#( cb / character ) eli clarke.
ashfordlabs · 11 months
TAG GAME / character inspo.
rules: list your OCs and the characters that inspired them!
i was tagged by @thewardenofwinter ages ago, but i am finally getting around to it.
THEO / neil perry (dead poets society) wayne mccullough (wayne) isa/saix (kingdom hearts) ELI / jason todd (dc comics) jesper fahey (six of crows) axel (kingdom hearts) MAYUMI / marion crane (psycho) ben hargreeves (umbrella academy) inej ghafa (six of crows) DOROTHEA / satine (moulin rouge) nina zenik (six of crows) fatin (the wilds) HENRY / steve harrington (stranger things) penelope garcia (criminal minds) kevin flynn (tron) NATHANIEL / the fall by lovejoy (listen, i know this is a song, but this man would not exist without it) the darkling (shadow and bone) jason dean (heathers)
tagging (no pressure!): @oh-no-another-idea @thistlebloomed @imbrisvastatio @daisywords + anyone else who wants to take part!
5 notes · View notes
Don’t really have much to say about Sharp Objects (it’s good but that’s all I‘ve got lol) but I’ve been moving on through my tgw rewatch and I want to talk about tgw with someone! So I was wondering what are your favorite relationships (romantic and otherwise) on the show? What’s your favorite season? What’s your biggest praise for the show and your biggest criticism?
Don’treally have much to say about Sharp Objects (it’s good but that’s all I‘ve gotlol) but I’ve been moving on through my tgw rewatch and I want to talk abouttgw with someone! So I was wondering what are your favorite relationships(romantic and otherwise) on the show? What’s your favorite season? What’s yourbiggest praise for the show and your biggest criticism?
So before I get in to my (very delayed) reply, just want tomake sure that all my followers are aware of @hermione-mak-gilmore‘s awesome TGW rewatch posts,which you can find here.
My thoughts, rambling and not proofread as ever, are under the cut. 
Romantic: Diane and Kurt and no others. Okay, that’s a lie.I think TGW had a lot of compelling and well-developed romantic relationships,even if Diane/Kurt is the only pairing I would say I ship. If I expand my thinking to include romantic relationshipsthat were written well enough to elicit strong feelings and many, manythoughts, I have to mention both Alicia/Will and Alicia/Peter. Just look at thelayers in Will’s Decision Treesequence, or the subtle shifts in their relationship over the years, or theconflicting feelings of season three, or (oh my goodness) any of Alicia’sthoughts after Will’s death (excluding season 7 because season 7 doesn’t dothem justice lol). And for Alicia/Peter, every time the two of them discusstheir family or politics, I see why they’re drawn to each other, and every timethey fight, I see just how much history and baggage they have.
Not romantic: Alicia and Cary’s always underdevelopedpartnership, Alicia and Diane’s complicated friendship (and the power dynamics!And the paranoia!), Alicia and Eli’s mutual respect that turned into afriendship, Alicia and Kalinda (don’t get me started), Cary and Clarke’sfriendship, Diane and Cary (they’re so alike but never seem to be able to workwell together!), DIANE AND WILL’S PARTNERSHIP (that one gets to be in allcaps), Diane and Kalinda (I don’t think we ever got enough of them together),Eli and Peter, Kalinda and Will, Kalinda and Robyn, and probably every othercombination of characters.
Favorite Season:
My personal favorite season is probably season six but I’llbe the first to admit it’s not the best season (and that it is in factinfuriatingly terrible at many points). Instead of ranking the seasons I’mgoing to make a pro/con list for each of them…
Season 1:
Pros: Everythingis so simple yet effective! I love, love, love the structure and pacing of theseason (Alicia/Cary’s competition). The small moments are priceless, and everycharacter’s personality (especially Alicia’s) is well-established. And when Ilook back at season one, I can see all of the groundwork being laid for thetone/humor/style that’s become TGW’s signature.
Cons: It feelslike a first season. If this aired today and not in 2009, I’m not sure I would’vecut some weak early episodes as much slack as I did when I first watched. ThePilot is great (clichéd at times, but great) but it’s not until, what, episode14? That the show finds its footing. That’s a lot of time to invest in a showthat’s a mixed bag. There are lots of weak episodes (Unorthodox, I’m looking at you) and storylines (Peter’s retrial andall the conspiracy surrounding it).
Season 2:
Pros: Season 2contains Nine Hours, which is stillone of the best hours of TGW, as well as HamSandwich and that run of episodes from InSickness to Closing Arguments. Ifseason 2 were just its best episodes, it would easily be one of my favoriteseasons. But…
Cons: It alsocontains a bunch of filler episodes I can barely remember, a few too manypolitical plots about viral videos, and the nonsense that was Blake Calamar(and that never-ending hotel scene in NetWorth). Oh, and I’m here for the drama but Peter never slept with Kalindalol nope I don’t buy it.
Season 3:
Pros: It has somereally great standalone episodes.
Cons: It has somereally terrible episodes and subplots. Alicia’s wig. A general lack ofdirection that makes even enjoyable subplots seem meaningless and distracting.
Season 4:
Pros: Everythingfrom The Seven Day Rule to What’s in the Box? is some of thestrongest material ever on the show. The introduction of memory pops!
Cons: Beginning ofKalicia ban, NICK SAVARESE’S EXISTENCE, Mandy Post Idiot Reporter (yes she getsa mention), deeply boring cases and plots in the first half of the season, someweird stuff for the Florrick kids.
