#( verse: daughter of lightning and stormy seas )
mythcsborn-a · 7 years
Two Daddies au for enyo and goddess!anna au for anna :/
birb voice: u want sum verses
1// you know that already but enyo, during her childhood and early teenage years, is glued to po's side no matter what happens. she trails after him like a lost duckling, follows him everywhere he goes unless she found something that caught her attention. po is her hero, okay, he's the one who raised her and who taught her everything she knows, and she pretty much worships the ground he walks on. talk about a daddy's girl :///
2// po totally gave her his love for anything living, including monsters, and she totally gave him quite a few scares when she was a little girl because she would just go off to whatever caught her attention and come back with whichever animal she found. and that's how she brought home a pretty impressive numbers of sea creatures, including two great white sharks she named bobby and daisy. they're still alive to this day and she loves them quite a lot. she's also bff with both scylla and charybdis and she often goes to visit the both of them. the first time that happened, po totally got a semi-heart attack.
3// okay but once enyo grows up and really takes her place as a goddess of sea navigation and piracy, she leaves the palace for sometimes years. she adores the sea, something po obviously passed down to her, and she loves spending as much time sailing as she can, but it's always a joy to come back home and come back to her father. each time she does they just spend the entire evening in a couch, probably watching some hephaestus tv and making fun of half of their family lmao
4// i feel like they don't fight much, but when they do it's pretty much devastating. while enyo isn't near as powerful as her father, she still has a little control over water and the sea in general (particularly the winds) and, well, being a daughter of zeus as well don't help with her temper. so whenever po and enyo have a fight, it probably provokes a pretty impressive sea storm. and everyone knows it ://
5// the very first boat she ever got at age ten was a gift from po. he built it in secret for her birthday and she spent at least ten minutes screaming about it and jumping everywhere. it was a little boat, like a small optimist she could sail all by herself. she still has it to this day and she still uses it when she wants to do something nice and not complicated.
1// after their first (somewhat messed up) meeting anna totally took the time to teach po all about plants and species and which one were good and which one were poisonous and could be used against your opponent. i like to think po uses poisons ever since because... well. it's a good way to get rid of someone you don't like without really getting involved lmao. but yes, she totally took him under her wing to teach him all about land life and how to respect it because taking care of the oceans is nice and all but it has to go hand in hand with the land :///
2// i have a feeling that no matter how old she is or how disappointed in love she feels ever since that almos-engagement, she still develops a lowkey crush on po when he's older :// like... because of the titanomachy and shit they don't see much of each other for years, even centuries, and one day anna comes back from whatever hole she buried herself into for the last fifty years and goes to see po and she just goes fuck my life lmao when will there be a verse where anna doesn't fancy him, even just a tiny little bit, i wonder
3// tho i doubt they would do anything ?? like they're such good friend, and i'd think po would see anna more as a mentor than anything else ? like that awesome teacher you had in eighth grade ? so yeah i'm pretty sure nothing will ever happen between them. she's cool with it and well, she wouldn't exactly say no if he ever asked her for smexy shenanigans, but u know they have a great friendship so she's real good with the situation and she's happy with watching him do his thing.
4// gigantomachy time !!! so we all know poseidon killed polybotes by smashing him in the face with an island, of all things :/// is it wrong for me to think po could have gifted nisyros to anna ? like... he literally created an island outta nowhere :// can that happen ? i'll pretend it happens but u tell me sunny
5// BUDDY EVENINGS at least once every ten years. seriously tho, after the gigantomachy n all the war they decided that it would be nice to, like, see each other more often so they meet for a whole day and evening on a semi-regular basis and they just eat and talk and tell each other about what happened since the last time they saw each other, and it's just good to not have to deal with any godly shit for at least a day.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Forged in Fury-verse Drabble: Mother’s Rage
( @sparklecryptid @an--angel--can--fly @ertrunkenerwassergeist @skyshinigamialchemist *slaps this down on the table* BEHOLD. THE CONTEXT FOR MY PREVIOUS POST. IT’S ONLY ... MILDLY ANGSTY. SURPRISINGLY. Also tagging @wolfsrainrules @ean-sovukau @rayearthdudette. Also also, I blame you for this Moose. Your HCs on Ramuh and Leviathan have INSPIRED me and that inspiration finally culminated in this ... and also a few other things that are still in progress *flails*.)
