#((I'm moving Cerise over to a multimuse blog tomorrow which is why))
cherrypinksoul · 5 years
The End; Justice For All
Rowan had been braced for impact, Arthur and Lewis to run over and grab a locket. And then Cerise had burst back in. Vivi and Mystery trying to hold her back. Her own hair had turned to ice as she stormed in, glaring at the copy of her that was across from her father. The two girls had locked eyes and then... hell seemed to have broken loose.
The team had barely managed to get out, without Cerise’s locket... Before she almost brought the building down on top of them both. Mystery could only describe it on the ride home, Cerise unconscious once more, as “unlocking a fraction of her potential with her emotions”. And boy, did it scare the gang to know what she could theoretically be capable of. Sera had been contained within her own anchor and bound so they could keep her tamed.
But attention was mostly on Brick. He’d just been exposed to so many of their secrets all at once. That Lewis and Rowan weren’t alive, that Cerise wasn’t fully alive either... That Mystery might not be a normal dog. Arthur glanced between Rowan and Vivi before looking to the man.
“H-Hey, Brick...?”
“... Y-Yeah...?”
“You..” Arthur looked at the others again, nervous, “You won’t... tell anyone not... all of us are normal... will you?”
“... I...” He bit his lip. Had what Cerise’s double... Had what she said been true? Was he the reason Cerise was like this? “... I... only want to know something when she wakes up. Then... I’ll... I’ll tell you. I might have... have to be brutally honest about something...”
Brick curled up on himself, staring down at the floor of the van as they all waited for Cerise to wake up. It was a very long, very quiet drive back to the Skulls’ house. Very Quiet. And she still hadn’t woken up by the time they got there. Brick was invited to stay until she did, the group knowing he wouldn’t leave without an answer, and Rowan stayed as well.
He knew whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be an easy thing for her to talk about.
When she did wake up, it was clear she was still a little fragile. Her anchor was still cracked in places. But she was, of course, more worried about everyone else. “G-Guys..??”
“Easy, easy... We’re all okay, Cerise. None of us got hurt,” Arthur was there in a heartbeat, his hands on hers to calm her down, “How are you feeling..?”
“... Tired... Emotionally tired. Where’s... she?”
“Being bound even better than the first time. Mystery and Vivi are on it.”
“And they’re...?”
“Safe. Lewis was keeping watch,” he nodded, “We aren’t letting her get to any of us. Promise.”
She sighed, the knowledge reassuring, until Brick cleared his throat a little awkwardly, “Uh... C-Cerise...? I... I need to ask you something.”
“....” He rubbed at his shoulder, trying to figure out how to phrase it, “... Am.. Are you dead? A-And don’t... Don’t bullshit me on this, okay? I want the truth.”
Her face went dark, “... N-Not... Not fully...? I’m... I’m still half human, if that’s what you’re asking. I know you saw me earlier, huh?”
“Y-Yeah... and... That, that woman. She was...?”
Cerise thought a moment, she didn’t understand Sera entirely herself, but... from what she could gather and understand, “... She’s... me. But from a timeline... where I didn’t become... half ghost. Like this one.”
“... Is what she said the same though?” Arthur saw Cerise go pale, “Am I the reason you’re like that?”
“...” She turned away, but it was too late. Both men knew her tells, having known her long enough. She didn’t need to answer with an expression that said it all.
“... I need to tell the police. I’ve wanted to turn myself in for a year, and now I can...” Brick started towards the door, but suddenly had a hand on his arm. He looked back to see Cerise, staring into his eyes.
“Y... You don’t need to. I-I don’t--”
“Yes you do. I don’t need to be a mind reader to see it there. You blame me, and rightfully so. I killed you. You’re--”
“Only half! Brick, how can-- I can’t fault you! I know... I know I’ve been snappy and angry, but... I’ve also seen what ha--” She paused, biting her lip, “... I’ve seen what happened. That night... You... You were just trying to--”
“... You saw what?” He’d joined her in going white, staring in shock. How could she know what had happened..?
Arthur stepped in, “Sh-She can... read memories. See them when she wants to. Wh-Whatever happened that night... She doesn’t blame you, okay? Ju-”
“No! I-I’ve been... for a year, Arthur! A whole fucking year... I woke up that morning with blood on the hood of my car... Blood and fabric... And this last year, I’ve scoured every report. Every murder, every missing persons, every obituary I could... I wanted to turn myself in because at my hands someone lost their life. Someone died because of choices I made...”
Cerise frowned, rubbing her arm. She didn’t... want to blame him. But her emotions were still in turmoil after even all this time. A part of her still said he deserved to pay...
“And I see it now. All those times you got snappy, all those times you said something trying to cut deep... It was because I’m the reason you’re like this. Caught between death and life, right?”
“Brick, I-”
“No. No, god... dammit not this time, Cerise! I’m not letting you change my mind! I...” He stared down, bringing his hands up, “.. I killed a friend. Someone I cared about, have known... I’m the reason you... you’re like this. And you... you can’t tell me there’s nothing wrong with being half ghost!” she flinched back, knowing he was right.
“... I can see it. I can. I just... figured I’d done something wrong or that you were getting sick. Now I know the truth...” He sighed and looked away.
“Brick... Please, you don’t need to...” She stepped forward, and Arthur held her back. Both of them were stubborn in their own right, and she wasn’t going to stop him.
He didn’t answer her, his head folding down, “... I’d like my phone back, please. I know she dropped yours... Pretty sure Arthur picked it up.”
“Sure. She handed yours to me earlier,” Arthur handed it over, pulling Cerise back so she wouldn’t grab for Brick.
“... Thanks. I’ll... I’ll either see or call you later. However this ends up going... But I need to do it, so I know I did the right thing even in the end.”
“You don’t...”
He looked away, not answering again. He walked outside without a word, pulling up his phone and starting down the road as Arthur held tight to Cerise. Eventually she gave up, folding into him and crying. It was even later the police actually showed up, with questions for every member of the Mystery Skulls as to why they’d been told about a murder.
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