Season 5:
Pros: HITTING THEFAN. THE DECISION TREE. A FEW WORDS. DRAMATICS, YOUR HONOR. THE LAST CALL. Idon’t think any other season has as many pivotal, perfect episodes. And seasonfive has the strongest structure of any season (season one is a close second)with its five episode arcs that make you forget the bad, slow episodes becausethere’s always a great, dramatic episode in the near future. Season five makesthe most of four seasons of worldbuilding. It’s smart and exciting and dramaticand it still feels like almost everything is motivated by character developmentrather than a need for plot (see: office politics in the later seasons, or howclumsily Bond is introduced at the beginning of season two). Also thescore!!!!! Season five is the year the score becomes truly incredible.
Cons: Some of theseason five episodes are weak, y’all.We, The Juries is terrible, and thatepisode and Goliath and David were acomplete waste of time (but we got Thicky Trick out of the latter so it canstay). Most of the episodes that aren’t the big ones are similarly weak. TheKalicia ban continues, and unlike in season four, Kalinda’s material reallysuffers as a result. It feels like she has a nude scene in most episodes. Andthen the last run of episodes in the season has its moments, but most of it isjust… directionless and not very good. You can tell the writers were building to 5x15 and then had to scramble tofind new directions in its aftermath.
Season 6:
Pros: The writers’dedication to exploring Alicia’s journey and how she’s changed over the years.The beginnings of the Cary arc. Some good material for Kalinda (and some badmaterial but I’ll get to that). Prady is a perfect opponent for Alicia. Johnnyis a great addition to the cast. Some really great Alicia/Peter moments andfights.
Cons: The Debate. The separation of the leads,which probably happened because of (ugh) the Kalicia ban (UGH). Not only arethe leads separate from each other, they’re separate in glaring ways. It’s notsimply that Alicia’s off running a campaign (a very good reason she might notbe interacting with Kalinda day to day)… it’s that Alicia’s running a campaignbut her law partners have no opinions about it, until they suddenly do, butthen they suddenly don’t again. How am I supposed to be invested in interpersonaldrama when they aren’t laying groundwork? Season five used up so much of thegroundwork laid previously that the show needed to take a minute to reset andplay out its new conflicts before rushing into more dramatic storylines.Instead… Diane’s at the firm now, Alicia’s running for SA, Cary’s in jail, and thefirm’s somehow back at LG (and somehow hasbecome LG by the end of the season). I don’t think season six contains manybad ideas, it just doesn’t juggle its ideas well. A better version of seasonsix wouldn’t just give us great Alicia episodes, it would use conflicts at theoffice and the way the other characters view Alicia’s campaign to add another layer.I personally didn’t have any trouble figuring out why Alicia was running for SAbut I know that’s been a top objection to s6, and I understand where it comesfrom. A better arc—one that forced Alicia to explain her motivations to othersand devoted more time to Alicia developing policies and meeting voters andvolunteers—would’ve given me more of the character development I love and helped to make the arc succeed forothers.
Season 7:
Pros: Lucca Quinn.
Cons: Everythingthat is not Lucca Quinn. But seriously: there are a few things other than LuccaI like (the first few episodes where it seems like the writers are slowing downand re-establishing a status quo, Driven,Alicia’s breakdown in Judged, Party, the idea of ending the show witha slap, and the song “Better”), but mostly, I don’t like season 7 at all. Peterrunning for President is flat-out stupid, and an unforced error. Alicia’s wigSUCKS. Diane and Cary are off in silly plots until Alicia and Lucca(illogically, because of an uncharacteristically stupid thing Alicia does!)somehow wind up back at LG (or LAL, whatever, it’s LG). Ghost Will in thefinale is… not good (use Josh Charles, I don’t care, but bringing back Will inthat particular way is just fanservice). Peter’s trial at the end of the showis convoluted and I’m pretty sure the story changes from episode to episode.There are also some unnecessarily ridiculous reveals, like Peter sleeping withGeneva (no) and Kurt sleeping with Holly (very no). But my biggest problem withthe Peter-trial-arc is that it’s a repeat of the emotional beats from the endof season six. Season seven should not undo all of season six just so it can (poorly)attempt to do it over again. After seven seasons, it comes down to… Aliciabeing devastated over the voicemail (UGH) and Peter doing something sketchythat forces Alicia to play Good Wife again? Really? It’s like the writers chosethe easiest paths for creating drama (voicemail) and demonstrating growth (then/nowcontrasts). I don’t blame the writers, though, for how bad season seven is. It’sbecome increasingly apparent to me that CBS was fucking around with the show inseason seven: they rushed BrainDead to air like a month after TGW ended, whichmeant the Kings were probably spending most of their time staffing/writingBrainDead while they were working on s7 (they only wrote two episodes—the premiereand the finale). And as if that wasn’t enough, I didn’t believe it at the time,but I truly think CBS was hoping to renew the show for a Kings-less seasoneight. If that’s the case, then it makes sense that season 7 couldn’t take manyrisks and would have to get back to being a fun, simple workplace proceduralwhere all the characters worked at the same firm. So by the time the writerslearned the show was actually in its final season—despite the fact they’d beenplanning on seven seasons for years!!—it was too late to do anything other thantack on a rushed and repetitive arc to close out the show.
Biggest Praise(s):
·        ALICIA FLORRICK. I love Alicia more than I’veever loved any fictional character. That’s partially because of what she’s likeand largely because of how well, and consistently, she’s written.
·        A commitment to being realistic. I’m not sayingeverything the show’s ever done is realistic, but the writers were clearlyalways interested in creating realistic characters who lived in a realisticworld. I appreciated that the show acknowledged systemic, structural problems(within politics, criminal justice, workplaces, etc) and that it was alwaysaware of prevalent stereotypes and the importance of appearances. I think thatwhen people look back on TGW, it’ll be seen as one of the most accuraterepresentations of what the world was like in 2009-2016.
·        Casting, costuming, set decoration, and scoring.
·        Memory pops!
Biggest Criticisms:
When I rewatched season three (between seasons five and six)I said there were three main problems with the show that were especiallyapparent in season three. I’ll say them again here, and add one more.
