#'My relationship with the detective is not legally binding.' 'Oh? But you are in a relationship with her? 🤨'
toasteaa ¡ 22 days
😅 and 🫂 PLEASE !
Pining stage asks💙
😅 did anyone ever mistake you two for a couple? how did you both react?
Who HASN'T mistaken Eclair and Neuvillette for a couple, let's be real. The gestionnaires (most of them), the Melusines; hell, their Archon has mistaken them for being a couple before. But it's subtle. Indirect. A little cloud of gossip about them when they're not around. It's not THE talk of the nation, just a bit of afternoon gossip fodder for the gestionnaires since they're the ones that see Eclair and Neuvillette the most.
But being mistaken for a couple directly? Having someone, perhaps a sweet mannered old woman, call them a lovely couple while on post work evening stroll?
Eclair is shocked, to say the least. Schools her expression in almost immediately and tries to think of a response. Everyone in Fontaine knows Neuvillette. Everyone knows Neuvillette does not get into relationships. He doesn't even say he has friends. But...she's silently flattered that they were mistaken for a couple. It flutters around quietly in her chest and slowly brings some color to her cheeks. A feeling that she's also silently stamping back into place because she is not in a relationship with Neuvillette. Even though the thought is extremely nice.
Even if she tries to deny it, she's not able to get it out once the old woman takes Eclair’s hands in hers; showering her with those same sweet comments little old ladies she's helped before always seem to give her. Only now it's peppered in-between stories of never having seen the Iudex as much as she has these past few years and how much happier and more relaxed he seems now.
"Th-thank you, mĂŠmĂŠ;" stammering? The detective that can stare a gun down its barrel without flinching is stammering at the thought of being mistaken for Neuvillette's partner? "But the Chief Justice and I simply work together. We aren't a couple."
But it's like she's said nothing at all. The old woman just smiles warmly. Knowingly. You can't lie to grandma, don't you know?
Neuvillette's reaction on the other hand, could be considered a non-reaction to most. But that's because he goes to his mind first. Wonders what they see that could warrant such a reaction. From what he knows, humans only say these kind of things after seeing a romantic interaction between two people. In that case, have his advances been noticeable? Has Eclair accepted them in some way that he's missing? He would like to be sure before making any assumptions, but finding time to ask Eclair in between the times where they're both busy and inundated with work is...difficult.
"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but any relationship I have with Detective Dumont is professional and entirely work related. She is my coworker, first and foremost, and a...colleague." It's not a lie, but it's not necessarily the entire truth. But...well, if there's anything he's learned, it's that sometimes withholding parts of the truth is necessary. For others and for himself.
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
Oh...there's something to be said about Neuvillette and, well, anything physical. He seems untouchable because he is untouchable. As the Chief Justice, there is an image of unobtainability about him. As a being that has persisted for 500 years, he holds a certain unknowability in his hands. No one can get close to Neuvillette because no one really knows Neuvillette. Whether that's because they haven't really tried to get to know him or because he is the Iudex. And they see him exclusively as the Iudex. Of course, he has put up boundaries between himself and others as well; justifying it as being a necessary and needed barrier in order for him to remain a stalwart servant to the will of his Nation.
That, however, has not made his existence any less...lonely.
Nevertheless, Neuvillette has a station to maintain and cannot allow idle thoughts of melancholy to seep in whilst he's in the middle of his work. A trial will not be held at bay while he wrangles in his rarely expressed emotions, struggles frustratingly to find the correct files that were misplaced days ago, and -
And Eclair is there. Her hand careful and grounding against his. He hadn't heard her come in, far too busy rushing to have his attention split. And the file...it's there, in her other hand. He hadn't misplaced the file; there were extra reports that she was finishing. He knew this. She says as much, but he isn't listening. He only...feels. Feels the reassurance of her tone, the lilt of it bringing a kind of...peace to him. Her hand has moved away from his, but he can still feel the weight of it. The warmth of it. She's still speaking, but her touch has moved - adjusting his robes lightly where they've creased, straightening his jabot and making sure it's pinned neatly, before smoothing down the panels of his mantle against his chest. It's an...odd feeling. An action he's observed being done, but never had it done to himself. Never imagined it would be done to him. No one gets this close to him. He doesn't let anyone get this close to him. And yet...this touch is not unwelcomed. No, it's...it's calming. Soothing. Grounding.
Is this what the touch of another person feels like?
She's looking at him, he realizes, with that critical eye. Searching for something like she always is. He wonders, vaguely, what she sees. Notices the gleam of something...softer in her gaze. He wishes he knew what it was. He wishes he could understand why her hand against his chest has done this to him. Made the flow of Hydro swirl beneath his skin. Made his senses a little sharper. Yet the only thing he can do is thank her for her assistance. Feel something within him stir again at her smile. And want to -
The hour's chime breaks the bubble of reverie; he will be late if he does not leave immediately. The Iudex is never late to a trial. Another brief (yet appreciative) thanks before he's excusing himself and striding out of his office. The station of the Iudex is one that must be meticulously maintained. And yet...
He cannot help but feel the lingering weight of Eclair's touch and distantly wonder if he would ever allow himself to feel it so intimately again.
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libralita ¡ 7 years
Death Note Part 1
Writer: Tsugumi Ohba
Illustrator: Takeshi Obata
Summary: Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal…or his life?
Rating: ★★★★☆
Part 2
I really enjoyed this series. It was so engaging and thought provoking. There was one part that bored me to tears and I kind of hated but other than that it was near perfect.
I’ve broken up my notes into parts because I read the giant 2400 bind up so it would be too long to do one post.
If you kill, say, a leader of a terrorist organization that doesn’t mean their followers are just going to magically go away. This could cause a lot more chaos than Light can imagine. Look what happened in the Middle East. It’s a giant cluster fuck.
“Kira…will have to kill his own family.”—Page 111
Oh shit.
If you legally change your name do you have to use the person’s birth name or old name? What about nicknames?
I knew that Light wasn’t going to take the Death God Eye deal.
L’s mannerism are so cute.
“Even a probability of one percent is better than that, and needs to be scrutinized.”—Page 371
Reminds me of something Batman said about Superman in Batman V Superman.
L is at Light’s entrance exam? L, sweetie, what are you doing?
L and Light are going to college together! Please be roommates!
I guess L and Light are both pretty similar. They both go around telling each other their secret identities.
Wow, I never thought tennis could be so interesting.
L, YOU BLUNT FUCKER! He just ought right said that he thinks L is Kira.
“If you can’t find any good stories out there, then bloody well make something up, dammit!”—Page 495
Fake news before fake news was a thing.
“And even if you do not agree with me, if you refrain from publicizing your views in the media or in public, you will be spared.”—Page 523
Not fascist at all.
You go Yagami-San!
Interesting, so that other Death God came down with a Death Note and is now pretending to be Kira. We’ve got a copycat on our hands.
“…to be killed by Kira, but to die at the hands of an opportunist pretending to be Kira would really grate.”—Page 565
Of course.
Ah, so this is Misa. I’ve heard that “she’s” in the movie. Interesting.
“The internet is full of irresponsible claims about Kira and L’s identity, it would be impossible to verify.”—Page 606
I bet 4chan could have figured this out within ten minutes.
Rem, Misa’s Shinigami, knows how to kill a Shinigami.
They have to fall in love with a human? That sounded silly but it’s actually interesting.
I’m assuming that Misa is going to die because she’ll fall in love with Light. Oh, so Misa was the girl who going to get killed but Gelus saved her. So she received the Death Note.
“If you want me to kill her then I’ll do it right now.”—Page 660
Damn, Misa.
This is going to be an interesting relationship.
“I can’t let her live too long.”—Page 667
Very loving relationship.
“Misa: Then would you like me to call you ‘Knight’ instead? Since you’re Misa’s knight in shining armor, I’d love to call you that. Light:…No…Light is fine… Ryuk: HYUK HYUK HYUK”—Page 670
Alright, I approve of Misa being added to cast list.
Ryuk and I had the same reaction to Light calling Misa, “sweetie”.
“Yes…Light-Kun isn’t Kira…Or rather, I don’t want Light-Kun to be Kira. Because…Light-Kun is my first ever friend.”—L, Pages 701-702
L, sweetheart.
“If I die in the next few days, your son is Kira.”—Page 718
Poor Yagami-San, he’s being dragged along by L.
Wait, there are more L’s?
“I’ve been a huge fan since the March issue of ‘Eighteen’!”—Page 727
L, you weirdo.
“Misa Amane has been apprehended on suspicion of being the second Kira.”—Page 734
So Misa gave up her ownership of the Death Note and now she’ll have no memories of what happened.
“I might be Kira.”—Light, Page 762
Go on.
So, now Light is pretending to be possessed or not have memory of it.
Wait, he actually got rid of the Death Note? I guess the next 1600 pages are going to be full of L and Light having a wacky college experience.
Shit, Rem gave Misa’s death note to someone else.
I’m sure after L and Light beat the shit out of each other, this bromance can truly bloom.
Y’know what would be an interesting villain? Someone who was framing people so Kira would kill them.
I miss Light having the Death Note. Also we kind of stopped hearing Light’s inner monologue which made this story interesting. Hear his thought process and figuring things out was enjoyable. I get that he can talk to L about this but it’s just not that fun.
“Kira can’t be that cheap. That would be so uncool.”—Page 868
Was a Millennial stereotype a thing back in the early 2000s? Matsuda totally is one.
“Dying in the line of duty is heroic, buy dying while unemployed is just stupid.”—Page 886
Nice L quote.
“There’s nothing to worry about. Eraldo Coil…is also me.”—L, Page 910
Shimura is just nervous as fuck about everything.
“The number of pages of the Death Note will never run out.”
Good to know?
A problem with these business executives are that they’re clearly not really a challenge for Light and L. The two easily figure out who’s doing it, why they’re doing it and able to spy on them.
I don’t understand why is making comments about him dying. Bitch, these business men don’t know what the fuck their doing.
L and Light hit each other a lot.
“I gained another friend.”—Page 1011
D’awwwww! L!
Oh, now the bad guys are trying to be careful?
“I’ll take Misa Amane as my wife.”—Page 1024
That escalated quickly.
Rem took a piece of the Death Note and gave it to Misa so she could talk to her. Also Rem is female. Light, how dare you assume her sex!
“Now that I think about it, Light Yagami may be as pure as you are, Misa. Light Yagami was using the notebook not for himself but for the betterment of the human world…I can understand now why he’d want to erase those who got it in his way.”—Page 1049
I hope L becomes friends with the business-Kira because it’ll continue the trend of all his friends being Kira.
Well, that recording doesn’t really necessarily prove it was Higuchi. He could just be in contact with Kira. I mean I, as the reader, know he is but in this world’s court of law…I dunno.
I don’t know whether the author really hates Matsuda or really loves him.
“If a Death Note owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the Death Note. However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the Death Note owner will die.”—Page 1102
I haven’t really mentioned this but Namikawa is super attractive and he’s the only good part of this plot. I hope he sticks around.
L can fly a helicopter, apparently. And Watari has a sniper, interesting.
“Wedy: Do you ever loosen up? Mr. Yagami: Nope.”—Page 1158
I love him. Aw, and he took the bullet for Wedy. Such a good guy.
Thank god for all this exposition about what Aizawa was doing.
“There are male and female gods of death, but it is neither permitted, nor possible for them to have sexual relations with humans. The gods of death also cannot have sex with each other.”—Page 1178
And on the day that this was published millions of fanfic writers wept.
Oh shit Mr. Yagami touched the Death Note and now he can see Rem. This is not going to be good for his heart.
That’s clever using a collage of images from previous books.
“I’ve won…”—Page 1195
My god. That’s terrifying but also I’m so glad that Light has the Death Note back. He’s a really boring character when he’s not INSANE.
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potterotterdrafts ¡ 7 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like mylock, sherstrade, mystrade, omegaverse, johncroft, and johnlock.
