#( le carnaval is the scariest sanity-wise )
jardaddy-a · 2 years
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As mentioned before that Stargazer has the ability to conjure other people’s dreams into walkable / explorable spaces , take of it as a surrealistic world that you can wander around in a sleep state .     The case for Stargazer is different , she can conjure multiple dream worlds within her own head due to her nature as the master of dreams , but for others , she can only conjure one .     The main dream world reflects the current psyche of its owner , so just with one glance of your dream world , Stargazer can easily tell whether or not you’re suffering unresolved emotional issues .   
Those who have experienced extreme bouts of traumatic incidents , anxiety , and depression usually have dark / gloomy skies or atmospheric ambiences , almost nightmarish but it depends on the person .   Those who don’t suffer that much have lighter / brighter skies and friendlier / whimsical dream worlds . 
Dream worlds can change depending on the current mental state of its owner , so those who have started with dark / nightmarish worlds can eventually have more brighter yet melancholic spaces .    And those who started with bright and fantastical dream worlds end up with more corroded / nightmarish dream worlds the more their mental state declines . 
Sometimes showing other people the current state of their dream world takes a physical and mental toll to Stargazer that there are times where she retreats to her own dream world and falls asleep for days .   Mallow often accompanies her during these periods considering he doesn’t want her to be alone in her dreams .  
Stargazer’s ability to drag people to sleep with her powder can be dangerous because she can manipulate how long you’ll be asleep , so she also has the ability to force people into a comatose state .    People who die in their dream worlds and nightmares don’t really die in real life , but Stargazer’s presence is an outliar , because if she has the ability to trap and kill people in their dreams .     Fortunately , she has rarely done this , but she has done this for grisly criminals .  
Stargazer’s not the strongest physically in the waking world , but once you’re caught in her dust and you’re asleep ?   You’re completely under her mercy . 
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