·        Sprawl: Sometimes the show tries to do too much andit simply doesn’t have the bandwidth.
·        Bad pacing: 22 episodes is a lot. Oftentimes itfeels like the writers write BIG EPISODES and filler episodes, with no middleground. If the filler episodes were instead build-up episodes, the big episodeswould be even better and there’d be less filler.
·        Loss of focus on Alicia: When the show focuseson its central character, it’s less likely to turn into a sprawling,poorly-paced mess. My thinking is that if the writers focused more on Alicia,they’d have to be more deliberate about how they write the characters aroundher (to make the most of their screentime and establish their wants and beliefsso their interactions with Alicia are as meaningful as possible).
·        Since I came up with the criticisms above, theshow’s aired two full seasons since my original post (and I think I came upwith these criticisms before I even made that post), plus two full seasons of aspin-off, AND I STILL HAVE THE SAME DAMN PROBLEMS.  
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November 12-18, 2017
Hey all! We have a really good haul this week! I hope you all enjoy it!
-Mod Rane
@amberlyinviolet and @yourbloodlikewine
In This Light
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Solo Maxwell
Original Characters - Freeform, Alternate Universe, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder, gratuitous author indulgence
Summary: Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life.
Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
​Magic, Mortals, and Gundam Gods
Duo Maxwell, Triton Bloom, Catherine Bloom, Father Bloom, Mother Bloom, Sister Helen
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Magic, Gods, Poachers, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe- Gundam Wing
Summary: In the legends of the Five Gods, it is said that the second God, Deathscythe, was very protective of the other four and would do anything to keep them alive. He would fight entire wars, taking hit after hit until he couldn’t anymore, until he used every drop of magic that he had to keep them safe. He would fade away and the others would follow. Their magic would then find its way to those it deemed worthy and the cycle would start again.  And now… The Five Gods have been reborn into a world full of magic and war.
Bryony ( @gw-ficrecfriday​ )
Starry Night
Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner
old fic, Mild Language
Summary: A short conversation between two comrades, one night in the middle of a war.
Summary: A collection of drabbles and challenges, mostly from Tumblr.
WIP- Wednesday Hungry Eyes
Pairings: 3x11, 2x5
Warnings: angst, language, sexy times
Cocktail Friday submission
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Catherine Bloom, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei
Trowa is a good bro, Duo is a terrible bro, but he tries very hard, Confident!Quatre, circus shenanigans, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, thin line between being a good wingman and interfering, Mentions of Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Duo and Trowa Bromance 5eva
Summary: The summer following the Barton Uprising, Duo joins Trowa to tour with the circus around Europe. It's an attempt to run away from issues, instead of dealing with them, and Trowa finds that in helping Duo face up to his problems, he works through a few of his own. Things are muddling along nicely, until Duo decides to help with Trowa's love life.
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom, Sally Po, Rashid Kurama, Abdul Kurama, Maguanac Corps, Mike Howard, Aoi Clark, Seis Clark, Odin Lowe, Odin Bernett, Odel Bernett, Lucille Aisley, Tricia Farrell, Roche Nattano, Aretha Walker (Gundam Wing), Dorothy Catalonia, Tiel Noembreux - Character, Karl Noembreux - Character
Drabbles, Snippets, Shorts, Mentions of Rape, Humor, Drama,Canon-Typical Violence
Summary: A series of drabbles, snippets from other stories, and shorts. Multiple parings, mostly canon. Rated "M," just to be safe.
Blood on the Brain
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft
Summary: It's wartime. Duo and Heero have just gotten together and Heero goes off on a mission that doesn't go well. Relena manages to message Duo, asking him to help Heero. Combat and medical intervention ensue.
Sister Helen
Duo Maxwell, Sister Helen
Summary: A retelling of the Maxwell Church Massacre.
Dark Wolf 1-6
Dark Wolf 7-13
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Hilde Schbeiker, Lady Une
ai discovery, vr, crossover AU, digital worldmapping, Multiverse, Suspense, Adventure, trashy space love
Summary: It started as some fun with equations, patching and brainstorming on an idea that had been scrapped by the gundam scientists before completion. Now, the project has taken on a life of its own. For a brief period, the five former Gundam pilots enjoy the fruits of what proves to be a powerful training platform. When the virtual reality interface is shared with a limited run of Preventers recruits, a domino effect begins that nobody is ready for. One braided adrenaline junky is caught in the middle of it, looking for answers to questions that come at a price. What is happening with the isolated program Yukio? And why do the riots and mass murders blossoming all over L3 mirror a VR instance? Is the platform emulating the life it is witnessing, vice versa.. or something else entirely?
Pagan, Relena Peacecraft, Milliardo Peacecraft, Zechs Merquise, Marticus Rex Peacecraft, Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian, Mareen Darlian, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin
Side-Character Focused, Serious timeline liberties taken, Present Tense, possibly crack
Summary: A new year is arrived, bringing with it the promise of something better, though he isn’t too hopeful about that. Perhaps tonight is better spent in reminiscence than celebration. In the first hours of the new year, Pagan sits on his bed, and he remembers.
Wufei Chang, Duo Maxwell
Prompt Fic, Duo!Thief, Preventer!Chang, 2X5, 5x2 
Summary: This Cop/Criminal love affair was written in the stars.
Vacation with Quatre
Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Triton Bloom, Wufei Chang, Duo Maxwell
Cocktail Friday, hot toddy, picture prompt, Prompt Fic
East of Eden
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan
Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Fae & Fairies, Vampires, Were-Creatures, Blood and Violence, Sex, Magic
Wufei needs help to save his clan from a mysterious enemy. He leaves, looking for help from a near-mythical figure: The God of Death. He may, however, get more than he bargained for…
The fundamentals of caring
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, OC - Character, Relena Peacecraft
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, parenting, Adoption, Kid Fic, Adopted Children, Childhood Memories, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Summary: After a fire on an Orphanage left three kids without a home. Heero and Duo decide to take them into their own for the mean time. But this decision will make them reconsider where they are and what they want from life.
