#'tyndareus we have no kingdom. but we have had children with ur daughters'
menelaiad · 2 years
How old were Agamemnon and Menelaus at the beginning of the Trojan War?
NO IDEA FRIEND. i can throw some numbers and time-frames at ya' and you can do with them as you please:
menelaus and agamemnon helped to get their uncle thyestes back to mycenea for ..... that ..... feast. so they had to be old enough to ..... be trusted out in the world by themselves?? maybe??? 12??? 13??? on aga's part????
they were STILL in mycenea when thyestes and aegisthus did their thing. we don't know how old aegisthus was. but he was. .... old enough to comprehend shit and kill a man???? maybe make him 10????
THEN we have the exile of aga and menelaus. how long were they exiled??? WELL MALALAS SAYS that thyestes ruled for 16 years. so. like. add that on.
THEN aga gets his home back and menelaus marries helen.
menelaus' daughter is NINE when helen leaves so like add that.
JUST THE BE EVEN MORE ANNOYING. malalas says aga ruled for 18 years - did that include the ten years of the war???? or was it 18 years before he left??? ive included it as the trojan war time. cause. god damn.
so lets say menelaus WAS 8 and aga was 13 or smth when hunting down thyestes that would make menelaus like 43 and agamemnon like 48. when the war starts. dilfs on tour
(that makes them 53 and 58 in the iliad. and menelaus 63ish in the odyssey.)
but legit dude we have NO IDEA. we have some fragments with numbers in them. but then some without definitive numbers but events that happened (like aegisthus had to have been born and aged) so. we're always just. playing.
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