#(Å; Alchemy)
studyscrasic · 11 months
Langblr Reactivation Challenge 1.4
Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people’s lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
I decided to make a history of science vocab list for the four languages I engage with most (Norwegian, German, Gaelic, and Irish)
discovery | oppdagelse - Entdeckung - nuadh-lorg - fionnachtain to discover | oppdage - entdecken - lorg - tar ar knowledge | kunnskap - Wissen - eòlas - eolas theory | teori - Theori - teòiridh - teoric theoretical | teoretisk - theoretisch - teòiridheach - teoriciúil invention | oppfinning - Erfindung - gluais - airceagán to invent | finne opp - erfinden - tùraich experiment | eksperiment - Experiment - deuchainn - turgnamh to experiment | eksperimentere | experimentieren | feuch - triail experimental | eksperimentell | experimentell | probhail | trialach to realize | å innse - erkennen - smaoinich - tuig controversy | kontrovers - Streit - connspaid - conspóid ingenious | sinnrik - genial - àirdeal - beartach development | utvikling - Entwicklung - leasachadh - forbairt philosophy | filosofi - Philosophie - feallsanachd - fealsúnacht philosopher | filosof - Philosoph - feallsanach - fealsamh astronomy | astronomi - Astronomie - reul-eòlas - réalteolaíocht astronomer | astronom - Astronom - reultair - réalteolaí alchemy | alkymi - Alchemie - sgoil na cumaisg - ailceimie alchemist | alkymist - Alchemist - ailceimicear - alceimiceoir scientist | vitenskapsmann - Wissenschaflter | eòlaiche | eolaí telescope | teleskop - Teleskop - teileasgop - teileascóp microscope | mikroskop - Mikroskop - microsgop - micreascóp mechanical | maskinell - mechanisch - meacanaigeach - meicniúil contraption | innetning - Vorrichtung - tionnsgal - gléas
I also discovered a Gaelic word I absolutely love -- caileadaireachd, which means star-gazing, prognostication, and also apparently chemistry and philosophy, so I assume it's a fairly catch-all word for historical science that I'm now very curious about!
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