You: I appreciate your discretion after yesterday's events.-M (Omega!Mycroft, if you'd like. TW: Slight mentions of abuse, can play without. Mycroft has a child, Arthur (4). Your choice if your character is aware)
Stranger: Of course I'll be discreet. You needed help, I was glad to do so. GL (Fem!Lestrade, Grace, Alpha.) Are you doing better? GL
You: I'm fine, as I was last night.-M It was blown completely out of proportion.-M
Stranger: I don't think you were. Not last night at least. G You seemed frightened. G Or as close as I've ever seen you. G
You: I was startled by your showing up unannounced.-M
Stranger: I thought I would surprise you. G I'm sorry. I won't do it again. G
You: Surprise me with what?-M
Stranger: Saying hello. G Thought I might take you to dinner. G Giving you a relaxing night. G
You: Why would you want to take me to dinner?-M
Stranger: Because I like you, Mycroft. G I would have thought that was obvious. G
You: [Delayed] You don't know enough about me to 'like' me, Detective.-M
Stranger: Well, I'd like to get to know you better, then. G
You: While I appreciate that, I am unable to fulfill to your request.-M
You: *fulfill you
You: (JFC, sorry) Fulfill your
Stranger: (( eeyyy, i'm sure you can fulfill her plenty, Mycroft)) Why not? G
You: (OMG, I nearly dropped my laptop! That was so perfect) A number of reasons, Grace.-M
Stranger: Give me one. G And then give me a chance to prove you wrong. G
You: I am currently owned by another Alpha.-M
Stranger: (delay) Oh. G I'm sorry, I didn't G You're not wearing any G It didn't seem like G (delay) I'm sorry. G
You: It's hardly a traditional relationship, Grace. It's a business arrangement.-M
Stranger: (delay) So I don't have to worry about your Alpha coming down to the station to sock me in the face? G
You: He's already made his dislike known.-M
Stranger: Do I know them? G
You: No.-M
Stranger: I'm confused. G You're not interested in spending time with me because you already have an Alpha, who doesn't like me, but isn't going to punish me for coming on to you, and all of this despite it not being a traditional bonding? G Do I have that right? G
You: Yes, Grace, it's complicated.-M
Stranger: (delay) Too complicated for some potential friends to talk about over dinner? G
You: I suppose, if you insist, we could have a quick bite.-M
Stranger: Great! That would be great. G Are you free tonight? G
You: I'll arrange the time and send a car for you.-M
Stranger: You don't need to send a car. G Just send me the info, and I'll see you there. G
You: [Delayed] Consider it sent.-M
Stranger: brbr!!
Stranger: See you tonight. G (switch to Paras? )
You: (Yeah, I'll start!)
You: Mycroft made sure to send the address of the small, discrete Chinese restaurant to Grace before he reminded his Alpha that he'd be working late. Charles, his Alpha, was rather upset at another night spent alone, but eventually allowed Mycroft to return to his work. Mycroft spent the afternoon in meetings and conference calls giving himself little time to think of the previous night or what sort of punishment may be waiting for him at home when he returned. Before he left the office to meet Grace, Mycroft made sure the bruise under his eye was covered and the marks on his wrist hidden by his suit jacket. He arrived at the restaurant early and found a booth near the back to wait for Grace.
Stranger: Grace was practically bouncing as she strode in to the restaurant. A few short words with the hostess and she was led back to the table where Mycroft was. Something made her pause for a second, a momentary frown tugging at her lips, but with a small shake of her head it passed and she was smiling once more as she slipped into her seat. "Hi," she greeted, tucking her short bobbed hair behind her ears. "Thanks for meeting me, Mycroft."
You: Mycroft gave her a short smile. "Of course, Detective. I am always happy to oblige the more stubborn members of New Scotland Yard." Mycroft glanced around every so often, hoping no one he knew would happen upon them during dinner. He didn't wish to field questions from nosy colleagues or have word get back to Charles that he hadn't exactly been truthful about working late. "You said you wished to discuss my current situation." Mycroft said after they had ordered their dinner. "What questions may I answer for you?"
Stranger: Her eyes narrowed a touch as Mycroft glanced around. It was as if . . . but no. No. Not Mycroft. Sure. "Well, I really meant I just wanted to talk to you. I meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you better. Even if just as friends." She wasn't keen on interfering in another Alpha's relationship, even if Mycroft said it was 'just business'. In her experience, it almost never was. "I am sorry if I caused any problems for you. I really didn't think -- it's not like you're wearing any marks -- not that you have to!" She was putting her foot in it wasn't she? It was the 21st century, Grace Lestrade, Omegas didn't need to display claiming marks or other signs of being 'owned'. They weren't even 'owned' in the legal sense, anymore.
You: Mycroft took a deep, steadying breath as Grace began stumbling over her words. Alphas, he thought to himself. "Marks are still fairly common, Detective, however in my case, part of my agreeing to been sold off from 'under my parents' watch was that Charles would not be allowed to bite me." He explained. "I do not wear a ring because we are not married. We are simply...coupled, if you will. I intended to leave the arrangement after a few years, but circumstances have since changed. I am no longer able to leave." He swallowed thickly, thinking of his son at home. "Charles and I are not intimate outside of my heats, we do not share a room or dinner or any other number of things found in a traditional relationship. However, I am still considered his property."
Stranger: That bad feeling came back, and she stopped trying to push it away. Anyone could be subject to... to bad situations. Including Mycroft Holmes. 'Selling Omegas hasn't been legal for forty years," she said softly under her breath. "You're no one's property." Not in the eyes of the law at least. The public was always much slower to adapt and adopt such views. "How did circumstances change?"
You: Mycroft chuckled. "In higher social circles..." Mycroft began. "It is still common practice. Omegas are gifted, instead of sold, but changing what you call a process hardly changes the process itself. It allowed my parents to retire to the country, allowed me to continue working and gaining even more political standing in the government." he hesitated when Grace asked what had changed. Mycroft rarely spoke about his personal life with his colleagues, but Grace was more than that, wasn't she? "I became pregnant shortly after Charles took me."
Stranger: Yes, she felt ill. "...how old are they?" Her mind might not be as magnificent as the Holmes's, but it was still working overtime. Common practice, it still wasn't legal, and thus not binding. If Mycroft wanted to leave, he could. But a child, that of course made it different. More complicated. They way Mycroft spoke about it, too; she tucked those details away, reading into them with all the experience of an detective long on the force.
You: "Arthur is four." he answered quickly. "Grace, are you alright?" Mycroft asked the detective, noticing the way she practically turned white at the idea that not every couple was happy. Mycroft could practically hear the wheels turning in the woman's head and it worried him slightly. "Whatever you're thinking please stop." he warned her. "It's not worth getting involved in. I am perfectly fine, Arthur is perfectly fine. Charles is away more often than he is home so our lives aren't affected by his presence as much as you may think. Yesterday was an argument, which I'm certain every couple has experienced in their time together."
Stranger: "Couples argue," she agreed, with a nod. "But one partner being afraid of the other is not normal, Mycroft." She was scrutizing the omega closely now. It was hard, in the dim lighting of the out of the way booth, but she thought . . . reaching across the table, she lightly brushed at the skin beneath Mycroft's eye.
You: Mycroft flinched out of Grace's touch. "I am /not/ afraid of Charles, Detective. Just because I am an Omega does not mean I am weak and defenseless." He stood up quickly, not bothering to wait for his food. "I do not need to be pitied by another Alpha. Apologies, but I have to go. Goodnight, Detective." He grabbed his coat from inside the booth and turned to leave the restaurant, opening the door rougher than he would have liked.
Stranger: Gace winced. Yes, she'd handled that poorly. She should have known better. How many cases of abused Omegas had she been pulled into before? The shrinks said there was something less threatening to those Omegas about a /female/ Alpha; some underlying biological instinct or something. Grace didn't understand the science of it, only that she could help. In all her years, she'd seen just about everything, and heard everything. Mycroft's flinching and sharp retort was nothing new to her. Instinct told her something was wrong. But as the Special Victims cops often told her, their instincts weren't enough. Running her hand through her hair, Grace waved off the waitress as she came with the food, asking her to pack it up instead. Pulling out her phone, she quickly texted the man, I was not pitying you, Mycroft. I was worrying. I apologize if I overstepped (again). GL Snagging the bag with the food in it, she sighed as she ruffled her hair again, heading back to the office for another late night.
You: Mycroft was nestled in the back of his black town car when his mobile buzzed in his pocket. A message from Grace. Worrying over an Omega that wasn't her own, that certainly wouldn't do. Mycroft typed a quick message out to her before replacing his mobile. It was pity, Detective. It was you assuming you know every detail about my situation. Perhaps you should stick to solving homicides and leave my personal life out of your thoughts.-M As his car pulled up to his home Mycroft saw the lights on. It meant Charles was waiting for him. He took a deep breath before he got out of the car and went inside. "Hello, darling." he said, attempting to be the sweet, demure Omega Charles preferred. It would help ensure they did not fight that evening. "You lied to me." was the only warning Mycroft received before the fist of his Alpha met his cheek.
Stranger: Back at the office, Grace tried to distract herself from Mycroft with the powerful combination of paperwork and coffee. It didn't work very well. Going for a refill, she ran into some cops with one of the Special Detectives heading out. Greeting them, there was the brief exchange of normal banter before she asked what they were headed to. "Potential domestic. Some neighbors called it in." Grace glanced at the clock, and then thought of her paperwork. "Can I come along?" The detective gave the okay, so in two cars, the pulled away from NSY, heading to the address of the call.
You: Mycroft heard the sirens in the distance, but it didn't register they could be coming for him. The pair had been yelling at each other for nearly an hour, breaking many items in their sitting room as Mycroft struggled to protect himself from Charles. He'd managed to get a few good punches in before the Alpha overtook him. "Getting off with that whore of an Alpha, weren't you?" Charles asked, dragging Mycroft up the stairs by his hair. "Of course not, darling. I would never step outside of our relationship, you know that. Please, let's not argue tonight." Charles pushed open the bedroom door and flung the Omega on the bed. "Arthur's not here. I didn't want him to see his mum having to be punished for being a cheating slut." Mycroft struggled to get out from Charles' grip but was pinned to the bed.
Stranger: It was a nice neighborhood they were going to, and it made her think of Mycroft all over again. Her heavy sigh and shake of her head got the detective's attention. "You all right?" "Yeah," Grace said, before added, "Just . . . when we're done here, can I get your opinion on something?" The Beta woman nodded, with that grim look in her eye. They pulled up to the curve and saw the concerned neighbors standing outside on the sidewalk; that wasn't very usual. The beat cops started to talk to them while Grace and Detective Cooper took the steps up to the front door. "New Scotland Yard, open up," she called after ringing the bell, hand on her belt. "Open up."
You: Mycroft couldn't hear anything, he'd blocked the room around him out as Charles punished him for his dinner with Grace. He didn't know how long it went on until Charles was crawling off of him and pushing him to the floor. "Get rid of them or it'll be another round for you." the Alpha spat in Mycroft's direction. The Omega faltered as he got up and headed towards the door, adjusting his rumpled suit. "C-coming." he called as he hurried down the stairs as fast as his battered body could carry him. "St-stop banging. Please." he pleaded as he checked himself in the mirror on his way to the door. There wasn't much he could do to hide his split lip and bloody nose, but he didn't really have a choice. "What?" he snapped as he wrenched the door open.
Stranger: Grace started as the door opened to reveal Mycroft; a much altered Mycroft than she'd seen not that long ago. She felt Cooper next to her stiff; "Sir," she said gently, "We got a call for a domestic disturbance. Will you please step out of the house?" Grace's hands were curled tight into fists at her side. It was only Cooper's warning glance that kept her from storming into the flat and finding the Alpha lurking within and beating him into a pulp.
You: Mycroft was surprised to find Grace at his door. "No, Detective Inspector, I will not step out of my own home. " he said sharply. "I suggest you both leave my property before I call my lawyer and have your entire squad forced into early retirement. This is borderline harassment." he sneered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work today. Do /not/ let me see your faces again." Mycroft spat, closing the door in the officer's face. He leaned against the door, heart still pounding in his chest, and closed his eyes. He was trying to calm down and settle his nerves before he returned to his Alpha.
