#( fallon croft | intro. )
ofshadws · 2 years
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(adelaide kane; cisfemale ; she/her , i am not a woman, i’m a god by halsey) hey, look! isn’t that FALLON CROFT? the 26/1000+ year old ORIGINAL VAMPIRE is known to be LOYAL and CUNNING. they’ve been in town for TWO MONTHS and always remind me of a wicked smile before your life ends, a feeling of deep loss, heart frozen centuries ago. let’s hope they survive what’s to come.
NAME: fallon croft
ALIASES: fallon emerson, fay croft, fay emerson
DATE OF BIRTH: unknown
SEXUALITY: pansexual
OCCUPATION: annoying the family unemployed
POSITIVE TRAITS: forthright, practical, intelligent, resourceful
NEGATIVE TRAITS: tempestuous, ruthless, volatile, vindictive
BACKGROUND. tw: death, blood
fallon was born five minutes ahead of her twin brother nicholas and the two were inseparable from that moment on. their parents belonged to a coven of powerful witches and from a young age, the duo were taught all things magic. they tended to work together as they learned spells and concoctions, finding that being a team made things easier for them and as they grew older, also made their spells stronger and more efficient.
the two were only eight years old when an incident happened that took the lives of their parents. to this day, fallon doesn’t quite know what it was, but back then she didn’t have the time to dwell on it. suddenly, the two were left on their own, to fend for themselves. they were taken in by a family friend, someone who also belonged to the same coven. out of nowhere, they were thrown into a whole new family, with new parents and new siblings. while fallon was unsure of how to feel at first, she let the family welcome them while also sticking close to her brother like she always did.
looking back now, it was clear that fallon was a little too devoted to her magic. it was the one thing that she still had from her birth parents and she held on to it as hard as she could. she worked on bettering herself tirelessly. by the time she was a teenager, magic was easy for her. in fact, normal spells were boring. she craved more, even if her coven was against tapping into other forms of magic. so fallon started working by herself, sometimes dragging her brother into the darker spells she would find. she wanted to see how far they could go, how powerful they could get. eventually, they were cast out of the coven, deemed too dangerous to fit in with them. their new ‘family’ turned their back on them and once again they were alone.
they spent a few years on their own, trying to make sense of the world and where they fit in. that is how they met other witches like them, who longed to be strong and united. they formed their own coven, working together in search of the unknown. and that brought them closer, becoming a family unit. they wanted power, immortality. and well, that is exactly what they got. while they aimed for something else entirely, the coven awoke vampires. they were stripped of their magic and turned into bloodthirsty creatures instead. fallon was enraged, all the power she had been harvesting simply gone. for years she was angry at the world but eventually came to terms with her new reality (or so she told the rest of the coven--now family).
while fallon did stay close to her siblings, she often found herself needing a break from them. instead, she went on killing sprees and shut herself off from the world, basking in the blood and pain she brought upon others. it was her anger outlet, the only way she found to exorcise her demons. with time, she became cold, cruel, ruthless, but never quite lost her composure, a mask she wears to appear fragile and soft. she cares very little for others outside her family and enjoys the chaos that her presence brings.
fallon never quite found love. or better yet, she never allowed it to find her. while flings and random encounters have happened from time to time, she told herself never to fall in love. she’s not about to leave herself vulnerable to manipulation and heartache. love is weakness. and she wants to be powerful.
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ofnightwind · 2 years
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(jack falahee ; cismale ; he/him , play with fire by sam tinnesz, yacht money) hey, look! isn’t that NICHOLAS CROFT? the 26/1000+ year old ORIGINAL VAMPIRE is known to be CHARMING AND ARROGANT. they’ve been in town for TWO MONTHS and always remind me of stained crimson fangs, grins of mischief, playing with your food. let’s hope they survive what’s to come.