     They had not come to Altissia seeking an audience with Leviathan. They had come because the Empire was there and because Regina was never one to waste a resource or a chance to earn another ally. Sylva had tentatively offered to speak to Leviathan, to rouse her and ask for her favor —Regina had already won the favor of Shiva and Ifrit after all, it was not impossible she would win the Hydraean’s— but Regina turned her down. It was too much risk to the city, and so long as the Astrals did not actively get in her way, Regina honestly preferred not to deal with them —she didn’t trust them, didn’t trust that actively seeking a Blessing rather than earning it by accident would not carry a price she refused to pay—.
     So perhaps it was no surprise that when Regina made a point not to seek out the Hydraean…
     The Hydraean came to her.
     “Mortal.” Regina exhaled slowly, closed her eyes, inhaled the salty tang of the waterfront air and listened to the telling screams of terror and then reverent, petrified silence of the world around her where seconds ago there had been chatter and cheer. Then she opened her eyes and looked up into the looming features of Leviathan.
     Beside her, Sylva’s breath hitched, confusion and fear vibrating against Regina’s senses —because Leviathan was supposed to be slumbering, not here, rising out of the bay in front of the hotel Regina and her group had just stepped out of on their way to meet the Prime Minister— and Regina felt her Storm bristle at her back, ready to pull her away from the Astral before them and defend her even if it cost his life. She mentally thanked Cid for clamping a firm hand on Cor’s neck before he could to more than lay a hand on his sword hilt.
     The Hydraean didn’t seem to notice or care about any of it. She only had eyes for Regina, “Mortal,” repeated the Astral with a twitch of her great, silver-blue fins, “Defier of Fates, She Who Spits in the Face of Prophecy and Walks With the Accursed, yet has earned the favor of both the Glacian and the Fallen Infernian. So you finally come to my resting place. Are you here to beg favor?” A flash of spear-like fangs, the already huddling, cowering crowd of civilians sobbed in terror, hands over their ears in pain at the booming, indecipherable tongue of the Astrals.
     Regina wasn’t really all that surprised that she was an exception. That she could understand the Hydraean when a glance at her companions revealed all but Sylva and Ardyn watching on in uncomprehending confusion. She turned her attention back to Leviathan, “No, honored Hydraean. I am not here to beg your favor, I did not even intend to wake you from your slumber.”
     “Yet you bring the Accursed into my city, bring him over the surface of my waters. Did you really expect me to stay silent?” One great eye tilted toward her and there was scorn in the slitted gaze, “Did you really expect to avoid confrontation with me when you have blatantly defied the will of the Draconian and dare to consort with the foul Accursed?”
     Regina felt something inside her go cold and deadly, felt the soft pulse of Shiva’s ice in her belly and Ifrit’s counterpart hum of heat up her spine as she shifted to more fully stand between Leviathan and the cringing Ardyn, “His name is Ardyn, he is my kin and he is no more foul or accursed than I am.”
     “Blind, ignorant, arrogant worm,” growled the Astral before her with a ripple of magic that made the waves tremble, “can you not feel his taint? Can you not smell the stench of the scourge on him?” Regina bared her teeth right back, refused to cower in shame or fear as Ardyn was doing behind her back, ignored Ardyn’s whispered plea for Regina to back down from the fight brewing between her magic and the Hydraean’s. Leviathan snorted, a great billow of steam and a swirl of magic that made the bay waters rise like open waves before settling, “He is the Accursed, foul and plague-ridden and tainted.”
     “And who’s fault is that, exactly.” It took a moment for Regina to identify her own voice, so soft and cold, rolling with the oldest language she knew. She’d … almost forgotten she could sound like that. But now she remembered, and when she breathed, the salty air felt like shards of ice in her lungs. Leviathan reared back in shock and Regina repeated, “Who’s. Fault. Is. That.”
     Leviathan narrowed her eyes dangerously, “You dare imply that the Astrals are to blame for the Accursed?”
     Regina tilted her head, ignoring Sylva’s hands on her arm and the plea of her Lightning in her ear to stop, “What I am implying is that if the vaunted Guardians of Our Star had actually done their job, the Starscourge wouldn’t have been a problem and Ardyn wouldn’t have had to sacrifice himself trying to save people from something that humans are not meant to cure.”
      Leviathan’s roar of rage churned the waves out in the bay to a frenzy, sending boats jolting and bucking against their restraints and making people scream as the Hydraean loomed even further out of the water, her coils seeming to stretch on forever into the sky even as her head lowered to snarl right in Regina’s face, “Insolent Mortal! What gives you the right to dare speak to the Hydraean this way? What right have you to question us and fight against prophecy?”
