#'even though the devil's sacrament in this case was them having sex with each other'
eff-plays · 5 months
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Tfw you had sex with someone despite not really wanting to because that's been your MO for a long while but this time you didn't have to do it but did it anyway and it's not really their fault that you're a freak and tbh they definitely weren't the worst but now you can't do your usual thing where they die/you steal their stuff and leave, and in fact you have to keep travelling with them and interacting with them and you're not sure what to make of it or where to go from here and tbh it's a little sad and maybe if you were anyone else it would've been nice and not weird but as it stands this is definitely gonna do some things to both your brains
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lailoken · 3 years
“The idea that associating faeries and Witches with the dead related to an initiatory phase of the faerie encounter makes sense of why faeries are often confused with the dead, and why Witches are relentlessly associated with death. The Witch as poisoner of the well and bringer of disease is much like the apples of the Underworld upon which the Queen of Elphame claims "all the plagues of hell are upon," which could even be taken literally as diseases.
There is a risk in passing through the realm of the dead to get to the Crooked Path, there is a risk of an incomplete initiation that brings back demons of madness and disease instead of healing powers. For this reason many of the motifs of Witchcraft have to do with initiatory death and the Underworld, even though it is as much about the realm of Faerie as it is about the world of the dead. What we see in Witchcraft are images of blackness, skulls, bones, poisons and narcotic ointments, curses, animalistic transformations, cannibalism, perverse sex, and sorcerous tortures. This is all the uninitiated or partly initiated ever get to see. Our faerie light, the cunning fire, is hidden from view, but hidden in plain sight.
Initiation in other shamanic cultures involves things like dismemberment, eating of the flesh and blood by demonic entities and heating and forging symbolism. Eva Pocs talks about the way something was often removed or put in during a Witch's initiation in the Balkans. She says the removal of a bone or even the little finger was required in some parts of Europe. Just as Witches sucked illnesses or fairy darts out in the British Isles so did other Witches remove a bone from the body of an initiate, scratch them and take their blood for a pact or take something else from them that would serve as a relic of their personal power. The procedures of healing and the processes of induction into the cult resonate profoundly, and initiation can be seen as a form of drastic healing.
Things may also be inserted into people's bodies, both by faeries and Witches. You can see in the following charm that way back since the dark ages both faeries and Witches have been linked together in the practice of throwing elf shot or "witch shot" as it was also called.
The tenth century metrical charm “Against A Sudden Stitch" (WiÐ fœrstice) offers remedy against sudden pain (such as rheumatism) caused by projectiles of either ése [gods], ylfe [elves] or Witches (gif hit weere esa gescot OÐÐE hit wœre ylfa gescot 0ÐĐº hit wære hægtessan gescot) “be it Ése-shot or elf-shot or witch-shot." This brings to mind the physical ways in which Witches are renowned for putting things in people, such as pins of blackthorn into the heart of a poppet doll. The bewitched were sometimes seen to vomit up pins, and the tangled hair of the one who had hexed them. In this way both for good or ill, Witches and faeries were united in being held responsible for either removing strange body parts like an extra unnoticed bone, or instead inserting magical objects into the body of either a victim or potential initiate. As we have seen, when it comes to the realm of Faerie and humans the only difference between victim and initiate is a strong familiar spirit who acts as a kind of bridge and guide between the worlds.
Eva Pocs gives an account of how death and resurrection experiences were part of becoming known as a woman or man of Faerie. Lady Wilde also spoke how Irish Faerie Doctors often acquired their trade through having spent time in Faerie following abduction. Pocs tells us in her Fairies and Witches at the Boundary of South-Eastern and Central Europe that the living ones, as in people who had not passed through the initiation trauma, were not permitted to gaze upon the Otherworld in Balkan traditions. But the light-shadowed people who were either faerie already, or who had been taken away and "changed" were allowed to know it. The light- shadow was perceived as an aura around the person's head like a halo.
"As far as 'transitory death' and temporary soul journeys are concerned, they, according to several beliefs, mean initiation; if someone has ever looked into that other world,—eg. Has seen the fairies who must not be seen by a living person,—from that time on he/she is considered initiated." Or as another account from the area puts it: “The faeries killed him but revived him, giving him power." 
During these abductions the iele takes out a piece of bone and replaces it with a stake or wheel spoke. One year later in the same location they put back the removed bone. This trope of something being removed or inserted into the body of the initiate is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world. In some cases the shaman is believe to be in possession of an extra bone that must be counted by the spirits.
These faerie motifs of abduction, initiatory death and repatriation into the community with altered status, and the insertion or removal of body parts and blood are all clues to better understanding how Witchcraft flows forth from the Faerie Faith. Eva Pocs points out the following similarities. Just like faeries:
"The witch, for instance, flies in the form of a crow or a whirl-wind, sits in a swallows nest, where she seems to sometimes be little, sometimes big, and sometimes disappears, she walks on the top of trees as quickly as the wind; or the whole witch company 'transforms into crows and alights on wil- lows'. They travel in green coaches on the top of the trees..."
