#🔨💎the most precious gem💎🔨
voidselfshipp · 9 months
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I needed to draw Ashton and Laudna being Friends. I hope we get to see more their friendshipp soon!.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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"Y'know its been so long since I felt anything but pain...then you came along and..." Ashton made a pause " and I felt love..."
" I want to have this moment. You make me fucking happy,when youre around even the pain in my body leaves. I-- I fucking love you"
"I love you too, Ash"
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"The worst already happened and the best is just starting!" Laudna beamed.
"Whats the best?"
"You. You are the best part of my life"
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"I thought i'd never love again, and you proved me wrong" orym said, holding lazaro's hand.
"Well...flowers always Bloom after winter"
"Heh, you are right"
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"You stole my breath away" dorian flirted with a cheeky smile.
"Thats hard considering youre an air genasi"
"Well,what can I say, love, you can do the impossible"
-> Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
-> moodboards belong to me. Pics dont.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Goodbye old bad memories, hello New good memories
Cw: swearing, mentions of an orphanage, alusions to being an orphan
Only mutuals allowed to reblog, nice comments are appreciated.
Summary:Ashton Broods in silence over bad memories that came back since now he was back to the city of Bassarus, the place where he was raised,but his lovely s/o reminds them that theres always the possibility to replace those bad memories with New, better ones.
Taglist: @malewifepatrickbateman @tex-treasures @80sboyfriends @mercuryships
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--Ash? You okay?-- Jerico called as they entered their shared room at the inn the were staying.
--Oh, babe, hi-- Ashton said sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand scratching the back of his neck.
They close the door behind them and sit besides their partner-- whats up?
The earth genasi leans on their significant other's shoulder-- guess that bein' here again brings some memories..
--Good or bad ones?-- jeri asked.
--Bit of both..-- ash answered-- I dont think im ready to see The Nobodies again...
Jerico nodded and hugged them tightly-- ash, baby, whatever comes of it, ill be there to support you...-- they press a kiss to his temple-- youve grown so much since I met you, you know?, youre nothing like your past self..
Ashton looked at them with glassy eyes, they dont usually cry, but tonight things were different-- we won the race, you and me togheter in a skirmisher, how cool is that?you did great baby...
--You looked so fucking hot too-- Ashton quipped-- what would I do without you...-- he hugs them tighter, being mindful not to crush them-- when I get The Nobodies back togheter, I know you Will be there for me
--If they try to give you any crap im going to jump in to defend you, I know you are the one that usually defends other people but its time you get some support too-- jerico lifted his head up by the chin and kissed him.
Ash kissed back,pulling them into their lap, letting their foreheads press togheter.
-- hey, how about I pack up some snacks and you take me somewhere where you used to hang out, your favorite spot
--That sounds great...-- Ashton said.
Soon they were out on the streets, walking through darkened alleys and other safer parts of town, to then go up to a seemingly abandoned building, sitting on the rooftop of it.
--I came here when I needed a break from the orphanage-- ash commented sitting on the thick rock handrail, jerico following suit.
He pulls them closer and rests his chin on the top of their head.
--This is a great sight...-- jeri said-- but the prettiest by far is you...
He snorted kissing the top of their head-- fuckin' cheesy, I like it-- he muttered.
Jerico caressed their bicep-- you know...theres no reason to not make New memories here...-- they opened up the basket and pulled out a blanket and some hot cocoa.
-- yeah..guess youre right-- ash took the porcelain mug with gem motifs full of hot chocolate-- I think this is a good place to start...
--I think so too-- jeri agreed.
And so cuddling up under the blanket they huddle closer as Ashton starts talking about the Shenanigans him and the nobodies got into in his younger years.
By sunrise both were absolutely tired, they made their way back to the inn and then to their room.
As Ashton laid ontop of jerico, with his face on their tummy and their legs around his torso, he felt safe, comforted, something he wasnt used to.
Jeris hand, though they were fast asleep, rested gentil on the back of his neck, their hand sometimes moving in their sleep, providing Him with scratches.
He sighed, a smile appearing on their lips. Their significant other was right, there was no reason for them to not make New, better memories, and just that night/early morning he realized he made two New good memories.
He won the deathwish race (sometimes he always wanted to participate since he was a kid) with the love of his life (something he thought he would never find), and he shared a night alone with them, telling them stories he never told anyone.
