livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
Welcome to the Undercity!
Warning: long read!
All the realms lived in relative peace for many centuries. We have the godly realms where it’s divided for each mythological world, the human realm along with the magic realm. Apart of the godly realm is the Underworld also known as Hell, holding a lot of death gods and rulers. Before the gods trickled into the Underworld, Lucifer was king of the Rings, in modern time known as the 8 Districts instead of Rings, Hades being Lucifer’s right hand man during the growth of the Underworld. The 7 Deadly Sins ruled over the 7 Rings, as Chaotic Rulers until they were contained into animals, each given a guardian to keep track of them and settle some of the Chaos that had started. Once the Sins were contained, that’s when the other gods started to trickle into the Underworld, helping as best as they could while taking up space within the Undergrounds.
The 1st Ring, commonly referred to as the Undercity, is a vast metropolis that holds demons and other supernatural beings alike.
Everything was at peace until some of the gods started to sense a disturbance.
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Lucifer, “god’s” favorite, and the original ruler of Hell was sitting at the front of the room everyone was meant to meet. He was chewing at his nails nervously as he ran over the issues that Hades had brought to their attention. He had gone around to ask other higher beings about the situation. Everyone was growing concerned over what was happening knowing this could trickle into the other realms very fast and easily.
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His head perked up as he watched the first few guardians come in with their Sins. The first one in was Crow, the 1st in command of the Reaper Council. He was wearing all black, donning slicked back hair, and skull face paint plastered neatly on his face along with a majority of piercings. He had big gauges dangling from his ears. A crow was propped on his left shoulder. He sat down closest to Lucifer the crow on his shoulder squawked as he ruffled his feathers and looked around the room. The next guardian was Plague, 3rd in command. It was in semi traditional plague doctor clothing. A hood loosely went over its head, their hat hanging from a belt around their waist.
A spotted Hyena walked in front of them, spiky collar around its neck connected to a black leather leash as it panted softly, little giggles leaving him as drool pooled around his mouth and hit the ground. Plague sat a chair away from Crow with the hyena sitting next to him, its tail wagging happily. Plague petted his back as they watched Jay walk in. She was an honorary and well trusted reaper assigned to keep one of the sins since the Council didn’t have enough members. Jay was requested by multiple other reapers and some gods which got her the position she was in. They walked in, a small Black Fancy Mouse in a cage was dangling from a chain in her hands. She was in her normal attire, all black clothing with her regularly heavy combat boots. They made loud stomps as they hit the floor. She sat down, slammed the cage on the table with a huff and glared at the mouse in it as it squeaked repeatedly. “You’re testing my patience.”
The crow tilted its head sideways, looking at Jay bicker with the mouse, letting out what sounded like a laugh before flying over to Jay. He perched himself on her head and pecked at it. Jay squeaked with a groan swatting at the bird.
“You stupid crow-.” She kept swatting at it while the mouse squeaked out laughs. The hyena wasn’t paying much attention, enjoying his pets as it waited for the meeting to start. Crow watched for a bit before whistling and the crow instantly perked up, flying back before shifting into a more human form.
“Mammon.” Jay snarled lightly under her breath while the male leaned on his cheek, a little grin on their face as they wiggled their fingers at her before blowing a fake kiss at her and winking.
“Jay.” The Avatar of Greed replied, a curt nod trying to be playful, but his soulless milky white eyes showed zero emotion. Jay scoffed as she opened the cage, holding the mouse in her hand and placing it on the chair next to her. That’s when the mouse turned into a male, The Devil also known as the Avatar of Pride, glaring at the girl next to him.
“You could have put me into cat form not the stupid mouse! You also didn’t have to put me in the stupid cage!” He fumed, waving his hands around as Jay sat and blocked him out. The hyena took this as its cue to shift too, a man with nicely decorated dreads sat with their legs crossed. Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony, giggled a little at the flailing blonde before earning herself a glare. “The fuck you laughing at bitch-.” Gluttony smiled sheepishly and squeaked.
“Sorry.~” His tail swished a little with a pout, laying their head on plague’s shoulder.
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Lucifer smiled and nodded his head at the 3 Reapers, his head turning as he heard the door slam open, and watched a giant Eurasian Wolf walk in. A muzzle was tightly wrapped around its snout with a chain collar and leash attached to its neck. The person holding the chain was no other than the God of the Dead, Hades. He looked annoyed and Lucifer already  knew that he had an issue handling his Sin. Right behind him was Anne Maria, 2nd in command, with a Red Fox cuddled in her arms. She sat in front of Crow the fox jumping onto the chair next to her. Hades sat down next to Lucifer, the wolf jumping onto his lap with a huff. His jaw clenched while he glanced at the male next to him, knowing he was going to say something stupid. “Hey dadd-.”
