#'but i tried and i couldn't find the original source!'; then tough tits- that means you can't repost it
rhysand-vs-fenrys ยท 1 year
Opinion on AI art?
Hum (and know that 'hum' encompasses the minutes I sat here staring at the wall sorting through my feelings on AI art)
First and foremost, before I say anything else, know that I'm no artist. I can't draw to save my life.
On it's face, it's a really cool concept that has really wonderful potential. People like me who cannot create artwork but who write- we can have a tool that lets us visualize scenes and work out stuff. Any creative person can have that- from writers to tabletop gamers to really any number of people.
I do think it's a good thing, I do think it's a promising thing... that just wasn't done the smart way.
I know they would have needed a lot of images to train the systems, and there are a thousand reasons they would have just used any image they could find.
But... it would have been smarter to put limits on the images drawn from. There were always going to be original artworks caught up in it all- the way people steal and repost art across platforms, things were always going to be caught up in it.
But to my knowledge, no effort has been made to rein it in and limit what it's drawing from to only image libraries that it can subscribe to vs dragging in original creations.
It sounds like a wonderful tool (I haven't tried it at all, not curious enough to hunt it down), but it just wasn't handled properly in its development. There were ways they could have done it to try to at least lessen the original creations being pulled in, and those steps simply were not taken.
Or at least not yet, I'm open to changing my opinion if they make a more ethical form of it. It makes the "creation" (generation) of art more accessible to the un-artistic and can open creative outlets for a lot of people, if it is done properly.
Art is a relatively exclusive industry, just because the talent for it is fairly rare. AI generated art will open that wide, sure, but there will always be a demand for artists. Every technological leap has led to cries of "this is the end for art", and it never is. Creators will always create, and there will always be a consumer demand for their creations.
So yeah. I wish the engines were produced ethically, and overall I'm not bothered by the existence of it. But again, I'm not an artist, so what do I know?
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