#😭😭😭i didnt think thisd be like a Thing here
hellonerf Β· 3 months
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aurm πŸ˜… ive gotten into a predicament... anyways anon its fine nobody thinks u want to legalize incest marriage irl bcz u like my america art and i happen to draw caname like a lifeline 🀷 its chill u know... ur morals r still ur morals.... 🀷 its jast hetalia dont let it stress u too bad like its fine im out here the one drawing it and people still like my art. nobody thinks im kissing siblings ✌️WHATEVE
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kasumikoujou Β· 4 months
your art is cool asf especially your yume stuff it looks nice as hell and you're braver than most for posting it🫑 keep up the good work fellow innovade fan
i woke up to this ask and its so sweet 😭😭😭 made my day before it even began. but in true fashion to how i answer asks, ill say 5 billion things in reply, and also jus hope u wont mind </3
i think everyone should post their yumes if they make it, it always makes me happy to see it if i randomly stumble across some of it in whichever tags or simply just in recommended πŸ™ though i also understand the frustration with it. initially i was also unsure if the gundam fandom was alright w these things . i just got here like a month ago 😭 but also if the fandom werent okay with them, i wouldve simply not drawn them either. i have a habit of posting every single piece i draw, especially here compared to tumblr if its just a small little sketch or w/e, so if i dont post yume for one thing, i dont even draw it on the sides its just nonexistent
thing is i also wouldn't have focused on drawing so much either, but im very busy right now and can only fit in little doodles like these every now and then (which if i weren't to do, id jus have 0 posts anyway in this timeperiod. and i supposed its better to post than nothing) and also my bday's coming up so erm πŸ‘ i took it upon myself to also draw some little things that make /me/ happy first and foremost. for once. (1)
^ and about this, im literally not even sure sometimes about these which to post as yume or not 😭 kinda just throw in a little dart like will it fall on yume or not?? i think all stuff ive posted so far can be taken as either platonic or romantic (with little exceptions to maybe some text besides one of them). and im not even sure if id tag both with yume </3 i kinda just go 'hmm well from the eyes outside maybe thisd be taken more as romantic than not. # yume. send tweet' (< even if i didnt draw it with that intent)
BUT ALAS the 60 km block of text aside. thank you for the ask again, and 🫑 fellow innovade fan
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