     Regina’s favored sword was in her hand in an instant, rage in her blood and violet tinting the air with crystal fractals as she pointed the blade at Leviathan’s head and bared her teeth. She didn’t notice the ice spreading out from her feet to freeze the nearest waves, didn’t register the others scrambling back as her shoulders became cloaked in violet fire. She barely registered her voice deepening with magic to a dangerous, inhuman pitch as she snarled back, “I have every right! The Chosen King you plan to sacrifice is my son! My child! My beloved baby is on your alter of sacrifice before he is even conceived! What do you expect me, a MOTHER, to do BUT question your will and fight your prophecy?”
     Leviathan’s head jerked back as if slapped, pupils blowing wide enough to swallow the color of her great eyes in black. Around them, the stormy waves stilled. Settled to soft, gentle ripples against the soaked Altissian cobblestones, reflecting the twisting storm clouds that had formed overhead in response to the clashing magics of the Hydaean and a single, desperate human mother. Leviathan stared and Regina breathed, deep and ragged and fragile in her own fury, blade still pointed accusingly at the Hydraean’s looming frame.
      A slow blink and Leviathan’s pupils settled into something between the furious slits or wide-blown shock of before, “A mother.” Another blink, a slow hiss and a sudden, disbelieving softening of her voice from crashing ocean waves to far off thunder, “All of this. All this defiance, the freeing of the Accursed, the swaying of the Oracle, the winning of the Glacian’s and the Fallen Infernian’s favor, the defiance of prophecy and the spitting in the face of the Draconian who blessed your line … because you are a mother?”
     Regina inhaled, exhaled, felt the inhuman power of her voice fade into something tired even as she kept her blade up and ready for a fight, “…Yes. That is why I fight. That is what everything I have done was for.”
     “He is not even conceived in your womb. You do not even have a mate to help you bear him yet. You have never even seen his face or heard his heartbeat. And yet,” Leviathan’s head tilted very slowly to one side, “you love him. An intangible concept and yet your heart beats solely for him. How can you so fiercely love something that is still just an idea?”
     Regina stared into wild, distinctly inhuman eyes in a face that was as far from human as could be. She stared at swaying, house-sized fins and spear-sharp teeth, the embodiment of the ocean in all its terrible, beautiful glory.
     She lowered her blade and answered with a simple, “Didn’t you?”
     The world went still. The tiny waves flattened to pure, reflective grey-black glass, the sea breezes faded, the storm clouds stopped rumbling. All of the world held its breath in shock. Crystalized in fragile silence of disbelief.
     Leviathan didn’t twitch so much as a fin as she rasped, “I … I do not understand.”
     Regina flexed her fingers over her sword hilt, repeated in a voice as soft as a breeze, “When you first looked upon humanity, upon the little sailors cobbling together their boats of fragile wood and cloth. The tiny children who looked at your waters and saw not just the danger but the adventure. When you first looked, really looked at the members of humankind who loved your waters as fiercely as if they had been born to them and not land. Wasn’t there a moment? Where something inside you went, ‘I could have children’? A moment where you looked upon your oceans, wild and terrible and free and realized that you didn’t have to be alone anymore? That these little, fragile creatures you had never bothered to pay attention to before could mean something? Could be your children, your little ones, your sons and daughters of the sea?”
     Regina met Leviathan’s gaze without fear and whispered, “And then, before you ever picked out which humans you would Bless, before Blessing those humans and making them your children was anything more than just an idea, a concept in your mind-. Didn’t you love them? Didn’t you feel ready to do anything for them if it meant that when the day came that they did exist, they would be happy?” A breath, shaky and pained with memories she could not afford to weep over now, and her sword slipped away into armiger from nerveless fingers as she instead raised her hands from her sides in an unspoken plea.
     “That’s why you’re called Tide-Mother, isn’t it?”
     A breath. An eternity. A frozen heartbeat of time where Regina stared at the Leviathan and the Leviathan stared at her and the both of them saw, clear as a painting, the reality of the other. The reality of times unwound and betrayals unhealed.
     Of children, loved and lost and gone, leaving nothing but memories and bleeding, broken hearts behind.
     Then Leviathan threw back her head and screamed.
     The storm erupted into a down pour and the glass-still waters surged toward the skies as the Tide-Mother wailed old grief and pain and rage to the heavens. Regina breathed past the flashes of memory-love-loss-pain that pressed against her senses through the heavy magic pushing and pulling through the air like a tide, past the images of a people Blessed and loved and then taken away by Steel and Fire and mistakes and greed.
     As the rain pelted down onto the streets and soaked her to the bone in seconds, Regina tilted her head back to face it and let it mingle with her own tears.
