#((both of them are so shaken right now; emily from waking up as a mortal after centuries of being dead))
theheadlessgroom · 11 months
Concern now melted into confusion: He wouldn’t believe her if she told him? What could she possibly mean by that? His brow furrowed a little, unsure of this answer, but nevertheless, he resolved to continue to comfort and reassure the woman he loved, as he invited her to sit down on one of the many benches, still holding her close as he did so. Emily’s comfort was the most important matter to him now, as he demonstrated with his embrace, kissing her cheek as he held her, his free hand holding hers comfortingly.
“I promise that I would believe you,” he assured her gently, his voice tender, perhaps more tender than it had ever been-he knew how important it was for Emily to be heard, to be listened to, to be believed (considering her parents refused to believe her when she said Nicholas was not to be trusted, refused to listen when she said he was only after her money, refused to hear her out when she said she did not want to marry this boor, this was a very important matter to her), and so, he swore to make sure she knew this, that she could trust him to both hear and believe her. “Whatever you tell me, I promise you, I will not doubt you. I don’t know what you’re about to tell me, but I swear to you, Emily, I swear: I will not disbelieve you.”
He punctuated this with a kiss to her hand, pressing it to his chest, so that she could feel his heartbeat. He made a promise, a very serious one, one he was going to keep, and he wanted her to know it.
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