end up together, but according to personal tastes some readers think it needs more of an expansion on the romance front. That depends on personal preferences of course. To me it was an extremely satisfying ending, but others would rather there would have been more said about the main characters as a couple. But! Don’t let this deter you from reading it! It will be worth your while!
Now, about your questions, since there will be spoilers I’ll answer under a cut, okay?
(spoilers ahead)
First an explanation:
Shen Yuan, the MC, lives in a modern setting in China. He reads a stallion novel (meaning it’s full of sex and low on feelings) on the internet which is about a man named Luo Binghe and his quest to becoming the overlord of his world. He acquires 600 hundreds wives on the way, as any self-respecting stallion novel main character would. One of Luo Binghe’s enemies is Shen Qingqiu, his former teacher who abused him. In our (SVSSS) fandom, the Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu of this stallion web novel are referred to as Original!Luo Binghe and Original!ShenQinqiu and they are not the main characters of what we are reading. You could say they characters of a parallel universe.
At the beginning of SVSSS Shen yuan dies and transmigrates into the novel he read occupying the character (and body) of Shen Qingqiu. Shen Yuan fully assimilates Shen Qingqiu’s role but he doesn’t want to become Luo Binghe’s enemy so he resolves to treat the, at the moment, young teenager LBH different thus changing the events of the original novel. This Luo Binghe falls for his teacher and never, at all, considers another romantic interest. In fact, he becomes rather obsessed with Shen Qingqiu to the point where the novel touches on some controversial topics. Keep this in mind
Because Shen Qinqiu (his former name, Shen Yuan, is never mentioned again) has to follow the most important key points of the original novel he has to ‘betray’ Luo Binghe by throwing him from a cliff into a place of horror and agony called “the abyss” accusing him from being irredeemable because of his nature as a Heavenly Demon. Because Luo Binghe actually considers this a betrayal and Shen Qingqiu a hypocrite, he is angry upon his return but has not become evil, as Shen Qingqiu feared he would. SQQ doesn’t realize this however and is very afraid of what LBH will do to him.
The rest of the novel is full of misunderstandings between the two of them because SQQ acts according to his knowledge of the original novel and the accurate but incomplete information the System (the entity which helped Shen Yuan transmigrate) gives him. Some misunderstandings get cleared up along the way and lots of interesting secrets are uncovered but SQQ and LBH don’t get together until the very end when SQQ finally stops acting according to what he thinks he knows and sees LBH for who he really is.
I may or may not have cried when it happened.
There are extras (additional chapters) where we can see more of them as a couple and some expand on the thoughts and feelings of the characters of the original novels.
As I said before, I loved this novel because it’s a roller coaster of emotions. Although there are misunderstanding and many readers have declared they wanted to go inside the novel and slap the characters, it also moves at a breakneck speed so one is not left frustrated for long. I’ll be here if you have more questions. Please read it! It’s a good one!
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