polar-stars · 5 years
AU ibusaki/ryoko. Chieko/shigeo
Of course ;w;
I like this request because it got me to write about the fact how Jedis are not supposed to fall in love (and yet, so many Jedis fall in love in this AU whoops) and I got the write a ship where the parties are on opposing sides -w-
(Republic Times -w-)
Shun had always been a great Padawan, on the best way to being a master. With precision and concentration he took on his training, he assisted his master on missions with great results and received nothing but praise from experienced Jedi Masters. However just as he was very close to completing his training, a major inconvenience happened.It took a form in beautiful, smooth, burgundy hair usually tied into a stunning hairdo like it was common for Naboo. Also typical for the planet was the gorgeous fashion and so the inconvenience was always dressed in marvellous gowns. Her eyes were always so friendly, her voice was kind and she had the most prettiest smile he had ever seen.She was quite simply the most breathtaking inconvenience that there could be.Shun knew that as Jedi his heat shouldn’t begin to beat faster when Satoshi said that they had to go to the Senate, as a Senator had requested their presence. He also knew that he shouldn’t be filled from head to toe with the hope that he would see her there.After all Jedi mustn’t fall in love. But of course, as he and his Jedi-Master stepped into the Senate Building, he immediately took a look around in search for the burgundy hair and the friendly orange eyes.And as he spotted the senator’s daughter, his heart accelerated immediately. When her eyes found his in the end, it took him all his willpower to not get red the exact moment. “Shun Ibusaki!” She greeted with a smile and waved her hand. “Hello! What brings you here? No Jedi training today?” As answer Shun shook his head and nodded towards his Jedi Master Satoshi who was already having a conversation with the senator who requested their presence. “I suppose some planet is in problems once again.” He said dryly. She looked at the Jedi Master and senator having their talk and agreed. “Seems like it.” She turned back to Shun. “Maintaining peace must be hard sometimes. But the entire Galaxy is thankful to your duties.”Sheepishly, Shun scratched his head and mumbled. “Someone has to do it.”A short silence came up. Shun never had been great with conversations and so he filled the silence with hastily skipping through possible topics for a conversation. But in the end, Ryoko was the one to break it. “I’d like to see you train someday.”This however took him completely off guard and behind his bangs, his eyes widened. She only looked at him expectingly but Shun felt like his tongue had been ripped out. “I-“ Was all he could get out after another long silence before he suddenly heard the voice of his master. “Shun! The senator wants to talk to us in his office.” Helplessly Shun turned his head to his happily waving Master and responded. “Of course.”He caught eye-contact with Ryoko again and tried his best not to stutter. “I..have to go now.” She have a nod. “I noticed.”With that he turned around and began walking to Satoshi, however, for a small second he did look back and said. “Come to the Jedi temple at noon tomorrow, then…then you can watch me train.”Quickly he shifted his head away again, so that Ryoko could not see the blush that emerged on his cheeks.
Coruscant was truly beautiful to Chieko, but considering that she often felt like every step she took on this planet could be her last, she couldn’t enjoy the Ambiente of the city planet as much as she wanted too.She was a member of the rebellion after all stepping into the very core of the force she tried to battle, the capital of the Empire. This is why she always wanted to take her leave as quick as possible when returning from Senate meetings, but today she managed to actually forget something in the office provided to her but barely used by her. And so she had to turn around and return into the building that was intentionally build for democracy but was nothing but a mere facade nowadays.She was on her way back into the building, her walk quick and her expression unreadable as suddenly she saw a familiar figure exiting the building and coming exactly her way.Considering that he was one of the most famous personalities within the Empire, she could identify him immediately. Chieko felt herself getting tense.The man approaching her, began smirking at her sight and accelerating his walk a little. “Well, well.” He purred when close enough to her. “The senator of Corellia, what a pleasant sight.” He took a halt right in front of her with eyes attached on her, signalising that he planned to make this conversation longer than just a simple greeting.