#( 100 years and i feel like certain things have been shaped for the corinthian )
betterdcyz · 2 years
the corinthian? touch-starved? perhaps 
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psychicadviceus · 7 years
How a Christian Develops a Reprobate Mind
New Post has been published on http://aopsy.com/index.php/2017/04/01/how-a-christian-develops-a-reprobate-mind/
How a Christian Develops a Reprobate Mind
I Live To Do Whatever I Feel Like.
The book of Romans in the New Testament teaches us about a reprobate mind.  A mind that wants to live in sin is one of the most dangerous actions done by a Christian man or woman.  It is a state of being in which you choose to obey your own thoughts instead of God’s.  Another word’s, you can’t stop sinning and so God gives you over to a reprobate mind.  Please see Romans 1:28.
You may be asking yourself how a Christian can allow themselves to be taken over by sin if they are followers of Jesus Christ.  I am going to show you a few ways of how this happens. If you are caught up in a reprobate mind, then it’s time to put a stop to your sins and turn your life back over to God.
Becoming Born Again
When a man or woman first comes to Jesus Christ, he/she is excited.  You feel the Holy Spirit coming over you and the power of Jesus Christ working in your life. You strive to please God in every way, shape and form. You realize that you are a sinner. You understand that sin is something that God does not want for you or your life.  You begin to live for God and not for yourself. You begin to say, “Lord, I will follow you and not myself.”  You do what the Bible says and “pick up your cross and follow Jesus.”
However, after spending some time as a Christian, you will notice that your physical body craves to do sin.  The devil will come and tempt you with what he knows you will fall into. At first, you fight the devil because you know that you want to please God.  However, after a certain period, you start to give into the devil’s temptation a little bit each time.  You go through a period of repentance and committing sin.  You keep on telling God that you are sorry for what you have done.  Jesus forgives you and then you go back out once again to commit the same sin.  Resisting the temptation is to hard.  You eventually begin to fall back into sin instead of obeying God.  Your mind begins to live for yourself instead of God. You try to live a life of living for Jesus and living for yourself. You may often spend years doing this.  If you don’t stop sinning, God eventually turns you over to a depraved mind (Romans 1:28).
When you get turned over to a depraved mind, it means that you have finally given up on doing things God’s way and have instead decided to do things your way.  You now begin to shy away from God and develop your own patter of what is right and wrong. You don’t follow the Bible 100%. You would rather keep on living in your sin than following God and the way that he originally planned creation.
When a person develops a reprobate mind, your relationship with God begins to fail.  You begin to feel separated from God. This is perhaps one of the most critical points in any Christians life.  If you have developed a reprobate mind, you need to repent of your sins and come back to God 100%.
The good news is that a person can come back to God through Jesus Christ if they have developed a reprobate mind.  If you go to 1 Corinthians 6:11, you will find that the Apostle Paul stated that the men and women that had a reprobate mind gave themselves to Jesus. He says that they were washed by the blood of Jesus. This means that you have hope even if your mind is in a reprobate stage. It means that God never gives up on you.
Here is a short story of a woman that I shall called Monica
I Know It is Not Right, but I Can’t Help Myself….
Monica was a 21-year-old woman.  She gave herself to the Lord Jesus Christ when she was just 11 years old. She came to Jesus at a young age and was a perfect Christian by the worlds eyes.  Monica loved attending church on Sundays. At home, she spent most of her days working, spending an hour a day in reading the Bible and prayer and she tried to keep away from sin.
When she turned 16 years old, her lust for men started to get increasingly high. She began to feel the urge to have a boyfriend and to sleep with a man.  She felt that the urges were so uncontrollable.  She felt lonely and in need of a companion.
She began to talk to her parents about getting a boyfriend.  Her parents wanted her to wait until she graduated from high school. However, she decided to go against their wishes.
Her eyes were upon a young man at church.  He was also a man of the Lord that gave himself to Jesus at the age of 8.  He was looking for romantic love as well at the age of 17.  The two of them decided to date.
To make a long story short, Monica could not resist sleeping with him.  She felt that she wanted to please him and herself at the same time.  She also felt a prick inside of her soul that she was sinning and not doing this God’s way. She always wanted to wait for marriage.  However, her lustful urges got to her and when the temptation came, she committed the act.
She went through a series of saying I am sorry to God and then repeating the same mistake repeatedly.  After awhile, she couldn’t stop. Instead of listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit inside of her heart, she decided to go against God and do whatever she felt like.