LAM Snippet
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
Gundam Wing Month-2017
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Cathy Bloom, Lucrezia Noin, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Sally Po, OMC, Master O, Hilde Schbeiker
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - High School, Humor, Friendship, Angst, character introspection, Canon Compliant, Get Together, Alternate Universe - Historical, Kittens, sap, WAFF, Post canon, Alternate Universe - Western
Summary: A collection of drabbles and short fics posted one a day for the month of November in celebration of Gundam Wing Month.
Oil and Water
Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
M/M/M, Anal Sex, Shower Sex, Hasty Sex, Owie
Summary: Heero wonders how his lovers get along so well when they’re so different. Duo discovers just how easy it is to get carried away, and is troubled over how quickly bad things can happen. Wufei decides both of them are being silly.
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell, Original Characters, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Dorothy Catalonia
Post-Series, Politics, Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Government Upheaval, Language
Summary: The time has come for all of their plans to finally start being put into motion.
This is the eighth story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
Tangled Web of Natural Oddities
Dorothy Catalonia, Heero Yuy, Long Meilan, Chang Wufei, Lady Une, Trowa Barton, Relena Peacecraft, Quatre Raberba Winner, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Catherine Bloom, Hilde Schbeiker, Duo Maxwell, Treize Khushrenada
Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Language, Humor, Vampires, Shapeshifting, Ghosts, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Werewolves, Unnatural November
Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell
long ass fic ahoy, socio-politics, with violence and hot guys, Blood and Violence, no EW, Slow Burn, Case Fic
Summary: Freeport colony: a notorious den of pirates, smugglers and thieves. Wufei persuades one of its denizens, his one-time ally Duo, to help him catch a killer hiding there. Agent Chang thinks he knows what to expect from this case, from Freeport and from Duo Maxwell. He couldn't be more wrong.
Gundam Wing Drabble
Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei
Casual mention of violence
Summary: The one Gundam Wing prompt for my 'Give me a prompt!' challenge awhile back.
The Source of All Things 
Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Summary: Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
Of the Sea
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Nanashi/Triton Bloom, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Catherine Bloom, Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Hilde Schbeiker, Lady Une, Long Meilan, Lucrezia Noin, Leia Barton, Dekim Barton, Professor G, Doctor J, Rashid Kurama, Sally Po
Aro!Trowa, otp, Yaoi, Eventual Smut, fairytale my way, mermaid!au,  Meroctopus!Dorothy
Summary: Heero Yuy will soon be reaching the age of majority, at which time he will ascend the throne of Wingaria. Before such time, he must needs choose a bride. But what if there are no good choices? What if someone else has captured his heart?
Lost It All
Chang Wufei, Tubarov Bilmon, Septum, Dermail, Tubarov, Dekim Barton
Romefeller Foundation, Pedophilia, Sexual Slavery, Rape Aftermath, Gang Rape, Dark, Rape, Trauma, trauma for days, Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Underage Sex, Sexual Violence
Summary: What happened once Wufei was taken into Romefeller Castle in the Sanq Kingdom during "We Don't Belong"? A dark tale of the abuses that he suffered at the hands of men who decide the fate of the world and now the fate of a young boy who once fought to change the course of history. A sub-story of "We Don't Belong" that deals in the sick and twisted perversions 05 suffered.
@renmaxwell and @shinigami-of-excellence
We Don’t Belong
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Septum, Tubarov Bilmon, Dermail, Dekim Barton
Alliance won AU, gundam pilots lost, oz lost, white fang lost, just everyone lost except the alliance, Sexual Slavery, Pedophilia, because let's be real these pilots are still 15, Forced Prostitution, Forced Sex, yes i'll tag them when they happen, Quatre isn't a sissy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, romefeller is a huge player here, angst for YEARS, just so much angst, Dark, Execution, Alternate Universe - Dark
Summary: Just as the war was coming to its climax, the Gundam pilots were about to take out White Fang in space, when an attack from Earth knocked both parties out of the sky. The Alliance had been in hiding and building a weapon to take out both of their enemies, a massive nuclear beam capable of knocking an entire colony out of space. The Gundam pilots are captured and put on trial for their crimes. Their punishments are as cruel as the new masters of this world, the foundation that had been manipulating world governments secretly for years and who now openly reign. What will become of the Gundam pilots in this reality?
What Became of the Child?
Sister Helen, Father Maxwell, Duo Maxwell
Daily Drabble, Unnatural November, Victorian Horror Symbol Challenge, Angst, Suggestive Themes, this is not a happy story, Violence, Burning, Not particuarly horror, Period Piece, sorta, Minor Character Death, lots of people die, I said it wasn't a happy fic, My Penny Dreadfuls
Summary: They didn't understand him. She saw him as the child he was; they only saw a monster. All they needed was a reason.
I’m Not Sick (a cocktail Friday submission)
Duo the Damphyre Slayer
Duo Maxwel, lChang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise (Milliardo Peacecraft), Catherine Bloom, Dorothy Catalonia
AU, Vampires, Damphyres, Slayers, Witches, Demons, Werewolves, Werecats
Summary: My name is Duo. I’m a Slayer. I say ‘a’ slayer because, for the first time in history, there are two. I suppose it happened when I was born half-dead. That was bound to throw things off a little. I don’t think the Moonlight Order was prepared for the Slayer to be a damphyre.