“General.” She frowned. “What are you doing here in the Senate?” He chuckles a little when he gave his answer. “I appreciate the interest. I visited my mother, that’s why I was here.” After a pause he added. “And it’s certainly a welcome surprise to return and see you here, Senator Marui.” Chieko felt how her cheeks began to warm and wanted to slap herself internally. After all, this was a person standing at the very top of the regime she planned to take down. She should be smarter than getting flattered by his sweet nothings. “You barely know me.” She finally said and tried going past him, but his voice speaking up again put a hold to her walk. “But I would like to.” With a raised eyebrow, she turned to face him again. “What?” Another snicker could be heard. “You heard me right. May I suggest? Once you return from the Senate building, I will get you to a nice restaurant and we’ll talk a little bit.” His grin got wide. “Or do you not feel like eating? There’s a lot of other possibilities on Coruscant.”It took all of Chieko’s willpower to not screech incoherent gibberish. Her face was in heat and her head in turmoil.Was a high-ranking, Imperial officer, a monster whose daily task was it to make up new plans for the rebellion’s downfall, really asking her for a date?!She attempted to keep a firm voice, but it was defiantly a challenge. “I…I have absolutely no time for such things.”He shrugged in return. “Fair enough but should you ever find the time, Senator Marui.” He got closer to her, making her heartbeat go faster. “Be sure to call me, because truth to be told, I heard you talk in the Senate and I believe you would be of greater use elsewhere.” She didn’t know how to respond but could only stare at him, as he was only mere centimetres away from her face now. “I am certain, you would be of great fortune in a Stardestroyer. Surely, you would come up with great strategies for war.” Completely speechless, Chieko only backed away, slowly shaking her head.Shigeo only continued to grin in such an evil way , before he swiftly turned around and made his way to his ship. “Think about it. I would be delighted.” Were the last words she heard.
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brella · 7 years
i feel like we always ask you about books so today i wanna ask you some anime recs :)
ping pong: the animation (dir. masaaki yuasa): effusive yutaka “peco” hoshino and reserved makoto “smile” tsukimoto have been best friends since day one, and both of them love to play ping pong. peco, a child prodigy at the sport, loves it with all of his soul, and is so confident in his own talent that he’s become arrogant; while smile, in spite of his natural talent, does not take ping pong seriously, seeing it as nothing more than a way to pass the time. things are shaken up for the boys by the arrival of wenge “china” kong, a chinese player sent to redeem himself in japan after being kicked off the national team, who skunks peco in their first match, sending him spiraling into crisis; meanwhile, smile catches the interest of the school’s coach, a former star player, who is determined to make sure smile does not waste his talent. also joining the cast are manabu “akuma” sakuma, peco’s belligerent rival since childhood, and ryuichi “dragon” kazama, vanguard of the elite ping pong team at kaio academy. when all is said and done, will smile and peco’s friendship—and the love of ping pong that bonds them—remain? i urge everyone to watch this anime; it is perhaps the best i’ve ever seen. a work of art, of joy, of sadness and failure and triumph—a tribute to being alive, and to what it means to love something so much you feel like there’s no point in being alive if you can’t do it. and the animation, voice acting, and score are outstanding! 11 episodes.
the tatami galaxy (dir. masaaki yuasa): an unnamed college student is perpetually dissatisfied with his life, bemoaning the fact that he can never seem to grasp that “rose-colored campus life” he was certain he would have upon attending college in kyoto. just about the only thing he has in his corner is his mischievous frenemy, ozu, who drags him into scheme after scheme that only seem to make his situation worse; and a fellow student, akashi, who the protagonist has feelings for, but can never quite seem to spit it out. after a bad break-up sends him over the edge into total cynicism, he starts to wonder if his college years would have been spent differently (i.e., better) if he had chosen to join a different club on his first day. unbeknownst to him, the desire to go back and do it over again does send him back in time—each episode is an alternate timeline based on which club he joined. no matter how things change, though, he always seems to keep running into ozu, to just miss akashi, and to get involved with a man calling himself higuchi, who claims to be a god of matrimony; a bone-headed popular senior named jougasaki; and a beautiful but intense dental hygienist named hanuki. in the protagonist’s quest for the perfect college life, however, will he miss what’s right in front of him? i really love yuasa as you can probably tell and this, just like ping pong, is beautifully animated, great fun, and unexpectedly moving. a testament to the little things, to seeing the beauty and wonder in what we have. and the opening and ending are GOD TIER. 11 episodes.
