#(Making this now as I regather material I apparently used to Make these but)
koushirouizumi · 10 months
KoushirouIzumi/IzzyIzumi's Missing AMVs
(This list may be updated as I go)
Missing A.M.V.s from: Digimon Frontier; Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters.
Digimon Frontier - Warriors (Original version) {Yuuichi Ikusawa} - Eps 1-5; plus ending moments from 50, by end Evolution scenes Track: "Warriors" from Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters {OP 4} * This A.M.V. has been mostly re-made by me since, but, the original version might still be floating around; if so, I'd REALLY appreciate having it back! Digimon Frontier - Chie to Yuuki da! {Wisdom and Courage!} - Takuya focus from Ep07, possibly OP + End + Evolution moments Track: "Chie to Yuuki da!! Medarot" from Medabots {Takeuchi Junko} Digimon Frontier - Salamander - Takuya focus from Eps 01~22, Vritramon likely showed in chorus Track: "Salamander", Takuya's Character song {Takeuchi Junko} Digimon Frontier - Go Ahead! - Takuya focus from ??? (Likely also eps before Ep22) Track: "Go Ahead", from Beyblade G-Revolution {Motoko Kumai}
Digimon Frontier - FIRE!! - All Frontier boys, likely including Kouichi by this point Track: "FIRE!!!" Memorial version sung by Frontier boys Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters - Look-A-Like ("Look Alike") - various Yugioh D.M. scenes throughout, ending on Doma arc start eps It should not contain ending eps nor scenes from final arc. Track: "Look-A-Like" {Sonic O.V.A}
Any A.M.V.s may have a credit of "Hikari M." left in somewhere. - Some may not, it depends on when I began including the insert. - However, even my earliest clip-show A.M.V.s using only images included this insert, so it might still be in fully finished ones. The last A.M.V. was definitely finished, so it might include insert.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Nineteen: Been There Before ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
He’s still figuring out this whole...Rinnegan thing.
One moment he’s with Naruto on an S-rank mission - something he never thought he’d have to do after having reformed the police force. The roles of shinobi have been changing since the end of the war, but...well, there’s little ignoring the power he wields, and just how necessary it can be.
The next, attempting to use space-time to flicker from a blow, addled by a heavy wound...Sasuke finds he’s no longer at the battlefield.
In fact...the sudden change leaves him so confused, he just sort of...stands there for a moment, clutching the wound in his side and looking over his surroundings. This...isn’t where he was just fighting alongside Naruto. In fact, he doesn’t even hear any sounds of conflict anymore.
And after a moment to really think...he realizes...he’s been here before.
He’s in Shi no Mori...the forty-fourth training ground where he and the rest of team seven took their second chūnin exam…!
What on earth…?
Spreading his senses, he does indeed feel the life forces of all the deadly beasts that roam the grounds. But alongside them, he finds human chakra signatures.
And...wait...is that…?
Brow furrowing, a hypothesis begins to form...but he’ll gather more evidence first.
Following one particularly-familiar aura, Sasuke keeps hidden in a cluster of undergrowth, one hand on his sword hilt.
...it is him.
But this isn’t the Godaime Kazekage Gaara. This is genin Gaara, flanked by his siblings and facing a squad of Ame shinobi.
...he’s in the past…
Apparently he needs to work on controlling his space-time ninjutsu. He didn’t just dodge that attack...he dodged several years. And in reverse! Well...all he has to do is hop forward and find the right time, and -
...wait a minute.
A spike of chakra flares to his left, and Sasuke gives it a wide-eyed look. Beyond the bushes, Gaara crushes his enemies, and even his siblings’ signatures reveal their revulsion.
But this chakra...he knows this chakra.
There’s a moment of tension before the Suna team takes their leave. For a moment, Sasuke watches them go. He’d almost forgotten how ruthless Gaara was back then. Funny how much people can change…
But now to the other matter.
“T-that was close…!”
“I...I-I never thought someone would...would…!”