INTRO BEGIN.    (   drugs, death tw    )
FULL NAME AT BIRTH:  nicholas croft or nick for short. ALIAS’: nicholas emerson. DATE OF BIRTH:  N/A. PERSONALITY TRAITS:  
+   spontaneous, confident, bold, flirtatious, creative                                                                  -   selfish, moody, reckless, impulsive, egotistical, vindictive
SPECIES:   vampire    (original).     RELATIONSHIP STATUS:    single.     SEXUAL ORIENTATION:    pansexual. SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS:   N/A. SCARS:   N/A. LAGUAGES SPOKEN:   english, spanish, russian, french, etc. OCCUPATION: professional nuisance. CHARACTER INSPOS / PARALLELS: kol mikaelson (tvd), spike (btvs), 
nicholas was born five minutes behind his twin sister fallon and from the moment of their birth, the two were completely inseparable with nicholas listening to his sister more than his own parents. together the twins would be taught magic and it wasn’t long before either of them discovered putting their magic together, they were capable of doing many things and it only strengthened as the pair got older. 
at eight years old, the twins lost their parents. their deaths shrouded in a mystery unbeknown to them. after their deaths, the two were given to family friends after being on their own and the two were thrown into a whole new environment with whole new parents and siblings nicholas didn’t even want but adapted to it anyway. growing up with the new coven, nicholas was always making mischief whether that was playing stupid tricks on his siblings or pushing his luck with his new parents, it would always be fallon to rope him back before he ever went too far. still, the two would continue practicing their magic. as teenagers, the two were bored with traditional and simple magic and decided to take it another notch up by testing the limits of their powers, succeeding in far more ways their coven had ever intended and so, they were kicked out of the coven, the two being far too dangerous to represent what their coven stood for. 
the two spent years on their own, perfecting their magic on their own, finding other witches who like them, were either outcasts or wanted more out of their magic and knew, like the twins, they were capable of taking things further and the group all grew closer, viewing each other family through the magic of their formed coven and bond, they would work as a whole as their own coven and with their ambitions, they achieved their goal of capturing immortality except not in the way they intended. they were turned to vampires that day, each member stripped of their magic and now would thrive on the blood of others to survive.
while some of the other previous coven members may have detested what they were, for nicholas, he adapted rather quickly and he found most of his emotions and desires were heightened and over time, he grew to indulge in what he was, finding the strength of his newfound abilities invigorating. over the course of the centuries, he’s indulged in bloodlust further, sometimes often indulging too much, especially apart from his siblings when he can be the most reckless and volatile, committing sprees out of boredom or spite.
important bullet points and tidbits.
nicholas is the younger fraternal twin of fallon    ( ofshadws ).    together,   they are the original twins and probably can be the most violent and sadistic out of all the originals if they decide to go on a spree together (or alone; he’s just as brutal by himself) which is dangerous for everyone all around.    ever since they were kids,   they’ve always been together although sometimes fallon has ditched him a couple times during the centuries.  but obviously,   he is the closest to her.
he is on the more extreme side of the scale when it comes to recklessness and impulsivity.   if he gets something in mind he wants to do,  it becomes an impulse that he needs to do whatever pops into his head.   he does what he wants when he wants to do it which has classified him as out of control in the past with the only original able to reign him in and semi keep him controlled is fallon.   on the flipside of extremism,   he can be the most laidback and sociable.
one of his favorite eras of history was the the sex, drugs and rock and roll era.   he has tried every drug under the sun,   having to intake lethal doses to a human to get a pinch of a high.
being as flirtatious as he is, nicholas has a string of casual, sexual relationships. regarding romantic relationships, he has major commitment issues and has never committed to a single romantic relationship. he was like this even as a human / witch, the man has always had issues.
nicholas however is the original you’ll want to go if you want to have a good time,  he doesn’t disappoint in his company.
(01/??)    -    casual flings / hook ups.    my man does not ‘date’ nor does he want to and is kind’ve king at casual relationships. 
(01/01)   -     witch he’s training. nick misses his magic so this would be him selfishly once again getting close to magic through a means of teaching magic to an inexperienced witch. (taken by minica faust)
(00/??)   -  enemies. my man has not made friends over the years.
* intro subjected to be edited and added with more info.
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ofshadws · 2 years
fallon croft tag dump.
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