Stranger: "What was that about?" Cooper asked, waving the other two officers over. Grace sighed. "What I was going to talk to you about." "You know we have to go in." "Yeah," Grace nodded. A sign of violence, a clear assault. Even if charges weren't ultimately made, they had a legal obligation to intervene. "I'll go wait in the car. Less messy that way." Cooper nodded her agreement, and sharply told one of the beat cops to call it in as Grace trooped back to the car. In this Mycroft (or his lawyers) didn't have a legal leg to stand on. Someone had just brutalized that Omega, and Omega Protection Laws were very clear, even if they could occasionally be stiffling. From the car, Grace watched, mentally supplying the script. "Sir, you're going to have to open this door, else we'll have to take it down." Vaguely she wondered if it would be better if she was all together gone, but she couldn't bring herself to walk away.
You: Mycroft hadn't taken two steps before a new voice came through the door. He stood glued to the spot as the officers waited for him to respond. What was happening to his life? A harmless dinner led to an argument. The argument got out of hand and led to the police being called. The police being called led to a very angry Alpha bounding down the stairs towards him. "I thought I told you to get rid of them." he snapped, shoving Mycroft into the wall, knocking the breath out of him. Charles was furious with him but looked as if nothing had happened: no bruising, no blood, no sign of the pain Mycroft had inflicted upon him. The Alpha answered the door as Mycroft hurried into the sitting room to straighten up. "Apologies for my Omega." Charles said, turning on the charm. "He's not the brightest."
Stranger: The trio of cops all stiffened, instinctive knowing this was the danger. "Of course, sir," Cooper said calmly. She was immune to his charm; some of the most charming people she'd met were the biggest bastards she'd landed behind bars. "Would you please step out of the house?" Split them up; standard step one. Get the abuser away from their victim.
You: "Of course." He said, complying with the officer's request. Charles didn't want their business spread around so he kept his voice quiet. "I hope this won't take long. I have an early morning and need to get to bed. I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding. Mycroft said there was a domestic violence call placed for our address?" he questioned. "We fought, yes, but doesn't every couple. Perfectly normal." he smiled at the officer. Inside, Mycroft had thrown away the broken picture frames and his favorite vase, as he heard Charles leave the house. He didn't dare leave the sitting room, for fear of running into Grace or being questioned about what happened. He moved to the sofa, sitting down and pulling out the small first aid kit he kept in the side table for Arthur. He cleaned himself up quickly, hoping to look better by the time Charles returned.
Stranger: The neighbors had already been sent back inside, for their own safety. "Perhaps, sir, but your mate came the door with a bloody nose and a split lit. That is not normal. Would you please accompany Officer Davidson down to the garden? I will need to speak to your mate." A short nod from Cooper before slipped inside. "Sir?" she called. "I'm sorry, I know you feel this is an intrusion, sir, but I'm afraid I have to speak with you about this." It wasn't hard to find the man in the living room, and her eyes took in the signs of missing objects from around the room. A brawl, in her opinion. An uneven one, but a violent one.
You: Mycroft sighed, standing up to face the officer. "I feel this is an intrusion because it /is/ an intrusion. Pity NSY must scrape the bottom of the barrel for officers who are unable to listen. I advised everything was fine, Charles will corroborate my story, therefore you threatening to break my door down and coming into my home, without being invited, is completely an invasion of our privacy. I have absolutely nothing to say to you, officer." Knowing the cop was alone, Mycroft quickly brushed past the woman and down the hall to the kitchen to make tea. He paused at the doorway of the kitchen. "Tell Detective Lestrade I will be lodging a formal compliant against her, as well as your squad." he snapped. "Show yourself out."
Stranger: Cooper sighed, following the man. She hated the types who thought they knew the law and the protocols of the police better than the police. At least the insults rolled right off her. "Unfortunately it's not, sir. I'm sorry if Detective Lestrade's presence has upset you, but I assure you that she had no idea of the address we were going to. She's often brought in on some of our cases. For your comfort, she has excused herself. However, that does not mean I can simply leave you. You were obviously injured and unless you tell me that someone else is in the house," which neither he nor his mate had done so, "I have to assume it was your husband that did this to you, and I am legally required to speak to you about it." The threats didn't bother her either; their Captain was a hardass who had no problem going to the mat to defend his officers, who he trusted implicitly.
You: Mycroft put the kettle on, grumbling when he was followed by the woman. "You have spoken to me about it." he yelled, turning to face the other. "You have asked what has happened and I have told you, it was none of your damn business. Therefore, you have done your job." he moved to stand in front of the officer, not backing down. "He is not my husband." He enunciated each word for emphasis, seething with anger. They were doing nothing but making it worse for Mycroft. Once they left, Mycroft would be punished again for allowing them in the house and lying about his injuries. Mycroft only wished to get the punishment over with. "I injured myself. Charles had nothing to do with it. Happy?" he asked.
Stranger: Cooper sighed. Already she could tell this was a lost case. He wasn't ready to face what he was going through, or try and get help. They, the police, couldn't do a damn thing, without that. It was infuriating and heartbreaking and the worst part of the job. "Of course," she said neutrally. Cooper pulled her card out and left it on the counter next to Mycroft. "If you ever injure yourself again, feel free to give me a call." A significant pause and a sharp look to let the Omega know, in her reassuring Beta way, that she understood more than he thought he did. Free of pity, absolutely clear of it. Only conprehension. Mycroft could lie to himself, but not to someone as experienced as Cooper. "Again, apologies for the intrusion, sir. Enjoy the rest of your night." Cooper nodded her head and turned sharply on her heel, leaving the house. The two other cops met her eyes over Charles's shoulder and quickly ended the conversation, apologizing for the misunderstanding and wishing him a good night. They piled into cars, the beat cops peeling away first. Cooper sighed heavily as she took her place in the driver seat. "You're fucked," she told Grace. Grace could only nod as she looked out the window at the imposing house. "I know I am."
You: "That was her, wasn't it?" Charles roared as he entered the kitchen. "No, darling, that wasn't who I had dinner with. That was...Cooper." he held up the card to read the name off of it. "What did you tell her?" he asked, moving to snatch the card out of the man's hand. "Did you tell her how you were running around on me? That I had to remind you /exactly/ who you belong to?" Charles pressed Mycroft into the counter, pining him. The Alpha leaned down and nuzzled into Mycroft's neck, teeth grazing the sensitive skin he found there. "Stop it, Charles, you know that's not allowed." Charles grabbed one of Mycroft's arms and twisting it behind his back as the Omega tried to get away. "You're mine." the man growled. "My property." Another twist and Mycroft felt the snap of his arm, crying out in pain. He forced the elbow of his other arm back into Charles' ribs, catching the Alpha off guard, allowing him to quickly leave the kitchen. Mycroft, broken arm clutched close to his chest, hurried towards the front door. "Grace!" he called out to the retreating car. "Grace!" "No you don't, they can't help you now." Charles said, fingers curling into Mycroft's hair, tugging him back off of the doorstep.
You: *twisted
Stranger: (( Hey, I have a small request. Can you avoid describing any more rape that might happen? Just for my comfort. Like, I get that it will probably happen, but can we skim over it from now on? I'm fine, really, but it made me a little unsteady. Also, can there be a second domestic call lodged? Then they'll really have to take Charles in, and be able to take Mycroft to the hospital))
You: (Yeah, definitely! Thank for letting me know!)
You: (Didn't mean to upset you!)
Stranger: ( No, no, you're fine! Normally it doesn't but for some reason it's hitting hard )
You: ( I completely understand!)
Stranger: They were already too far away for Grace to have possibly heard, and with her head slumped down and Cooper focused on the road and reviewing the grim details they already had, neither saw Mycroft's brief escape. It was a nearly silent drive back to the station. Grace settled back at her desk, pretty much resigned to not getting anything done, head rested in her hands. When there was a sharp knock at her door, she nearly fell over in her chair, startled. She was ready to laugh about it until she looked up and saw Cooper's grim face. The other woman barely had to say a word before she understood. A repeat domestic call. Now they really could do something. Snagging her coach, she practically sprinted down to the car, imaptiently waiting for Cooper to catch up. "Breath, Grace," Cooper had to remind her as they drove through the streets. "Keep it together. You're going to have to stay in the car, still." Grace nearly broke the handle on the door at that.
Stranger: ( Also, random information but i want to share: Cooper's first name is Gwendolyn. She hates it. Goes exclusively by Cooper. )
You: (Thanks!) "Darling, you need to calm down." Mycroft was still, after hours, trying to get his Alpha to calm down. He needed to see a doctor about his broken arm and his split lip. They'd been arguing for hours over the dinner, over the text messages from Grace, over Mycroft's work hours and everything under the sun. Mycroft froze when he heard another knock at their door. He knew what it meant before Charles even snarled at him not to say a word. Their house was a wreck. There were broken dishes littering the kitchen, the sitting room looked like a tornado had come through it and the entry way had been ground zero. Mycroft heard the voices from the kitchen, no Grace. He carefully considered his options, knowing his face would send Charles into another fit, he stayed in the sitting room and looked around for his discarded phone. Finally seeing it, he typed out a message to Grace. Charles won't agree to another search. I don't wish to speak to another officer. Please?-M
Stranger: Grace jumped as her phone buzzed. Pulling it out, barely daring to hope, she couldn't help the relieved sigh at the name. He can't argue against another search. They're going to bring him in. GL Two disturbance calls in a night does that, and the blame auto falls on the Alpha in the house. For once the shitty laws were working in their favour. Are you okay? I'll come in if you want. GL
You: Are you okay? The question was so terribly simple and Mycroft knew it shouldn't have touched him the way it had, but those three little words in black text on his screen were enough to force tears. "No." he sobbed, typing out the same reply to the DI. She was there, even after the way Mycroft had treated her, still attempting to help him. He didn't want to be paraded through the house and led out to an ambulance. He didn't want everyone knowing he was weak and defenseless. He didn't want to give a statement to a stranger. He wanted his arm to stop throbbing and for the pain in his ribs to ease enough for him to take a deep breath. I need a doctor.-M
Stranger: That was enough for Grace to get out of the car. On my way. GL She slammed the door behind her. Cooper and the other officers were dealing with Charles as she quickly strode up the short path to the door. She was vaguely aware of him becoming increasingly beligerent, but didn't worry about it. Cooper could handle herself, as could her other officers. And if Charles had a single braincell, he'd realize fighting would only make it worse. Part of Grace hoped he didn't have a single braincell. "Mycroft?" she called as soon as she was through the front door? "Myc, where are you?"
You: Mycroft had tried to clean up the sitting room again, but hadn't made much progress when he heard Grace call for him from the entry way. "In here." he said, as loudly as he could. He'd stopped to rest on the coffee table, holding his arm close to his chest. He looked up as Grace joined him. He wasn't sure what to say to her or even where to begin. He opened his mouth, but closed it quickly. He should apologize to her for acting like a child. He should tell her the truth and allow her to help him. He should remind her there were better people for her to waste her time on. "I couldn't calm him down." was what came out instead. "I'm sorry, Grace..."
Stranger: "It's not your fault, Mycroft." Grace swallowed hard, taking in the room, Mycroft, and the way he cradled his arm against his chest. "You don't need to apologize, Mycroft, you didn't do anything to deserve this." Touching him lightly on the uninjured shoulder, she guided him to the sofa. Sweeping some debris off it, she guided him down. "Is this because you had dinner with me?" she asked gently.
You: Mycroft, too tired to fight with the woman, allowed himself to be moved and sat on the sofa. He sat far too close to Grace, craving the safety she brought with her. "Of course I did." he said, not looking at her. "I lied to him about having dinner with you, about flirting with you for months. I work too much. According to Charles I should remain here, at home, where I can look after Arthur and giving him more pups." Mycroft wiped at his face, embarrassed. "It's my own fault I'm weak and couldn't fight back properly. It's disgusting that I can't take care of myself...." he continued. "That I need you to do it for me. I shouldn't have..." he finally looked up to her. "You shouldn't have bothered to come back after the way I treated you. I'm sorry, Grace."