“Don’t start, I have a migraine.” He muttered and she instantly shut up. Hades sighed as he tugged the wolf off of his lap and pointed at the chair next to them. “Satan, sit down there or I’m not making anything easy for you the next couple of days.” The wolf huffed, pawing at the muzzle before shifting into a raven haired male with fire red eyes. The Avatar of Wrath growled as he tried to get the muzzle off before giving up when he saw the look from the god sitting next to him. Crossing his arms and glaring at the table he refused to look up at anyone. The fox shifted next, turning into a blonde man. He stretched a little, crossing one leg over the other. Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust, patted Wrath’s back with a small snort while Hades looked around. “Where’s Envy?”
As if on cue a little Poisonous Tree Frog popped out of Lucifer’s breast pocket. Luc smiled sheepishly at Hades who looked at him blankly. “They were sleepy, so I let them take a nap.” The frog yawned a little before slowly getting out of the pocket and hopping onto the chair next to Lucifer. They shifted into a red haired male with bright green eyes, he stretched as she let out a yawn and whine. Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy, looked around the room as a wide grin spread along her face looking at each of the Sins with their guardians. Before anything else could interrupt them, Hades started speaking.
“Alright down to business so I can leave and lay down.” His voice came out stern and authoritative. Lucifer sat up straighter before quietly making a question.
“Should we wait for Shadow?” Hades shook his head, interlacing his fingers together on the table.
“No, they wouldn’t have much to bring to the table either way.” Clearing his throat, he looked at Mammon who tilted their head in confusion. “Crow told me you went out of the house.” Greed rolled his eyes as he leaned back, his deep voice rumbling out, cutting off Hades.
“If this whole meeting is about us sneaking out and shit hold your breath.” He said blank face looking dead on at Hades, who’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
“That’s not what I called you all here for.”
“Then what for. I was having the loveliest nap.” Levithan purred out, stretching to put emphasis on her words. Hades rolled his eyes at the two demons.
“Your guardians told me that you’ve all noticed an influx of humans in the Underworld. An influx of unsupervised humans and I’m pretty sure all of you know why that’s a bad thing.” Lucifer chewed at their nails nodding at what Hades was saying while the demons looked at each other. Pride burst out in cackles while Jay hit his back to get him to shut up.
“Why do I care if there’s more humans in our plane? They’ll die in a day; they can’t survive here especially not without a chaperon.” She snorted while Beel nodded in agreement.
“He does have a point Mister Hades; humans aren't made to survive in our realm so why is this an issue? One that needs a meeting?” Hades rubbed his face as he tried to calm down, Lucifer rubbing his arm trying to sooth him somewhat.
“Humans in our realm, a realm that does not allow them freely, means that the other realms can be infiltrated. The godly realms can be overtaken by humans. This can mean the downfall of our worlds, a shift in our regular balance. I had this meeting to find out what you all saw when you were cruising outside unsupervised. Your guardians have already told me what they have seen, now I need your accounts.” They all looked at each other, silence clouding the room until Greed shrugged his shoulders and pulled out gold Rosary.
“I went out to casino like I normally do, and I happened to cross paths with a group of humans. Thought they were lost or something and I bumped into one of them. A little pick pocketing got me this.” He dangled the Rosary out to give Hades a better look at it. “Religious types, I guess. I don’t know if they thought this would protect them.” Greed snorted as he pocketed the Rosary and shrugged. “That’s what I saw, and I gained a new gambling item. A win for me, I’ll say.” Hades had been writing down Greed’s account before looking at the others.
“I saw a couple with Lust and Wrath. They came along with me on a walk, and we saw a group of them. They looked…scared?” Asmodeus nodded his head while Wrath scoffed.
“I wouldn’t say they were scared. They were definitely lost but not scared. You could tell they were looking for something.” Writing it down, Hades sighed, tapping his pen on the table.
“Anyone else?” Before anyone could say anything, the door slammed open and in came a short Reaper, Shadow the 4th in command, with a Koala in her arms.
