#( * t. decker / the gods should have placed him among the stars. )
mvncesa · 6 months
he didn’t forget about Decker’s reward. “Tilt your head back.” The command is rather gruff, and he considers momentarily before placing the book in one of his hands and making him hold it up in front of his face. “Y’ got my attention now, puppy…”
Sure, the neck bite wasn’t the reward in mind, but some treatment had to be returned.
The command from anyone else probably would have gotten a blank stare or bared teeth. And, to be completely honest, it did take him by surprise. His previous attention seeking behavior had been mostly forgotten as he had busied himself once Manny had made it clear that he was going to make him wait.
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"Why should I?" Decker had already established that he was willing to annoy Manny for his own amusement. The question was just proof of that. And yet, despite him trying to be annoying, his head was tilting back like he was told to do. Like a good boy.
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mvncesa · 8 months
sticks decker with a sticky note to his face that just says “stinky” because he’s definitely a mature alpha
There was little to no reaction at the initial approach. Hazel eyes tracking Manny’s movements, curious and a bit weary, but mostly calm. It even took a second for him to glance down at the sticky note — Lifting it slightly in an attempt to read it while it remained upside down.
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“Hm. At least I don’t smell like a wet dog.”
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mvncesa · 7 months
cups a hand around the back of decker's neck and draws him in to give him a big, loud, wet smack of a kiss on his cheek and then lets go and carries on toward the kitchen. 💋
It was a rare occurrence for Decker to be the one to sleep in between the pair. Between the nightmares that still frequently plagued him and his already terrible sleep schedule? Well. It was no mystery as to why he was always the first one awake — It worked out in the end, at least, as he was able to take care of the animals and start to make what the couple would consider breakfast before Kurjak dragged himself out of bed. But there were days were the wolf seemed intent on sleeping in for as long as he could.
Kurjak extracting himself from their bed with Jasper quick to follow was what first roused him. A soft grumble came as the wolf tried to bury his head into the pillows piled up at the head of their bed. He tried his best to force himself back to sleep but, after a solid five minutes, gave up on that. Even though he took another couple of minutes for him to be conscious enough to drag himself out of bed.
Rubbing the heel of his palm against his eye to chase the sleep away, Decker shuffling his way out of the bedroom and toward the living room. Or wherever the sound of Kurjak rustling around was. He was going through the apartment half blind at that point. The only thing that made him pause was the sound of footsteps padding toward him.
He allowed himself to be pulled down with another sleepy, quiet noise. Head turning to press a quick kiss of his own against the corner of his partner's mouth. The wolf rubbed at his eyes again before they blinked back into focus before following after the blonde.
"'Morning," he muttered with voice that was rough from sleep. The motion of dropping a brief kiss against Kurjak's shoulder as he moved past him into the kitchen seemed to be an unconscious action. "Do you want coffee?"
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mvncesa · 8 months
see that? that's kurjak freshly showered. a shirt stolen out of decker's laundry? check. simple little boxer briefs so he can squirm his legs on crisp sheets? check. but most importantly? ... sitting on the edge of the bed and slipping on some warm little sockies to sleep. perish <3
An early morning walk to get Jasper's energy out before they, inevitably, ended up in bed alongside Kurjak. It was a bit harder for the husky to adjust to a somewhat nocturnal lifestyle — All because of her owner's own stupid decision of dating someone who might be labelled as a cryptid by various people. Decker was simply doing his best to adjust along with Kurjak's lifestyle.
Once they were past the threshold of the apartment, Jasper trotted off to drink some water and sniff out where Noge was. The wolf simply made his way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before making his way toward the bedroom. He knew that it would be around the time that Kurjak would be going to bed. It was normal for him to be the last one getting into bed to go to sleep. If he was taking too long, he knew that Kurjak would seek him out and drag him back to bed.
"Hi baby," Decker murmured as he slid over the bed over the blonde. A quick kiss was pressed to the side of Kurjak's face before sitting on the edge of the bed to kick off his shoes and peel off his shirt. "You're this sleepy already?" He teased as he finally flopped back against the mattress beside his partner and settling.