As her guilt came into her spirit, she started to ask her boyfriend if they could get married. He told her no because he wanted to go to college and experience life a bit.  He couldn’t see himself getting married until he was 28 years old.
Monica was upset by his words and decided to break off the relationship.  She decided that it was best to go his own separate way.
After their breakup, no other guy came into her life to date.  She was feeling lonely and decided to pray to God for a husband.  No man came into her life and she was instead thinking that she would just go out to a nightclub to find a man to be with.  She wanted to start a family.
I am Looking for a Good Man Here at the Bar.
When Monica turned 21, she began club hopping and sleeping around with guys.  Every time that she met a guy in a nightclub, he claimed to want a relationship and marriage.  However, after the one night stand, he would be gone.  She even went through some 2 week and 2 month long relationships. They always failed. She was finding men that were not equally yoked with her. She began to do whatever she felt like. She began to lose her first love for God.  The Book of revelation warns us to repent and turn back to God. It tells us to get back the old love that we once had for God (Revelation 2:4).
At first, a Christian will go through a honeymoon stage with Jesus. This is a stage in which they are committed to Jesus and doing things his way. However, over time, some Christians begin to follow their sins and not God’s way.  This is a reprobate mind.
Monica began to feel hurt from all the guys that came into her life and left her again.  She felt a disconnection between herself and the Lord. She felt completely alone. She asked herself, “Where did I go wrong? Why did I disobey God?  Why did I choose to live in sin instead of living for God?  What happened to my first love?”
Monica realized that her mind was in a reprobate stage.  She wanted to sin so deeply that God gave her over to a depraved mind.  She decided to repent and come back to God.  When she did, her mind began to feel connected with God. She began to read her Bible every day and spend time in prayer with God.  Monica learned to never live for yourself.  Instead, she learned to live for Jesus once again.
At the age of 25, Monica did find a husband in church. This man was born again and started the relationship with her in love.  They got married only after two months of dating.  She eventually finished her college degree in psychology and is a full time stay at home mom. She takes care of the family and her husband is a mechanical engineer.
Can you Relate to Monica’s Story?
Many men and women can understand Monica.  They have been down a similar road in their own life. Having a reprobate mind is decision to choose sin over God. A person must repent of their sins and stay on the born-again road.
A person can develop a reprobate mind without even realizing that it is happening. It happens simply because you allow yourself to follow sin instead of God’s way. This can creep into anyone’s life a little bit at a time.
In the End Days, The World Will Be Like Those in the Days of Noah
In the last days, the earth will be like that in the days of Noah.
In the gospel of Luke, we read that in the last days, it will be like the days of Noah (Luke 17:26).  The Old Testament tells us that Noah’s days were about living for yourself and doing whatever you felt like. People were showing complete disrespect to God, his laws and his will.  It became so sinful that God said, “I will destroy the earth with a flood.”
As we all know, the earth was flooded away because of sin.  In today’s world, we can see that it has become like in the days of Noah. If you look at the world before the year 1800’s, the world operated without electricity. We see a dramatic change after electricity was invented. Eventually we came to the industrial age and then the computer age.  Today, the people of the world are doing whatever they feel like and doing exactly what the Bible said it would do thousands of years ago.
It is important to get right with God before Jesus returns.  Nobody knows the hour of his return. However, we can easily see that Jesus is willing to forgive us for our sins.
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ohioguru03 · 7 years
Church and Gym?
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You may or may not have thought about this before, but the gym is more like the church or Christian journey than you may think. While on vacation, I was working out at a neat little gym in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, when I began pondering how similar the gym experience is to Christianity or the Church in general. 
One of the things I absolutely love about going to the gym is everyone is on their own journey and each person has their own story or testimony if you will. That is such a beautiful thing and how well does that parallel to our spiritual walk. In my opinion, pretty darn close!
If you look around the gym the next time you are in attendance, just take a gander at all the differences in a given setting. There are people of all ability levels that come to the gym in all shapes and sizes. Everyone has a different story of how they arrived at the gym and for what reason. I think its fun and truly interesting to listen to people’s stories. It’s a place filled with hope and new beginnings. Hey, Christian, does that sound familiar? If you are at the right gym, it should be covered with encouragement, support, hope, and community. Hey, Christian, does that sound familiar?