“It’s quite unsettling, but...also the reality of being a shinobi. Part of these exams is to test if we truly are ready for such realities.”
“But still...Shino-kun...weren’t you even a l-little bit scared?”
“...I was. But we’ll be fine, Hinata. We’d best get going. The sooner we reach the end of this exam, the sooner we’ll be safe.”
“But we don’t know what the last exam will be!”
“Kiba, keep your voice down. Do you want those three to come back?”
“N-no way!”
“...come on.”
There’s a rustle, and the four signatures - one canine - begin to fade.
...he really needs to get back...and yet…
He never had the chance to know her back then. He’d been so consumed by his goals, such a quiet person had largely escaped his notice. But here she is...so small, so...different. The Hinata he knows now is still quiet...but far more confident. More tested.
Maybe he’ll just...stick around a little longer. He doesn’t have any memories of his wife from this era. Perhaps he’ll just borrow a few. But he can’t be seen...he can’t know what kind of paradoxes his presence might bring if he’s noticed. So, he’ll lay low.
Besides, he’s technically still wounded...he needs to find a place to patch up, and rest to regather his chakra enough for a jump back. So, in the meantime...he’ll just -
...what day is it? Maybe if it’s early enough...maybe if he’s jumped far enough back...he could find Orochimaru, and just -!
No...no, he can’t interfere. He’s made his choices - changing them now may very well make his current existence obsolete. Time is a finicky thing...he can’t afford to go tinkering with it. But oh...the things he could tell his younger self. The heartache he could spare that poor lonely boy…
Sasuke’s head bows, having to physically fight the temptation. It wouldn’t just be himself he could save...how many were hurt, and killed, by the viper and their schemes? The third exam brings the coup with Suna, the attack against Konoha…
...and yet…
He heaves a curt sigh. There’s no time to even consider it. The past should remain the past. For now...he has other priorities.
Finding an alcove, he lifts the torn material of his shirt to bare the injured skin of his side with a hiss. It’s not too deep...but he can’t let it get infected.
Good thing he always comes prepared.
From his leg pack he draws a small canister: a poultice Hinata made for him only a few days ago. Careful fingers reach in and retrieve a smear, carefully painting it over the wound before applying gauze and winding it in place. Well...it’s hardly the patch job he’d like, but that can wait until he gets home.
For now, he needs to rest and let his chakra pool rejuvenate.
Nearby, he catches several fish, skewering them and cooking them over a katon-started campfire. The same strategy he and his team used...and may very well be using now. Some food will go a long way in rebuilding his energy.
Once that’s done, he covers his tracks and starts to move, following his senses to another campsite.
He’s never really paid Hinata’s teammates much mind. Kiba’s just another loudmouth, too reminiscent of Naruto to really invite the Uchiha’s company. And Shino is just...well, Sasuke respects him well enough. But he’s too similar in the sense that both can stand in complete silence and not say a word. Needless to say, any meeting between them has been rather useless in actually getting to know one another.
Perching far up in a tree above them, he cloaks his chakra and just...watches for a bit. At least he’s technically resting
“Are you sure about those mushrooms, Kiba-kun…?”
“Yeah! My mom cooks ‘em all the time. Trust me!”
“Many fungi that are edible also have near-duplicates that are deadly, or at least toxic,” Shino rebukes, adjusting his glasses. “We must be absolutely certain…”
“Gah, you guys are a bunch’a worry warts! I’m tellin’ ya, they’re fine!”
“Maybe we should, um...find something else to eat...j-just in case…”
“Don’t tell me you’re doubtin’ me too?”
“I just...d-don’t want us to get sick, Kiba-kun. There’s already enough to worry about in here...right?”
Sasuke quietly scoffs to himself. Leave it to Kiba to be so stubborn. Hinata and Shino are right...it’s a stupid thing to take a risk on in a place already so determined to kill you.
“Well we gotta eat something...if you guys don’t like my idea, come up with one yourself!”
“Fauna would probably be safer than flora...at least with more animals, they have ways to warn you if they’re v-venomous.”