He had a life full of hardships, and though being back to where all began, Ashton realized he wasnt alone anymore, and now started to see bassarus less as the shithole it was, still shitty, but also as a New chance of sharing a piece of themself with their s/o. And that, gave them some needed peace of mind.
He fell asleep with that genuine smile in his face, feeling safe in the embrace of his beloved.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
For anyone!
Ashton isnt used to softness so whenever I kiss one of his gold filled cracks they blush, whatever the rock equivalent of blushing is, this also applies to gifts and specially flowers, hes bewildered but hes happy.
Thanks for the ask!
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voidselfshipp · 10 months
Keyleth,About Percy: once he opens up hes truly an absolute sweetie
Me, nudging Ashton: reminds me of someone
Ashton: rolls his eyes with a smile, then kisses the side of my head* okay cmon we dont have all day
(Not ok to rb)
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voidselfshipp · 10 months
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Art by: Agarthahide on Twitter.
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
AHHHH HOWDY JERICO thank you so much for your sweet words on my cowboy art with Jake I LOVED YOUR PUNS 🤠!!!!! I'm so glad you liked my s/i's shirt design I wanted xem to have a Mexican style shirt and a lot of them usually have pretty embroidery like that ;--;
I wanted to also ask: how your f/os like to tell you they appreciate you? Through gifts or words?
Nikki @tex-treasures
Hello tex! Your art is always a wonder to see! It makes me v happy to see your art!/gen
Imma answer this for Ashton because I finally got to see them again in last nights episode (I only got to see half of it tho cause I had to wake up early Next morning n it aired really late at night)
Ashton gives me gifts and words of encouragement, when their chronic pain goes easy on them they give me quick hugs or pats on the back. Kisses are usually reserved when we are alone, they also like to show love by doing things for me like carrying me,carrying something for me, getting stuff like groceries or other objects I might need.
Though words arent their strong suit, Ash likes to try and say "hey you did a good job", "nice punch", " thats...very clever".
And when they feel good they like to have long cuddle sessions, their chronic pain comes back to bite them later but they dont care, they love to cuddle with me.
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
I miss Ashton so much and im bet hes missing me too please lemme kiss them I wanna see them agaaaaainnn I cant wait for their segment!!
Not ok to rb.
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Cw: critica role spoilers from episode 49 onwards.
For context: colored dialogue is the character talking, what follows is the actor who plays said character describing what their character does. This doesnt mean I selfshipp with the actor, this is just a "what if I was part of the critical role cast and my character was cannon"
Nova is played by me.
Ashton is played by taliesin
Imogen is played by Laura.
Solstice scenes w Ashton and my s/I.
Jerico:"Ashton Wait" I call out, reaching for them "I gotta tell you something...it's important"
Taliesin:"You can tell me when this is over" and I turn around to meet her gaze.
Jerico:"No! I wanna tell you now!. If i die , I wanna die knowing I told you!" I make a pause,looking at the ground for a moment before meeting their gaze and go "I have feelings for you!" And I give them a quick kiss and run off.
Taliesin:"Before she leaves I Grab her wrist and kiss her, a proper kiss if you Will, "you better come back to me or so help me" and I let go.
Jerici:I give them a warm smile "not even the Matron of ravens could Keep me away from you"
--Jerico (Nova) and Taliesin (Ashton)'s interaction before storming the Maeleus key in the hellcatch Valley.
[Matt:And then theres a flash--]
Jerico:Wait! Dm can I do something before that happens? Nothing big, its just a small thing.
[Matt: okay. Ill allow it]
Jerico:Nova pulls Ashton in for a hug, and I imagine her tail wraps around them and she whispers "Te quiero!"
Taliesin:If I May, Ashton hugs Nova back and whispers "Yo tambien"
--interaction between Nova and Ashton before The God Eater Predathos is released.
