katojikuta-chaann · 1 year
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I posted 4,365 times in 2022
That's 3,990 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (1%)
4,333 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 498 of my posts in 2022
#katoji overshares in the tags ✍️ - 10 posts
#i love da bebe - 6 posts
#important ‼️ - 6 posts
#me when - 6 posts
#puppy teary eyes - 6 posts
#👁️👁️ - 6 posts
#da bebe - 6 posts
#katoji shares niya lang 🗣️ - 5 posts
#katoji overshares ✍️ - 5 posts
#pag inggit pikit moments - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#the crowd inside (if you're standing/on the floor/near the stage). all these shits wouldn't be worth it if that's what you're bringing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Feel like I've been gone for a bit.
But it was just 2 days since my last rb/post.
0 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Di ako makapag emote / wallow in my sadness kasi nawawala yung earphones ko :)
0 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My head hURTS bc of screen time prolly.
but God i think if I don't keep my brain occupied, I'll drown in my thoughts.
Can't put in Earphones and listen to music or whatever bc IDK WHERE THE FUCK MY EarPHONES ARE!!!!!! THEY'RE my back up to my usual black ones that suddenly died on me and GOD DAMN THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO DISAPPEAR ON ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS.
I'm so.. tired :( idk what and why these shits are happening to me, why im reacting like this.
Wanted to play genshin pa naman... But aaa i still have to wash the dishes....
I'm worried too bc idk When is the exact date of my cousin moving in.. and i dont want to look & feel like shit when she does.
aaaaaa wanna shut down irl and forever. Bye gonna wash the Dishes.
alzoooo this has been going on since oct 26 bc of the computer tower :>
🖕to me from me 🫶
0 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
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4000 posts!
and that's on reblogging fanfic 🤩
0 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm gonna watch pikachu da cgi bc I've been meaning to watch it but ppl Don't want to and i am an independent watcher now >:((
jk I've been watching shit alone for a bit na and yeyeyeye bye
1 note - Posted July 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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theday · 6 years
!!!! 🎄 and i can't find the present emoji for some reason omg dhsksh but that too LOOL
itsceline ! henlo and dont worry i got u i probably wouldnt be able to find it either tbh astro’s 2 brain cells transfered to us arohas
mutuals send me ‘🎁’ for a compliment or send me ‘🎄’ for why i followed you / what i like most about you!
compliment: for some reason i rarely see u on my dash idk why ;-/ timezones maybe?? anyway please... ur so nice .... u always like posts of groups that u dont even stan ;-/ its always so nice 2 see u in my activity feed ive already said this but truly...... if i dont see itschims at least once a day something must b up ! o worm but dont feel pressured to like/rb anything ur not interested in though ill love u no matter what :D now back to the question bc im terrible at actually . answerig shit ,, i feel like ive been syaing this for everyone D-: but youre really nice and ??? despite not having talked much u were already joking arnd with me and i love that!!! i think ur good with people !!!!!!!! this sounds so stupid but i dont wanna say everyhting bc im saving that for the next portion ;-/ so im moving on !
why i followed you: bc i kept seeing a certain itschims in my activity feed nd i was like whomst ? so i clicked on ur blog and say the astro blog part and smashed the follow button for smileyrocky ! i still ... for some reason i still cant believe ur itschims and smileyrocky??? like huh....... huh...... idk why also i keep thinking ur younger than u actually are so imagine my shock finding out ur 20 djdskjj its not bc of how u look tho??? idk why i think ive started generalizing astro stans as young D-: which is obviously not true djdkjs idk why anyway i followed u back bc i needed more astro mutuals/stans to follow ! so thank u for following me first :-o
what i like most about you: mmMMMmmmm............,,,,,, ur friendliness ! and how open u r !! also how u interact with ur mutuals!!!! i remember when i said that i couldnt believe it was 12/12 or smth and u were like hAHha yesterday was 11/12 idk somrhtign like that that was nice !! bc it shows how open u r ?? to friendships idk this is hard 2 explain but u... ur not afraid to talk to ur mutuals?? and its nice! ofc if ppl dont talk to their mutuals its understandable its hard for me 2 so i think its cool of u to want to find more about ur mutuals!! u also tagged ppl in that tag game earlier so that was nice to see too!!!!! tldr; i like how you want to be friends with ur mutuals ;-0 this doesnt mean you have to though its just a nice trait to see! and also its completely fine if we dont talk much tagging me in tag games/other stuff is already good enough!!!! idk how 2 word this but basicallly no pressure my dude ! 