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (dir. mitsue yamazaki): if you somehow haven’t watched this yet, please love yourself and do it. a romantic comedy series that follows 16-year-old chiyo sakura’s attempts to woo her crush, umetarou nozaki, gsnk, contrary to the shoujo form, actually begins with her confessing to him—but he misunderstands and gives her... his autograph?! yes, it turns out nozaki moonlights as a hugely successful shoujo romance mangaka, and he’s been needing an assistant, and sakura is in the art club... convenient! this show has it all—uproarious humor, masterful comedic timing, incredibly charming characters, and just the right dose of heartfelt romance to warm any heart. other cast members include mikoto mikoshiba, nozaki’s best friend, whose flirtatious antics constantly cause him to nearly die of embarrassment; yuzuki seo, chiyo’s best friend, a brash and oblivious jock with a beautiful singing voice; hirotaka wakamatsu, a mild-mannered basketball player constantly aggrieved by seo’s bullying; yuu kashima, star of the drama club and dashing prince of the school; and masayuki hori, drama club president and kashima’s ever-frustrated director. love is in the air not just for sakura, but for a few others, as well—it’s going to be an interesting year! 12 episodes.
kids on the slope (dir. shinchiro watanabe): kaoru nishimi is a shy and depressed honor student, classically trained to play the piano, who has spent his entire life moving from town to town due to the nature of his father’s job. at the beginning of the summer of 1966, he is sent to a small coastal town in kyushu to live with relatives, and is prepared for another year of loneliness until his world is turned on its axis when he meets delinquent sentaro kawabuchi. the two develop a strange and unlikely friendship, and kaoru soon discovers that sentaro, or sen, is an avid fan of jazz, then an emergent form of music in japan, and plays the drums in the basement of a record store owned by the family of his childhood friend, ritsuko mukae, with whom kaoru immediately falls in love. when ritsuko says that she would love to hear kaoru and sen play together, kaoru begins to acquaint himself with jazz, too, and finds that it holds more magic than he expected. part classic coming-of-age drama, part love letter to the jazz genre, this series was, fun fact, directed by the man behind cowboy bebop and samurai champloo—so, like, if that isn’t a testament to its quality, i don’t know what is. it will make you cry, though. just warning you. 
silver spoon (dir. tomohiko ito): desperate to escape the pressures of his home life, beleaguered honor student yuugo hachiken foresakes his chances of attending an elite tokyo high school and applies to ezonoo agricultural school in hokkaido. at first holding himself a rung above his peers, due to his perception of them as bumpkins who have never had to work hard academically due to their security as farmers, hachiken quickly learns that there’s a lot he doesn’t know, and he’ll have to work hard if he wants to keep up with his peers. though initially withdrawn, hachiken comes to make many new friends, and soon begins to take his studies seriously, earnestly trying to learn all he can about the world of agriculture and how it affects the lives of his friends. this series is easily something i’d call “the feel-good story of the decade,” but it also has many profound and emotional moments, and a hugely relatable protagonist in hachiken. it’s definitely a comedy, but at its heart, it’s one of those special series that kind of takes your hand and smiles at you and says, “yeah. i get it. i know how you feel. but it’s all right. life’s pretty fun, even if you don’t notice.”
hyouka (dir. yasehiro takemoto): to this day i’m still a bit stunned that kyoto animation managed to come out with something as good as hyouka, since it’s so different from their other works, but the truth is there. it’s simple, with a cast of only four characters and few recurring side ones; a subdued score using mostly public domain classical pieces, a quiet high school as the backdrop, a close and intimate portrait of the four kids it brings together. the PV actually does a fine job of introducing the characters—apathetic houtarou, inquisitive eru, cheerful satoshi, and caustic mayaka—so i won’t go into that too much. essentially, houtarou is urged by his sister to sign up for the classics club after no one else does, since it will be disbanded if it does not have at least one member. much to his surprise, someone else already has signed up by the time he does—a curious girl named eru with an insatiable appetite for mysteries. though houtarou lives by a philosophy of what he calls “energy conservation,” eru has a power over him (read: he has a big, beautiful crush on her) that compels him to go along with her antics, and his penetrating intellect doesn’t help much. satoshi, houtarou’s best friend, and mayaka, a childhood... acquaintance of houtarou’s, also join the club, and hyouka chronicles all of the things that happen to them over the course of their school year. when asked about the meaning behind the title (”hyouka” means “frozen dessert”), the author of the novels said, “the colour of youth is like ice cream. its many flavours are like the spectrum of a rainbow, but no matter how it tastes, what doesn’t change is its richness and flavour. another distinguishing feature of ice cream is the short time one has to eat it, and how we must take care to avoid polluting it. it’s just like how youth is full of numerous possibilities, but its fragile and limited energy is easily challenged by the outside world.” i think that probably speaks for itself in alluding to the bittersweet tone of the series. it really is one of my favorites.
