#((idk why i have so many fukases and only one ollie))
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((as there are 2 people asking for Ollie - an existing muse as a bonus!
But first the what-if Ollie:
It's canon but Oliver is a cinnamon roll.
Easily blushes as a response to meeting new people, talking about what he likes, being caught off guard, talking about someone else... The list goes on.
Has James free of cage all day long, at night puts him into a cage with enough space for James to fly a bit, that has toys and tree branches inside.
Bed hair 24/7 but everyone agrees that it is adorable
Does his best to Look Presentable as the youngest PowerFX family member.
Has a family that can catch you in a dark corner, beat you up, take your organs and pulverise your skeleton with bare hands if you make the Precious Baby cry
Every New Acquaintance gets the background check none of the intelligence employees get. But if you are Officially Approved as a friend, you are part of the family now and get the corresponding treatment
Is too pure to know about the Bad Adult Things and the rest of the family are a bit too helicoptery to let him learn of it. Explaining where children come from and telling swear words in his presence are criminal offence punishable with death penalty.
Even though he's shy at first, once he opens up and starts talking about his interests (stars, birds, music), he's rather passionate and gets excited if he can teach you something you didn't know
Doesn't play sports but is kinda interested in "true football" (soccer). Never can choose whom to cheer for not to make anyone upset, so he cheers for everyone.
And then in sorta Expectations Vs. Reality there's @ask-a-fukase Oliver...
You mess with him? You mess with the whole family. But if he gets angry, the family isn't able to get involved.
A sentient life-size puppet. He isn't sure how old he is, but pretty positive that it's around 200 years, or more.
As a puppet, he doesn't want and doesn't need to sleep. But as everyone else is sleeping, he's roaming around as a way to entertain himself
With an ability to open doors to another places and dimensions, he can roam around in pretty far off places
For that very reason, never ask him what's in his hands if he's looking suspiciously happy and walks sideways past you with hands behind his back. It's for your own calmness. Some of his many trophies include Mad Hatter's hat, White Rabbit's watch, Time Turner and some other trinkets snuck from places when noone was looking... Or didn't manage to catch him.
Has skin-like unknown material covering his body. It has worn out on some joints, so he covers these places with bandages. The town's supervisors weren't able to replicate this material.
Left eye is red, and sees "more than you're supposed to": if Ollie doesn't concentrate on something specific, he sees all the probabilities of any situation he's currently in (how would it develop in innumerable different circumstances, with exact knowledge what was the difference of the circumstances). This is the main reason for him covering the eye, as the stream of information is too intense and can exhaust even a puppet
The one of two only residents of the town (and the only one official) who knows that everyone's memories are synchronised with the system when they sleep. As he doesn't need to sleep, he's safe from it, yet unable to tell anyone because of fear of causing the control program to override them immediately, and out himself at the same time.
So yes, I love Oliver, but my existing one is kinda halfway between the cinnamon roll and the Halloween Dummy fjwkfkwkx))
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