#( the only blog i keep consistently active is the twins lol )
pigmonarch · 3 years
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( catch me only logging on here and posting once every month or so and then leaving )
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
From one roleplayer to another, your Pietro, Wanda and Vision are brilliant! I had 4 rp blogs (one for Tom Holland's Spiderman, another one for Loki, one for DC's Poison Ivy and one for Star Wars' Rey) as well as my main blog, but Tumblr deleted my account because I reblogged a meme about wanting to die (I was a bit suicidal and I was coping) but you are great and I feel so tempted to make a Barry Allen blog to rp with your Pietro about their powers! Lol. But I hate Tumblr after that :')
{out of breath} First of all, I just want to say that I hope you are doing better now! That was a very brave admission, and I’m sorry that Tumblr Staff treated you that way. You would think that their response to someone posting something like that would be to reach out kindly, not to further depress them by deleting all their content. That’s... very disappointing. I can fully understand why you would be put off of making new blogs.
Also... thank you so much! I really appreciate that! ^_^ I’ve worked pretty hard to flesh out my Marvel babies, as I have with all the canon muses I’ve tackled. I never take on a canon muse until I feel there is sufficient room there to make their my own in some way, to extrapolate from their canon, and to add something meaningful yet realistically within the boundaries of the existing canon to the character. I felt there was so much potential with the Maximoff twins and Vision just sticking with MCU (because the comics are a mess and all over the place, let’s be real, that’s too much for me to even keep track of haha) that I wanted to give it a try. I’ve had a lot of fun, and I hope everyone is enjoying my interpretation so far.
I don’t know all that much about The Flash, but omg two FastBois™ trying to outdo each other sounds hilarious, haha. And ugh, I would have loved a Tom Holland version of Spiderman to interact with. There are so many muses that I either have no interactions with or very sporadic ones (like Clint, Tony, even Visions and Pietros for my Wanda), but because my activity is not consistent (work... yay T-T) and I don’t use professional looking graphics, themes, etc., that really limits those willing to rp with me. Also the whole side blog issue... people who are “mutuals only” don’t know I’m already following them from my main, so they ignore me. *sigh* That’s always been true for my blogs though, not just with Marvel muses, but yeah... it’s kindof a bummer because I would love to interact with certain muses more, but in a way maybe it’s good because I’m already swamped with the activity I do have, so I’m not sure how much more I could take on, haha. XD
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