#( โ ๐“ผ. // thread with sage. )
libcrtine ยท 1 year
( ย  โ ๐“ผ. ย  //ย  ย starter for @allinmymincl )
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like always, the lack of communication between her and sage came to an end when she needed him for something. it was like second nature to her - calling on him whenever she ran into any kind of trouble. in a life where everything was constantly changing and relationships and bonds came and went, sage was one of the few constant things that she had. and no matter how often they fought and butted heads, she'd always turn to her big brother when something fell to the way side. it took something as little as her forgetting her wallet at home when she went out shopping and her needing him to cover for the purchase for her to break their non communicating streak. as they exited the store, her holding her bags, she heaved a sigh as she turned to look at him. "i'll pay you back." was the first thing she'd said to him directly since he had arrived. there was another lull of silence before she spoke again. "you been good?" she asked, more or less inquiring about his wellbeing over the past few weeks.
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