“That’s true. Kiba, you’re able to make traps, right? We’d best try that.”
“Yeah, yeah...does that mean we’re makin’ camp here? Cuz we’ll have to wait for something to get caught. And no use in trying to circle back - I bet we’d never find our way in this place…”
“I suppose we can. And we’ll need to take shifts sleeping - someone should be awake at all times to keep watch.”
As the team figure out dynamics, Sasuke dozes, feeling his energy levels slowly rise. Another few hours, and he’ll have the chakra to leap back to the present. Well...his present. It’s a bit of a relative thing, after all.
They catch a few small animals to skin and cook, talking quietly as the day fades. Hinata offers to take first watch, with Kiba next, and then Shino.
“Be sure to use your Byakugan when you can. We can’t know what direction a threat might come from.”
“R-right! Don’t worry, I’m ready.”
...oh crap. Wait -!
He can sense her flare in chakra, and Sasuke knows: there’s no hiding from her kekkei genkai. And he has no idea what her range is at this age - only that his Hinata can see ten kilometers in one direction. He needs to shunshin, and fast…!
“...huh…?” Turning, Hinata looks up the tree they’ve made camp under, narrowing her focus. That’s funny...she could have sworn she saw someone, but...there’s no one there now…
“Everything okay?”
“...yeah. I just thought I saw…”
“...never mind.”
Stumbling a few steps, Sasuke takes a moment to regain his sense of balance. Jumping that far really does a number on his equilibrium...and...whoa.
...looks like he missed one hell of a fight.
Craters dot the landscape, which is bathed in twilight. He’d recognize the impacts of Rasengans anywhere.
Speaking of which...where is -?
Grunting, Sasuke bows under the weight of Naruto tackling him from behind. “Get...off...me…!”
“Where the HELL have you been?!” the blond screeches, shaking him like a ragdoll. “I been lookin’ for hours, ‘ttebayo! I thought you were dead somewhere!”
“No...just took an unexpected detour.”
“Guess I still need some practice with the Rinnegan...went to jump from an attack, and ended up miles away...and in the past.”
“Look, I’ll...explain on the way. I’ve got a wound that needs tending, and we need to report back. I take it you resolved things…?”
“Of course I did! Told Kakashi-sensei I wouldn’t need ya...but I didn’t think you’d up and bail on me!”
“I didn’t bail! I told you, the Rinnegan -!”
“Yeah, yeah...excuses, excuses.”
“You want to hear the story, or not?”
“...okay, yeah, I do. Let’s get going.”
“So, I think you saw that blow that threw me up in the air a few hundred feet? So on the way back down, I…” Footsteps carry them from the battlefield, Sasuke recounting his little misadventure.
But he really can’t wait to tell Hinata who he saw.
     Well, it had to happen eventually: some time travel shenanigans, woo! In reality I'd like this topic to be one I'd write, well...MORE with, but dailies have to be kept a reasonable length, so...maybe I'll do a proper oneshot or a short series on it someday after the year is over. We'll have to see! Because Sasuke ending up meeting a past Hinata is a really cute idea. Buuut for now, this is all I have the time and energy for ;w;      So on that note, I better call it a night! Thanks for reading~
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fatherofsource · 4 years
the hospital between realms
The hospital between realms a place where anyone or things can be treated for all payment except death. It was pure luck that Rim Sang-Chul found the place but everything afterword was himself.
’keep running’ Rim ordered himself even as his legs ached. He the shouting of his chasers was good motivation. ’if they catch you your dead, worse they kill this child’ he looked down at the bundle in his arms some him asleep.
Ducking behind a stone tree Rim tried to catch his breath. He’s been running the last two weeks and he was on his last legs, if something didn't happen they weren't going to make it. ’I almost wish I believed in gods, ’ taking a few breaths he got ready to run and just in time.
”THERE HE IS!” cursing rim took off deeper into the stone forest. Weaving through the trees he avoids the projectiles aimed at him, sometimes by a hair with.
