#( and if anyone has any suggestions feel free to lmk and i'll see how I vibe with them )
nijimx · 1 year
When you get this, post theme songs for your muse! Then tag 5 or more people!
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Standard theme: I really could not find one I liked for Makoto so I'm gonna have to leave this one. ( there were too many nice ones for me to make a choice gomen. )
Battle theme: Makoto is a professional ass kicker | Trouble shooting star
Emotion theme: Her friends probably don't realise how much she loves them all | Long way to home
Boss battle theme: She can and will fuck you up | Pledge of Demon
Tagged by: @fatexbound ( this took me way too long to decide on )
Tagging: whoever wants to give this a try!
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finallydelight · 1 year
Unfortunate Encounter | Ming Chapter
author’s note: hehe an update for yall, enjoyed writing this one. there’s a part that’s suggestive and also angst, but that’s nothing new lol 😙 anyways enjoy, and lmk what you think of it.
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January 4, 2023
''I've got everything I need! Thank you, Yerimie.'' Bumzu gave her a thumbs up and motioned for her to come out of the recording booth. The producer had asked her if she would like to record a few vocal guides for him in his studio, knowing she enjoys doing those.
Ming left the booth and high-fived the man. ''You're welcome.'' She smiled, grabbing her bag and getting ready to head out.
''Any plans for the evening?'' Bumzu asked her, turning around in his chair.
She nodded her head. ''Yeah, I'm gonna go over some of the choreos in one of the practice rooms here.''
''Alright, have fun, I'll see you!'' He bid her goodbye, sending a big smile her way. Ming waved one last time before heading to their regular practice room, hoping it wasn't occupied by anyone.
The halls of the HYBE building were pleasantly calm. It was later in the day, so most of the staff members had already left to go home.
Ming turned a corner, but bumped into another body. The person's box that they were holding beforehand had fallen on the ground and they both reached down to pick it up.
Ming diverted her eyes to the person in front of her, and her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. She quickly stood up again. ''Jihyun.''
The older woman picked up her box and got off the ground. ''Oh my god, how are you? It's been so long.'' The smile on Jihyun's face made Ming feel uneasy.
''I'm good, how- how are you?'' She managed to stutter out, uncomfortable with how nervous she sounded.
The grin on the woman's face grew even bigger as she moved her left hand from under the box and held it up to Ming's face. ''Great, I'm engaged!''
''Oh… wow, congratulations.'' Her eyes widened, mindlessly staring at the big ring on her finger.
''Thank you so much! I didn't even see it coming, can you believe it? He just suddenly went down on his knee and-''
''I have to go, I'm sorry.'' Ming interrupted her ramble, not wanting to stay one second longer listening to Jihyun describe how her fiancé proposed to her.
Jihyun seemed taken aback by the sudden interruption, but her smile quickly returned. ''Oh, yeah, little miss pop star is still busy, nothing has changed.'' Despite the sweet voice she was talking with, the passive aggressive undertone didn't go unnoticed.
Ming awkwardly chuckled. ''Yeah, uh, goodbye.'' She walked past the stylist and didn't wait for her to say anything back.
The female idol wanted to be alone as fast as possible and went into the first free practice room that she saw. She threw her bag to the side and took off her vest, it had become very warm all of a sudden.
Ming hadn't seen Jihyun since their last conversation where the older woman had rejected Ming's feelings in heartbreaking fashion, that had been more than 4 years ago. It was actually surprising to her that it had taken this long for the two of them to run into each other.
The interaction had left a weird feeling in her stomach. It almost angered her that Jihyun was doing well for herself, and how she blatantly seemed to enjoy how uncomfortable she was making Ming. The young woman also didn't appreciate being referred to as ''little miss pop star''.
Ming had slid down the wall and pulled up her knees, so she could put her head on them. Tears left her eyes, remembering all the pain the older woman had caused her and that she was still so painfully ignorant about the situation.
Her sniffles drew out the sound of the door opening and someone approaching her. ''Ming?''
She flinched, not having heard anyone come in. She tilted her head and Yeonjun's worried eyes locked with hers. The man set himself down next to her against the wall. ''Are you okay? What happened?''
He had seen his friend entering the practice room, and wanted to pop in and say hi to her. It was evident something was wrong as he saw her body shake through the small window of the room.
''Are you okay, Yer?''
Ming kept silent, but let her head fall onto Yeonjun's shoulder, with his left hand he wiped the tears away that escaped her eyes. ''You don't want to talk about it? Cause that's okay.''
Her eyes glanced away from his. ''She's engaged, Jun…'' She muttered out, talking so quiet that he almost didn't hear her.
''Who's engaged?''