     Finally, the Tide-Mother’s head tilted back down toward the earth, the rain settling from a torrent to a mournful patter on skin and scales. Leviathan sounded so very weary as she said, “I was indeed a mother once. And my love reached from sea to sea. But my children are gone now, and those who traverse my waves are nothing more than the scattered bones of Solheim’s folly.” A blink and a contemplative, mournful look down at Regina, “I do not care for humanity anymore. They belong to Bahamut now, and when he saw fit to lay the Prophecy upon them, I felt nothing as I slept beneath my waves. I still do not care whether humanity lives or dies. But you do not fight for humanity, do you? You fight for your unborn child and your Chosen and them alone, even if it means burning down the world around you.”
     Leviathan suddenly laughed, old and dark as the promise of a hurricane, “I do not care for humanity,” she repeated, “But I care even less for the arrogance of the Draconian that led to my children’s deaths.” Slitted eyes assessed Regina, and this time when she bared her spear-length fangs it was in a smile, “I will Bless you, Mother of the Chosen. I will Bless you so that you might save your child from the fate that befell my own.”
     Regina narrowed her eyes, “And what do you require in return?”
     Leviathan’s smile grew, “You will teach your children in ways of the sea, the proper ways, not the soulless metal things they use in these days. Do not lie, I sense the ocean in your soul, you were once a wave-rider. Pass that knowledge on so that I might once again have little adventurers upon my waters, true sea-children who can feel the heartbeat of my tides and do not fear the wrath of my storms for all they are wary of it. They will carry my Blessing through your blood and they will be mine indirectly. This is what I desire of you. I desire…” Leviathan tilted her head, growling and considering to herself as if in search of something, some word to summarize her deal.
     Feeling a little bit disbelieving, but also not, Regina asked dryly, “You … will give me your Blessing in exchange for being able to pass that Blessing on through my blood, the same as the Draconian’s was passed to me.” A blink and a look at the wide-eyed Ardyn and Sylva, then she clarified, “Basically … you … want me to give you grandchildren?” 
     Leviathan seemed to roll the word over in her head a few times, then hissed, greedy and victorious, “Yes. That is what I desire. Grandchildren. New wave-riders and TideSingers.”
     “I won’t let them be sacrificed to you. If they choose to live on land more than the sea that is their choice for all generations after. You will not put them on strings like puppets.”
     “Of course not,” she snorted back, “I am the Hydraean of the Seas, not the Draconian of unbending Steel and Prophecies. They will be free to come and go from my currents as they please, so long as they keep the knowledge of how to truly traverse my waves. Well, Mother of the Chosen? Do we have an accord?”
     Regina filled her lungs with salty air, felt the humming Blessings of Shiva and Ifrit and Bahamut —though the latter only through inheritance— already under her skin. Then bared her teeth in a smile every bit as wild and vicious as Leviathan’s, “Yes. I accept your terms.”
     Leviathan laughed, deep and old and terrible and Regina forced herself to stay standing through the pain of another Blessing sinking into her blood and bones and soul, “I look forward to seeing what chaos you will sow as you break the Draconian’s Prophecy, Child. Do not forget your promise.”
     “Don’t forget yours, Grandmother Hydraean.”
     “Brat.” Snorted the Astral Tide-Mother in return as she plunged back beneath the waves, still laughing all the while. Just as the last of her scales disappeared beneath the water, Regina almost thought she caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman in the finest of sea-colored silks and coral jewelry rather than endless scales and serpentine features. The woman smiled and the expression was almost, but not quite human. Regina smiled back, just as fae and wild, and the vision faded as the Leviathan returned to her slumbers beneath the tides.
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dailybiblelessons · 6 years
Saturday: Preparation for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Revised Common Lectionary Proper 7 Roman Catholic Proper 12
Complementary Hebrew Scripture from the Writings: Job 37:1-13
[Elihu continued and said]
“At this also my heart trembles,   and leaps out of its place. Listen, listen to the thunder of his voice  and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven he lets it loose,  and his lightning to the corners of the earth. After it his voice roars;  he thunders with his majestic voice  and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice;  he does great things that we cannot comprehend. For to the snow he says, ‘Fall on the earth’; and the shower of rain, his heavy shower of rain, serves as a sign on everyone's hand,  so that all whom he has made may know it. Then the animals go into their lairs  and remain in their dens. From its chamber comes the whirlwind,  and cold from the scattering winds. By the breath of God ice is given,  and the broad waters are frozen fast. He loads the thick cloud with moisture;  the clouds scatter his lightning. They turn round and round by his guidance,  to accomplish all that he commands them  on the face of the habitable world. Whether for correction, or for his land,  or for love, he causes it to happen.”