This didn't last long and he took a rock to the head. Stumbling Tim badly kept his feet underneath him. ” shit!” his vision was turning red. Blinking his eye he kept moving, he had to.
”ugh!” he stumbled now there was a burning in his ankle. He probably scraped it but there wasn’t time to check. ’now not the time!’ he thought to himself as he felt cool tear ran down his face. ”we're gonna make it, we're gonna make I-it” his voice broke with a cry.
”dear essences ”, he stood on the edge of a ravine one he could cross. He was crying in Earnest now he was gonna make it. He could hear the mob getting closer, they were gonna catch him and drag him back to that hell of a home.”not on the essences” he decided with a voice of steal turning his back to the ravin he could at the approaching mob specifically the one he had called a friend.
With a rude gesture to them, he stepped back letting gravity do its work. The wind ruffled his lavender hair as he fell as he watched the silver sky get farther and farther away. Holding the, infant closing his eyes he sung a lullaby for the last time. or so he thought.
potential manger found...transporting!
Rim winced as he hit ground, ”that hurt a lot less then u thought.” opening his eyes he released he was no longer in the ravine, ”well we're still together!” rocking the sturring baby he looked around. ”You know I never thought about where I would go when I dead?”
You are not dead, you have been transported to the hospital between realms.
”oh, okay then...well thank you for the save. But why” he could be leave the voice that was coming from everywhere saved him just because.
You have potential to fill a vacant position in the hospital.
”i see!” he really didn't. But before he could ask more the child he carried woke up crying.” really now you wake up, after everything” he just couldn't believe it as he rocked the child. Rim quickly figured that he didn't need a change and he wasn’t hungry ’okay then why is he crying.’
As rim tried to figure it out he continued to rock him.”~time passes but my love never changes~” the singing seemed to help but he didn't go back to sleep but it would have to do.”so what position do you want me to fill?” the everywhere voice response promptly
Somehow it sounds hopeful but he has one question, ”what if a say no?”
you will be transported to the other side of the ravine
Well, that was nice, ”all I have is on my person. Becoming the manager of this hospital seems like a good way to start over, so what do I have to do?”
Follow the glowing orbs
Before he could ask the happy voice what orbs, reveal glowing orbs dropped from the ceiling. Rim started in winder as the baby copied and reached for them. When the floated away rim was knocked from his trance and followed after them.
He wasn't sure how long he walked with his aching feet. But he knew two things, this place was like and it was dirty as hell. As forcing himself to move for so long he was glad to see the orbs stop in front of a door. Grabbing the handle he pushed the door open and almost shut it back seeing the mess inside.
Covering the baby's mouth along with his own. rim opened the door and was hit by a wall of dust and smells. The only clean thing in the room was a faint shining crystal on a filthy desk.
Place a hand on the crystal
Reading himself rim places the little one down before doing as instructed. ”o-” he fainted not a moment later.
”ugh” he woke sometime later to the tot’s wails. but try as he could he couldn't move his limbs much less stand. He tried to sing from where he was but barely a groan left his lips.’what am I supposed to do!’
Charge complete, generator at 5%, activating assistance nurses
Wonder what that meant rim continued to try and calm the baby only for three somethings to enter the room. They looked like the top half of skeletons, the fact they floated didn’t make them less creepy. For a moment rim thought he was going to have to fight them only for two to help him up while the third calm crying.” assistance nurses I’m guessing?” the two living benign were carried out of the dusty office. Carried through the halls noted leat ten more of the assistance nurse cleaning up.
There were three in the room he was carried into, it was cleaner than the rest of the hospital but still very dirty. He was laid on a mildly clean bed while the infant was rocked, the everywhere voice told him to rest he would need to regather streach before anything else.” all right, I’ll rest for now” the moment he closed his eye he was out like a light.
A week, seven days. That how long it took for him to from whatever the voice asked him to do. In that week he learned about the place he inhabited, the hospital between realms built by someone who didn’t wish to be remembered. He made it with one purpose treat everyone no matter what, nothing matters in this hospital for all. It was his life’s work but even he wasn’t unaware of it complete potential.