Laura:"Theyre alive, dont worry" I say standing besides Nova " he loved you just as much as you loved him"
Jerico:"I dont know what I'll do if they are not okay, or alive...I think ill go full kamikaze and try to kill Otohan by myself"
Laura:Imogen scoffs lightheartedly "You and Ashton are meant to be. Im sure he'd do the same if he was in your shoes. Yall are really cute toghether"
Jerico:"Thanks imo"
Jerico:I see Ashton laying down, half drunk. I sit besides them and I say "I dont know what's going on with you. Im here if you need me, dont be scared of reaching out". And im guessing since Nova also knows what not being able to remember who you were before a certain age, she'd know the telltale signs of something triggered by that feeling so Nova would just slowly druidcraft a flowecrown
Taliesin:"I dont need your sympathy"
Jerico:"I know. But it's not my sympathy im caring for you just like you care for everyone else, Wether you admit it or not"
Taliesin: Im guessing Ashton would remain silent, looking at the floor. He just whispers "I hate how you care for everybody. Actually I dont hate it. I think its w-wonderfull..."
Jerico:"Let me take care of you for a change, try and rest" and I settle the flowecrown on them and lay down besides them, Nova interlazes their pinky with Ashton's so as to not cause them that much pain. And she looks into their eyes and whisper "Te quiero"
Taliesin: "What does that mean?"
Jerico:"Its like I love you, but less...strong? Like a level before I love you"
Taliesin:"And what do you usually reply?"
Jerico:"Yo también ,means me too"
Taleisin:Ashton looks like they stop themself from saying something, they just nodd and close their eyes, and im guessing they pass out.
--Ashton and Nova's conversation before reaching the Hellcatch Valley.
->only mutuals allowed to reblog. Lmk if I need to tag something else
->DISCLAIMER: its common for Rping actors to refer to their characters in first and third person.
->♡lovely taglist: @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
Ashtons actor is not here this episode and you can feel his absence. I miss ash (And his actor) I hope hes okay.
I miss u Ashton!!!!
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Ashton and the jewelry he stole/got for me. (The Orange bits were supposed to be more yellow but color compression hates me).
1)Marriage Rings
☀️: The sun one Belongs to me, it has a nice green colored gem in the centre while the sides has purple gem decorations taken from ash's hair.
🌙: the moon one obviously Belongs to Ashton, the center piece of the moon is another of ash's crystal hair, flanked by two green gems.
Both are meant to represent the duality we both share, he is not by any means a calm person, but he is more reserved, and I think its a nice dynamic.
2) Necklace
The necklace is made from the same weird glass that his hammer is made of, because of this, whenever Ash uses their powers it lights up.
3) Headband.
I complained once about wanting to use my hair down but not wanting it to bother me and get all over my face, Next Day Ashton shows up with this headbamd made of gold and decorated with purple gems.
4) Bracelet.
Gems fused with gold in the shape of a bracelet, they are meant to represent his color scheme, a little nice thing to have him close when they are away. The inscription reads "Just because its broken it doesnt mean its not beautiful" since he knows I can feel very bad about my imperfections/trauma. It glows when he uses his magic.
Since they are always up and about, Ashton thought to give me a lockett with a picture of us (magical picture or painting), he most defenetly pick pocketted from somewhere nice and added a little piece of his gem hair. (I hc his hair still grows. Cause its funny imagining someone with a malet and a chiesel hacking crystal hair off).
6) silver bracelet.
Got it comissioned for em, with sun motifs and colors that represent me, so whenever hes away and feels bad he can read the little engraving that says "youre wonderfull the way you are".
7) earring.
A moon and a sun with colors that represent both of us, its a little keepsakes, wears it outside of work so it doesnt get ruined or stolen. The back says "Youre the moon to my sun" bcs we both compliment eachother :DD
-> Only Mutuals allowed to reblog.
-> Lovely Taglit: @mercuryships @tex-treasures @80sboyfriends
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Gemma: if I cannot find trouble...
FCG: youll avoid it and behave?
FCG: Gemma no--
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Orym: which one of you taught gemma how to swear?
Ashton: okay in my defence-
Orym: deep sigh*
Gemma: FUCK :D
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Guess who customized her first jacket!!!!
After 4 hours of painting and getting distracted by ashtons va beautiful narrating voice its complete!
Easter eggs: ashtons hammer and whats supposed to be oryms Shield! :D
My back hurts like a bitch. Send help💀
Only Moots Ok to rb!.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @samsbeckett
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Art by @/deckofmanyposts
Seeing these pillows sent me into this mood that im too lazy to type out
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Im super soft :D
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