and, because my fingers are getting tired: yu yu hakusho is my favorite shounen series by a mile and one of the few for which i highly recommend the dub—it’s long though, 100+ episodes, but worth every minute. i’ll be glad to go into why yyh specifically is the best in a separate post if anyone is interested bc hoo boy. uchouten kazoku season 1 is great and one of my favorites but season 2 was kind of eh to me. if you like action and tragic romance, kyoukai no kanata is my second-fave kyoani series after hyouka, though it does have some fanservicey bits and fetishy humor that kind of date it a little bit. and if you haven’t started boku no hero academia yet—PLEASE GET ON THAT; IT’S SO MUCH FUN! 
and, of course, the anime of my heart and soul: lovely complex, a romcom about a tall girl and a short boy, and their arduous, hilarious, heart-melting journey from vitriolic best buds to lovers. hits all the right notes. no other shoujo compares. it’s a series that anyone and everyone can AND WILL enjoy. 
i hope that’s enough to get you started! :’D pls let me know what you think if you watch any 
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
4 Bitcoin Conspiracy Theories And Why They’re Wrong
It was only a few short years ago that I was being called insane for thinking bitcoin was anything but the new Beanie Babies and tulips. In fact, I still get a few of those comments here and there, but they’re starting to die out as the true potential of cryptocurrencies is becoming clear to all those but the willfully blind, ignorant, and those whose job it is to shill for the central banking system and keep humanity enslaved.
But now that most people see the obvious potential of crypto, a whole new crowd of naysayers and conspiracy theorists have come up with all kinds of off-the-wall theories, from “Bitcoin was created by the CIA---it’s an inside job to make us all lose money!” to “Jeff Berwick is a government shill!”
I don’t know many people who are bigger skeptics or “conspiracy theorists” than me… so I get it. And, compared to how the world was a few decades ago when no one really questioned anything, I’m quite happy to see that a growing number of people seem to be questioning everything now.
Yet, still many of these theories are way off base. Let us debunk.
Conspiracy #1 — Was Cryptocurrency Created By The CIA?
A few years ago it was hard to convince people that two planes couldn’t knock down three skyscrapers in New York City… but now it seems that most people who are even mildly awake have realized the official story of 9/11 is untrue.
These days, though, it seems the scales have tipped a bit too far in the other direction (in my humble opinion). Now, many people assume every single thing is a government or CIA or bankster inside job.
While many scandals are indeed covert operations orchestrated by the Powers That Shouldn’t Be… there is no sufficient evidence, whatsoever, that bitcoin was a government-backed project---quite the contrary.
First, bitcoin had its genesis in the cypherpunk subculture which was a group of mostly anonymous, privacy-focused anarchists who were working on encryption systems to subvert government control for decades… even before the internet was created.
Many of the people in this group knew that the real key to reducing the power of government and central banks was to break their monopoly on money.
A few attempts, pre-bitcoin, such as E-Gold, failed because they were centralized in nature.
Finally, someone under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto, was able to devise a completely decentralized digital currency.
His writings on various forums are fully public and went on over a period of years. It was very clear that whoever Satoshi was, he was an anarchist. His writings were quite eloquent and always had the principles of libertarianism as a strong thread throughout.
You can read his most important writings in The Book of Satoshi, which I call the “autobiography of bitcoin.” It’s available for purchase on Amazon, but TDV members get the E-book in PDF format for free (subscribe HERE ).
Phil Champagne did an excellent job of taking Satoshi’s most relevant writings and putting them into a chronological format that shows how bitcoin developed and evolved. I wrote the foreword for the book and it is clear to me that Satoshi was not a government plant.
The world-controllers are very savvy when it comes to creating false flags, propaganda, internal wars and controlled opposition.
Still, it goes beyond the level of believability that they would devise a currency with the potential to destroy their entire power structure AND do so under the guise of a crypto-anarchist… and write for years about how to take down the system.