The voice was the hospital itself, it only gained the ability to speak after its creator’s death. It al encountered a problem afterward, it took much power to run the place. It took some time to find the right source of power spirit the power inside of people. It spent years with the help of its creator friend finding the best way to use this.
The crystal in the mangers office was that result, well part of it. A generator was built that would take the small bit of spirit and turn it into enough power to run the hospital.” so I’m a fuel source?”
No, people are something I don’t understand. Plus there are limits to what I can do.
He was fine with that, even the hospital between realms needed help. Somehow that made him feel better about staying here as it manger. “So what needs to be done?” he had asked even though he could barely walk.
recruitment, people feel better then they are treated by other people. Along with other jobs that need to be filled.
Rim nodded in understanding before asking what kind of people they need. Until he could walk once they planned, but Rim was upset that the hospital wouldn’t let him out until he got heather. It took him pointing out they had no food, and what was in the hospital was on the verge of becoming inedible. Not to mention the kitchen need many repairs along with other places. But the materials were needed, so he had to go and buy them. He was starting to see a problem the hospital had tunnel vision when it came to healing people.
I can only transport you to where a grabbed you
Apparently, the spatial information of the hospital was outdated, but that was fine rim could work with the valley. So after kissing the baby goodbye he was in the valley,” okay then” tightening the bracelet the hospital gave him rim got started climbing. At the top of the valley, he laid on the ground,” shit that was shit” he could barely feel his lungs and don’t get him started on his limbs.
He fell asleep in that spot only to be woken by something liking his face,” AAHh” missing whatever it was rim rolled to his hands and knees looking around. It was a pet judging from the collar and from how well feed and healthy it looked, the pet lived close by. That meant village or at least a camp where he could get directions.
It turned out to be a small city, he didn’t recognize the name. Then again he wasn’t sure how far he traveled while running from that persistent mob.’ i need a map,’ but he had no money so for now. “I have to solve that problem,” maybe he could find work in this city. Anyway, he needs to explore for now.
Hours passed before he found something helpful a poster, evergreen academy. “Holy shit!” he knew this school, it was known for its medical teachings. More so it was more than a million miles from his home village. ‘Well distance aside I can use this, I bet at least one graduate requires a job.’ looking closer at the flyer he found that date before realizing he had no idea what that day was.
Asking a helpful old lady he learned the date, he had three days before graduation. That was plenty of time to start fixing up the hospital. “There a garden so I should get seeds,” those were probably cheap and maybe he could find a job. He found his way to the shopping district of the city and while he didn’t find any seeds he did find something useful.
Food garbage to be more specific, remain of fruits and vegetables that were used when cooked or sold. Parts that could be used to regrow whole ones.’ and he said listing to that useless!’ gather up all he could carry and ignoring the looks with practiced ease. Arms loaded he headed off into alleys away from the eyes,” I’m ready to come back”
The next moment RIm had returned to the hospital. An assistant nurse quickly relieved him of his burden.
Was your trip fruitful?
Rim nodded and gave the short version of what happened, then he explained the idea he had.
Yes, that can be done, but I do not know-how.
“I have an idea how it’s done,” he then explains what he knew as the asinine nurses headed to the mostly cleaned out garden. Following the instructions, it was given meanwhile Rim sighed. when the hospital asked what was wrong he explains what the lack of funds was causing. It didn’t know what the people of the current era valued. Rim assured I that would figure something out. For now, he was going to wash up then play around with the baby,’ he probably misses me.’
After washing up in the bathroom that still needs to be repaired but at least was clean. He got dressed in his only pair of clothes. He followed some glowing balls to where the infant was playing with an assistant nurse. He watched a bit enjoying the baby’s laughter, that when something accord to him.” I have given them their temporary name?!” rim culture dictated that a parent gave their child a temporary name until there 12 birth anniversary where they chose there own.
But before he could get the chance to think about that he had to run. “I shouldn’t think of that... she had wanted to call you sol. Causes your our little sun.”
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