senfan-san · 1 year
Love☆One's Episode
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Hello everyone! This is my first Episode translation! I was always so curious of Love1's CV and oh boy am I satisfyed after translating this! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) www He reminds me of a mexican radio station by the range Showtaro Morikubo(森久保祥太郎) has! We also have an Eins appearence! www Eins is so sweet, he's such a good big brother! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) He loves his family so much ❤️ This post will have the full translation and the raws if you want to double check anything. Criticism is appreciated! Poll will be up in a few hours!
Video of Love1's Episode
Translation + Notes
Love☆One - Episode 1
The Spy Saw It! ~The Tension Has Exploded☆~
~Scene Begins in Jail Cell~
Love☆One: “Ahh~ …are you quietly making up your mind? It’s become a hassle.”
Prisoner: “…..”
Love☆One: “I mean, can you hear me properly? If you don’t want those ears, why don’t I shoot them~?”
Love☆One: “I’m not very dexterous, so I might blow your whole head off… ahahaha!”
Love☆One: “So, bye bye~☆”
Prisoner: “…..”
Love☆One: “Hmm~? Afu! Hey, I'm jammed up☆ You were lucky… right?”
Prisoner: “…ugh!”
Love☆One: “......Ah, that’s bad. I was so annoyed that I hit him with all of my strength. Hey, are you still alive?”
Love☆One: “Ahh, he passed out. …You there, please do the rest~ Thank you☆
Soldier: “Yes! I got it!”
~Scene Changes to Outside World Empire~
Love☆One: “Fu! I’m kinda tired. Is it possible that I’m bad at interrogation?”
Love☆One: “My loot is only this small bottle of liquor~ Well, what’s inside~?”
Love☆One: “Hmm? This scent is… Scotch!”
Love☆One: “Nice~! Even though you’re a rat, you’ve got some good stuff!”
Love☆One: “Ah, but drinking alcohol makes my nose bleed more easily… Well, Like-chan isn’t here right now! OKOK~!”
Love☆One: “Thanks for the drink~☆”
Love☆One: “...Puha! Ahh…! Oh…! This is it, this is it! Kiku(1) wow~!”
Love☆One: “Hm… my blood is starting to pump! I can shoot without jamming now.”
Love☆One: “Well then, I’m off to the battlefield! Yeah! Shoot, shoot, shoot! Shoot, fuu~!”
~Episode 1 Concluded~
NOTE 1: I have no idea what “kiku” is. If anyone can explain it to me, it would be greatly appreciated.
Love☆One - Episode 2
The Spy Saw It! ~The Gentle Rat Killer~
~Scene Begins in Inside World Empire ~
Love☆One: “...Hey! Mr. Mayor, you’ve come a long way~ Good morning~☆”
Love☆One: “Sorry for calling you out of the blue. It’s a long way from here, so it must have been hard to come, right?”
Mayor: “N-No, this is nothing… I’ll be here whenever you call me…”
Love☆One: “Yea, yea, you’re really serious and dependable, aren’t you?”
*Music Pauses*(2)
Love☆One: “So, on to the main topic. …What are you doing sneaking around with the resistance rats?”
Mayor: “Eh… Huh?! You-you’ve misunderstood! I would never betray the Emperor of the World…!”
Love☆One: “Okay okay, stop. I don’t want to hear any lame excuses.”
Love☆One: “I already knew what you were doing.”
Love☆One: “Yep, food aid, base weaknesses, leaked information on planned operations… all it is out! ”
Love☆One: “Here’s the proof too. You’re a serious guy, but you’re not very thorough, are you?”
Mayor: “Ahh..! I’m-I’m so sorry! But I was just threatened by them…!”
Love☆One: “Yeah, that’s a lie too. Anyway, your family is going to be publicly executed this time.”
Mayor: “Eh… that’s a lie...!”
Love☆One: “Aha, too bad. I’m honest~ Where would you like them to be executed? I'll make sure you have a special seat so you can get a good view.”
Mayor: “P-Please stop! My family, my only family—ugh!”
Love☆One: “Huh? Aren't you glad that I'm the one who noticed you? ”
Love☆One: “If it had been Ein-chin, he would have destroyed the whole town and killed everyone☆ Ahahaha!”