Bound, Bonded and Betrayed
Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po
Sap, Angst, Bondage, Slavery, Yaoi, Lemon, Lime, Het, Violence, Fluff, AU, OOC
Summary: Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
Under the Gun
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft
Gun Kink, Adult Content, Language, Post-Canon, Canon Divergent, What Was I Thinking?, Based on a Tumblr Post, meta discussion based
Summary: (Based on a Meta Discussion on Tumblr) Relena can look at a woman and take a shot, in retrospect - this is probably due to a personal fetish she was unaware had formed during her formative years...Now, how does she translate that into her personal life again?
Moving On
Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell
Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, mention of past sexual abuse, Past Character Death
Summary: Duo is trying to find his place in his own world without his crutch - Heero Yuy.
Smutty Sunday “Download Attachment” & “Stress Relief”
Heero’s gone a Preventer assignment and sends Trowa a surprise in his email. It’s something he’s never done before. Upon returning from what ends up being a botched mission, injured, Heero has to make some modifications.
The Manwell
May Demons Rest: Shinigami Sleeps 2017
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Catherine Bloom, Howard, Circus Manager, Hilde Schbeiker
Space Colony, L2, Circus, Trowa POV, Duo POV, POV Alternating, POV First Person, First Time, Male Slash, Male Friendship, street gang, sacrobats, Clowns, Circus animals, Family, Canon-Compliant, EW-compliant, Post-Endless Waltz, Dreams and Nightmares
Summary: A re-write of my 2004 fanfic "Shinigami Sleeps"
To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2.
Snippet Saturday
Not Even Death
Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner 
Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner
Summary:  It's been three years of being miserable, and living a sort of half life. Quatre is shocked to find Duo in his living room, alive in a manner of speaking. What does this... Creature want with him?
This fic contains graphic non-con elements
Doormat Babe
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Hilde Schbeiker
Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Character Death, Swearing
Summary: A mysterious child is left with Duo one morning. As he seeks for answers he'll have to face his past and prepare for a haunting future he'd never expected. Will he be able to reconnect with old friends or will he lose all those he loves?
Zechs Merquise 
Past Relationship(s), Grief/Mourning, cat companions for win, Canonical Character Death, Heavy Angst, Supernatural Elements
Summary: Pain can linger long after the cut has healed. But for Zechs things are just festering and needs an old friend to help him move on.
Mermaids, Duo, Trowa
Quatre and Trowa
Quatre Winner
Shenlong Gundam
Heero isn’t responding.
An urban fantasy AU illustration starring Wufei and Trowa! 
Hilde Schbeiker
Heero and Duo on a colony.
Duo Maxwell
Heavyarms, Sailor Mars, and a giant robotic Velociraptor.
Ornaments of the Gundam Boys
Treize and Heero
Treize and Heero
Long Meilan
Relena Peacecraft
A fantastic image of the Gundams
Trowa Barton
Calendar Events:
Unnatural November https://gwblockparty.tumblr.com/post/165329449631/weekly-themes-to-help-get-the-creative-juices Throughout all of November
@gw-evewar GW Eve War Event https://gw-evewar.tumblr.com/post/164079261510/an-open-gundam-wing-fandom-community-science Post works (Saturday) December 23, 2017 - (Sunday) December 24, 2017
@gwsecretsantaexchange Secret Gundam Santa https://gwsecretsantaexchange.tumblr.com/post/167608726185/deadline-extension Submissions end TODAY! On November 20th, we will contact each Santa with their assigned recipient’s requests. By giving us three options, we should be able to match everyone with someone else.
@thisweekingundamevents Cocktail Fridays! Follow us for weekly prompts!
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usatrendingsports · 6 years
2018 NFL Mock Draft: Browns take Wyoming QB Josh Allen with prime choose
It is Mock Draft Time, which implies my first foray into the mania that has turn into Mock Draft season.
This would be the first of many, as the method has actually simply begun and free company will change some group wants and create others.
For my first mock, I’ve Wyoming quarterback Josh Allen going first total to the Cleveland Browns. I do know all of the discuss his unhealthy completion proportion, however he performed with a bunch of jayvee gamers final yr at Wyoming. He’s huge, robust, powerful and has a rocket for an arm.
New Browns normal supervisor John Dorsey will come to like his expertise. As some scouts have stated, ”He appears to be like like a younger John Elway.”
That is excessive reward.
However there are a number of quarterbacks who might go first total, together with UCLA’s Josh Rosen and USC’s Sam Darnold. I’ve each passers gone in my mock by Denver’s choose at No. 5.
I even have Oklahoma’s Baker Mayfield and Oklahoma State’s Mason Rudolph going within the first spherical, and I feel there’s an opportunity Louisville’s Lamar Jackson might find yourself on the again finish of it as nicely. That might be six within the first spherical if that had been to occur, which might as soon as once more be a reminder of how priceless the place it’s within the league and the way fervent the chase to search out one might be.
The free-agent quarterback class, which incorporates Washington’s Kirk Cousins and others, will influence the mocks. I’ve the New York Jets signing Kirk Cousins for the aim of this mock, which is why they are not taking a quarterback on this one.
So dive in, however do not maintain me to this one.
In any case, it is only one in a couple of half dozen to come back
1. Cleveland Browns
Josh Allen, QB, Wyoming. I do know there are numerous draftniks who don’t love this child, however the league scouts I’ve talked to like him. He’s good for the Browns: An enormous, robust passer who can rip it within the components.
2. New York Giants
Josh Rosen, QB, UCLA. They must get the subsequent man after Eli Manning and Rosen must be the choose. He’s a strong-armed passer who can step in and be taught for a yr or two behind Manning. 
Three. Indianapolis Colts
Bradley Chubb, DE, North Carolina State. Their move rush has to enhance and Chubb is the man to do it. The Colts want to search out their subsequent Dwight Freeney or Robert Mathis. This child has these instruments.