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mvncesa · 10 months
[ intent ] sender leans their forehead against receiver's 💜
The forehead touch was something that he did without thinking. A form of affection that he would allow himself as soon as he grew comfortable around someone. It stemmed from a deeper relationship, of course, which added to the weight of the action. It was part of the reason why he seemed so... Eager with the affection. In his own little way.
Roused by the sound of soft footsteps, dark eyes flickered away from the stove to watch his partner shuffle into the kitchen. A small smile curled at the corner of his lips at the sight of Kurjak. And the two fluffy companions trailing after him.
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"Hi," the wolf mumbled softly, leaning down to give a kiss in greeting. Decker barely even glanced down at the feeling of Noge brushing against his ankles and circling around him. He was lucky that Jasper wasn't trying to steal things off the counter. "'M making us some food," he said as if it were not obvious. The gentle head bonk earned a soft smile as he tilted his head to bump their noses together. "You have to wait."
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mvncesa · 10 months
For a moment, Decker lost him. It’s an event with sculptures pieced together using scrap metal, a studio space opened up for the little gallery, and Kurjak wandered off the second he’d released Decker’s hand to look around. He’s gone among the pieces and the other patrons until, eventually, he returns and his left hand takes Decker’s right again, lacing their fingers together. See? He wasn’t lost forever. “This is nice.” / decker put a child leash on him please <3
Decker, somewhat surprisingly, had been enjoying himself. The sculptures were not something that catered to his interest but they were clearly interesting. Seeing the things that people could do with scrap metal and spare parts that they had found around. He knew that Kurjak was enjoying himself. Clearly.
The disappearance, though, did not earn any sort of reaction. It was something that he had been expecting as soon as they had stepped into the event. Kurjak was like a semi-stray cat in that sense. Wandering off as he pleased to explore or go about on his own before wandering right back to his favorite person. Or, in this case, his boyfriend. It helped that Decker could pick out the sound of Kurjak with ease -- The benefits of werewolf hearing, after all.
It was because of said hearing that he was expecting the other's approach. His head turned toward the sound of the other as the corner of his lips curled up into a soft smile. "Enjoying yourself?" As if it was not obvious. Decker gave a small squeeze to their joined hands even as his gaze remained on the sculptures. "Did you find any other interesting ones?"
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mvncesa · 10 months
pouty noise. :c
The noise was one that he had quickly grown familiar with.
If he were to look up from his task, he was sure that he would see the little pout and the furrow between the other man's eyebrows. A ridiculous look when you took in everything else about Kurjak -- From the dark clothing, to the tattoos and the bionic arm. The expression, and the noise, was the last thing that someone would expect to come from someone like that.
But Decker knew better. He had more than enough experiences with Kurjak's little noises and pouting to even be surprised at that point.
"No." Spoken as if he was trying to discipline a toddler and not a man in his thirties. The wolf carefully maneuvered around the other man without casting so much as a glance. He knew exactly what the pout on his boyfriend's face would look like. He didn't need to see it. "Can you check on Jasper? She's been quiet for, like, thirty minutes." Which was always suspicious especially when she should have been underfoot in the same way Kurjak was. Begging for food like she was tag-teaming the pouting and begging with the blonde. "Please."
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mvncesa · 11 months
What was he doing? Spreading peanut butter and jelly on crackers for mini sandwiches, as a treat. But Decker hovering around in the kitchen made him a prime target; after spreading some jelly, he swiped a finger through it, turned, and smeared it on the tip of Decker’s nose. “No,” it was a preemptive attack before he decided to snatch up any of the crackers, before he had the opportunity to start rifling through the pantry. Afterward, Kurjak licked the remainder of the jelly off his finger, then waved his hand. “Go. Leave me be.” / hehe <3
The behavior was not unlike the pets as soon as they saw that either of them had food. Hovering around the kitchen and slightly circling around Kurjak as he worked like a hungry shark waiting to attack. Of course, he gave no indication aside from the hovering that he wanted any of the crackers that the other was preparing. It was obvious, though, just like it was obvious when Jasper was begging for some of their food.