~Episode 2 Concluded~
NOTE 2: No matter how many times I went over this part, it a horrifiying moment amplified by the music and the CV and it makes me tense every time and aughghgh—
NOTE 3: This action isn't a part of the original raw. I added it to express the cruelty of the moment. I feel so bad for the guy :( I love how Showtaro makes this episode so evil and really shows how fucked up the World Empire and the Modern Guns are. This isn't even the worst of it!
Love☆One - Episode 3
The Spy Saw It! ~Good Brothers!?~
~Scene Begins in Outside World Empire ~
Love☆One: “Hmm…? Afu! I can't seem to get the shell casing off~ Like-tan’s gone to report to that guy… Oh!”
Eins: “Hmm…? Love☆One?”
Love☆One: “Oh! Ein-chin! Good job on your mission☆”
Eins: “Hey man. What are you doing here?”
Love☆One: “Well, the shell casing got stuck in the chamber and I can't get it out at all! I'm jamming~ Fu!”
Eins: “Let me borrow it... Ah, it’s this guy. Which one...”
Eins: “...Hmph! Here, how about this?”
Love☆One: “Foo~! Ein-chin is really cool! Thank you!☆”
Eins: “Don't worry about this. More importantly, you're leaking blood from your gas mask. Are you okay?”
Eins: “If you're hurt, go to Master as soon as possible and get yourself fixed up.”
Love☆One: “Blood? Aah~ it's just a nosebleed, don't worry☆ I just splashed some when I got excited!”
Love☆One: “Like-tan will wipe it off soon!”
Love☆One: “I often get nosebleeds, so Like-tan carries around tissues for me! Fufu! My brother is so kind!”
Eins: “Oh… I see. You too must get along well.”
Eins: “I hope you two will continue to cooperate with us. If something happens, me and Fal will be there for you two.”
Love☆One: “Fu—! OK—! I'll be counting on you, Ein-chi~n!”
Eins: “Haha, good… oh, I’m keeping Fal waiting. See you.”
~Episode 3 Concluded~
Raws (No Translation)
ラブ★ワン — 第1話
諜報員は見た! ~ テンション爆上げ★~
~Scene Begins in Jail Cell~
“あ~ までだんまり決め込むわけ? いい加減面倒になってきちゃったよ。”
“ていうか君、話ちゃんと聞こえてるかい? その耳、いらないんなら撃っちゃおうかなぁ〜ん。”
“おいらあんまり器用じゃないし、 頭ごと吹っ飛ばしちゃうかもだけど... あははっ!”
“ん~? ...あっふう! まーたジャムっちった★ 君、 ラッキーだった... ねえ。”
“...あ、やべつ。 イラッとしてつい 思いっ切りぶん殴っちゃったよ。 おーい、生きてるう~?”
“あーあー、気絶しちった。 ...そこの君、あとはやっといて~。ヨロシク★”
“はっ! かしこまりました!”
~Scenery Changes to World Empire Outside~
“フゥ! なーんか疲れちった。 おいらってばもしかして、 尋問ヘタだったりするのかねぇ?”
“戦利品はこの酒の小瓶だけだもんな~。 さーて、中身はなんだろな~。”
“ん? この香りは... スコッチか!”
“ナイスゥ~! ドブネズミのくせに 良いもん持ってんじゃ〜ん!”
“あーでも、酒飲むと余計に 鼻血出やすくなるんだよねぇ... ま、 今はライちんもいないしOKOK~!”
“いっただっきまーす ★”
“ぷはっ! Ah...! Oh...! これだよこれ。 キクわぁ~。”
“うーん... 血の巡りが良くなってきたァ~! あ~今ならジャムらず撃ちまくれそうだわ。”
“そんじゃ、 いっちょ戦場行ってこよ~! ハイ! 撃って撃って撃って! 撃って、 フゥ~!!”
~Episode 1 Concluded~
ラブ★ワン — 第2話
諜報員は見た! ~優しいネズミ殺し~
~Scene Begins Inside World Empire~
“...おっ! 町長さん、 よく来てくれたね~。 おつおつ~★”
“いやぁ、急に呼び出しちゃって悪いね。 けっこー遠いし、 来るの大変だったっしょ?”
“い、いえ、この程度のこと... お呼びとあらばいつでも参りますので...”
“で、本題だけど。 ...レジスタンスのドブネズミと、 コソコソ何やってんの?”
“え... はっ!? ご、誤解です! まさか私が、世界帝を裏切るような真似など...!”