Bitcoin didn’t even land on the radar of governments and central banks until about four years after its creation in 2009, and mostly seemed to come as a surprise to the power structure. Politicians and central bankers, even to this day, appear stunned and confused with how to deal with the threat of cryptocurrency.
This is very similar to the internet. It took years… decades really… for the power structure to realize the internet was a major threat to their mind control system.
It wasn’t until nearly 20 years after the creation of the internet when people like John Kerry finally realized it was a force to be reckoned with. He said in 2013, "This Little Thing Called the Internet ... Makes It Much Harder to Govern.”
A case can be made that the internet was “created” by CERN, the CIA and Department of Offense due to some of the early protocols having been designed there.
But is anyone who says “bitcoin is a CIA inside job” also trying to convince people not to use the internet because of some early government involvement?
It’d be ridiculous to do so.
Yes, the power structure is such a massive octopus of global control, with trillions of dollars in funding from extortion rackets across the world, that they do seem to have their hand in almost everything.
But, there is no evidence that they were involved in the design of bitcoin.
Conspiracy #2 — Is Bitcoin A Trap To Steal All Our Money?
This is a theory that was new to me until the last few weeks when I began to see many people posting about it.
The theory posits that bitcoin was created by the government (see point #1) AND the government has a way to "crack" bitcoin using quantum computers. The plot, apparently, is to get as many people as possible to convert their fiat currency into bitcoin and then, at the right time, use quantum computing to hack everyone’s wallets and steal all their bitcoin.
As mentioned in point #1, the idea that government created bitcoin has no evidence and is highly unlikely. But, to think that they not only planned it but then had this nefarious scheme in mind for years later seems even more implausible.
One important thing that most of these conspiracy theorists seem to be missing is that no fiat currency actually gets turned into bitcoin. When someone buys bitcoin for fiat scrip (dollars) someone else is selling bitcoin and taking the dollars.
On a net basis, no fiat currency disappears. So, even if this was the plan, it is really kind of stupid.
Besides, the biggest holder of bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto himself. Those who have culled through some of the earliest bitcoin addresses assume that Satoshi holds nearly 1 million bitcoin.
To date, not one of these addresses have ever transacted. Which means, if Satoshi is the CIA and the whole plot is to sell the bitcoin for dollars and then destroy bitcoin then they still haven’t done it. Not once.
Feds did however, miss out on a big payday after selling bitcoin seized from the Silk Road---too soon. The government sold the crypto for $48 million, but could've netted $600 million.
Most of the other largest holders of bitcoin are crypto-anarchists who were mining in 2009 and 2010. So, even they, did not put much money into bitcoin. They just mined in the very early days with not much computing power (possibly even just on one computer).
Suffice it to say, this theory makes no sense. Nice try though!
Conspiracy #3 — Was Crypto Invented To Install a Trackable And Taxable World Currency?
This theory usually comes along with a lot of religious “mark of the beast” talk.
While it is true that, undoubtedly, if they haven’t already, the governments and central banks will create their own digital currencies to phase out cash as we have covered for years under the War On Cash meme. They would be foolish to launch bitcoin.
First, bitcoin transactions can be quite easily hidden using things like coin mixers and other means.
As well, bitcoin originally did have a lot of privacy features that were to be implemented. With the attempted takeover of bitcoin by the banksters last year, they have been somewhat successful in stamping that out.
However, bitcoin is moving towards Lightning Network (LN) which a lot of privacy experts say will increase the ability to keep transactions private by staying in the LN.
Plus, numerous other cryptos, such as Monero, have powerful privacy features.
So, to think the government would create a new form of money that can so easily hide transactions is also quite absurd.
If you were the government and wanted to track every transaction to extort (tax) all of humanity for eternity, the last thing you would create would be a cryptocurrency.
Those who think cryptos were meant for this purpose don’t understand crypto.
That’s what is so valuable about blockchain technology. If truly decentralized, it’s outside the system and transactions can be easily kept anonymous.
Plus, the main reason why central banks have so much power is their ability to inflate the currency. This is how they control so much in the world.
Would central banks ever willingly risk giving up their ability to create and control new currency?
Bitcoin is inherently limited to 21 million full tokens that will ever be created. This makes it a finite resource, like gold, and is largely why it is such a threat to the system.