The gorgeous thing is no one is at the exact same spot or ability level. There shouldn’t be any comparison. The only comparison should be with yourself. That is so freeing! Also, the gym much like the church, isn’t a one-size fits all that some may get you to believe. Some gyms aren’t for everybody just like some churches aren’t for everybody. 
You make like more traditional services with amazing old school hymms, while others prefer something a little different. Perhaps, musicians sporting skinny jeans, hard parts, and some sort of cool pair of shoes that we never seem to be able to find. Some people love to dress up for church, while others like to wear jeans and their favorite Christian t-shirt. Some bring coffee into service and would never attend another church that doesn’t allow that, while others prefer less “show” (you know the lights, videos, pastor sitting in a chair with a cool little table to the side of him, a coffee mug, and possibly a little monitor next to him, with a sweet band, free water, and people yelling preach) and more routine. That doesn’t matter one bit! The only goal when selecting a church should be to find one that glorifies God and makes Jesus famous! Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, Calvary, Methodist, or Evangelical, we may not all agree 100 percent on ideology or theology, but we all need to remember we are on the SAME team when it’s all said and done. 
When picking a gym, find one that works for you and make sure it’s one that is concerned about you staying healthy and ENCOURAGING you to be the best you! If not, find a new gym or be the change you would like to see. 
In the Christian walk, you may be better at some things in comparison to others. You are constantly refining those disciplines like you would in a gym. Certain seasons we see much more growth than others much like in the gym. It’s really hard for many people to continue to workout when the definitive results are coming as often, but those are the times we need to stay consistent just like in our spiritual walk when we don’t seem to be feeling it or prayers aren’t being answered or the fire just isn’t burning as it once was. That’s okay, because it happens to all of us more often than we would like to admit. I know both of my hands are raised. 
When I was in my early years, at the gym, I was doing a lot of comparing to other people not just in the gym but all parts of my life. That is an awful prison to put yourself in. I would constantly want to be like others in the gym and it was a constant cycle of trying to be like this person or that person. The problem with that is, you aren’t that person! I finally let go of most of that envy and jealousy, but it still creeps in at times. That doesn’t mean I’m not competitive. I now realize, for the most part, there are things that I’m better at than others, and that is perfectly okay. I just want to be better than I was the day before. At the gym, someone may be really strong on legs, but struggle to do pull ups or push ups. Someone may have really good endurance, but be really weak when it comes to weights. That’s life and it is what it is. 
This is the same thing when it comes to our spiritual gifts. I use to get overwhelmed when it came to this area of my spiritual life, and questioned if I even had any (same attitude I had the gym at times). As I’ve matured, I’ve come to realize being an encourager is one of my biggest spiritual gifts and I’ve embraced that. I’ve realized that I will never bench press 400 pounds, and I’m okay with that too. I’m pretty good, humbly speaking of course, at endurance and strength workouts combined which is why I love OCR. 
I’m finally content with what I’m good at or should I say what God has gifted me with and allows me to do. I don’t need to be Billy Graham, Keith Minier, Craig Groeschel or any of my other Christian brothers, I’m Kurt Stubbs II and I’m wonderfully and perfectly made in the image of God whether we are talking about my Spiritual journey or my physical journey. 
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I love working out, as I mentioned, because every single person that I grab a set of dumbbells with, run a race with, climb a wall with, sweat with, and succeed/fail with has a story. Some of those stories are of hurt and pain or triumph and overcoming addictions, but one thing is for certain, EVERY ONE has a purpose/part in the story. How true is this in the family of believers of Jesus Christ? Every person I sit beside in church, on a park bench beside, pray with, cry with, laugh with, worship with or fellowship with is on a spiritual journey with Jesus Christ that started somewhere and somehow. Every story is different (most likely drastically different), but one thing I know for certain, every testimony is centered around the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Let me emphasize this, not every follower of Christ has some amazing and unbelievable transformation story nor does every person in a gym have a story of losing 200 pounds or beating a disease through health and fitness. That doesn’t mean your story is any less any important. If you are part of my gym, your story is important to me and if you are part of Christ’s gym than your story is important to HIm.
