#'salt?' oh sebastiano
elderkale · 3 years
nile and/or copley: wow, nicky's so nice! he's the sweetest, right? :)
sébastien le livre, perpetual younger sibling, has been waiting for this moment for 200 years:
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"Salt! I was mining salt, I need something salty!"
"You didn't need to mime at all, hun." Kayla tsked, shaking her head as she looked down on her dramatic son, sprawled across the floor face down as if he just collapsed from sheer exhaustion. "If you want chips, you can wait until after--....Seb? Sebastiano....? Oh honestly." It was so, so hard not to laugh. If one thing could be said of her son, he was dedicated to his role as a....a salt deprived teenager who knew full well dinner was in twenty minutes and his mother most certainly was not planning to hand over the jumbo bag of lays. A very specific role, but one he had mastered over the years.Eventually, she knelt by the body and folded her hands on her lap. "It's a shame you've gone and died, hun, I had strawberry angel food cake for dessert tonight and everything."
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