Sudden cold stickiness against his nose caused him to draw back as his face scrunched up. The expression turned into one of offense.
Decker swiped the back of his hand against his nose in an attempt to wipe off the jelly. His expression scrunched up again at the sensation of that. Despite the comment, the wolf made no move to retreat from the kitchen or back off from where his boyfriend was preparing his little snack.
He inched forward as eyes darted toward the plate. "Can I have some?"
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mvncesa · 11 months
— falling asleep to the sound of the other’s heartbeat / it's canon so 💞
There was something a bit ironic that the wolf found himself so at ease around the other when you considered how their dynamic began. It had become almost a little joke between the two of them once they had grown closer. Settled into something far more domestic than Decker had experienced in a long, long time. There was some part of him that almost thought that he didn't deserve something like that. (Another part of him that thought that it would never happen, anyways).
Jasper had happily trotted further into the apartment as soon as he had unhooked her leash. It was only a couple of moments later that Decker was following after, Gatorade and snacks in hand, before he simply plopped down beside where Kurjak was on the couch. He seemed to be mimicking the husky, even, as he allowed himself to snuggle into the blonde's side.
"Hi baby," he murmured as he tilted his head to press a quick kiss against the other's jaw. Decker was quick to settle in and get comfortable, lazily watching whatever Kurjak was working on, already beginning to lulled into a sense of content drowsiness.
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mvncesa · 1 year
okay fine consider: kurjak... taking decker's pubby face in his hands and giving him a lil smooch on the tip of his nose. <3
The sensation of someone grabbing his face had grown more familiar over the last couple of months. There was a new, almost warm, fluttering feeling in his chest at the feeling. He had grown used to Kurjak holding his face, sure, but it was different as a wolf.
A soft whine escaped as he tried to keep himself from tilting his face into the touch. Like some sort of touch-deprived puppy. There might have been a small sway of the little tail that he had. Decker would, later, deny that he was practically wagging his tail because his partner showed him some affection.
That thought did not stop him from hunching over, though, to gently nudge his snout against the hunter's cheek. Not quite a puppy kisses but it was as close as he would allow himself.
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mvncesa · 1 year
❛ you’re too important. ❜ / you know who it's for ... <3
It had been a long time since he was important to someone.
Throughout the majority of his life, he had been seen as an important asset. He was not important because of who he was but because of what he was — With the majority of the people who saw him as important only seeing him that way because they wanted to use him for their own gain. There was only one person who saw Decker himself as important, valuable as a person and a loved one, during that time.
And then that person was dead and Decker was alone again. For a good couple of years, he was completely alone once he left the marines. (If you could call what he did leaving the marines).
The point was that Decker did not think of himself as someone important. An asset for someone to use? A dangerous predator? Sure. But never someone who would genuinely be seen as important to anyone.
He did not voice his initial thoughts to the words. (The first thought popping into his mind being that he wasn't important). The slight confusion that he felt for half a second was quickly shaken off as the wolf focused back on the other and the act of soothing him. Even though that was still a bit strange to him.
"It's okay." The wolf found his voice softening as he addressed Kurjak. One hand cupped the back of the other man's head, fingers gently massaging the back of his neck. He gently bumped their foreheads together, an action that was growing increasingly familiar in their relationship, before settling there with a quiet breath as his eyes closed. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
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mvncesa · 1 year
hmm. While they're cooking? Nudges his hip against Decker's, then turns, dropping a kiss onto his shoulder and resumes cooking. <3
At that point, they seemed to have a natural flow as they existed in the apartment together. It was easy for them settle in to a sense of domesticity — Something that only grew in ease as they became genuinely domestic. An actual couple instead of whatever they had been when they first began to live together.