Of course this close connection between the Faerie Faith and Witches was muddied by persecution of the Craft. The faerie practices were increasingly assimilated into the household and moved away from the wilderness, with Sicilian Fairie Witches going from house to house, rather than out into the forest. Meanwhile Witchcraft was given all of the dangerous Otherwise characteristics, the ones so crucial to initiation that were slowly being stripped from the faerie narrative. In the process the realm of Faerie was losing its teeth and claws, and Witchcraft was being vilified almost out of existence.
All of the negative or dark attributes of the faeries, which were originally part of their primordial ambivalence, were gradually settled on Witches. Cunning practices became strongly associated with Faerie, and Witchcraft with demons, even though originally it is almost impossible to make this distinction in a meaningful way. In this way most forgot that Witches serve with the right hand as surely as they blight with the left, a characteristic shared with the fées of Brittany. Faeries throw darts and blast crops as surely as they bestow blessings and cure the diseases they cause.
LOnce faeries, and the human practitioners of magic who had faeries for familiars, both shared in those characteristics, including the ones that do mankind good, and those that do mankind ill. Faeries, and the Witchcraft that grows forth from it into the human side of the hedge, carry with them all the plagues and poisons of the Earth, and also the potential inoculation and medicine that affects every cure.
Only those who have passed through the world of the dead are offered access to the Third Path. Only he who has walked that path and come back wearing the virid doublet of Faerie and learned to keep silent, can now come back and eat of the fruit upon which all of the plagues of Hell alight to find the secret of their cure. In the Underworld, the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life and Death are the same tree.
Even in Britain where we don't find the bone tak- ing motif and only occasionally see an explicit spiritual death followed by resurrection, we do find the passing of the breath, where a Witch's shadow is able to enter someone else, giving them soul, through the breath and mouth, or illnesses is sucked away with the mouth. Witch teats also allow something to be sucked away as a form of nourishment to the familiar, who also sometimes drank the Witch's blood drops. Familiars were sometimes put in another person by blowing them into someone's mouth and we may conjecture during sexual encounters with faerie beings where vital force was being taken out and inspiration put in.
The relationship between faeries and Witches is as much peppered in the language of consumption and assimilation through eating as it is in sexual ex- pression. Witches and their familiars live off each other, eat of one another. Here do we perhaps find the origins of the "eat of me" theme behind the Housel or Red Meal. Where some Witches consume the body and blood of their Devil and his Dame, just as the Christians consume Jesus Christ.
In this natural religiosity of consumption and mutual nourishment we see the foreshadowing of all such edible sacraments. The spirit world is understood to enjoy blood. As early as the 13th century in Ireland Alice Kyteler sacrificed a black cock at the crossroads to the spirit Robin Artisson, her spirit lover and familiar—himself a man of Faerie, a dweller at crossroads.
Jeffrey Burton Russell says of Robin Artisson: “As much like a faerie as a witch's familiar, Robin appeared in a number of shapes, a cat, a shaggy dog or an Ethiopian."
Alice was also said to gamble about on a salve-covered broom (no talk of flying on it only of putting ointment on it mounting it and moving around) so perhaps something was introduced into her body via the salve. Even if the straddling of the broom does not suggest intimate applications of the unguent, flying ointments, regardless of how they are administered are always an herbal formula given to them from outside the hedge, which is put into the body via the pores of the skin.
Another Witchcraft tradition, prominent mainly in Britain that involves taking something out, is the practice of taking blood above the breath. This procedure, where one suspected of bewitching someone was attacked and scratched badly enough to make blood flow, usually above the nose and mouth, was believed to neutralize their power for a time. We can conjecture that the reason has to do with the way power or Virtue is considered to be stored in blood and breath and is connected via an invisible thread to the power of the familiar spirit nourished by these two things. The Witch's power and virtue is expected to leak out in great glut in blood above the breath because so much power lives in the skull. Drawing the blood above the breath can be seen as an attack on the Witchs familiar as well as herself. It is quite illuminating to look closely at the scratching attack on Joan Guppy, whom we have mentioned earlier in relation to Faerie Doctoring.
"They scratched her face with overgrown brambles, saying that Guppy 'was a witch and they came for the blood and they would have it and her life also before ... they left her." Not just blood but "the blood" — witch-blood. This statement is reminiscent of the sweet blood faerie Witches were believed to have in Sicily. We can conjecture that when they say they came for the blood and would have "her life" before they left, what they actually meant was her soul force or magical virtue, as they didn't actually kill her. Witchblood, sweet blood, the power that holds a tenuous thread, like a bridge made of one hair, between this world and the paradise of Elphame—a thread that must cross the abyss of Hell and is like-wise just as capable of unleashing it.”
