#((i love them but jiu is so sad all the time shh))
flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “Remember me in the same way I remember you.” (Qingti @ Jiu)   -   PANIC AT THE DISCO STARTERS (accepting !)
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━━  ❀ “...I’ll remember you. I’ll remember for both of us.” She doesn’t like to THINK about it. To pop the bubble of inevitability - to admit that she won’t always be here, and he won’t always be here either. That their future will be spent remembering and trying to remember the other person. She couldn’t even give him ONE LIFETIME. She couldn’t give him growing old together. She could barely give him a family. On impulse Feng Jiu wraps her arms around him - warm, real, alive under her hand. Buries her face into his shirt, mumbling. "It'd be better for you if you forgot me.”
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