#( have smol-ish Jing Yuan being upset at himself )
lightngborn · 4 months
@swordssworn sent: ❛  you did everything you could.  ❜ - Yingxing
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It never did get any easier, dealing with losses like this. Even it was just a natural part of his job, it still never got easier. He'd been at this for years now, but still felt so new to it all. In truth, he knew he was still young and that, with time, these feelings with steadily weigh on him less and less. But for now, he couldn't help but feel as though he were at fault.
"They were my responsibility, Yingxing... and I let them down..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to combat the emotions swaying within him. He was injured, but he didn't care. A minor issue compared to those who'd been lost in this fight. "What sort of lieutenant am I if I cannot even keep my men safe?" He questioned before letting out a bitter laugh. "I'm a joke..." He shook his head, silence settling in for just a moment. Finally he let out a sigh, his gaze settling upon the ground now as he let his hands settle in his lap. "Perhaps I should quit while I still have the time..." He mused quietly. "Maybe I just wasn't cut out to be a Cloud Knight after all..."
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