Yeonjun frowned. He knew who she was referring to, Jihyun had worked with him and his members for almost 2 years before transferring to the boys of Enhypen. ''Did- did she make you cry?'' He asked, confused as to why her engagement would make her cry.
''We used to go out, like 4 years ago… and she didn't want to date me, because her parents wouldn't approve of her dating a girl.'' Ming explained, no emotion found in her voice.
''Ah, I see.'' Yeonjun didn't know what to say, it was the first time he had heard about her and Jihyun.
Ming tilted her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eye again. ''I'm not upset about her being engaged, I could care less what she's doing- it's just that… when she was talking to me, she just acted like nothing had happened between us, like we never existed before or something.'' She found it hard to explain to Yeonjun exactly why she was crying, maybe she didn't really know the reason herself.
''I understand what you're saying, that must not have been fun.'' It pained him to see her eyes all welled up, her usual smile that lit up any room she walked into was all gone.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, one that was a total contrast of being awkward.
Yeonjun's comforting hand rested on Ming's shoulder, squeezing it once in a while.
Ming let her head drop to the side, and it rested on his hand. She turned so she was looking at him through her tear-filled lashes. Yeonjun gulped, his eyes momentarily dropping to her lips.
A haze came over him, a feeling he had never felt before settling in his belly. The male idol wet his lips, and he moved his hand so he was cupping Ming's cheek. He looked into her eyes and seeing that she didn't maneuver away, he moved his head down to hers.
Yeonjun pressed their lips together, and he smiled into the kiss as he felt her kiss him back. Her hand went from her lap to his hair, tugging on his strands while Yeonjun pulled her closer. They continued their make-out session until Yeonjun pulled away, a breathy moan leaving his mouth and his chest moving heavily due to the lack of breathing. Ming resided in a similar state.
''I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, you're upset and I-''
''Don't worry about it, Jun, you don't have to apologize.'' Ming interrupted him, a soft smile hanging on her lips. ''If you're worrying about whether you overstepped a line, please don't.''
''Okay, good.'' The tension in his shoulders left, and he pulled himself up. ''I know exactly what to do that's going to cheer you up.'' He claimed, moving to the speakers and computer. Ming stayed seated against the wall as Yeonjun turned on the speaker and typed away on the screen.
She slightly flinched upon the pre-chorus of 'Hype Boy' being played loudly. Yeonjun took the center of the room, which was right in front of her. He smirked before perfectly executing the entire chorus perfectly, not missing a beat and looking content while doing so.
He struck an ending pose and Ming clapped her hands for him, yelling out praises to him. ''Wooo! Yeonjun-oppa, you're so cool!'' She copied the chants of the fans. Yeonjun did a 90 degree bow and thanked her. ''Thank you, thank you.''
''Are you feeling a bit better?''
''Hmmm, I don't know, I think you're gonna have to do more than just one song.'' She feigned, wanting to see him dance again.
He sighed, although an amused smile had made its way to his face. ''Okay, tough crowd.'' Yeonjun immediately moved to the computer again and put on another song, one that he knew she would like very much.
Ming snorted as 'Antifragile' boomed through the speakers, she and Yeonjun having jammed to the song more than once.
Like the previous dance, he smoothly went through the dance, not making a single mistake and looking happy while doing it.
''Better now?''
''I have one more request.''
''Have you ever heard of Catallena?''
''Fuck off!''
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Taglist: @mystic-luv @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie
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headfkknempty · 8 months
Howdy! I don't mean to be rude, but I know you've got a lot of knowledge on B4B, and was wondering if ya cooked up any Sharice headcanons? She's a personal favorite but I ain't found much on her from anywhere due to how late in the cycle she came in. I'm sorry if this is rude and thank you kindly in advance! Hope your having a wonderful day!
omg you're not being rude <3
i wish she was more fleshed out like the core 8 are 😭😭 she's honestly the cutest and most beautiful outta everyone
if you got other questions feel free to leave them on my other blog i forget to check often but i'll do it in the morning <3
but some of my headcanons that is almost canon under the cut cause it got a tiny bit long:
since she doesn't have an official last name i usually make one up so her full name is sharice jackson :3 (if anyone else has last name suggestions lmk)
i wanna say she's around her early to mid 30s and around 5'4 (her boots making her 5'5 or 5'6)
big family person obviously!! she was super close with her father and her fire fighting crew along with every other cleaner (karlee is one of her close friends)
learned to do her own hair very young and often cut it short when it got too long, she'd also help the other girls with hair styles if they wanted it
since i have a habit of making everyone fruity, i feel like she's bisexual with no specific preference but she's more of a person who dates to marry, not hook up
obviously super buff and usually spends time at the gym area at fort hope more than the shooting area, can weightlift more than 200 (i'd have to check there later to see what their weight stuff is lol)
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