#(( kees ur pouty boyf! keeeess ur pouty boyf!!!! ))
windtorn · 11 months
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@forbelobog speaks: pouts for kisses. don't tease him.
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one could ask many things of the one-and-only sampo koski, and the mercenary would certainly deliver to one capacity or another, but asking the man not to tease the apple of his eye was like insisting the sun would not rise again come morning. "if you're going to keep making such an endearing face," sampo's fingers curled under gepard's chin, tickling invitingly like a siren tempting in a wayward sailor. pushed flush against the captain's body, playful diamonds flicker with amusement from under long, carefree lashes. the mercenary tilted his head off to the side, slowly leaning in as though he were to slot their mouths together...except, he doesn't. instead he pressed a chaste kiss against the corner of the captain's mouth. he lingered close to brush their lips together but mischievously remained ever out of the other man's reach, even if the captain were to try and lean in after him in an attempt to seal them together. "how do you expect me to give you what you want, hm? not when i have all i want right here." sampo's voice muffled against the captain's skin as he pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek, a tender one against his jawline, followed by playful butterfly kisses lining down the side of his neck. sampo's teasing fingers instead cupped gepard's face tenderly, stilling the barrage of affection at his nape, shamelessly cuffing the skin and worrying his battle-scarred skin with his teeth. "you do want something from me, dont you handsome? sampo koski is a benevolent man, you know. and for you? the world. you only need say the word."
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