Sounds of Infinity
Chapter 9: ‘Faerie Doctors and Magicians’
by Lee Morgan
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conquerthedevil · 3 years
Sin Opens The Door to Evil
Anyone can be attacked by the devil whether they know God or not. But I believe God mercifully allows these attacks because they have the power to convert souls. God strips you of everything and calls you to Himself. Someone who didn’t know God before the attacks will come to know Him through them. While those who know God will suffer greatly at the loss of Him. In both situations, each person will grow in love and fidelity for the Lord their God, and everything in their lives will change. In this article, I want to show how people either knowingly or unknowingly invite evil into their lives. Sin opens the door to demons. But many people today pay no mind to sin, even though they know the difference between right and wrong. But without religion, they don’t necessarily connect those wrong choices to sin and thus aren't consciously aware of the effects of their actions. Therefore, they open a door to evil without realizing it. Christians know what sin is and that they have free will to choose for or against it. They also know that there are eternal consequences to sin. They might push that knowledge aside, but they know what they are doing is against God’s will. However, they most likely don't know how literally that sin can open the door to evil. Other people open the door by mistake. In my case, I trusted someone I didn’t know very well, and she used witchcraft against me. That means I was the victim of her sin. The devil doesn’t care how he gains access to a person, only that he does. She is an example of someone who intentionally set out to hurt another person, knowing full well what she was doing. She knows God is real and is aware of His power and presence in the world but chooses instead to serve Satan by harming others.
 Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment.” Matt 22:37-38 But few people love God as they should. They don’t see sin as sin but diminish its severity to their detriment. In this way, they follow the spirit of the world and cooperate with demons. The world is contrary to everything Christ is and everything He teaches. It glorifies evil and celebrates immorality. Many people follow the way of the world. They live sinful lives with no regret. They don't understand that Jesus died for them and they owe Him everything. All of their love and thanks, their praise and adoration, their breath, and their very life. Everything good comes from God, and everything else comes from the devil. When God made us, he carved out a space within us that only desires to be filled with Him. But not everyone understands that, so they seek to fill that space with false gods (demons) that can never fill the void but only make it bigger. And in doing so, they open numerous doors to the enemy.  
 Occult and New Age “spiritualities,” as people call them, are not of God. They are a deception of the devil, and anyone who practices them is guilty of the sin of idolatry. Some people know they are serving the devil and are happy to do his bidding. The person who used witchcraft against me had incredible powers. She used them to attach demons to me, to torment me, and to destroy my life. The thing is, the demons she summoned to attack me (and other people) will eventually turn on her. And she will become the victim. Other people are drawn to the occult by the excitement of it all. They are intrigued by the possibility that they can make something happen by casting spells, using magic, making potions, and so on. They think they obtain these powers from the earth or some form of energy. But any power they receive always comes from the devil. It is not just adults that get involved in the occult. Teenagers think it’s cool, or they’re too afraid to speak up, so they go along to fit in. Either way, they opened the door. Younger kids get sucked in by games like Charlie Charlie or Magic The Gathering, which are both very dangerous and opens them up to demonic influence.
Occult and New Age practices are vast and always portals to the enemy. Here are some examples to make them easier to identify. New Age practices include psychics, guided meditation, guided past life regression, angel card readings, crystal energy, numerology, aura energy, energy healing, and hypnosis. Occult practices are darker and include the Ouija board, Satanism, witchcraft, voodoo, boho magic, astral projection, necromancy, sex magic, and many more. I strongly advise against researching any of these since that can open a door to the demonic as well.  
 Other sinful behaviors that invite demons into people’s lives are things like addiction, drugs, sexual sins, abortion, unforgiveness, resentment, blasphemy, and hatred. Addiction, for example, enslaves people. It steals their freedom, destroys their relationships, jobs, finances, and eventually, the person’s health and self-worth. The spirit of addiction opens the door to more demons. Like all sin does. Remember, demons work together to destroy people. It isn’t hard to figure out who the demos are. All you have to do is pay attention to the state of the addicted or sinful person. They will have negative emotions like loneliness, depression, hostility, despair, anger, guilt, and shame. They may even contemplate suicide. Life is miserable when a person lives outside of God’s plan for them. Sin leads people away from God and prevents spiritual growth.  
 Everyone has weaknesses, and the devil exploits them to entice people to sin. But he won’t make it obvious. He is very sly. He secretly increases their desires until they become insatiable. Then they cooperate with sin because they want to. I think the first step in closing the door to evil is being honest enough to admit you’re a sinner. If you can do that, then you can change your life. Turning away from sin is essential if you want to shut the door to evil. You do that by living a holy life. The sacraments are a gift, and we receive grace and strength through them. Once I decided to change my life, I knew I needed to go to confession. It was hard, and the devil tried to stop me. But I did it, and now I go to confession regularly. The devil has been convincing people not to confess their sins from the beginning. Don’t listen. Run to God’s mercy as often as you need to. It defeats all evil. The Mass is indispensable. It is the highest form of prayer, and it is where we receive Jesus into our body and soul. There is this invisible encounter between heaven and earth, between you and the living God. There is nothing more important in this life than the Mass. Prayer is imperative in the fight against evil. Pray even if it is hard because prayer is the beginning of a deep relationship with God. Empty yourself, and open your heart to the Lord, and He will fill you with His love. The more open you are, the more He will fill you. And then you will be happy in this life and the next. 
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