#🔱 aquatula 🔱 ⌞ tula ⌝
tcmpvsts · 5 years
he wasn’t sure how he knew he would find tula, only that instinct drove him to where he needed to be. though gaps still remained in his memories, gaps which he didn’t want to recover. why? simply because he was afraid of what they would entail. part of him felt like a coward, running away from his own identity and chasing the delusion that there’d be no repercussions for his decisions. the other half was the more methodical side, reasoning that he’d survived this long without them, thus they weren’t important. even if that were true, even if he wasn’t hurting himself without them, he surely was hurting someone far more important; tula. there was still not a lot he knew about her, but he did know with certainty that he cared for her deeply and profoundly. he couldn’t deny it, not for long anyways. it was time he faced the truth head-on, and he’d go to the sight where it all started: atlantis. before he left however, he needed to see tula, needed her to know that he was trying at least. finding her standing on the edge of the shore, he rubbed his neck and made his way to her side with cautious strides. “hey,” he greeted, offering a tepid smile. “i thought you might be here. i needed to tell you that i’m....” he paused, casting his eyes towards the waters which shifted and rose. “i’m going to atlantis. i’m going to try and get my memories back....all of them.” // @aquatula
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