#🔱 aquaticruler 🔱 ⌞ arthur⌝
tcmpvsts · 5 years
a muffled shout broke through garth’s lips as he shot up from his bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he realized he’d been dreaming. well, more like remembering. he still wasn’t sure how, but memories that he’d had repressed for years had slowly began trickling back into his memories in the form of dreams. the emotions that were attached with them were there too, and often it was unbearable to sustain them. garth’s legs swung over his bed as he stumbled out and into the hall, throat bobbing as his eyes swept across the darkness. his brows were knitted together in concentration as he focused on the doors he passed, trying to find the one of his mentor and king. finally finding the room, he knocked impatiently, abandoning all sense of formality. “arthur i—i need to talk to you please,” he called out, well aware that his voice wavered with desperation. “it’s urgent.” // @aquaticruler
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tcmpvsts · 6 years
garth would be the first to admit that he missed his mentor more then anything. the presence of queen mera did help with that feeling of homesickness that would creep in every now and then but nothing could really keep him from missing arthur. he needed his mentors advice now more then ever it seemed, the inner turmoil he was facing made it hard to function. pressing his fingers to his temple, garth let his head fall back against the couch, eyes squeezing shut as he tried to once again focus on anything but the last few days. “hey, if you don’t mind, i kind of want to be alone right now,” he said when he heard someone enter the room. there was a pause as he realized that maybe it could be one of the titans looking for him so he sighed, eyes falling open as he glanced over to the doorway. “m—my king is that you?” he practically jumped up, eyes widening. “it’s you!” he cried as he barreled into arthur, arms engulfing him in a hug. “i can't believe it’s really you, you’re finally here!” // @aquaticruler
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