#( omg pls tell me you're proud of me. those first two i got so serious into it and i'm honestly proud. i like em a lot )
lilxmcrtes · 3 years
“plots please”
3 ( or more ) interesting plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses | @thornstocutyouwith | Mun
[ ☆ ] ~ You want even MORE plots? :O With me?? ;u; Alright here goes...
1. Eira does know about magic and aliens and supernatural type stuff, etc. She’s actually part of some agency that tries to keep the peace between all that and the humans. Which of course really just means keeping an eye on them and snooping. Secrets and all that good stuff. She just pretends not to know. Being a conflict of interest, she’s forced to break up with Tancred. ( Would be a much better explanation... ) Then it turns out she needs to protect him because he’s being targeted. He’s supposed to do an important thing or maybe old enemies want revenge. Or maybe he already did a thing that set something off and now he’s the only one that can fix it. Point is, people want him ded :))) Sprinkle in tension of a secret war approaching and angst of being together but not together and finding out things about each other they had no idea about. I sense Wormwood fits somewhere in here... Oo and Aeron could get kidnapped so they gotta get him out along the way ( even tho she’s supposed to focus on Tancred only ). Oh Tancred could not want to and she forces him to come with her. But then Tancred gets taken so she has to pick between them, probably being close to getting Aeron or losing that to get Tancred. Poor Tancred is gonna deserve a lot of apologies for that. Cuz why not give her more reasons to be sorry to him? Not sure what other muses could get involved. Maybe Adom when Aeron gets taken. Adom could get hurt and left for ded ( yet again LOL ) or taken with him ( probably the longer option ) to be tortured so Aeron will give up Eira’s location ( THAT HE DOESN’T KNOW ) to find Tancred. Pre!Oliver could be involved. Ooo sending assassin!Lief? Cuz Tancred could expose his dirty work at the lab ( people like Lief )
2. Multiverse shit. There’s a lead on a body compatible to Bray and Tancred meets Eira in her mutant verse. He calls her Eira and freaks her out because no one calls her that unless they really know her. He explains what’s up and she calms down. The body he’s looking for has a fragment of the M.ind S.tone which I guess allows Bray to hop into that body idk. She offers to help since she’s already looking for her brother so she’ll ask Roman for info that’d be helpful. That actually helps ( somehow ) to finding her brother and what he’s up to. Not good stuff. Then, BIG REVEAL, it’s EIRA’S body that is compatible for Bray since she has a fragment lodged in her brain. Before they can even talk about whether he’s actually going to do anything with that information, her assassin persona, Angel, wakes up as a self preservation thing, attacking him. Puts him in a pretty bad spot. He’s in the hospital and not getting better so Eira goes to this universe’s Tancred for help. Meanwhile getting hunted down because now she knows things like about Angel so she got rid of her headband ( how she can be controlled remotely ) and starts taking suppression medication instead. Though as it turns out this universe’s Tancred has been trying to track her down too because he knows she’s compatible for Bray. They make a deal. He’ll help the visiting Tancred and she’ll give herself up. But having two Tancred’s in close vicinity is BAD. Maybe Tancred was just waking up or maybe he did need help but either way it doesn’t matter cuz it’s gonna be for nothing if they don’t part ways immediately. I’m at a loss for how other muses would fit into this rn but I’m sure there’s something
3. P.rodigal S.on AU ( bc of course lol ) ft. Adom as Malcolm, Oliver from his detective AU?, Aeron who was a suspect and it turned out to be Jace who may or may not have killed Eira ( they’re looking for her ). Maybe Asher is having fun and causing chaos. And / Or Killian.
4. Tripp and Asher. There’s something there. I know there is. Idk what it is yet exactly but my angy boi 2.0 and the Demon of Wrath. Come on.
Bonus: Max ( even tho he’s on my sideblog umbriis ) and Lief. Since he’s dating Riley now, it’s the perfect time to mistake Lief for Riley. Or!! Diego mistakes Riley as Klaus and sees them together and thinks he’s Klaus’ new boyfriend
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