Stranger: "Shh." Grace swiped her thumb over his cheek, humming softly to calm him. "Those things don't mean you deserved this. Nothing could deserve this," she assured him. Some small part of her glowed to hear that he'd been flirting with her, that it hadn't been all in her head. "Not being able to fight back agaisnt an Alpha taller, heavier, and stronger than you is not something to be ashamed of. You were scared," she worked through his concerns slowly, knowing it was only the first of many times she'd have to go through this and not caring a bit. Her head lifted at the reminder of his son. "Where is Arthur?" They'd have to take him with them, especially if this tipped Mycroft into wanted to get out. Which she knew was overly optimistic, but she couldn't kill that hope.
You: "He's...he's not here." Mycroft said, leaning against the woman. "Charles sent him to stay with Sherlock. He...he always does before this happens. Charles may believe that I deserve to be punished for stepping out of line, but he...he prefers Arthur not see." Mycroft sniffed. "Sherlock'll keep him until tomorrow. I'll have Sherlock bring him over tomorrow. I think a few days off will do us both well." Mycroft looked around the room at the idea of Arthur coming home and suddenly couldn't continue to sit down with Grace. "I'll need to straighten up though, before he gets here." Mycroft turned to Grace. "I need to have my arm set, Grace, so that I can come home and straighten up. I don't want Arthur coming home to a destroyed house. It'll worry him unnecessarily. I don't want to upset him too."
Stranger: Going back to making soothing noises, Grace shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Mycroft. We'll get it sorted." She wasn't keen on the idea of letting Mycroft come back here at all. "Does Sherlock know?" Sherlock had to know, right? Grace's ears picked up as she faintly heard the sounds of someone getting belligerent outside, but she made no move to bring it to Mycroft's attention. Cooper and the others would be bustling Charles into the squad car for the disturbance calls; that would be enough to hold him at least overnight. Grace could bring up assault charges to Mycroft later.
You: Mycroft nodded. "Of course he knows. Everyone in the bloody country knows and no one cares. Why should they? An Alpha disciplining their out of control Omega, there's nothing wrong with it." Mycroft began to pick up some of the items scattered around the sitting room. "The one time Sherlock mentioned it to our parents, Father threatened to write him out of the family trust. Even I would have kept my mouth shut after that. Sherlock makes up for it by watching Arthur whenever I call him." Mycroft stopped, wincing at the pain in his ribs, his head spinning slightly. "We should go. Charles should be shouting abuses to the arresting officer from the back of the squad car by now."
Stranger: "There's a thousand things wrong with it," she told him firmly, getting a grip on her urge to sock Sherlock in the face, and using less restraint when it came to Mycroft's father. No family trust was worth this. "Stop that," she said, standing up and guiding him back to the sofa. "We'll get you to the hospital soon. I just want to make sure he's gone." She gave him a small smile. "They can handle it. They're probably hoping he tries to punch one of them."
You: Mycroft shook his head. "Charles isn't stupid. He knows he'll barely be booked and processed before he's let go because he knows I don't have the guts to press charges for what he's done." Mycroft flopped onto the sofa, ashamed of himself. "I can run a bloody country, but I can't stand up to one man. Pathetic, Grace. It's absolutely pathetic." Mycroft wiped his face again, taking a shaky breath. "Perhaps I should call my parents and have them come and deal with this mess. They gave me to Charles because they thought I needed looking after. They wanted grandchildren, the ability to brag about their 'son-in-law'. Perhaps now they'll know these fights escalate far beyond what I've always told them."
Stranger: Her hope started to wither. "It's not pathetic, Mycroft. So many people go through this exact same thing. It is far, far from pathetic." She wanted to keep him far away from his parents too, who cared so little as to hand their son over to such a brute. Her ears strained, checking for the voices outside. She needn't have bothered because Cooper was walking in. She took one look at the room and another at Mycroft before she offered, "Should I pack you anything before we head to the hospital?"
You: Mycroft shook his head. "I do not plan on staying longer than necessary to tend to my broken arm." Mycroft stood once again and made to leave the sitting room. "I apologize for my attitude earlier. I do understand you were simply doing your job." he told the Beta, giving Cooper a small smile before he left the sitting room. He stopped in the entry way for his over coat. "Can I trust you two to forgo any theatrics while you take me to the hospital or should I call my driver?" he asked the pair of officers. "The neighbors are already gossiping behind their curtains, I'd hate for them to return to my drive way for yet another time tonight."
Stranger: Cooper was very serious as she said, "Sir, we don't indulge in theatrics," opening the door for him. "If anyone asks, we are taking you to the station to deal with the noise complaints and your . . . and Charles after he got belligerent about the repeated calls." A very diplomatic smile while Grace snorted as she took the coat the coat from him, drapping it over his shoulders. "Come on," she said gently, guiding him out the door.
You: Mycroft's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you find so amusing, Grace?" he asked as he was led outside and down to the waiting car. He slipped into the back seat as the pair slid in up front. He looked out the window and up to his home. He'd once loved it there, the space and the quiet charm about the house. Now the home held a negative energy thanks to his Alpha. He was quiet for a long time as they drove towards the hospital. "If I press charges..." he began timidly. "Will he be able to take Arthur away from me?" That was one of the main reasons Mycroft stayed, knowing he'd lose his son to the powerful Alpha.
Stranger: "Cooper's ability to spin things the best way possible," was her light answer. Once they were in the car, and started driving, she let herself sigh in the silence. It wasn't comfortable, but she still felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulder. The two women glanced at each other at the question, though. Grace swallowed, knowing she'd have to handle it. "Most likely not," she said, twisting around in her seat to look at that Omega. "Custody tends to favour the Omega. And if you raise assualt charges against him, and you and someone can attest to a pattern of abuse . . . your case is incredibly strong." Grace would make sure Sherlock swallowed his damn pride and stood up for his sister. "That we had to come twice in one night, even if there isn't an earlier record of calls, will speak volumes for the assault charges," Cooper added.
You: Mycroft snorted, shifting under Grace's gaze. "No one's going to be able to attest to the pattern of abuse." he looked down at his arm. "Sherlock won't speak out against my parents decision and I forbid you to force him to do such, Grace." Mycroft knew the woman was as stubborn as he was and would force the issue more than necessary. "So to ensure my son remains in my car I will not be able to press charges. Lovely." he mused to himself, alone in the back of the patrol car. It was just as well, he thought as they neared the hospital, perhaps Mycroft deserved the position he found himself in. Perhaps this was simply his punishment for being born an Omega and disappointing his family. He thanked the detectives as they came to a stop at the hospital. "I'd prefer you simply left me alone. I'm not a stranger in the emergency department. My assistant will take me home."
Stranger: "You don't need the pattern of abuse," Cooper assured the Omega, even though she knew it would be a weaker case. Weaker didn't mean impossible though. "Absolutely not," Grace said flatly. Getting out of the car, she opened the door for Mycroft, offering an arm to help him out. "I left you alone once tonight, and regretted it. I will not do it again." Her eyes dared him to challenge her on it. Didn't matter if she had to sit in the waiting room the entire night. She wasn't going anywhere.
You: Mycroft stood staring at the Alpha. She was determined, stubborn, forceful, but there wasn't a shred of anger in her eyes. Mycroft wasn't sure what he'd done to deserve such kindness from the woman. He nodded, not arguing as she led him into the hospital and helped him check in. It was nearly an hour before he was called back. He stood and moved to the nurse waiting on him, assuming that Grace would follow him. He stopped when he saw she wasn't there. "Well?" he asked. "You did say you weren't leaving me alone again tonight, yes? I'm sure you'll enjoy watching me burst into tears again as they poke and prod me."
Stranger: "Not in the least," Grace said, her heart breaking a little bit, but she was back at his side in an instant, so glad that he was letting her in. "You can hold my hand if you need," she promised. The nurses took over, comfortingly cooing over the injured Omega. In a pause while they went to get some things, after they'd gotten Mycroft changed into a gown, revealing and extended molt of bruises, Grace took Mycroft's hand. "I've asked them to take pictures to document," she told him gently, knowing she might have overstepped here. "In case you decided to press charges." There was a lump in her throat as she said it.
You: Mycroft hated the way the nurses fussed over him, patting on the shoulder and reminding him he'd made the right decision. They took blood and swabs and ran a battery of tests on him. He hated their pitying looks, their meaningless words, their frowns. He knew they'd talk about how terrible he looked as they snapped their photos and cleaned him up. "It's fine." he told Grace, surprised she took his hand. "I know you and Cooper were lying." he said quietly. "Pressing charges won't do a bit of good. Charles will use Arthur to keep me with him. A weak case is a lost case."
Stranger: "It's not a lost case, Myc. It's not. I've seen so many of these case, and trust me, yours is not a weak case." She hesitated before adding gently, "You said the emergency room staff wasn't unfamiliar with you?" She'd accepted that Mycroft wouldn't allow Sherlock to testify in support, but the he could have no qualms about the hospital.
You: "This isn't my first broken arm." he explained. "I've been here before. Once when I was pregnant with Arthur, once for a broken ankle and a few times for stitches." he listed off his more recent injuries to the DI as they held hands. Mycroft's grip tightened as the nurses moved the gown in different directions in order to get enough photos of him. He felt vulnerable and exposed in front of the DI. "This is the first time I haven't been alone during a visit, however."
Stranger: Grace smiled, and smoothed his hair off his forehead. "I'll be here whenever you need me," she promised, belatedly flushing. Now wasn't the time. She waited until the nurses left again before she raised another sensitive topic. "Myc . . . did he /force/ you at all?" Another thing she'd seen time and time again. "Ever?" Again, no pity, just concern and affection.
You: Mycroft leaned into Grace's touch, soaking up the kindness from the Alpha. "You're a terribly good friend." he said softly. He didn't move or meet her eyes when she asked her next question. "You already know the answer to that." Mycroft said, shifting on the bed. "It hardly takes a rocket scientist to know exactly the sort of Alpha Charles is. I will, however, spare you the details. I have enough respect for you, Grace, but it's nothing you should concern yourself with."
Stranger: A hard swallow and a small shake of her head. "Will you let them do an exam?" It would be more evidence, more proof, piling up against Charles. An Alpha raping their Omega was a toss up still, but more and more public opinion was swaying in a positive direction. And considering that by all normal standards, Charles wasn't even Mycroft's Alpha (no markings, no marriage, no claiming) -- Grace would take whatever she could get.
You: Mycroft considered it for a long while. He'd never had that sort of exam done. He never thought it would make a difference and he only felt more shame surrounding his abuse. But Grace had been so kind to him, had come to help him when he called, even after his outbursts towards her. He knew she was only trying to help solidify his case against the Alpha. Eventually he nodded. "You'll stay with me, yes? I hate being poked and prodded like a piece of cattle. I don't...I don't want to be left alone with the doctor."
Stranger: "Of course I'll stay," she promised, squeezing his hand with a smile. "The entire time. And you can focus on me and tell me all about things that are way over my head and I'll never udnerstand," she teased. "Like how the pea trade in Niger affects Tube traffic from Victoria station."
You: Mycroft couldn't help but chuckle. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you it did." he said, looking up at her. "I want you to meet Arthur." he said. "Once this whole thing is settled. I think he'd like you, Grace. I usually don't tell many people about him, given my line of work, but I do consider you a friend more than a colleague." Mycroft, all too soon, was made to lie down on the examine table as the doctor began looking him over. Mycroft never let go of Grace's hand, fearing he was squeezing too tight. "I don't like this." he whispered, closing his eyes.