thank you for sending one in this is a mess as usual but i hope you have a good day/new years eve and that 2018 will be a good year for you !!!!! i love u :D
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nanlicia · 7 years
im not in a good headspace so this is badly written and might not make sense but i feel a lot recently and idk how to talk abt it or understand it the right way so im posting this for documentation. u can read if u want and if u relate u can rb,, im sorry its not well formed bc these kinds of things should be but i jst can't right now. - i really feel like if i dont date a woman then im not welcome in lgbtqa+ spaces. reinforcing our isolation. i notice that any time someone talks abt it being ok if u id as one thing and change ur mind later, id-ing as bi/pan and then changing ur mind is always listed, but almost never the other way arnd. reinforcing tht it's just a phase. i feel like any time people talk shit abt people in 'straight' relationships, they forget that there could be bi+/pan+ and nb/gnc people involved. reinforcing our erasure. and reinforcing my isolation bc i dont feel wanted in these spaces if im interested in men at all. i really feel almost obligated to like perform my expression of my identity as a pansexual person, like i need to make it v obvious. speaking abt my interest in men makes me happy until i have the thought wondering if the other person now thinks im straight. that im a fake. a liar. a pretender. talking abt my interest in others (not men) sometimes feels like i have to toe the line between expressing genuine interest and saying something that sounds too sexual bc ppl dont want me to be sexual abt my interest in people who aren't men. and yet somehow it also always feels like im trying too hard, and i wonder if the other person thinks im only faking still. i feel like 'wlw positive/inclusive' spaces still say a lot of questionable shit that never gets called out, and rly prioritizes being lesbian over any other wlw. i feel like i have to add a disclaimer that im not saying lesbians shouldn't be adored and loved, just that if u call urself 'all wlw inclusive' or whatever u should actually try to be that. i feel like people are going to get mad at this post bc im being whiny abt something that doesnt exist. but. my feelings exist. i exist. and everytime i see a post abt all this kind of stuff i feel like i dont belong anywhere and if i cant be the right kind of queer person i wont be welcome in those spaces even tho i have also never been welcome in straight spaces bc those have made me feel horrible things too. i question myself a lot and i worry im not 'right' or 'good' and sometimes i feel like i should find a hole to drop into and keep my mouth shut abt these things. but idk. i just cant. if u feel any of this stuff im so sorry im so very sorry i know how much it can tear a person apart bc it has been tearing me apart for a long time and i wish u didn't know any of this. i love u and u are beautiful and u belong. we have to find places we fit and are accepted but we belong , i just need to figure out where.
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hazardblocks · 4 years
so im gonna go off abt tsumugi for a sec
also this is gonna be long but like mobile doesn't let u do the keep reading thing so ill just rb spam over this post so only the ppl who unfortunately scroll thru my blog will find it. spoilers.
spoilers for all of v3
-tsumugi shirogane btw. i am indeed defending her bc i kin her
-this isn't defending her actions btw.............
-ok 1. yes her design doesn't rly go with her talent. i can acknowledge this. but bruh i saw this One Guy ranking designs (i forgot his name ..... this is a petty tumblr post im not gonna go find it) and he was like "tsumugi's design says nothing about her personality. it's easily in the worst tier it's so bad" and im like bruh................her whole thing is that she has no personality. like she has no identity out of cosplay/fiction. she sees herself as so normal and Plain™ like... she literally points out how plain her design is 948576678483 times ingame as if 2 bait us into thinking she's more suspicious. her design has no personality bc there's nothing 2 say. also to me she has a more mature body type/lower voice @ the end implying that she's an older woman so that shit crazy, but i will die on my pedestal of loving ministarfruit's content bc like.. them describing tsumugi as "[having] no self to sacrifice" like that is so perfect and accurate, from how i understand her character
-idk what we're even talking about anymore so let's talk abt the whole rantaro thing. v3's story is a mess of confusion but i think the pregame section is very important. first off, kaito and tsumugi(excluding saihara, who we see just With Us), the characters you'd expect to be the most excited about the kg, are the most prominent characters in the cg of the exisals readying to punt the cast. and they're obviously afraid. yes, you can claim that this is due to the fact that there are big giant robots here, but they're also worried about their circumstances before then. but then comes the question of tsumugi's part in all this. this means that either A, tsumugi adapted very quickly to the failed circumstances, B tsumugi was only made the mastermind after gaining her memories and outfit, or C tsumugi was less afraid of what was happening and more confused as to why it seemed like she was about to be killed for this error. i honestly think that b is the most likely, hear me out.
-for starters, rantaro is the only one that seems to know what's going on- tsumugi shows no indication that she's made an error. even when the cast is about to forget that all of this ever happened, she still appears uncertain and clueless. unless you want to argue that she knew that the player would notice, this doesn't line up with anything but B. plus, she doesn't bring up this actual, canon section in the sixth trial. she doesn't discuss what this means, instead covering up what the player knows by saying that something different happened. that the cast misremembers.
-dont get me started on the fucking cospox. honestly im 100% convinced it's fake. plus im like so tired now but if tsumugi wrote that whole story of v3 then she's not a good mastermind at all. however i do think that compared to monaca and junko, tsumugi is... very different. she's obviously the most mixed feelings mastermind, as with monaca most people hate her guts, and with junko people love and hate her. both very strongly, at the same time. tsumugi probably brought the most despair upon the cast of v3, and the most on the player as well. people always die in danganronpa, it's heartbreaking, but tsumugi left something more. for some people, they hated the ending. for some people, they couldn't figure out shirogane even in the end, because honestly, within her there's nothing to see. even the liar characters like kokichi, you get a structure for him, you get a good grasp on what he's like. throughout all of the game, he was one of the very most prominent and important characters, and what he had to offer went on postmortem. but at the end of the day... no one really knew what tsumugi was like. because outside of danganronpa, she had nothing to say.
-what am i saying anymore. there is no point to this post tsumugi is just more interesting than i think a lot of people make her out to be
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