Four. Cleveland Browns (from Texans)
Saquon Barkley, RB, Penn State. That is too excessive for a again for my liking, however I might perceive. Barkley is a particular runner who also can catch the ball out of the backfield. This draft might go a protracted solution to fixing their offensive points.
5. Denver Broncos
Sam Darnold, QB, USC. They must discover a passer if they do not get one in free company. Darnold has some points – hand measurement and movement – however he understands the passing recreation and might make all of the throws. 
6. New York Jets
Minkah Fitzpatrick, CB, Alabama. They drafted two safeties a yr in the past, so now they get a nook who’s a playmaker from a prime protection. If they do not land a quarterback in free company, Baker Mayfield might be in play right here. 
7. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Denzel Ward, CB, Ohio State. That they had main points on the again finish final yr and Brent Grimes is a free agent. Their protection has to enhance. 
eight. Chicago Bears
Calvin Ridley, WR, Alabama. They must get a go-to participant for Mitchell Trubisky and Ridley is the most effective of the receiving group. I additionally assume they may go nook right here. 
9. San Francisco 49ers
Tremaine Edmunds, OLB-DE, Virginia Tech. He might play the “Leo” pass-rushing spot of their scheme. They may additionally choose to take a nook. 
10. Oakland Raiders
Mike Hughes, CB, UCF. This can be a child who had numerous spectacular video games in opposition to top-tier receivers and the Raiders have a serious want for a nook. This may appear excessive, however nook worth will drive him up boards. 
11. Miami Dolphins
Quenton Nelson, G, Notre Dame. They’d land the most effective offensive lineman within the draft on this state of affairs. He is perhaps one of many 5 finest gamers within the draft interval. 
12. Cincinnati Bengals
Orlando Brown, T, Oklahoma. The son of former NFL participant with the identical title is a nasty, bodily participant. He is perhaps extra suited to enjoying on the suitable facet, though that does not matter as a lot anymore. 
13. Washington Redskins
Derwin James, S, Florida State. They should get higher play on the again finish of their protection. James has the power to be a playmaker in numerous methods, even when he did not play as nicely final season as anticipated. 
14. Inexperienced Bay Packers
Arden Key, Edge, LSU. This can be a participant who was talked about as a top-5 participant earlier than the yr. He must get stronger, however he has the pace the Packers want off the sting for brand new coordinator Mike Pettine. 
15. Arizona Cardinals
Baker Mayfield, QB, Oklahoma. He would step in and compete to start out immediately, which they want with a serious void on the place. He must present them his character considerations aren’t a lot. 
16. Baltimore Ravens
Dallas Goedert, TE, South Dakota State. They must get weapons for Joe Flacco, and there actually would not appear to be a receiver value taking this excessive after Ridley. So touchdown one of many prime tight ends is smart. Might additionally go offensive line right here. 
17. Los Angeles Chargers
Da’Ron Payne, DT-DE, Alabama. They should get stouter up entrance inside and Payne might do this. He can be a pleasant slot in Gus Bradley’s protection. 
18. Seattle Seahawks
Vita Vea, DT, Washington. Groups ran on them greater than regular final season and Sheldon Richardson is an unrestricted free agent. They should get stronger inside and Vea is that sort of participant.
19. Dallas Cowboys
Christian Kirk, WR, Texas A&M. They lack pace exterior of their offense and it exhibits up the best way groups defend them. They should again them off and Kirk would assist do this. 
20. Detroit Lions
Marcus Davenport, DE, Texas-San Antonio. With Ezekiel Ansah set to be a free agent, they should get assist for a move rush that was missing final yr. Even when they preserve Ansah, they need assistance. This child is uncooked, however has the dimensions and pace scouts love. 
21. Buffalo Payments
Mason Rudolph, QB, Oklahoma State. Is that this too excessive? Possibly to some, however he’s a man league scouts like greater than draft analysts. The Payments must try to get a franchise passer if they do not need Tyrod Taylor. 
22. Buffalo Payments from Chiefs
Billy Value, C Ohio State. With the retirement of middle Eric Wooden, they must get a alternative and Value is the most effective of this yr’s group. He might additionally play guard if wanted. 
23. Los Angeles Rams
Isaiah Oliver, CB, Colorado. Trumaine Johnson is their finest nook and he’s possible gone through free company. They must get assist at that spot and would possibly want to make use of a number of picks on the place. 
24. Carolina Panthers
D.J. Clark, WR, Maryland. They must get pace exterior for Cam Newton and Clark is alleged to be a sub-Four.Four receiver. He additionally has good measurement at 6-Three. 
25. Tennessee Titans
James Daniels, G-C, Iowa. The linemen from Iowa normally come able to play immediately and Daniels can assist at two spots. The inside of their line needs to be higher. 
26. Atlanta Falcons
Isaiah Wynn, G, Georgia. Their guard play final season wasn’t pretty much as good because the yr earlier than, and that is a cause why the offense wasn’t pretty much as good. Matt Ryan wants house in entrance of him. 
27. New Orleans Saints
Harold Landry, DE, Boston Faculty. They should get assist for Cam Jordan by way of an outdoor move rush. Landry performed simply 9 video games on a foul ankle final yr, however he had 16 ½ sacks in 2016. 
28. Pittsburgh Steelers
Roquan Smith, LB, Georgia. When Ryan Shazier went down for the yr, their protection suffered. Together with his future doubtful, they should get a playmaking linebacker and Smith is that man.
29. Jacksonville Jaguars
Connor Williams, T, Texas. They must get higher up entrance and Williams would give them sort out flexibility with second-year participant Cam Robinson in the event that they preserve Jeremy Parnell at proper sort out. Robinson has potential, however he struggled at instances final season and might be moved to protect in the event that they had been to land a sort out or to the suitable facet. 
30. Minnesota Vikings
Mike McGlinchey, T, Notre Dame. They should get higher at proper sort out and McGlinchey would do this. He performed the left facet at Notre Dame, however might simply transfer to the suitable facet. 