Stranger: "I would be honored to meet him," Grace whispered. Mycroft could have broken every bone in her hand and she wouldn't have minded. "You're okay," she reassured him, stroking his hair. "You're doing great. It won't be long," she added, glancing at the doctor who seemed perturbed. The omega doc worked quickly and efficiently, shaking his head occasionally, documenting what he found. When he was done, he helped Mycroft sit up straight, reassuring him as well, thanking him for being a wonderful patient. After saying a doc would be in shortly to help reset his arm and cast it, he made a small gesture to speak to Grace. Giving Mycroft another squeeze and the promise that she'd be right back, she dropped a brief kiss to his hair before following the doc out. "Are you the reporting office?" The man said, crossing his arms over his chest. Grace shook her head. "No, just a friend. But I am a detective, who saw what happened. I'm trying to get him to file charges. My hope is that we'll go to the station after this." The doctor nodded. "I hope so too. There was recent trauma, but also scaring. The kind you'd get from long time abuse. I've seen a lot of things, but this," he shook his head. "I'd be shocked if he'd ever once gotten properly slick for intercourse." Grace blushed; it was unusual to hear and Omega speak so bluntly. "I'm a doctor, Detective," the Omega snapped, clearly annoyed with her embarrassment. "Yes, right, of course," she coughed. "Is there anything else?" "...I'm no expert on the matter, but I would be surprised if he could ever carry a pup to term again." Grace felt her heart break a little for Mycroft. Nodding she sighed. "All right. Thank you doc." "Let me know how things go," the man said, before leaving. Grace returned to the room, mustering a smile. "How are you doing?"
You: Mycroft whined as Grace left, unable to stop himself. He didn't want to be left alone in the cold room in nothing more than a paper gown that didn't even properly cover him up. He wanted to go home and crawl into bed with his son. He wanted to pretend like this day hadn't happened. He wanted to go back to being Mycroft Holmes, politician, not Mycroft Holmes, abused Omega. He looked up when Grace came back to the room. Mycroft knew something was wrong. "What?" he said quickly, ignoring her question. "What's wrong? The doctor wouldn't have asked to speak to you privately if something wasn't wrong. He shouldn't have spoken to you about my medical conditions to begin with. Oh god..." he trailed off, watching Grace's face. "Am I pregnant again?" he asked, beginning to panic slightly at the idea. He knew blood work was standard for an Omega but he hadn't even begun to foster the idea that he could be expecting again. "Grace Lestrade, stop looking at me like that and tell me what that doctor said."
Stranger: A deep breath as she took both of Mycroft's hands. "You're not pregnant," she told him. "Myc, I... the doctor isn't sure you could get pregnant anymore." She just forced it out. "He said there's a lot of scar tissue, and I guess that would cause problems." She wasn't a doctor, she didn't know the mechanics of how, but . . .
Stranger: "I'm so sorry, Mycroft."
You: "What?" he asked as his voice cracked. He may not have wanted to birth any more of Charles' pups but that hardly meant he didn't wish to give Arthur a sibling. He only had a few more years in him to safely bare children and now he was being told the Alpha may have taken away the possibility of that. "Stop." he said. "Just stop." he pulled his hands away. "That bastard has abused me for six years." he spat. "He doesn't get to take the ability to have another pup away from me. He doesn't get to continue to rape me after he's beaten me down. He can't...I'm not...no one will..." Mycroft couldn't hold it in any longer, breaking down on the exam table. He knew what it meant, not being able to have any more pups. No one wanted him now and no one would want him in a year when he'd cleaned himself up.
Stranger: Grace knew she shouldn't, now wasn't the time, but seing him break like this, such strong, brilliant man falling to peaces breaking everthing in her too, she couldn't help it. "Shh," she cooed, gathering the Omega in her arms. "Myc, My, shhh." She didn't know what else to say. She couldn't say it was okay, it wasn't. It WASN'T. She could have said, promised, begged the omega to see that there was a future for him still; that was too presumptuous, too much like replacing one Alpha with another. Mycroft didn't need an Alpha, and he needed to know that.
You: Mycroft didn't know how long he spent in Grace's arms, furiously sobbing into her blouse, but he didn't care. She wanted to help him and this was what he needed. Grace didn't know what to say and Mycroft didn't think he could stand any speeches about how everything would work itself out in the end or how he was lucky to be alive or how Charles would never see the light of day again. Mycroft knew Charles eventually be released after some time. They were interrupted by the next doctor entering to set his broken arm and Mycroft limply allowed the doctor and Grace to set him into position on the table again. He didn't speak for the rest of their stay in the emergency department, instead just looking away from the pair of them and allowing the silent tears to fall down his cheeks.
Stranger: When the doctor said Mycroft could get dressed again, and he'd be allowed to check out, it was late at night and Mycroft hadn't spoken in what seemed like forever. "Do you want me to help you?" Grace said at last. "Get dressed again?"
You: Mycroft was exhausted by the time he was allowed to leave. It was nearly three in the morning and he hadn't eaten or showered since the previous morning. Everything hurt, everything was sore. He shook his head at Grace. "No, you should leave. It's late and I've kept you much longer than I should have." he said, standing from the examine table, carefully trying to keep the gown closed to retain some shred of dignity in front oft he Alpha. "I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. I shouldn't have reacted like that." he didn't look at her as he pulled his clothes out of the white hospital bag. His suit was rumpled and practically ruined in his eyes. He knew he'd throw it away as soon as he got home. "I'll have my driver come and get me."
Stranger: "Mycroft." Her voice was gently firm as she ducked so he had to look at her. "I'm not leaving you."
You: "Stop being so nice to me. I don't have the energy to argue, Grace. I'm tired and I'm sore and I want to go home so that I can clean up my house before Sherlock returns Arthur." he finally stopped fiddling with his clothes as she pulled his face up to look at her. "You've gone above and beyond the call of duty. I'll be sure to give a glowing recommendation to the superintendent for you and Gwendolyn."
Stranger: That hurt more than anything. "This isn't about duty, Mycroft! This is what I want to do to. For you! I want to be here with you, to help you. It's not me being nice, it's caring about you. I'll help you clean the house, hell, I'll do it by myself, you should be resting, but I won't let you go home alone. I can't!" Her voice cracked on the last part. Sinking down to her knees, she stared up at him. "Please, Mycroft. All I want to do is help."
You: Mycroft was taken back by Grace's outburst. When the woman fell to her knees Mycroft stared down at her. Slowly he tugged her back up. "Your knees will not appreciate that tiled floor." he reminded her. He sighed before he leaned into her, wrapping her in an awkward hug. "You're not going to clean my house alone. We'll go home and rest for a few hours. Then we'll call Sherlock and ask that he keep Arthur until lunch to give us plenty of time." he pulled away. "You should realize how much you've helped already, Grace. After you and Cooper arrived the first time, I tried getting away from Charles again. I didn't make it to the doorstep in time to catch you, but I knew, after that, what needed to be done. It's because of you that I've had the courage to come here and be examined and that I'm going to press charges."
Stranger: Her heart soaring, Grace enfolded Mycroft into a gentle hug. "Thank you," she murmured. How odd that she was thanking him for letting her help him clean. Stroking his hair, she felt bereft when he pulled away. Nodding she swallowed. "If you want to press charges, the sooner you do, the better." She knew that wasn't what Myc wanted to hear. "Maybe we ask Sherlock to keep Arthur until dinner, or for another night. Take him on a day trip to the sea shore or something." She had a growing nightmare of Charles coming back to Myc and Arthur.
Stranger: *coming back to the house with Myc and Arthur still there.
You: Mycroft shook his head. "I want Arthur home with me where I can keep an eye on him. I don't like to be away from him longer than I have to." the Omega explained, allowing Grace to help him get dressed again. He blushed as they worked together to get his pants and trouser's on. "I feel like a child." he said. "You having to coddle me so with this stupid cast on. I owe you a great many favors for this." he gave her a smile as she finished the buttons on his shirt. They made their way out of the exam room and up to the desk so Mycroft could check out. "Are you telling me that I should go to the police station instead of my house?" he asked as they exited the hospital. "Will it take long or could it wait until we've both had a few hours rest?"
Stranger: "It can wait until you've rested a bit," Grace assured him as she waved down a cab. She blushed faintly as she said, "I might have asked Cooper to start the basic paperwork." A stupid hope at the time. "She'll be there in the morning to continue it," she assured him.
You: "Do you often take such liberties with all the helpless Omegas you wrangle away from abuse Alphas?" he asked the woman as she stuffed him into the cab and climbed in next to him. He gave the driver his address and settled back in the seat as the cab drove towards his house. Mycroft took his own liberties with Grace and nestled close to her, laying his head on her shoulder and closing her eyes as they drove back to his home. He needed to thank her properly, he thought as he began to drift off to sleep. Perhaps a promotion or a raise or a free holiday. He'd have to figure it out later when his brain was working properly. A short ride later and Mycroft was being roused by the DI. He yawned and hustled out of the cab, waiting for Grace. "There's plenty of guest rooms for you." he said as they made their way up the drive to the front door. "All impeccably kept by yours truly."
Stranger: Grace thought it was better if she didn't make any response to that, so she was glad when he settled in a seemed to drop off. She told herself it wasn't a /liberty/ to hold him to her side, not to rest her cheek on his head. It was comforting a friend. She could almost believe it too. Trotting to keep up with Mycroft as he got out of the cab, she shook her head. "You should take it easy," she said, rather than tell him she had no intention of sleeping. "Do you . . . want to sleep in one of the guest rooms," she suggested carefully.
You: Mycroft shook his head as he let them inside. "Charles and I don't share rooms." he explained. "My heats were always spent in his. As much as I hate to admit it, his scent always helped during them. It was better than my own room without an Alpha around." he moved through the entry way and upstairs. He stopped at the first room. "This one is close to my own room, should you need anything. Bathroom is across the hall for you. My room is the next door on the left." he told her. "If you get up before I do you're welcome to anything you find in the kitchen." He gave her a small smile. "Thank you again, Grace, for everything." he hesitated for a moment, nearly having to bite his tongue to keep from asking her to stay with him. "Goodnight, Grace."
Stranger: Grace would have found it hard to say no. "Of course, Mycroft. You'll know where to find me if you need anything." She waited until he'd gone into his room, and then she started to go around the house, checking that windows and doors were locked. It wasn't paranoia, she told herself, if it kept people safe. She knew Charles would get out until the next afternoon at the earliest, and once Mycroft had charges brought against him . . . if he made bail though, they might have a problem. He could try to claim a right to stay in the home. She wondered who it was deeded to. They'd figure something out, though.
You: Mycroft cleaned himself up as best he could before he changed (with great struggle) into his pajamas. He crawled into bed, sighing with relief, knowing he was finally safe again. He thought he would have had no trouble falling asleep, but to his surprise he couldn't quiet his mind. He supposed part of him was worried Charles would come bounding through the door at any moment. He heard Grace moving around the house and Mycroft knew she was checking to make sure they were secured before going to sleep. When it was finally quiet, Mycroft got out of bed and padded down the hall to the guest room. He knocked. "Grace?" he called softly through the door.
Stranger: Grace had sat on the edge of the bed, checking some things on her phone. She jumped at the knock, hurrying to the door. "Mycroft?" she opened it. "Are you okay? Is everything all right?"
You: "I'm fine." he said, trying to reassure the Alpha. "I just couldn't seem to fall asleep...." he trailed off, hoping she would understand what he needed. He thought it completely unfair to continue to take things from her, to take her kindness for granted. "So I came to check on you. I heard you walking around. I know we're both had a terribly long night." he said, unsure of how to continue. Embarrassed he quickly changed the subject. "I'm sorry. I really should go back to my own room. Forget I've interrupted your evening again."
Stranger: She hadn't a clue what he needed. Taking his hands, she shook her head, "No, you haven't interrupted anything. And you came here for a reason, Mycroft. What do you need?" Unthinking, she stroked the back of his hands with her thumbs.
You: Mycroft squeezed Grace's hands as she reached out to him. He opened his mouth to explain it to her but couldn't find the right words. So instead he turned, still holding her hand, and led her to his room. He let go as they stepped inside and moved over to his 'side' of the bed. He got in under the covers and moved them for her, patting the bed. He hoped he hadn't offended her by this final ask. He fully expected Grace to refuse and return to her own room.
