#((lmao the netizen post came before i could finish this
rksohee · 5 years
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♕ Month: January ♘ Location: Jeju  ♙ Outfit
it was exhilarating being behind the scenes, waiting for her moment on stage. she was a little nervous. this felt like something big —this was more serious than the bigstar music video. hell, this was live. they had no do-overs. they could not mess up.
because it was a dancing performance and hayoon had been getting on her for her “subpar” dancing, yujin had paid close attention to making sure that she was hitting her moves sharply. she would spend the day going over the dance, learning it and at least having the moves down. then spend the evening refining and cleaning any mistakes she had made. on the weekends she reviewed a video of herself dancing, nitpicking her dance to force herself to improve.
she even took her lessons with youngjae and yubin seriously. she didn’t want to falter on her first big live performance. this was going to have a crowd and be recorded. there was no way she was going into it half assed. a part of her even considered asking hayoon to review her dancing tapes just so she’d have that bit of ass kicking to force herself to do better but she held off.
hip hop wasn’t her strong suit. she knew that but she wanted to prevail and really pull a leg up for this performance. she really hopes that her efforts will shine through. she really overworked herself to the point where when she got home she was immediately knocking out on her bed. this usually left her with a dead phone in the morning and no choice but to shower at trc rather than at home. but she wanted to show that she was taking this seriously because she was. she knows she isn’t the super-mega-amazing dancer that wows everyone from the moment she gets on stage. that’s her handicap. she’s working on it.
it didn’t help that they still had normal trc/g evaluations on top of it. it strung sohee out. maybe her performance for the evaluation would suffer in favour of her working for the jeju performance. to be honest, though, she cared about the jeju performance a bit more.
she just hoped her hard work would shine through.
being on stage was nerve-wracking. no amount of practise could ready her for the weight of being on stage. the stress of not messing up no matter what, following the moves and not zoning out and messing up. it was almost crushing. the pressure to do well was something she’s lived her whole life with. she was determined not to mess up.
she was only centre for the very end and for her own solo piece she gets for a few seconds. other than that, sohee isn’t really commanding attention on stage purely because she knows she isn’t a natural born hip hop dancer. she shouldn’t be attracting attention in any way. she goes over the counts in her head, forcing herself to hear that over the music that seems so deafening.
as long as she follows the music count she should be fine.
she keeps telling herself this throughout the entire performance. stay on time. stay on count. don’t go too fast. don’t slip up. at the same time she has to remember not to focus on it too much lest she look a little angry while dancing and that’s not the image she wants to put out for herself. this was her first stage performance that felt real. she didn’t want to mess this up.
this was not the time to make hayoon right when she says she’s a bad dancer.
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