#🔱 ryhrpr 🔱 ⌞ roy ⌝
tcmpvsts · 5 years
days had dragged on for garth since returning from his trip to atlantis. it was hard cope with not only the fact that his home was gone, but also with the fact that his memories had been fully restored. the hurt that lingered was a heavy weight, suffocating in some instances, but he was healing. he’d remained with mera and arthur, finding that being around them was a balm to his wounds, and as he began to figure and sort through his emotions, he knew what was missing. the titans. it’d been a while since he’d spoken to any of them, though that was mostly his fault for remaining quiet on his end. now he had the means and energy to finally reunite with them, so he’d asked around to see where they were staying. after talking to dick, he’d learned that both donna and roy were staying at his apartment in bludhaven, and he wasn’t sure where wally or lilith were yet. he’d have to find them later, but for now he’d pay roy and donna a visit. almost immediately he was greeted with warmth on donna’s end, and after chatting for what seemed like hours, she informed him that roy was still sound asleep before she left to tend to some errands. garth got up from the couch, quietly making his way to the room and smiling softly when he saw roy’s sleeping figure sprawled on the bed. his eyes shifted towards the glass of water on the nightstand and his smile took on a hint of mischief as he picked it up. a faint glow began to surround the hand that held the glass, and the glass frosted over, the water immediately growing cold, but not yet entirely ice. lips adorned with a smirk, he promptly tipped over the glass, watching as the water trickled out and onto roy’s face. “rise and shine sleeping beauty,” he said, his voice sing song. // @ryhrpr
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tcmpvsts · 6 years
garth marveled quietly as surface dwellers draped in elegant clothing, though he had to admit some of the outfits were quiet disastrous, conversed and interacted with one another, his hand wrapped tightly around a single elongated glass of water. often times he found people peering over at him when they thought he wasn’t looking and while he’d be fine pegging it as curiosity, he knew that the foreign liquid he’d used to cover up his scars might be the source of the unwanted attention. he raised his hand to his face, finger trailing across where the mark was concealed by the product and he sighed, hand falling to his side as he abandoned his spot in the corner to seek out one of his friends. catching sight of a familiar tuft of hair, he tugged on roy’s sleeve, meek smile playing on his lips as he motioned him towards a secluded corner. “well would ya look at that, you actually clean up really well harper,” he started, crossing his arms over his chest. “but i uh think i’m having a bit of an crisis here. people keep looking at me and i think it might be my scars, the product i used might be wearing off. can you see them?” he asked in a hushed whisper. // @ryhrpr
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