Stranger: Grace's mouth went dry as she froze in the doorway of the room. She strangled a noise in the back of her throat as her hands curled at her side. She took a step forward and then paused. "Are you sure, Mycroft? I promise, I won't do anything," she added in a rush. "Nothing, just, just sleep here with you. Make sure you're okay."
You: Mycroft sighed. "If I was worried about anything you would do, Grace, I wouldn't have allowed you to stay with me at the hospital or bring me home." he reminded her. He didn't understand why she was so uncomfortable. He readjusted the blankets. "It's not a requirement. You're welcome to say no, Grace. I won't be offended. "
Stranger: Say no! As if she would ever say no. Shaking her head, she crept closer, remembering to stop and slip off her shoes. She'd sleep in her blouse and slacks, but she stopped and draped her jacket over a chair. Then she carefully crept to the edge of the bed, letting out a slow exhale, willing her body to behave as she slipped under the offered blankets. "Hi," she murmured shyly.
You: Mycroft immediately nestled close to her, craving the affection and attention she'd given him earlier. "Hi." he greeted her. "Are you alright with this?" he asked, noticing she seemed to be reminding herself to remain professional as she settled into his bed. "It's not like you could hurt me, Grace. I don't believe you have it in you to do such a thing, especially not to an already broken Omega."
Stranger: "You're not broken," she breathed out, shaking her head. "I don't... I don't want to cross a line with you. Do anything you'd regret." That would kill her, to have him look at her and regret something. "I don't want to upset you." Or scare him.
You: "Cross a line?" he questioned. "What could you possibly do to upset me?" Mycroft didn't understand. "You've seen me break down into hysterics, you've seen me naked, you've watched as I was examined and prodded. You've learned more about my medical well-being than most people know. You've done nothing but help me, even after I pushed against you and threatened you. I owe you a great thank you, Grace.'
Stranger: "You don't owe me anything," she said. Grace could think of a thousand lines she could cross right now. Starting with brushing her fingers against his cheek and leaning in to kiss him. Her hands twisted in the fabric of her slacks to keep herself from doing exactly that.
You: "You're far too stubborn." Mycroft said as he scrunched up his nose. "I will figure out how to thank you and you'll not argue with me." he felt her twisting her hands into her trousers, worrying over upsetting him. "Neither of us are going to get any sleep with you fussing like that. Tell me what's wrong."
Stranger: "I'm not fussing." Worrying and fussing were very different. "And nothing's wrong. I just... I'mtryingtofocusonnotkissingyourightnow."
You: "Oh for god sake." Mycroft said, leaning up and kissing Grace on the lips. "There." he said, settling back onto her shoulder. "It's just a kiss, Grace. You kissed me in the exam room earlier, I don't see what the big deal is now. It's not as if you're proposing marriage to me."
Stranger: She flushed deep red. "It's different," she protested in a high pitched squeak. That hadn't been on the lips. That could have been passed as friendly. This, laying in bed next to him, kissing him properly, was definitely not friendly. Nor was having him nestled against her. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She felt like she was taking advantage. Of his fragile, emotional state. Being a predatory Alpha.
You: "It's not. You're comforting me in my time of need. It's what you begged me to let you do, it's what I want you to do." he told her. He could tell she didn't enjoy the kiss or being coaxed into bed. He could tell she was worried about controlling herself, though Mycroft didn't understand why it would be a problem. "Perhaps you should go back to the guest room. You'll never get any rest if you're anxiously twisting the blankets and your trousers." Mycroft moved away from her, turning on his side, wincing at the pain in his ribs. "I'm sorry to have bothered you."
Stranger: In her stupid, stupid brain, it smack of rejection and it made her whimper. Shifting close to his back, she lay a arm gingerly over his side, resting her hand against his sternum. "You're not bothering me," she whispered. "I just . . . please don't feel like you owe me anything. For any of this. Okay?"
You: "If you're insinuating that I've asked you into my bed with the express purpose have giving myself to you as a thank you, I'll be extremely offended, Grace." He resisted the urge to move back towards her to cuddle with her. "I've never willingly brought an Alpha into my bed. I prefer sleeping alone, being alone. It's always been better that way."
Stranger: "That's not what I meant!" she squeaked again, feeling like she'd insulted him by trying to avoid insulting him. Letting out a deep breath, she went for honesty. "I'm not expecting anything from this. After this. I think I've made it pretty clear how I feel about you, Mycroft, but you need to know that I'm not mistaking this as anything more than being here for you as a friend." And her stomach twisted in knots, having gotten that off her chest. So what if she wanted to pull him against her and bury her face in his hair? It was all contained in this night. Ultimately it didn't mean anything more than comfort.
You: "Then you won't deny me your comforting arms or your scent or the fact that you carry a gun to help me sleep comfortably for a few hours." he said, finally nestling back against her. Grace was warm and inviting and reassuring. Her scent calmed him and relaxed him and the weight of her arm around him grounded him. "I know what this is." he whispered. "I'm not asking it to be anymore that this, Grace."
Stranger: Stupid, stupid, stupid. Her head wanted one thing and her heart another, and hearing him say those words broke her heart a little. "Okay," she murmured, pressing her lips to his hair. "You should sleep."
You: He hummed. "So should you..." he began, closing his eyes. He focused on her breathing and her arm tightening around him and her lips pressed against the back of his head. It was so sweet and gentle and reassuring. It didn't take him long before he finally fell asleep with Grace holding him protectively. By the time he woke up again, it was nearly lunch time, his stomach grumbling in protest. He felt worse when he woke up than he had when he went to bed, everything sore and tight and protesting the mere thought that he'd need to get out of bed.
Stranger: "Look who's finally awake," Grace murmured. She'd barely moved all night, only napping occasionally. After the sun had risen, she still hadn't moved, refusing to deprive Mycroft of that comfort he'd wanted to much. Instead she'd worked on her phone, coordinating some different things. Sherlock was keeping Arthur until dinner, Cooper would have lunch for them at the station, and she'd gotten in contact with Mycroft's assistant to get the flat cleaned up. "How are you feeling?"
You: Mycroft groaned. "I've certainly felt better." he said, voice rough from the events of the last night. "You're still here." he turned in her arms, looking over to the detective. "I thought you may leave after I fell asleep with how uncomfortable you were after I kissed you and told you I wanted to cuddle." He winced, stretching his arm with the cast. "I bet I look like hell. I'll need to clean up before Arthur arrives." he turned, looking for his phone. "Has Sherlock called?"
Stranger: "You could do with a shower," was all she said. "I've been texting him. It's nearly lunchtime. I wanted to let you sleep. He and I agreed that he'll keep Arthur for the afternoon and bring him home for dinner. That way we can go to the station without you worrying about him. If," the nerves jumped into her throat again, "you still want to press charges."
You: Mycroft frowned at the woman. "You've clearly been busy planning my day, haven't you?" he sighed. "Thank you." Mycroft sat up with some effort. "Yes, I want to press charges and yes, I promise to eat the lunch you've requested." Mycroft stood up and turned to the woman. "Are you sure you don't want to go home and change? You don't have to baby sit me the entire day, you know? I won't change my mind once you've gone."
Stranger: She shook her head. "That's not why I'm here. I have a spare set of clothing at the station. I'll shower and change there." Sitting up, she swallowed down nerves. "Do you need anything? I'm sorry I planned your day for you."
You: Mycroft moved around to his closet, picking out a fresh suit for his day. When he returned he moved to stand in front of Grace, laying his clothes out on the bed. He wiggle his way to stand between her legs. "You're far too nervous about this." he said. "I know that things have been turned upside down, Grace, but I'm not afraid of you or of what could happen with us. Please stop working yourself up over it, yes?" he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the DI's forehead before he gathered his clothes and moved to the bathroom. "No more peeking..." he teased, stopping in the doorway of his bathroom. "You've got far too many free views in the past twenty four hours."
Stranger: Stunned, she was left blushing from the kiss and the teasing even as she heard the shower start. Had he just flirted with her? Standing up, she smoothed the wrinkles out of her clothes as best she could before turning and making the bed neatly. That done, she went down stairs and started to clean up a bit, remembering to text Mycroft's assistant (Annie?) a reminder to clean the bins outs when she came to neaten up. When she heard the shower turn off, she headed back upstairs. Knocking in the door, she said, "No more peeking. But are you almost ready to go?"
You: Mycroft emerged, looking battered but refreshed, in a cloud of steam. "Yes, Alpha." he smirked. He was dressed in his trousers, button up and waist coat. He kept his sleeves rolled up to fit over the cast. Mycroft grabbed his phone from the bedside table and moved with Grace downstairs, making sure he had his keys and wallet as well. They left his home and were greeted by Tom, his driver. Anthea must already have been at work. He explained where they were going to the man and slid into the back seat. He took out his phone and sent a message off to Sherlock to check on Arthur and then a message off to Anthea explaining what had happened. The messages in response were quite colorful, both making Mycroft chuckle at his phone.
Stranger: He was definitely flirting, and he definitely knew what it was doing to her, unless he was absolutely blind to how red she'd turned when he'd called her Alpha. She felt shabby next to him and knew her change of clothes wouldn't help the matter. Quiet in the back of the car, she jumped when Mycroft chuckled. "Arthur okay?"
You: Mycroft nodded and turned the phone to Grace. Sherlock sent a photo of Arthur dressed in a small lab coat, goggles and gloves. "They are currently experimenting. I was chuckling at the comments that Anthea and Sherlock sent regarding the events of last night." he explained. "Anthea's always hated Charles, even before I had a reason to." Mycroft shrugged. "Apparently it's Alpha instinct."
Stranger: Her esteem for Anthea, already high, rose higher. "He's a really cute kid, Myc." Grace smiled at him. "And if he's anything like you, brilliant, too."
You: "He is quite brilliant, yes, and sweet. I have a feeling he's going to be an Omega, but I hope I'm wrong. I don't want him subjected to the same hardships I have." Mycroft glanced up to Grace as the car rounded the corner. "What happens now?" he asked her. "With the process. Once I make my statement to you and Cooper. How long will it take for Charles to serve time and have his parental rights revoked?"
Stranger: "Once you formally press charges, he'll be arrested and then arraigned. Could take a long time for his case to be heard. The system is a bit backed up." And some files were extra slow to get transfered where they needed to go. "You can start the process of declaring him an unfit parent right away. You'll want to get a lawyer to help you with that. I don't know a ton about that part." She reached over and laid her hand over him. "There might be a trial for Charles," she warned, "If he doesn't take some kind of deal that gives him a reduced sentence. We can ask the prosecutor to make sure he stays away from you as part of any deal that is offered to him."
You: Mycroft nodded. "I'll have Anthea call my lawyer and see what favors I am owed. I'm sure I have some information a judge or two would prefer not made public." Mycroft looked down at Grace's hand over his own, smiling. She was far too good to him. "I'm sure a restraining order will go hand in hand with the assault charges. He's never harmed Arthur, quite the opposite, in fact, but I can not believe any normal human being would allow him to continue to see his own son after the amount of violence he inflicted on me."
Stranger: Nodding in agreement, Grace felt better knowing Mycroft was willing to pull strings here to make his case go well. In that way it was far from a normal case. Why had she ever worried at all? He practically ran the country, he could probably make Charles disappear with no one the wiser, now that he felt like he could do it. Thumb rubbing his hand, she smiled at him. "I'm glad you're feeling better," she murmured, chest squeezing painfully.
You: "I feel absolutely terrible." he said as the car came to a stop. "I feel like crawling back into bed and not getting out for a few days." he looked out of the window up to the station, lacing his fingers with Grace's. He was nervous to begin the process but he knew he was doing the right thing. He'd file charges, fight for full custody and figure out a way to have another pup for Arthur. He's figure out a way to properly thank Grace and maybe, just maybe, begin a real relationship with the Alpha.
Stranger: Squeezing his hand, she blanched a bit. "I'm sorry," wishing she could lean over and nuzzle against him. "Do you want me to stay with you for the whole thing?" She wasn't sure they'd let her. Plus there was the keen awareness that she was walking into her work wearing yesterday's clothes, having apparently spent the night with a victim. A victim from not her case, but still. Police talked. She'd stay if she could, though.