So, those who think bitcoin is a tool of the state and the central banks not only don’t understand how it works… they also don’t understand money.
Bitcoin is innately anti-state and anti-central bank.
Conspiracy #4 — Is Jeff Berwick A Joo Who Works For The Government?
  I’ve spent my entire life working outside the system and dedicated the last 10 years to destroying governments and central banks. I am Chief Editor of the Austrian economics-based financial newsletter, The Dollar Vigilante.
I’m the host of the world’s largest anarcho-capitalist podcast, Anarchast.
And I am the founder of the most popular anarchist/voluntaryist event, Anarchapulco.
Plus, I’ve publically written or spoken on the internet daily since 2010 about how we need to get rid of governments and central banks.
Yet, I work for the government? Does that make any sense?!
About as much sense as me, with a Scottish last name, being a Joo.
But, believe whatever you want! I know people will no matter what I say.
Still, cryptocurrency is not a government inside job. You can take that to the bank.
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About the Author
Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.  Jeff also posts exclusive content daily to the new blockchain based social media network, Steemit.
from The Dollar Vigilante https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2018/07/30/4-bitcoin-conspiracy-theories-and-why-theyre-wrong.html via The Dollar Vigilante
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/breaking-news/9-artificial-intelligence/
9 Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will Shock you !
The entire world of science fiction is rarely missing artificial intelligence (AI). However, the rate where it has been developed and is learning things on it’s own sometimes raises the question of whether AI is science fiction or something that’s already entered our society (and we haven’t even realized it yet). AI has got the potential to greatly improve our lives or even to hurt us. With increased industries and jobs being connected to AI, we’ve to simply accept that it’s becoming an integrated element of our society. These 9 incidents show how AI can simply shock us by what it will like in the actual world.
   – 9 AI  Defeated The ‘Go’ World Champion This  is something every tech enthusiast knows about. AI has beaten the world’s best players of chess, Jeopardy, and Go. And it’s predicted to beat us in poker by 2020. In 1997, there was news in the media when an AI defeated Gary Kasparov at chess. Soon, the notion of AI surpassing human intelligence started growing among people. However, just how a computer plays chess is distinctive from just how so it plays Go.
  In chess, the computer uses the “brute force” method. It calculates most of the possible moves and selects one that is the most beneficial. However, Go is definitely an intuitive game. How many possible responses to each move played is more than how many atoms in the universe. So some type of computer can’t use brute force to win the game.When Google’s “AlphaGo” AI Go player defeated Ke Jie, the Go world champion, in 2017, Jie stated that AlphaGo’s execution left him “shocked” and “deeply impressed.” He also stated that the moves created by the computer “would not occur in a human-to-human match.”
Continue after the page break to continue reading 9 Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will Shock you !
– 8 AI  Became A Hitler Lover
This particular one is serious. It began when Microsoft created an AI Twitter account that’s meant to simulate a high school graduation girl. The account holder was named “Tay.” This test program was released to get ready AI for understanding discussions with clients. Within hours of the company’s launch, Tay had became a genocidal, sex-crazed, Hitler-loving, sexist, supremacist bot for those world to stare at. This became completely unexpected and obviously not something good. So the firm had to seal it down within 24 hours of the company’s commencement. Microsoft even apologized to the bot’s bad behavior. Tay’s going rogue for the Internet hasn’t been the  first time these robots choosing a lump sum their minds. Various similar events have made people scared of these things.
  -7 AI Composed And Released An Official Album
An AI releasing the official album is just a surprise by itself, but the caliber of music composed by these bots will certainly stun you in the event that you haven’t heard it before. A record named I Am AI was created by Amper, an AI musical composer, producer, and performer in collaboration with pop singer Taryn Southern.The machine-learning app Amper was produced by a small group of expert performers and AI scientists and innovators. It  was the principal AI that formed and delivered the music album. On August 21, 2017, the album’s single “Break Free” premiered worldwide.
Jukedeck is  a London-based company that’s developed an AI effective at producing music from scratch. It asks you the genre and mood of the song you wish to create, and it will do that for you personally within a few seconds. You can test creating music all on your own on the website.Taryn Southern added vocals to the music produced by Amper. She commented that it’s funny that she features a songwriting partner who doesn’t get tired and has endless understanding of making music.