I challenge you to think about this the next time you are in the gym. The person next to you has a story, so please just always keep that in mind. Never derail someone who is in the gym trying because you don’t know where their story started or where it will end, and the exact same thing goes for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Never discourage them or think they should be at the same place you are or they should be doing the same exact thing you are doing, because there walk with Jesus is going to be different. He is going to use them in a different way than he uses you or I, so He is going to equip them differently. I can honestly say I’ve been absolutely guilty of this in the past without question. Some of it was my own ignorance, some of it was arrogance, and a lot of it was me wanting God to be working on my schedule (how funny is that?). WE are all on the SAME team, and we should treat each other accordingly. Whether it’s our gym team or our Christian team, we are all in this together to encourage one another no matter where we are at. If we do our part and concern ourselves with our health/fitness we will be able to help many more people that way and if we concern ourselves with our Christian walk we will be able to help many more people that way. Don’t be afraid to be transparent about your weaknesses or shortcomings, because as I’ve heard many time, we connect most with others through our weaknesses and not our strengths. For when we are weak, He (Jesus) is strong! (2 Corinthians 12:9)
I hope, that if you’ve made it this far in the read, that this was so closely related that there were parts you couldn’t tell if I was talking about the gym or our Christian walk. I also pray you found this encouraging and you have fight, hope, and strength like never before. God Bless each and every one of you!
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psychicadviceus · 7 years
How a Christian Develops a Reprobate Mind
New Post has been published on http://aopsy.com/index.php/2017/04/01/how-a-christian-develops-a-reprobate-mind/
How a Christian Develops a Reprobate Mind
I Live To Do Whatever I Feel Like.
The book of Romans in the New Testament teaches us about a reprobate mind.  A mind that wants to live in sin is one of the most dangerous actions done by a Christian man or woman.  It is a state of being in which you choose to obey your own thoughts instead of God’s.  Another word’s, you can’t stop sinning and so God gives you over to a reprobate mind.  Please see Romans 1:28.
You may be asking yourself how a Christian can allow themselves to be taken over by sin if they are followers of Jesus Christ.  I am going to show you a few ways of how this happens. If you are caught up in a reprobate mind, then it’s time to put a stop to your sins and turn your life back over to God.
Becoming Born Again
When a man or woman first comes to Jesus Christ, he/she is excited.  You feel the Holy Spirit coming over you and the power of Jesus Christ working in your life. You strive to please God in every way, shape and form. You realize that you are a sinner. You understand that sin is something that God does not want for you or your life.  You begin to live for God and not for yourself. You begin to say, “Lord, I will follow you and not myself.”  You do what the Bible says and “pick up your cross and follow Jesus.”
However, after spending some time as a Christian, you will notice that your physical body craves to do sin.  The devil will come and tempt you with what he knows you will fall into. At first, you fight the devil because you know that you want to please God.  However, after a certain period, you start to give into the devil’s temptation a little bit each time.  You go through a period of repentance and committing sin.  You keep on telling God that you are sorry for what you have done.  Jesus forgives you and then you go back out once again to commit the same sin.  Resisting the temptation is to hard.  You eventually begin to fall back into sin instead of obeying God.  Your mind begins to live for yourself instead of God. You try to live a life of living for Jesus and living for yourself. You may often spend years doing this.  If you don’t stop sinning, God eventually turns you over to a depraved mind (Romans 1:28).
When you get turned over to a depraved mind, it means that you have finally given up on doing things God’s way and have instead decided to do things your way.  You now begin to shy away from God and develop your own patter of what is right and wrong. You don’t follow the Bible 100%. You would rather keep on living in your sin than following God and the way that he originally planned creation.
When a person develops a reprobate mind, your relationship with God begins to fail.  You begin to feel separated from God. This is perhaps one of the most critical points in any Christians life.  If you have developed a reprobate mind, you need to repent of your sins and come back to God 100%.
The good news is that a person can come back to God through Jesus Christ if they have developed a reprobate mind.  If you go to 1 Corinthians 6:11, you will find that the Apostle Paul stated that the men and women that had a reprobate mind gave themselves to Jesus. He says that they were washed by the blood of Jesus. This means that you have hope even if your mind is in a reprobate stage. It means that God never gives up on you.
Here is a short story of a woman that I shall called Monica
I Know It is Not Right, but I Can’t Help Myself….
Monica was a 21-year-old woman.  She gave herself to the Lord Jesus Christ when she was just 11 years old. She came to Jesus at a young age and was a perfect Christian by the worlds eyes.  Monica loved attending church on Sundays. At home, she spent most of her days working, spending an hour a day in reading the Bible and prayer and she tried to keep away from sin.
