#( sndknsf thIS IS SO B AD IM SO SORRY )
yellowtied · 6 years
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          “ ‘ Nothing’s going to change unless you build the strength to run. ’ ”
Such a statement might seem uncharacteristic coming from someone like him … probably because it is. Upon closer inspection, he’s found reading it off the sliver of paper he’d pulled from his fortune cookie, squinting at the text that he personally thinks is much too small for the average person to read. Or maybe it’s just because he forgot to put his contacts in that morning. 
“ Egh… I get that’s supposed to be inspirational and stuff, but what if you HATE running? The only marathon I’ve ever raced was to see how fast I could finish three seasons of my favorite show. ” Three days, it had taken. He would regret it for six. “ I dunno, does it make you feel empowered? ” He briefly stops to wonder what he’s doing, offering a perfect stranger his cookie fortune, but it’s too late to turn back now. “ —You can have it if you want. ” 
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