31. New England Patriots
Harrison Phillips, DT, Stanford. Their entrance seven wants upgrading within the worst manner. Phillips is a great participant as an Tutorial All-American, and we all know how Invoice Belichick loves that about gamers. Would possibly go quite a bit larger than this when all stated and completed. 
32. Philadelphia Eagles
Rashaan Evans, LB, Alabama. He’s a tricky, nasty participant who is aware of easy methods to get to the soccer. The Eagles might be shedding Nigel Bradham to free company and Jordan Hicks is coming off a serious damage. 
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ashfordlabs · 9 months
🕰 - what would your character do if they were stuck in a time loop? (i love time loop storie, lol, i had to ask this)
as someone who also loves time loops, thank you so much for asking this!!
🕰: what would your character do if they were stuck in a time loop? / i think a time loop for cursed bodies would happen two ways. the first, being theo that's the one who's stuck for the sole purpose of having to learn in an extremely hard way how to live, even without a time loop, that is theo as a character. first few loops, he would just go through it all and constantly die and wake up back at the start. it would take him a while, slowly changing things and at some point, he would try to survive and make it out alive. then he would start making the bigger changes that actually make a difference that after a bit, he'd finally do what he needed to get out of it. the second, would be if it was eli stuck in one, which is a little similar to the above, except it's from a completely different perspective. eli would not understand why he's stuck in one. he would go through so many, just questioning why, he would make changes but just be confused the entire time. until one loop, he pays more attention to theo and just gets absolutely slapped in the face with not only feelings, but also being slow to realise theo's the key to getting out. admittedly, i do imagine it happening that it isn't eli outright saving theo, but rather giving theo the courage to save himself (much like it's canon to cursed bodies itself), and that before then, there's just a bunch of loops where eli has to deal with seeing theo die in front of him and just wanting to fucking shake him and tell him what theo leaves behind when he dies (there is bound to be one loop where he does just that and theo still dies). while the first is just overall better with the concept of learning to live, eli being stuck in one would be absolutely heartbreaking which is why i had to throw it out there. one could argue about a dorothea time loop where it's the same as a eli one, but mayumi's someone who i cannot imagine being alive, that i have no idea how one would work. and henry's too good to get stuck in one, he's immune.
horror themed ask (pt 1)
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ashfordlabs · 1 year
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elijah eli clarke? / THE HITMAN.
AGE: 21. DESCRIPTION: dark brown skin, brown eyes, black hair, 6′2, muscular body type, has a scar on his cheek from a knife wound. SEXUALITY: bisexual.
not much is known about ELIJAH CLARKE, his parents died when he was young and causing him to live with his grandparents LORELAI and EDWIN CLARKE for majority of his childhood. he lived a quiet life up until he turned EIGHTEEN, in which he promptly moved from his small hometown to LONDON. there, as he worked as a BARTENDER, when it was discovered he was a SKILLED MARKSMAN and good with a LOCK PICK, a frequent patron at his job, HENRY BOHEN, presented him with an OPPORTUNITY to use his skills against human targets. and with that opportunity, by the time he turned TWENTY he became london's most INFAMOUS HITMAN. due to his UNORTHODOX job, he has earned a large fortune for himself due to his HIGH PRICES that only the rich can afford. it should also be known that majority of what was just said about elijah clarke is FALSE, and such fabricated information isn't limited to his name.
I. i'm still here / JOHN RZENZIK. 'how can the world want me to change? they're the ones that stay the same.' II. sleepsong / BASTILLE. 'you go to sleep on your own and you wake each day with your thoughts and it scares you being alone.' III. big guns / RUELLE. 'there's nowhere to run when all has come undone. you can try but you can't hide from the big guns.' IV. hurricane / MS MR. 'nights like this i become afraid of the darkness in my heart.'
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ashfordlabs · 1 year
Malachite: What do the characters have to lose?
thank you for the ask!!
MALACHITE: What do the characters have to lose? / i feel like this is a basic answer, but a lot of them do have everything to lose. henry and eli could go to jail if their crimes are exposed, dorothea could lose her reputation not only if she were found out, but also if her brother was. theo's a bit tricky because he has everything to lose, but the difference is, is that he's more willing to allow it to happen, to allow his family's reputation and his own name to get tarnished, as well as have his own secrets exposed as a means of taking down his brother. mayumi is similar to theo where she doesn't have anything to lose, but that's because she's dead and can't really lose anymore more after losing her life.
gemstone themed ask!
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ashfordlabs · 3 months
Happy Blorbo Blursday! Do you absentmindedly color code your OCs? Do those colors show up in the writing or only in the categories in your head?
hey cass! thanks for the ask and sorry this took a bit to get to. admittedly, i started answering and then shoved it in my drafts to completely forget about it.
i do shamelessly colour code my characters, i honestly love doing it so i'll probably always do it. but most of the colour coding is more in my head and either subtle or in your face, although that last one only applies to the twins. this also probably isn't the normal way of colour coding characters, but it makes sense to me.
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theo's red; a short fuse that's waiting to ignite and when it does whoever is in the firing line isn't safe. but when that fire is dim that he'll keep you warm in a sense that once you have his trust, he's extremely loyal, yet it's also his greatest flaw.
eli is blue; calm and collected that often uses sarcasm and snark at anyone. but he's also like the ocean when he can be calm but without any warning a flip could completely switch and he becomes a storm that leaves destruction in his wake.
henry is green; the kind of green that you think with a forest. where you look at it and don't dare go close because of the intimidation that comes along with it, only to venture forth and realise that it isn't so bad, it's calming and you keep coming back.
dorothea is two colours; where henry is a foresty green, dorothea is an emerald green, very luxurious and expensive. but she's also a deep red like the wine that she drinks and the perfect shade of lip stick she wears and uses to mark up people's skin.
mayumi is black; death caused her to appear grey scale, it allows everyone to see her to know that there's nothing human about her anymore, that instead, she's more of a shadow that lingers, always present even if you don't know that she's there.