When she turned 16 years old, her lust for men started to get increasingly high. She began to feel the urge to have a boyfriend and to sleep with a man.  She felt that the urges were so uncontrollable.  She felt lonely and in need of a companion.
She began to talk to her parents about getting a boyfriend.  Her parents wanted her to wait until she graduated from high school. However, she decided to go against their wishes.
Her eyes were upon a young man at church.  He was also a man of the Lord that gave himself to Jesus at the age of 8.  He was looking for romantic love as well at the age of 17.  The two of them decided to date.
To make a long story short, Monica could not resist sleeping with him.  She felt that she wanted to please him and herself at the same time.  She also felt a prick inside of her soul that she was sinning and not doing this God’s way. She always wanted to wait for marriage.  However, her lustful urges got to her and when the temptation came, she committed the act.
She went through a series of saying I am sorry to God and then repeating the same mistake repeatedly.  After awhile, she couldn’t stop. Instead of listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit inside of her heart, she decided to go against God and do whatever she felt like.
As her guilt came into her spirit, she started to ask her boyfriend if they could get married. He told her no because he wanted to go to college and experience life a bit.  He couldn’t see himself getting married until he was 28 years old.
Monica was upset by his words and decided to break off the relationship.  She decided that it was best to go his own separate way.
After their breakup, no other guy came into her life to date.  She was feeling lonely and decided to pray to God for a husband.  No man came into her life and she was instead thinking that she would just go out to a nightclub to find a man to be with.  She wanted to start a family.
I am Looking for a Good Man Here at the Bar.
When Monica turned 21, she began club hopping and sleeping around with guys.  Every time that she met a guy in a nightclub, he claimed to want a relationship and marriage.  However, after the one night stand, he would be gone.  She even went through some 2 week and 2 month long relationships. They always failed. She was finding men that were not equally yoked with her. She began to do whatever she felt like. She began to lose her first love for God.  The Book of revelation warns us to repent and turn back to God. It tells us to get back the old love that we once had for God (Revelation 2:4).
At first, a Christian will go through a honeymoon stage with Jesus. This is a stage in which they are committed to Jesus and doing things his way. However, over time, some Christians begin to follow their sins and not God’s way.  This is a reprobate mind.
Monica began to feel hurt from all the guys that came into her life and left her again.  She felt a disconnection between herself and the Lord. She felt completely alone. She asked herself, “Where did I go wrong? Why did I disobey God?  Why did I choose to live in sin instead of living for God?  What happened to my first love?”
Monica realized that her mind was in a reprobate stage.  She wanted to sin so deeply that God gave her over to a depraved mind.  She decided to repent and come back to God.  When she did, her mind began to feel connected with God. She began to read her Bible every day and spend time in prayer with God.  Monica learned to never live for yourself.  Instead, she learned to live for Jesus once again.
At the age of 25, Monica did find a husband in church. This man was born again and started the relationship with her in love.  They got married only after two months of dating.  She eventually finished her college degree in psychology and is a full time stay at home mom. She takes care of the family and her husband is a mechanical engineer.
Can you Relate to Monica’s Story?
Many men and women can understand Monica.  They have been down a similar road in their own life. Having a reprobate mind is decision to choose sin over God. A person must repent of their sins and stay on the born-again road.
A person can develop a reprobate mind without even realizing that it is happening. It happens simply because you allow yourself to follow sin instead of God’s way. This can creep into anyone’s life a little bit at a time.
In the End Days, The World Will Be Like Those in the Days of Noah
In the last days, the earth will be like that in the days of Noah.
In the gospel of Luke, we read that in the last days, it will be like the days of Noah (Luke 17:26).  The Old Testament tells us that Noah’s days were about living for yourself and doing whatever you felt like. People were showing complete disrespect to God, his laws and his will.  It became so sinful that God said, “I will destroy the earth with a flood.”
As we all know, the earth was flooded away because of sin.  In today’s world, we can see that it has become like in the days of Noah. If you look at the world before the year 1800’s, the world operated without electricity. We see a dramatic change after electricity was invented. Eventually we came to the industrial age and then the computer age.  Today, the people of the world are doing whatever they feel like and doing exactly what the Bible said it would do thousands of years ago.
It is important to get right with God before Jesus returns.  Nobody knows the hour of his return. However, we can easily see that Jesus is willing to forgive us for our sins.
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