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“I’m so sorry Mister Hades, Lucifer! Belphegor fell back asleep, and you know you can’t wake him up once he’s asleep!” She rambled out rushing to sit down, tripping over herself a little. Everyone watched him running across the room before sitting. “He’s asleep right now so I can’t get him out of his animal form, but I can hundred percent say Sloth hasn’t seen anything this past week. He’s been with me all week; we’ve been trying to fix up his room a bit and I took him up to the human world.” Hades nodded his head ignoring the giggles from Gluttony or the scoffs and snorts from Pride and Wrath. The Koala in Shadow’s arms shifted around a little stretching but never waking up.
“If no one has any other accounts to say, this meeting is over. If you in any of the upcoming days, see anyone please tell your guardians. This is oddly suspicious and can mean a greater thing than just humans realm hoping unsupervised. It can mean actual danger for our realm so don’t brush it off.” Everyone stayed silent, some nodding in acknowledgement while others processed what was said.
Even if they joked around and acted as if this didn’t affect them, they all knew this was actually something that needed to be delt with. Sooner then later if possible.
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⭐: Say hello to Lucifer and the 7 Deadly Sins! Each of the Sins have two sign offs, their biblical names will be used majority of the time when they are in demon form && it will always be told based on the sign off. So if they're in hybrid or "human" form they will use their normal sign off.
This is a little bit of foreshadowing to something else I have planned so I hope you enjoyed it and it came out written well! Please make sure to look at profiles to see a little bit of each character since some are nicer then others!
🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc​ [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️] @fantasyaespa​ [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb​ [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @badbf-cb​ @clubwnderland​​ @domxbot​​​​ @welcometosector1​​​ @lunaaofthemoon​​​ @reve-rv​ @multi-esme​ @the-hellhounds​ @3rachabot @san-cb​​ @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp​​​​​ @enhanced-cb​​​​​​​​​ @camboys-com​ @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @vandalsxcb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb @vampireskz @urluvlyfe @9ateez-multiau-bot @k-dislyte @k-half-blood [DM + / -]
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
The Gods Command ⚔️ [Random Update]
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🍷: One of the few pictures you’ll get of me smiling
🫐: I was told mesh shirts look-
🥀: *smacks his tiddy before running away laughing*
🫐: 😐 …good on me.
🎧: My lips need to be kissed right now. *huffs, puffing smoke out of his nose*
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🏹: I decided to have a cottagecore day, I want to go back inside-
❣️: Does my hair look good this way? Does this blue look good?
🗡️: I had to sit so still for this shoot, I can’t feel my feet- *grins* but I look really good 🥰
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🔮: Food! *smiles shyly*
💘: The freckles are all out today- anyways- beach day 🥰
⚰️: *shyly covering his face and waves before writing* ‘I forgot my mask.’
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🌪️: So um…I’m blonde now- *grins and lights his cig* Looks hot right?~
🪦: I love my new hair it’s so cute! *squeals happily*
🐍: I poked my fucking eye out- fuck. Shit. *angry hisses and rattles*
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc​ [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @chooseyourboycb​ [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @badbf-cb​ @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @domxbot​ @thepatchedpaw​ @dawnswonderland-entertainment​​ @beastfights-starting​ @starhunters-reign @divineblood-cb​ @urtwice​ @welcometosector1​​ @mxthxbot @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @kq-rescuecenter​ @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds​ @3rachabot​ @san-cb​ @beaconhillsxbot @thenine-cb​ @hoteldelluna-rp​ @league-of-assassins​​ @dreampodcast @enhanced-cb​​ @houseofthee​ @lostwoods-cb​ @boyzplanet​ @kimheebby​ @elemental-dream​​ @camboys-com​ @lucky-charmsanhwa @domracchaa @oppositesattraxt [DM + / -]
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livealittleoc-cb · 6 months
Small Update!