Semi-continuous Hebrew Scripture from the Former Prophets: 1 Samuel 18:1-4
When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that he was wearing, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt.
Complementary Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;  for his steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,  those he redeemed from trouble  and gathered in from the lands,  from the east and from the west,  from the north and from the south.
Some went down to the sea in ships,  doing business on the mighty waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord,  his wondrous works in the deep. For he commanded and raised the stormy wind,  which lifted up the waves of the sea. They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths;  their courage melted away in their calamity; they reeled and staggered like drunkards,  and were at their wits' end. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,  and he brought them out from their distress; he made the storm be still,  and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they had quiet,  and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,  for his wonderful works to humankind. Let them extol him in the congregation of the people,  and praise him in the assembly of the elders.
Semi-continuous Psalm 9:9-20
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,  a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you,  for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion. Declare his deeds among the peoples. For he who avenges blood is mindful of them;  he does not forget the cry of the afflicted.
Be gracious to me, O Lord. See what I suffer from those who hate me;  you are the one who lifts me up from the gates of death, so that I may recount all your praises,  and, in the gates of daughter Zion,  rejoice in your deliverance.
The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;  in the net that they hid has their own foot been caught. The Lord has made himself known,  he has executed judgment; the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands.  Higgaion. Selah
The wicked shall depart to Sheol,  all the nations that forget God.
For the needy shall not always be forgotten,  nor the hope of the poor perish forever.
Rise up, O Lord! Do not let mortals prevail;  let the nations be judged before you. Put them in fear, O Lord;  let the nations know that they are only human. Selah
New Testament Gospel Lesson: Luke 21:25-28
“There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
There are parallel passages at Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27.
Year B Ordinary 12, RCL Proper 7, Catholic Proper 12 Saturday
Bible verses from The New Revised Standard Version, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All right reserved. Selections from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, copyright 1985 by the Consultation on Common Texts.
Parallel passages are as indicated in The Holy Bible Modern English Version (MEV), copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Used by permission. All rights reserved. When text is taken from the MEV, the passage ends with (MEV) and the foregoing copyright notice applies. Image Credit: Sunlight on the Coast by Winslow Homer, via Wikimedia Commons. This is a public domain image.
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mythcsborn-a · 7 years
beware the monster verse that i’ve been discussing rather furiously with @seaprofound (and honestly i totally blame sunny for all of this).... the two daddies au !! featuring poseidon, zeus and enyo.
or the verse where enyo is actually the daughter of zeus and poseidon, who carried her like the badass he is. your favourite war goddess turns instead into a goddess of sea navigating in general but PIRACY in particular, where she’s the Absolute Daddy’s Girl when it comes to her relation with po, where she’s the princess of not just olympus but olympus and the ocean, and fuck my life i love this verse to death already :/// sunny what have you done.
anyways yes. let’s talk about it. so enyo is the lovechild of zeus and poseidon after a rather passionate night i assume, and whoops po got pregnant. who thought it would be possible, huh ? not too surprising considering they’re gods but yeah. poseidon carried her to term and gave birth to little enyo under the sea, and ever since day one she’s been glued to poseidon’s side like a limpet. she has an almost fusional relationship with him, and when she was small she would cry for hours if he left her alone with someone else, to the point he actually brought her to olympian meetings as “emotional support” and i swear to god this was the most adorable thing okay. she’s mostly raised by her daddy, as she likes to call poseidon-- she doesn’t see zeus, father, very often considering he’s the king of olympus and he’s married and all of that, but she doesn’t mind much (even though she was so scared of him at her first meeting, she literally hid into po’s jacket for three hours). she loves both her parents, for sure, but she’ll never be close to zeus like she’s close to poseidon, and that’s understandable.
but yes. she grows up in po’s kingdom and is best friends with her big brother anteros, probably develops a huge crush on eros during late childhood/early teen years, and slowly grows into her role as a goddess of piracy. she’s a carbon copy of poseidon in many ways-- she’s got her blonde hair from zeus, but everything else is just poseidon, from the shape of her jaw to the color of her eyes. she inherits his small stature, his cocky grin and a love for everything mischevious and rambunctious, a tendency to being overly dramatic when things don’t go her way or just for the hell of it and a deep, gigantic love for everything living, even monsters. she probably makes friends with both scylla and charybdis at some point, just because she can, and she’s somewhat careless and free in a way she’s never been in her regular verse lmao. she’s also best friends/rivals with hermes because they always bet on who can steal the most shit, and it always end up with the both of them sternly scolded by their parents but who cares, they keep doing it anyways. 
fuck me tho, just hmu if u wanna have this verse because i wanna explore it :////
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