You: "It's alright." He said, looking at her. "You don't think it's a good idea." he told her. "I can tell from the look on your face. I don't want to cause problems for you, especially not after everything you've done for me." he considered his options, taking a deep breath. "Why don't you let my driver take you home. You can rest, eat and shower and be back at my house by the time Arthur arrives with Sherlock. We'll have dinner together."
Stranger: "I told you, I can shower and change here. Be close by for you." That was really it. She still wanted to be close to him. "Besides, I've got to check in on some stuff." Her abrupt request for time off had been approved (with more than a little cheek and comments of 'finally, a day in the office without you around'), but she didn't feel right leaving things as abruptly as she had.
You: "I know what you've told me." he said. "I'm not a complete idiot, Grace, I just don't want to put your career in jeopardy for forcing you to stay at my home or stay with me at the hospital..." He gave her hand another squeeze before he got out of the car and waited for her to join him. With another glance to her, Mycroft finally felt courageous enough to march into the station. He was nervous, yes, numb as his statement was taken and he gave names of his regular doctors at the emergency department, his general practitioner and his assistant.
Stranger: "You didn't force me to do anything," she assured him before he marched off. Grace rushed through a shower, the water turned up as hot as it could go. She allowed herself fifteen minutes after she scrubbed herself, forehead resting against the tiles, her hand between her legs. Washing away the evidence and making sure the thoughts that had brought her to her peak were firmly locked away again, she turned off the shower and dried herself off. Her change of clothing was thankfully minimally rumpled, and she felt better when she popped into her office with a fresh cup of coffee to take care of a few things. That turned into a few more things. Until Mycroft had to be directed to her office when he was done.
You: "For someone who's taken the day off you certainly do work quite a lot." Mycroft said quietly from the doorway of Grace's office. He watched her for a few moments, eyes narrowing as he watched her. She looked refreshed, relaxed and a bit pinker. "They're finished with me for the day." he told her. "I'm going home now, but I do still wish for you to join us for dinner, at the very least."
Stranger: Frowning, Grace glanced at the clock and then swore. "I didn't realize it had gotten so late." Standing up, she stretched, giving him a sheepish smile. "I'd love to join you for dinner. And meet Arthur." Looking down at her clothes, she grimaced. "But maybe I should head home too and change into something less . . . rumpled."
You: Mycroft shook his head. "You look fine." he said, "Arthur doesn't care about your clothes and neither do I. I don't plan to remain in this suit for much longer any way. Far too restricting." He gave her a smile. "Cooper seemed even more intent than you were last night, to toss Charles in a cell and throw away the key." he told her as they left the station and slid back into Mycroft's waiting car. "I'm glad she's taken my case."
You: (brb!)
Stranger: Instantly her mind jumped to helping Mycroft get out of his suit, and she had to pinch herself. "Cooper takes this stuff seriously. And she probably had to spend time with him last night. I'm sure he did little to endear her to him." Cautiously, she slid her hand across the center seat towards Mycroft.
You: (Back! Sorry that took so long) Mycroft took Grace's hand, enjoying the comfort it brought him. "Lucky for me he's a brute who believes he can charm anyone into his good graces." he chuckled. "You know I like this, yes?" he said after a few silent moments between them. "I can't tell you the last time I've felt the touch of an Alpha that was so tender and positive."
Stranger: "I'm glad." Even as it made her wonder if any Alpha that was halfway decent would mean the same thing to Mycroft, after as ass like Charles. She pushed that thought away and instead focused on how nice it was to hold Mycroft's hand. "It's what you deserve."
You: "I'll remind you of that when you're yelling at me about Sherlock or about trying being one of my little minions." he hummed, amused. He used his free hand to carefully scroll through a few emails, not able to do much else with the cast on his arm. Anthea had cleared his schedule for a week long holiday and then another week of working from home. He was grateful for her dedication to his well-being. When they finally arrived back to Mycroft's house, he found Sherlock and Arthur waiting for them. "Mummy." the little boy exclaimed as he ran full speed towards Mycroft's legs. Mycroft immediately scooped the little boy into his arms, ignoring the screams of pain from his body. "Hello, darling. I've missed you." he kissed the boy's cheek. "Were you good for Uncle Sherlock?" he asked, looking over to his brother who stood scanning the Omega's injuries. Sherlock gave a short nod. "The perfect lab assistant." Sherlock said.
Stranger: Grace hung back, watching the painfully domestic scene. Some part of her was still angry at Sherlock, no matter what Mycroft said. How could he have born knowing what his brother went through all the time?
You: "Well, I am glad to hear it." Mycroft said, shifting the boy to his side. He turned back to Grace, calling her over to him. He knew she was angry with his brother, but he hoped she would forgive him soon. "Arthur I want you to meet a very good friend of mine." Mycroft said. "Arthur, this is Detective Inspector Lestrade." Arthur looked at the woman. "You're the one that works with Uncle Sherlock." the little boy said. "The one that took care of mummy last night at the hospital." Mycroft glanced to Sherlock. "You didn't need to worry him." Sherlock held up his hands. "He overheard the phone call and read my texts. I wasn't going to lie to him, brother mine, though a few more..precarious details were omitted." he glanced to Lestrade. "Should I show myself out before your new body guard does it for me?" the youngest Holmes brother asked. "Grace.." Mycroft warned.
Stranger: "It's nice to meet you Arthur. Yes, I work with your Uncle Sherlock and I helped your mummy last night. He didn't really need my help, but I was worried about him, you see, and he was nice enough to let me stick around and bother him." She grinned at the little boy, already smitten. The smile was more strained as she turned to Sherlock. "It's your brother's home. He can decided if your welcome or not. And clearly you're welcomed." It was as civil as she could manage right now. "Thank you for your cooperation; I know we're running late."
You: Mycroft knew he'd have to talk to Grace again about Sherlock, but now wasn't the time. Sherlock shook his head. "It wasn't an imposition, Mycroft knows I enjoy my time with Arthur." The little boy nodded. "I'm his favorite." Arthur said proudly. "I do have to go, however, I'm meeting John for dinner. Until next time, Arthur." Sherlock moved to kiss the boy on the check. "You have my full support, brother mine." he gave a quick squeeze to Mycroft's arm as he moved around the pair. "Lestrade." he said, before leaving the house. Mycroft looked back to Grace. "Thank you for not yelling at him." he said as the three of them moved to the kitchen, Arthur complaining he was hungry. He set the boy down so he could go pick out something for them to make for dinner.
Stranger: It was a start, Sherlock's promise, and Grace gave a little approving nod. Meeting Mycroft's eyes, she sighed. "I know it's not as easy as I wish it was," she relented. "Do you need help? Let me cook, you should still be careful of that arm."
You: Arthur chimed in from his spot at the pantry. "Grace is right, mummy. Sit down, we'll cook for you." "That's Inspector Lestrade to you, young man." Mycroft gently reminded his son. "And I'm not so sure she ready to cook with you, hm?" Arthur pretended to be hurt. "She adores me, Mummy. Just look at her." Mycroft groaned. "I should have warned you, Grace, Arthur inherited every bit of the Holmesian sass." Arthur pulled out a box of noddles and carefully held a glass of sauce to his tiny chest. " 'ghetti, Mummy. It'll make you feel better."
Stranger: "Don't listen to him, it's Grace to you," she told him with a grin. Ruffling his hair, she laughed. "And ever bit of the charm that renders them irresistible to Lestrades," she said with a wink. "Excellent choice, Arthur. What else do we need for Spaghetti?"
You: "You've done perfectly well resisting us, I wouldn't doubt for a moment that you couldn't." Mycroft teased, moving to sit down at the table. "You've got to get the pot." Arthur said, pointing to the rack he couldn't reach. "And put the water onto boil. I'm not allowed to do that. I burned myself once." Mycroft hummed. "And why did you burn yourself?" he asked. "Because I didn't listen when you told me the stove was hot and I shouldn't touch it." Mycroft nodded. Arthur took the things to Grace to put on the counter before he moved to grab his step stool. He set it up right beside the stove so that he could help her.
Stranger: Grace could already tell her cheeks were going to be sore long before dinner was over, she was grinning so broadly. Fetching the pot, she filled it with water and set it on the stove to start heating. "All right. Do you know how much pasta we need for three people."
You: "We always cook the whole box." Arthur said. "That way we have leftovers for tomorrow." Mycroft could practically here the 'duh' coming. "Arthur, Grace isn't used to cooking for us, don't be rude." he quickly interrupted. "Sorry." the little boy said, handing her the jar of sauce to begin heating up. "Garlic bread too." he said after a moment. "Don't forget the bread." Mycroft watched the pair carefully, thankful that Arthur seemed comfortable with Grace. Mycroft had a feeling they'd be spending a great deal of time together in the coming months.
You: (Hey! So sorry but I have to head to bed. Thank you SO much for an absolutely fantastic evening. You are one of the best Greg's/Grace's I've had in ages and I am incredibly thankful. I'll keep the log, just in case we ever run into each other! Have a wonderful day/night, love!!)
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charlesoberonn ¡ 7 years
Dr. Destiny #3
Dr. Destiny #1 Dr. Destiny #2
A few years a ago, a Necromancer going by the name The Enchantress has raised an army of the dead and attempted to use it to take over the world.
After her death, her army remained. No longer under her spell, the ghouls, zombies, skeletons, phantoms and ghosts started wandering the Earth aimlessly, looking for a purpose.
Dr. Destiny, a graduate Necromancer, decided to take it upon herself to return as many of the undead as she can back to the other side where they came from, and grant them peace.
Vena Destiny sighed as she sunk back into her chair and stared at the ceiling. She glanced down at her desk, rolling her eyes at the mountains of paperwork. As it turns out, putting the dead back in the ground was much easier than legally changing their undead status. At least half of Dr. Destiny’s time was wasted on verifying death certificates, calling graveyards about their missing skeletons, and removing her patients from various ‘undead lists’ posted by paranoid small town sheriffs and lazy district officials.
She was just about done with today’s mound of papers when she heard a knock on her office door. She straightened her back and shuffled to a sitting position.
“Dr. Destiny? Hello?” she heard a feminine voice from the other side of the door.
“I am not available right now. Can you not read the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign?” she seemed more annoyed than surprised. “Unless you’re a Wraith and your entire existence is pain and dark desires, you’re gonna have to make an appointment like everybody else. And I would know if you were a wraith. Their screams are unbearable.”
“I’m not a Wraith, I’m sorry.” the woman opened the door to a crack. Dr. Destiny got a good look at her. Bright red hair in two pigtails, a t-shirt and tight jeans.
Vena shuffled awkwardly in her chair, and began tidying up the unsightly pile of paper on her desk. “Oh no, no, I’m sorry. Please do come in.” she coughed, trying to hide her slight blush. “What can I help you with?”
The woman walked inside, looking around the messy office. The carpet was crooked and the cabinets filled a variety of items were dusty. She was about the same age as Dr. Destiny, but a bit taller, and looked to be in much better shape. Vena couldn’t help but stare. As the woman sat down on the other side of her desk, she quickly averted her gaze and tried to look professional.
“Well, you’ll think it’s a bit silly...” the woman rubbed her forearm. “I’m Lilac, by the way.” Dr. Destiny noticed the antique-looking silver watch on her wrist.
“I’m not gonna think that.” Dr. Destiny said with a sweet voice. “I promise, Lilac.”
“Are you sure?” Lilac said as she sat down. “Because this is a really important matter.” 
“I’m sure. Say it.” Destiny leaned in.
“What do you know about the...” Lilac whispered. “...Enchantress conspiracies?”
Dr. Destiny giggled. “Which one? The ones about how she was a government agent? The one where it wasn’t a government agent who killed her? Or the one where she was from outer space?”
Lilac blushed and frowned. “I knew you would make fun of me.”
Destiny winced. “No, no... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it... please. What conspiracy are you talking about?”