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-6 AI almost Bagged A Literary Award For Writing A Complete Novel
The judges for the Hoshi Shinichi Literary Award were really amazed at a story that they later discovered have been coauthored by way of a machine. Writers, be careful. This AI-composed novel, entitled The Day A Computer Writes A Novel, made it through first round of screening with this national literary prize in Japan. The novel has become officially recognized as an item of literature and comes in libraries in Japan.
“I was surprised at the task since it was a well-structured novel,” science fiction author and award judge Satoshi Hase said at a media conference. Imagine your surprise whenever you visit a library in Japan to discover a good book to learn and you find work whose author isn’t human. This novel is not really a one-off incident, though. There are always a large amount of literary pieces compiled by machines. An easy Internet search will get many of them for you.
  – 5. AI Talking To Its Partner In Secret Language
Facebook abandoned a test after two AIs began talking to one another in their very own language. Both chatbots changed the English language in ways that caused it to be incomprehensible for someone else, such as those who made the AIs. It  was unknown what these robots were chatting about. And it certainly wasn’t nonsense. Both bots seemed to know one another perfectly. Therefore the Facebook team shut them down.
Both chatbots were named Bob and Alice. Facebook’s test on both of these bots isn’t the first time that artificial intelligence has designed modern kinds of language. Google unearthed that the AI useful for its Translate device had created its dialect to decipher things. But the organization was happy with this improvement and allowd it to proceed.
-4 AI  Killed A Human
Wanda Holbrook, a robot technician who worked at car parts manufacturer Ventra Ionia, was killed when her skull was crushed with a robot at the plant. The death of the woman left her husband, children, and grandchildren devastated.Her husband filed case contrary to the associated robotics companies: Prodomax, Flex-N-Gate, FANUC, Nachi, and Lincoln Electric.
Wanda, who was only 57, had worked at the plant for twelve years.Although measures are increasingly being taken to avoid robots from hurting humans, fatalities aren’t rare. For example, another man in a Volkswagen factory was crushed by an automatic arm in 2015.
– 3. AI Predicted The Pregnancy Of A Teenage Girl
Today, malls and superstores use data mining, that is the building blocks of artificial intelligence, to keep an eye on customers and their choices so the items almost similar in market could be recommended to specific shoppers. It’s similar to how YouTube recommends videos predicated on a user’s video history.
The store Target used this technique to determine that the senior high school girl was pregnant based on her  purchases. Her father, who didn’t learn about the pregnancy, stormed into Target and complained to the manager that his girl was getting coupons for baby products in the mail.
Ultimately, the girl’s father wound up apologizing to Target representatives later. Ends up, Target was right. The lady was pregnant. Appears like AI knew more about  the girl than her very own father.
– 2. AI Acted Racist
Richard Lee, a person of Asian descent from New Zealand, had his photo rejected repeatedly by face recognition software when applying for a passport renewal. The AI of the Department of Internal Affairs kept turning down Lee’s photo since it stated that his eyes were closed.
Despite going for a front-facing photo along with his eyes clearly opened, Lee’s photo supposedly didn’t “meet with the requirements.” After several unsuccessful attempts, Lee was forced to call the department and get an individual involved to fix the problem.
The function was this type of surprise that the news headlines was reported in the mainstream media. However, the gentleman didn’t take any offense and said he understands that facial recognition technology needs more development. The story has a pleased ending: Lee got his passport renewed.
Continue bellow.
-1. AI  Passed A ‘Self-Awareness’ Test And The Turing Test
This is shocking at all levels. We used to think it was impossible to mimic human consciousness in machines, but which may not be true anymore. Something called the “King’s Wise Men” puzzle serves as a self-awareness test. A robot answered the puzzle correctly.
Roboticists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute tweaked the puzzle to test it on a trio of robots. Two of the machines were told that they’d received a “dumbing pill” that kept them from talking. Then all three were asked what type could still talk.
In the beginning, do not require could understand and each said: “I don’t know.” But just one robot will make the sound. When it heard its voice, it changed its answer: “Sorry, I understand now!”
The roboticists genuinely believe that passing most of these tests will ultimately make robots acquire a number of capabilities which is valuable to people. Another supercomputer became the very first AI to pass the Turing test by successfully convincing people who they certainly were conversing with a 13-year-old boy.
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