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🥀: Pride got jealous that he didn’t get to go out like the other 3 last night so he wouldn’t stop bugging me till I did and as the doormat that I am took them. *sighs* Hades is so pissed at me for it but I couldn’t say no! *whines* All I know though is that he’s behaving so it’s all fine.~ When I get back to the mansion I’m locking myself in my room and finishing my novel. Happy Late Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates.~ 🥰
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🪞: Hehe I got my nails done. 🥰 They’re so pretty, can never go wrong with gold and black.~ Even though…I wish they were purple-. Buttt I’ll be happy with what I have I guess *rolls their eyes* I hope I can get a salon trip out of Lucifer, I know Jay won’t take me cause she hates me-. *scoffs*
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🐨: *yawns and lazily blinks* Lust insists… that I come and… *yawns* do something with them… since I was asleep all of yes…terday… *groans and stretches* I don’t know how… they have the strength… to carry me but… *closes his eyes* if someone wants to come and nap with me… you’re welcomed to… you’ll just need to get me out of… Lusts… arms… *slowly falling back asleep*
🦊: Hehe 😈
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @san-cb @jinju-oc @enhanced-cb @lavienrosecabaretxo @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @vandalsxcb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb @urluvlyfe @9ateez-multiau-bot @minsour-r @jeonsoyeonn @secretscb @onlyomega-cb @obsession-cb [DM + / -]
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
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“We all hold morals and what we think is right or wrong but sometimes…they crumble darling.~”
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Lucifer [Cedric Bowen]
⋆。°✩ The Original Great Ruler of Hell, Also known as the Great Fallen Angel and "God's" Favorite; Now a Co-Ruler of Hell/the Underworld
⋆。°✩ Is a Romance Author [mainly adult romance]
⋆。°✩ All sins are contained into the Underworld unless with their guardian, given special permission from a deity of the underworld or have someone outside of hell to take care of them, he is one of these guardians && deities
⋆。°✩ Just like other supernaturals/gods/etc. the sins have a human form if allowed to walk on Earth/Human Realm
⋆。°✩ In "human" form is from St Asaph, Wales, in Astria he's from Wesmil {With Irish Family, has a mix of an Irish and Welsh accent}
⋆。°✩ He/She/They | Homosexual, Poly| 30 [Human Years], is actually about 1,000+ years | 08/14 [Leo] | 5'3"
⋆。°✩He is:
super bubbly
a bit of an airhead
is actually really smart
don't anger him
Demon && Human Form Info
⋆。°✩ was king of the 1st Circle ["Undercity"]
⋆。°✩ was an angel in heaven before their wings got ripped away
⋆。°✩ in his demon form he is 6'3", has dark red "smoke" wings [12 ft/ 367 cm wingspan], one set of curled black horns on their forehead, her ears are pointed && wear dangly earrings with hoops, black long claws, he has a long leathery tail with a dark red pointed tip at the end [6 ft/ 183 cm], his legs are similar in shape to goats legs, his tongue is long && forked [1 ft/ 30 cm long], has 2 sets of fangs, his whites are all black no pupils, his crown sits on his head when he is sitting [dark red && black jewels with a gold crown], they typically wears a blazer with high waisted pants [no shirt under]
⋆。°✩ their ears are extremely sensetive; DO NOT TOUCH IF YOU AREN'T CLOSE!!
⋆。°✩ in human form his skin is pale/tan [bronzes easily], has tattooes on his arms, chest, hips, neck && legs, has dangly earrings, wears a lot of rings, has shimmery dark red eyes, always wearing nail polish, has scars on his back where her wings were
⋆。°✩ when angered his eyes will turn into their demon eyes in any form and her body temp will raise enough you can't touch them
⋆。°✩ Resides: Heaven [former], District 1 [current]
⋆。°✩ Languages: As a demon speaks all languages, focuses on Welsh && English, can speak in tongues
⋆。°✩ Representative Colors: Black && Dark Blood Red
⋆。°✩ Guardian of: Envy/Leviathan
⋆。°✩ likes: baggy shirts and hoodies, iced coffee, nail polish, dark red
⋆。°✩ dislikes: mornings, too much light, the sun, the cold, zipper jackets/hoodies
⋆。°✩ hard dom, secret sub; some of his kinks are marking [receiving && giving], collaring [receiving && giving], pet play [giving, will be your kitten only if partner is okay with it], breeding [receiving && giving], size kink, public, impact play [receiving && giving], praise [receiving && giving], hair pulling [giving && receiving], orgasam control [receiving && giving], oral [receiving && giving], free use [giving && receiving], humilation [giving && receiving], choking [giving && receiving], bdsm, double penetration [very secret kink, receiving], overstim [giving && receiving], nicknames [giving && receiving, likes being called lucy, baby girl/boy, daddy, etc. depends on his mood]
⋆。°✩ hard nos: feet, watersports, wasteplay
⋆。°✩ his eyes glow dark red if he is arroused
⋆。°✩ takes time && trust for him to sub
⋆。°✩ safe word: wilt
⋆。°✩ uses 🥀 on dash
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Relationship Statuses
⋆。°✩ in the underworld && working
⋆。°✩ single [0/4]; uninterested
⋆。°✩ friends: Hades [sexy daddy 🥴], Envy/Leviathan [annoying child 🙄], Persephone [baddest bitch 😎]
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s):
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s):
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
⋆。°✩ other tag(s):
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faceclaim: @/kip_uwu on ig
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