#((but at any rate; i think they'll be coming to him via dreams; and maybe grow in intensity in time!))
theheadlessgroom · 4 months
"I'm open to The Twilight Zone," Randall smiled; he enjoyed catching reruns of it in the evenings with his folks, and so he wouldn't say no to watching it with Emily. That said, he was still flipping through the TV guide, still searching for something else they could watch, only to land on a possible option:
"Hey," he asked with a little smile. "How do you feel about a Mummy movie marathon?"
He personally loved The Mummy movies-even as the sequels descended further and further into B-movie ridiculousness, there was still something incredibly appealing to him, something else beneath the bandages. The idea of love across the centuries, unable to be stopped by even death, was an incredibly romantic one (even to he, who was a touch skeptical when it came to the idea of true love), and even though it was still horrifying in a way (especially the first film, and the lengths the titular monster would go to to have his princess back), he couldn't help but be drawn to it.
"It's just about to start, I think," he commented as he checked his watch; after that, it looked like there'd be a variety of other horror movies scattered between the next marathon, the Creature From The Black Lagoon trilogy. "How does that sound?"
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Hi Sea. Sorry to continue the topic of Niall if its boring for you and please dont feel you must answer to be polite, but the way Niall fans are behaving to us on twitter isnt nice, so I need to vent to someone with a bigger brain. They seem to think being like Harries is the way to goI'm afraid to ask one of his fans, but from the way theyre gloating Im assuming Nialls world tour is going to be a lot bigger than Louis? Its going to be all big arenas and maybe stadiums? I just dont get why theyre surprised and acting like its all some shocking validation.
This is his third album and they've all had normal to great promo pushes that Louies could only dream about. Whatever his music sounds like, Niall always gets lots of high level Tv and festival performances and shed loads of radio play and all favorable press, obviously with Sony blessing. Handed to him like Harry, just controlled and much less. He's also now been allowed regular US TV prime time promo via the Voice, and unlike Louis XF prison sentence he's actually allowed to use it to promote himself and his music. My feeling is that he's the only 1D boy who's being allowed to succeed to the GPs view as a pale echo of the big superstar, and 'proof' that Sony and HSHQ didnt sabotage the other three, its just they werent talented, except Niall in a minor way. I think its to build the 'Harry was the superstar part of superstar 1D' story that'll become 'truth' in time. And Niall's colluding by playing Harry's stooge friend to help sanitise it, and he's getting his reward.
I think Nialls music safe and boring, but a lot of people like generic, and no one can argue he's a talented musician and he has a charming persona. But I agree with the anon that under the fun surface he comes across as ruthlessly ambitious. Tbh I used to adore him and maybe thats why I'm so disappointed, but I began to be turned off a long time ago by the cynical, shameless way he uses celebrity social media and 'friendships', and the way he let his old friends swing. I guess its everyone for themselves in that industry but Niall's a survivor who does what it takes to clamber over the bodies, even if they thought they were his friends once. Niall wouldnt defy anyone powerful and decide to try to get by as a musician on guts and talent. He plays the clever game of selling out for the big rewards.
Lets face it, he only supports a true friend like Louis when there's no risk in it, only benefit for him, and it does Louis zero good. Same with Liam and Zayn. But Niall manages to appease everyone somehow and come out on top, which is a skill I guess, though not an admirable one. Maybe I'm being unfair, but that's how I see him.
So on his new tour, with all that sucking up to power and all that support and promo plus OT5 fans he SHOULD be charting high and he SHOULD be selling out a big arena tour. The miracle isn't that a Sony and Azoff approved 1D member other than Harry can sell out MSG, it's that anyone can do what Louis is doing as a blacklisted musician against Sony's interference and every industry norm, and still be unselfish enough to reach down to try to help other musicians. Like you said though, there's always the fear they'll interfere in the things Louis is still able to do. Every time he does too well and his potential is too obvious, I worry for him that there's more 'self-sabotage' on the way.
Yup. I'm glad that some fans keep their heads instead of changing their mind with PR and spin.
At any rate, the world, it turns no matter what, and as Louis always says, if you dwell on the unfairness of the world, it isn't motivating to your own actions and dedication. The fact is that he knows how it works; they all know how it works. They know who has been true and who turned, and maybe that's why they don't really keep in touch.
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