Decker had been too busy to the side of the stove to fully pay much attention to what his partner was doing. His was focus was on chopping the vegetables that would be added to their dinner.
The gentle nudge to his hip earned a small flicker of his gaze. Attention turning toward the other just in time to watch the kiss being pressed to his shoulder. The wolf chuckled as he bumped his shoulder slightly, a playful action to bump against Kurjak's chin as he pulled away.
"Zdeslav," he coaxed. "You missed."
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mvncesa · 1 year
"... Teddy bear." It was a murmur against his neck when he felt Decker begin to move; Kurjak grinned against his nape. They were a tangle of limbs and blankets. "Stay."
It had been a rather lazy couple of hours between them. The majority of it had been spent dozing with some show streaming from the TV about mechanical failures or something like that. At various points, the pair seemed to be just awake enough to share a couple of kisses and some wandering hands. Nothing went past lazy making out and some light petting before they began to laze around or doze off again.
He began to stir again, seeming to stretch like an overgrown cat, though it seemed like he was considering getting up. For a mere second, at least. The brush of Kurjak's lips against his neck seemed to placate him for the moment... Though the new nickname did not seem to fully sink in. But, to be fair, he never fully reacted to anyone using his first name. Or possible nicknames.
A stray hand moved from beside the hunter's shoulder to rest against the back of his neck. Fingers easily finding the blonde strands at the back of Kurjak's head to pet through before nails gently scratched against his scalp. "Clingy," the wolf murmured as he tilted his own head. The movement allowing him to gently nose against the side of the other's head like an affectionate cat.
It was not until another few, long seconds passed that hazel eyes peaked open. "Did you just call me a teddy bear?"
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mvncesa · 1 year
❛  i like you a lot. i really do. i'm glad you're around. ❜ / for his silly little woof husband <3 ew.
"Hm. Did it hurt you to admit that?"
The wolf did not even try to hide the way that his tone warmed with amusement. It was nothing new, of course, given the current state of their relationship. Maybe it would have been a shock before they developed into the proper, functioning relationship that they had at that point. No one would have guessed that said relationship started out with the pair threatening to kill each other every time they came across each other.
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Lips curled up into a small smile as Decker stepped closer. His hands easily found purchase against Kurjak's hips as head tilted. Seeming to consider the other for a second to decide on his next response.
Instead of a verbal response, though, he simply leaned in to press a quick kiss against Kurjak's lips. "Just say you love me."
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mvncesa · 1 year
kisses for the husband ... ❤️💋
There was something nice about sleeping with Kurjak. The fact that he could genuinely fall asleep and stay asleep for a healthy amount of time — Even if their sleep schedule was the complete opposite of what most people had. (To be completely fair, Decker would not say that he fully participated with that sleep schedule). It was not too uncommon for him to take naps during the hunter’s hours of activity. Comfortable enough in the apartment, around Kurjak, enough to fall asleep and rest on his own.
The sudden shift of weight against the mattress was enough to rouse him. Large body stretching out like a cat before his eyes peaked open. Gaze lazy and sleepy as he watched Kurjak’s approach.
“Hi,” he rumbled softly, voice rough with sleep, as soon as the hunter was close. Head tilted upward to meet the the first kiss before pulling away to yawn. (If there was a quiet whine at the end of it? Mind your business). The next kiss earned a quiet noise as he pressed closer to kiss back. “Hm… What time is it?”
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mvncesa · 1 year
How would you like this creepshow creating all of your meals? / kurjak, actively recognizing himself as a domesticated freak <3
All the question earned was a soft snort of amusement and a roll of his eyes. Decker brushed past the other to snatch some of the diced ingredients from the cutting board — The act of hovering around and sneaking bits of ingredients (or just being in the way) was quite common between the two of them when one was cooking. To be fair, Decker had been helping just a couple of minutes ago.
"You don't really create anything." Anything new, at least.
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The ingredients were popped into his mouth before leaning against the counter. Just out of reach from Kurjak. "And I'm the one that's been cooking for us recently."
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