“Okay...” Lilac took a deep breath and her voice became serious. “You probably heard of it. The Crystal Shards Hypothesis.”
As she heard the words, Dr. Destiny’s spine tingled. She intertwined her fingers and leaned her elbows against the desk. “I have heard of it. I don’t know if to believe it.”
“Do you trust the government, Dr. Destiny?” Lilac asked, leaning in as well.
Dr. Destiny gestured to the mountains of paperwork on her desk. “I have a complicated relationship with government, as you can see.”
“Do you believe their official story? It’s full of holes. They never showed The Enchantress’ body. Nor did they confirm her death with a third-party Necromancer. They didn’t even raise her soul for questioning, as far as we know. They just killed her and that’s it. How realistic do you think that is?”
“I don’t know how realistic it is, but it seems a lot more realistic than the Enchantress putting her soul in a crystal before death and then breaking it, and spreading the shards around the world.” Dr. Destiny said. “If I was the Enchantress and I somehow survived my assassination, I would’ve just go live on an island or something.”
“That’s what I thought too. Until I found this...” Lilac pulled something from her pocket, it was a crumpled envelope. “It’s a clue to the location of one of the shards.”
Dr. Destiny examined the envelope. She opened it and began reading it. It was written in very archaic language, but the ink paper was modern. “Do you know who wrote this?”
“Look at the sigil.” Lilac pointed at the signature in the bottom of the paper. “It’s an order from one of her generals. The Ink Baroness.”
“Yes. I see. How do we know if it’s the real thing?” Dr. Destiny examined the paper up and down.
“Does that mean you believe me?” Lilac smiled enthusiastically, a positive change from the gloomy and serious mood she was in earlier.
“I’m considering it.” Dr. Destiny said. “Listen, if we’re going to do this, we need to do it properly.” she explained. “There’s a method to this. When a spirit is possessing an object, you can’t just pull it out of there or trap it. You need to verify three things first.”
“Presence. Identity. And intent. I know.” Lilac responded.
“If you use the wrong spell on the spirit, you could end up being badly hurt.” Dr. Destiny continued.
“Well, I think once we find the shard we could verify presence using a simple detection spell. We could then question the Ink Baroness about the identity and intent.” Lilac smiled cockily.
“You’re very knowledgeable. I like it.” Dr. Destiny smiled, blushing a little. “You know what? I think we can do it.”
“Yes!” Lilac raised her arm excitedly. “How do we start?”
“Unfortunately, with paperwork.” Dr. Destiny sighed as she pulled a few papers out of her drawer. “This is a standard expedition contract. I think it should be enough for now. We’ll hash out more details on our next meeting.” she said as she handed Lilac the hefty stack of paper.
Lilac started humming as she looked over the contract and signed her name at the bottom. She smiled as she handed the signed contract back.
“Great.” Dr. Destiny smiled before her smile faded. “Now, one last question.” her voice became serious. “Why me?”
“Well, to be honest...” Lilac blushed. “You were my first choice.” she smiled shyly. “I just thought you’d be the right person to help me find the Enchantress Shards.”
“Thank you.” Dr. Destiny said as she straightened her papers. “That’s all I needed.”
And with that, Dr. Destiny shot her arm forward and a glowing green light burst from the open palm of her hand, aimed directly at Lilac’s chest. Vena didn’t bat an eyelid as the burst of green energy penetrated through Lilac’s chest and went out through the other side, pulling a pale ghostly figure out with it.
The ghostly figure screamed, her dark echoes filling the room, rattling objects, and making colors disappear. Meanwhile, Lilac’s eyes closed and her now motionless body slumped forward in her chair before Destiny caught her.
“How did you know?! How?!” the ghostly figure snared at Destiny, her long white hairs wriggling like snakes, her tattered ethereal gown blowing in the wind.
“When you entered, I already knew you were present.” Destiny gestured towards her door. “My ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign has spirit detection magic that alerts me when a spirit enters my office.” Dr. Destiny smiled smugly. “Then you were stupid enough to give me your identity.” she showed the spirit two pieces of paper, the Baroness’ letter, and the contract. Both of them had identical handwriting. “And then you professed to me your intent.”
The Baroness screamed in agony again, Dr. Destiny’s spell binding and crawling around her like rope of green light.
“Presence. Identity. Intent. You said so yourself.” Dr. Destiny grabbed Lilac’s wrist, removing the antique watch from her hand. “This used to belong to you, I presume, when you were still alive. Nostalgic, perhaps? Seems like a fitting place to put your soul as any.” she raised up the watch and closed her eyes. The green ropes started pulling on the Baroness, dragging her down into the watch.
“No! You shall not! I shall return! She shall return!” the Baroness screamed, her voice fading away as she was sucked into the antique watch. The colors returned to the room.
Dr. Destiny walked up and put the watch inside her cabinet, alongside other possessed and mystical items. She turned her head as she saw movement from the desk. Lilac was waking up.
“Hey. I’m sorry she did this to you.” Vena said frowning.
“She was... whispering, such awful things in my ears. Making me do what she wanted... it was horrible.” Lilac said, rubbing her head and her wrist.
“Yeah. Those Enchantress types aren’t a very courteous bunch.”
“No kidding.” Lilac chuckled. “I’m sorry I made you go through this.”
“Nonsense. Hey listen, if you really wanna make it up to me, maybe go for a coffee later?”
Lilac blushed as she moved her red hair out of her eyes. “I’d like that.”
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inevitably-johnlocked ¡ 7 years
Married Fic Recs?
dolcevieenrose-blog asked: Steph, I love your blog and how sweet you are. Please can you recommend me any Johnlock fics of them getting married? PS: sorry for my bad English ;)
OH GOSH, Lovely!! NEVER apologize for your English! LIsten, I KNOW there are a few, but I spend so much time reading slow burns and “proposal” fics that I don’t think I’ve actually read many that are related to the actual wedding part!!
Here’s the Johnlock-wedding related fics I have in my bookmarks!
Marriage Proposals:
Extraordinary by queenoftrivia for inevitably_johnlocked (G) - Sherlock's deduced that John's going to Italy to buy him a violin. Even the greatest detective alive makes a few mistakes. {{NOTE: I LOVE THIS ONE AND IT WAS WRITTEN FOR ME AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH.}}
Unforgiven by 221b_hound (M) - Sherlock's latest case is for his ex boyfriend, the brilliant and handsome Professor Victor Trevor. John is not too happy about that. But things aren't what they seem, an old friend of John's is involved in the case, and John has a few surprises up his sleeve. Also - a proposal! Part 16 of Unkissed {{NOTE: This whole series is fantastic!! READ IT ALL}}
You Know, The Old Saying by songlin (T) - "Marry me. I need to have you forever." Unrepentant husbands!Johnlock fluff.
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (E) - And Sherlock stands there, in the middle of a Christmas market as John hums along to Silent Night, John’s hand warm in his with fingertips a little gritty from the cinnamon-sugar doused churros they’d shared, and thinks, oh, that’s–that’s an idea, isn’t it? || For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves. Part 2 of things fairy tales are made of {{NOTE: PERSONAL FAVE FIC!! MUST READ.}}
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G) - Sherlock hasn't ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn't bother him to propose to John even though they're not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious. {NOTE: LOVE THE PINING INSECURE SHERLOCK IN THIS SO MUCH}
Rumpled by WhimsicalEthnographies (E) - Then, halfway through a documentary on river otters that neither of them was paying attention to--how could John, with a gangly, limp consulting detective practically purring in his lap?--Sherlock suddenly bolted upright, looked at John with a perplexed expression and a crinkle above his nose, and blurted, “Marry me.” Part 4 of Longitudinal Cohort {{NOTE: LOVE LOVE LOVE}}
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M) - Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficletsThey are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B. {{NOTE: A++!!}}
And as the seasons change, I love you more by Teatrolley (NR) - A year in the lives of John and Sherlock, essentially. {{NOTE: ANOTHER personal fave, this one is SO beautiful as it goes through the budding relationship of these two!}}
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (E) - Proposing shouldn't be this difficult. Sherlock wants to propose but pretends that he has no desire for it. Idiots ensue.
Engaged by lifeonmars (NR) - Sherlock did not believe in marriage, but he wanted to be married.He found this something of a surprise. Part 2 of Damage {{NOTE: I think this one also has a wedding, but I can’t remember, I just know it’s a proposal fic!}}
Bagged & Tagged by Regency (T) - A very inebriated John devises a clever means of proposing marriage to Sherlock. Unfortunately he's forgotten all about it by the next morning. {{NOTE: CUTE!!!}}
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki (E) - Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn't simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. (Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.) {{NOTE: ANOTHER FAVE!! This is so precious!}}
and yes I said yes I will Yes by Mithen (T) - Sherlock has deduced that John is going to propose to him, and he's ready to accept. If only John would actually get around to it... {{NOTE: SO CUTE. Sherlock is so adorable in this!!!! LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!}}
A Metaphorical Gesture by cyparissus (T) - "Sherlock, are you--" the words die in John's throat and he has to swallow and start again, "Are you asking me to marry you?"
This Isn't About the Bathtub by cypress_tree (G) - Written for a prompt on the kink meme: John and Sherlock go to Angelo's for dinner. In both of their pockets are rings they are going to propose with, but the other has no idea. John proposes first, and Sherlock answers by pulling out his engagement ring.
What Happens in Vegas (is legally binding in the United Kingdom) by moonblossom for Voodooling (E) - When a case sends the boys to Vegas, John comes out of it with a bit more than he bargained for. Part 19 of Prompt Fills, Remixes, Works inspired by others
Wedding Prep / Wedding / Anniversary:
Unwanted by 221b_hound (T) - In the jewellers to collect their wedding rings ahead of the Big Day, an old friend of John's spots him. Well. I say 'friend'.Sherlock isn't jealous. He's possibly a little bit grateful. That doesn't mean Lydia Templeton isn't an idiot. Part 19 of Unkissed
Unmissed by 221b_hound (M) - John enjoys a good brawl during a case, and Sherlock begins to worry - when they retire, will John get bored? Will John get bored and leave. But even if John isn't a genius about cases, he knows a thing or two about Sherlock's panic attacks about them as a couple. With only four days till the wedding, he's not about to let Sherlock continue with this misplaced notion that John will be bored in retirement. Part 20 of Unkissed
Unhinged by 221b_hound (M) - It's the day before the wedding. Sherlock thinks that John's slightly demented. John's just happy. (So is Sherlock but, shh, don't tell.) And the day is only just beginning... Part 21 of Unkissed
Unforgettable by 221b_hound (E) - The wedding day has finally arrived. It starts with singing, bathing and a shave. Part 23 of Unkissed
Happy anniversary by Salambo06 (E) - {{Anniversary}} - John inhaled deeply, feeling his cock pulse under the silk gown, and he let his eyes travel on the lean body in front of him. Sherlock was kneeling on the bed, their bed, and the picture had been taken so John could perfectly see his bare chest and pelvis. But what mattered most, what made John harden rather quickly, was the pair of panties Sherlock was wearing in the picture. Black, string over each hip and laces that outlined Sherlock’s erect cock barely hidden under the soft underwear.
the first day of forever by darcylindbergh (E) - {{Wedding Prep}} - Sherlock thinks ‘spectacular’ is just the word to describe the hot-flash-starburst, the slow-warm-comfort, bone-deep-truth, centuries-old, first-day-of-forever kind of love he’s in.“I’m going to marry you,” John murmurs with against Sherlock’s smile, and they both giggle in the joy of it. “We’re getting married.” “Yes,” Sherlock says, just to hear himself say it out loud. “We are.” A June wedding. Part 4 of things fairy tales are made of {{NOTE: VERY SWEET}}
here's to love (here's to us) by trustingno1 (G) - {{Wedding Reception}} - John's best man speech at Sherlock's wedding. {{NOTE: REALLY CUTE!!!}}
The Important Bit by Solshine (G) - {{Long-Term Relationship Introspection}} - Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
Sorry, I don’t have a lot of “during the wedding” fics! Someone please help me find some of those! I actually would love to read fics about the actual wedding!
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