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ashfordlabs · 9 months
thank you for the ask!! these were really fun questions to answer.
🪼: what would your character do if they were stranded at sea or trapped underwater with monsters? (it could be sea gods, merpeople, sirens, etc.) or maybe they’re stuck in a coastal town where they’re sacrificing people to the sea. what do they do? / i'm going to try my best with this one, because none of them would be able to handle anything coastal (maybe theo and eli, definitely not the twins). eli would probably be the only one capable of surviving against anything that isn't sirens (because he would fucking die to them), very much final girl status with him. dorothea and henry would survive purely because they wouldn't be caught dead in the water, they would be there at the beginning, realise shit is happening, and fucking leave like smart people. mayumi would either be the first to die or be the creature killing people because that's just fitting. theo,,, i have no idea? he would either die to save eli or get seriously injured that he somehow lives and gets carried off into ambulance before the credits roll. 🪓: does your character have an axe to grind? a need for bloody vengeance against someone who wronged them? why? / ah, this question fits mayumi perfectly. woman gets murdered by nathaniel ashford and stuck in the living world as a ghost because she's unable to move on. why? she doesn't know, she just wants justice/revenge and it's theo who theorises that she won't pass on until she gets just that (i will not be confirming or denying if that is). so she drags theo into it all, when all theo wants to do is just anything but that (yes, he feels guilty but he's used to just ignoring the shit his brother does), and with it, she eventually gets eli, henry and dorothea involved, mainly because she knows they'll do a better job than theo on his own. admittedly, mayumi barely does anything outside of watching on thanks to the limitations of being dead, she can interact with objects, but not harm people, something she learned the hard way after she spent over an hour trying to kill nathaniel in various ways before going to theo. but everything that does happen, whether good or bad, happens for her. 💀: is your character afraid of dying? if so, how far would they go to cheat death? / mayumi is terrified when she's dying that she focuses on the fact that theo is there basically holding her for most of it, especially because it begins slow before nathaniel steps in, and i think in a different universe, someone would take pity on her and let her live once again, but in cursed bodies, she's just a ghost. henry's interesting because i could never imagine him dying brutally like anyone else. i can't explain it, but he would most certainly die in a way that allows him to accept that it's happening therefore, he wouldn't fear death nor go to cheat it. this is kind of the same with dorothea. while both do things that would get them killed to keep them silent, somehow they would live until they're old and just die in their sleep or something like that. no need to fear death or cheat. eli, he would hands down be the kind of character who would cheat death in any way that he would. he kinda has a death wish in the way that he's just annoying that someone would be bound to just shoot him in the head and somehow he would walk away from it. it would be a klaus hargreeves situation from umbrella academy where he dodges death to the point where death would hate him for it and try to kill him themself.
horror themed ask (pt 2)
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ashfordlabs · 9 months
🪞 and 📼 !!
thank you for the ask!!
🪞: what would your character do if faced with an evil doppelganger? would they run away, fight? is the doppelganger a reflection of their inner fears? / eli, henry and dorothea would straight up just murder their evil doppelganger without any thought. they're already bad people (not evil, just not good people), and therefore would never allow their doppelgangers to just roam around. mayumi would probably just hire eli to kill hers, while she's not on the same level as the others (i'm still debating if she's going to be doing illegal things before her death, but she wouldn't be as bad as eli), she's well aware of what they do and therefore would just know it would be a bad idea to have hers around. theo, he would be absolutely tormented by his and would do nothing to stop him. his evil doppelganger would just be his brother but with theo's face. and i think theo would do one of the two: he would eventually snap and just murder his doppelganger violently to finally free himself, or theo would just allow his doppelganger to take his place and fuck off somewhere to live peacefully. because really, his doppelganger would be everything that nathaniel wishes theo was (well, mostly), and theo would just be fine with leaving him to live theo's life. theo would kinda hate it, but not since for once, he'd be able to live in peace without caring if his doppelganger is murdering people alongside nathaniel. 📼: if your character found a cursed videotape, would they play it? how would they get rid of the curse? can they? / there is only one person stupid enough to do this, and it would be eli. he would just see it sitting there and go 'oh, what's this?' jokingly thinking it would be like something stupid or video blackmail and watch it. he would get out of it, but not without everyone else's help. henry would probably figure out through some online forums about the curse or theo through his extensive knowledge of things. and once eli would get out of it, everyone would give him shit for getting cursed.
horror themed ask (pt 1)
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ashfordlabs · 1 year
thank you for the ask!! i honestly debated whether or not to have five facts about one oc, but due to my inability to choose between any of them, have one fact about each character.
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theo / the only thing he has that once belonged to his mother is an annotated copy of pride and prejudice that he keeps locked away in his safe, but will read it around his birthday in remembrance of her.
eli / the reason why he has such a green thumb is because sometimes his job gets to him and finds comfort in keeping things alive due to how many lives he's taken.
dorothea / despite her falling out of love with ballet, that doesn't stop her from going to see shows whenever she can and it's become a known fact that she'll send flowers to the female lead.
henry / he'll check in on his mother every month by hacking into her accounts to see if she's still alive, and sometimes (most of the time) if he's feeling petty, he'll steal a small amount of her bank account but enough that not only is it noticeable but also annoying.
mayumi / there's a blog that details the various ghosts that wander around london and it has a section that is dedicated to her as she's one of the few ghosts that isn't stuck to one place. this does however mean that she doesn't tag along with theo whenever he leaves his flat as she doesn't want someone to make an unneeded connection between them.
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send 📂 for facts about my ocs.
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