#🗯️ ͏ ͏͏ ͏: ͏ ͏ ͏ garden announcements ˑ ִ✷
nervocat · 6 months
before I go completely offline at the end of tomorrow, I wanted to say a few things hehe
first, on a slightly negative note (sorry about that..) my great grandma was in the hospital today and is now in a nursery if I remember right, idk, and she has dementia and went mostly deaf and blind as of late and it's hit me hard and I believe my family plans on visiting her this weekend instead of on December 16th like we planned
And it's almost been a year since my grandpa died on the 20th and my gender dysphoria is also hitting me a little hard as well so.. anyways! Enough venting from me lol :,]
Onto other things — since I'll be completely offline for awhile (accept maybe a few moments here and there), if you want me to see something or whatever @ me pls, I won't be going through all the posts from the people I follow because that'd be a lot lol
also, to anyone who's forgotten or have wanted to do my Christmas tree thing I'm putting it here so it's back at the top of my account and is obvious this time lol (I'm very grateful for the 5 messages I DO have tho hehe, love you guys/p :33)
I'll be back to check in on things on Christmas morning and my birthday, which is VERY soon after that (Jan 1st) and my requests are obviously closed (I'm sorry to those who have requested I'll get to them I promise 😭😭)
I'm sure I forgot some things, but if you have any questions, my inbox is open ^^ (and pls ask any questions youn have no matter how serious, I'll answer)
Also to the anons sending my mutuals hate, I'm 14, but I WILL fight you, shoo!! 🤺🤺
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nervocat · 6 months
hiatus is official :((
I'll still be lurking for about a week and then I'm gone for like two months unless I visit here the day if my birthday if I can
sigh.. I'll miss you all, I hope you're all well when I'm gone 🫶🫶 (ik I've said it a lot shhhh)
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nervocat · 7 months
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nervocat · 6 months
so uhhh.. ik I said I'd queue some stuff while I'm away buuuuttt.... I'm getting a little stressed as of late so I'm gonna 1; start my hiatus tomorrow on Nov. 30th (even though I don't want to) and 2; queue only about one or two posts, maybe none, but write to cope
I don't wanna do this, but I'm putting myself first, so these are the necessary steps
I'll miss you all and I love you all dearly and I'll see you all when I'm back in February when I'm 15 ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
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nervocat · 5 months
Announcement time lol
So to start — I'm gonna be deleting my angst account because it was kind of an excuse to make a new theme lol. That means I'll be writing my angst now and do the necessary things of the story and the request I have over there lol.
And my Neuvilette series will be back soon enough if any of you remember that and the people in the taglist will still be there (send an ask that's not anonymous if you wanna be tagged in the future). Still need to get used to this while using a phone lol and also do the requests I've put off for too long.. sorry guys....
My theme will also obviously change (again) and I'll be less active here than before and probably write less tbh, but I'll still be writing dw. I love writing and this is good practice and I like tumblr as a whole (kind of, and mainly staying because of my mutuals and writing).
Idk if I forgot anything but this is it for now. After I'm done with changing my theme I'll be back to writing (I've been rlly wanting to) and maybe do some of stuff about my own stories and maybe what would be my self-insert ocs (if anyone would want that ofc) and I'll be cleaning up my account
Happy new years and I hope 2024 treats you all well :DD
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nervocat · 4 months
Heyyy so I'm cleaning up my account rn and getting rid of the fics I'm not exactly proud of and if it's a request, it's doesn't mean anything towards the requester, I just didn't like how the fic itself turned out (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
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nervocat · 5 months
This is obviously a queued post, but at this time, I'm 15!! Ugh, one year older..
I left my inbox open as you might know and if you want to say something, I'll answer it when I'm back (though I might come back here to check, idk, it'll be the day I come back from down state at the time of this)
15 years old tho.. that's crazy because I don't feel 15 at all and time is going too fast
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nervocat · 4 months
Mutuals list has been updated!!
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