“はいはい、ストップ。 白々しい言い訳なんか 聞きたくないんだよねぇ。”
“君が何してたかなんて、 とっくにお見通しなわけ。”
“え~、 食糧支援、基地の弱点に作戦予定の情報リーク...どれもこれもアウト!”
“ほい、証拠もこの通り。 お前、 真面目な割に詰めは甘いんだね。”
“ひっ...! も、申し訳ありません! ですが、私は彼らに脅されただけで...!”
“はい、それも嘘一。 とりあえずお前の家族、 今度公開処刑することになったから。”
“え...そんな、 嘘だ...”
“あは、残念。 おいらは正直でね~。 刑場はどこがいい? よーく見えるように、 お前の特等席も用意しとくけど。”
“や、やめてくれ! 家族は、家族だけは—っ!”
“えー? おイタに気付いたのがおいらで よかったって喜ぶとこっしょ?”
“これがアイちんだったらきっと、 町ごと潰して皆殺しだったんだからさ★ あーっはっはっは!”
~Episode 2 Concluded~
ラブ★ワン — 第3話
諜報員は見た! ~仲良し兄弟!?~
~Scene Begins in World Empire Outside~
“...ん~? あっふう! 薬莢なっかなか取れないねぇ〜。 ライたんは あの人んとこ報告行ってるし、 Oh...!”
“ん...? ラブワンか。”
“おっ! アイち~ん! 任務お疲れい★”
“おう、お疲れ。 こんなとこで何してるんだ?”
“それがさぁ、 薬莢が見事に薬室にハマッて全っ然取れないんだよねぇ〜。 ジャムには参っちゃうねぇ~。 フゥ!”
“ちょっと貸してみろ... ああ、こいつだな。 どれ...”
“…ふん! ほら、これでどうだ。”
“Foo~! アイちんマジカッケーっす! サンキュー★”
“これくらい気にすんな。それよりガスマスクから 血が漏れてるじゃねえか。 大丈夫か?”
“怪我したんなら、早めに マスターのところに行って治してもらえよ。”
“血? ああ~、ただの鼻血だから大丈夫★ テンション上がった拍子に スプラッシュしただけだよん!”
“そのうちライたんが拭いてくれるから へーきへーき!”
“ライたん、おいらがよく鼻血出すから ティッシュ持ち歩いてるんだってぇ! フゥ! 弟が優しい〜!”
“ほう······そうなのか。 お前たち、 兄弟仲がいいんだな。”
“フゥー! OK—! 頼りにさせてもらうよ、アイちぃ〜ん!”
“はは、いいぜ。 ...っと、ファルを待たせてるんだった。じゃあな”
~Episode 3 Concluded~
12 notes · View notes
senfan-san · 1 year
Mauser's Episode
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They should rename this Episode to "Ashley's Episode" because Mauser is barely in it! He only shows up two times and he has such little dialogue. They need to do Mauser justice once he comes to Rhodoknight.
This was an absolute ass kick to translate, especially when DeepL and GT doesn't register the letters. Lol it was fun to do but geez I think it will be easier if I made my own translation machine! Here's the episode though! I have a newer appreciation for my hate for Ashley yay! Poll will be up in a few hours!
Original Video
Translation Below
Mauser — Episode 1
The Beginning
~Scene Begins at Enlistment Ceremony~
About 15 years ago, at an induction ceremony for the World Empire Forces…
Host: “We will now proceed to the Pledge of Allegiance. Representative Ashley Sagan, please step forward.”
Ashley: “Yes, sir. We, as the WE Forces, fight for peace and order in the world——”
WE Soldier A: (Oh... That's the son of the World Emperor... I heard he joined the army out of his own will.)
WE Soldier B: (He must have been a brilliant man who skipped a grade in college and graduated at the top of his class, right? It must have been a lot of work to pull off, but the results are amazing.)
Ashley: “——I pledge allegiance and devotion to the symbol of the World Emperor... Thank you!”
~Scene Fades to Inside World Empire~
World Emperor: “Ashley.”
Ashley: “Ah... Father.”
World Emperor: “The oath at the enlistment ceremony was magnificent. This is my congratulations to you for your recruitment.”
Ashley: “Thank you... This is a very stylish pistol. A little old... Is it from the early 20th century?”
World Emperor: “Yes, it is. It is a custom-made item that I inherited from an acquaintance when I was young. Take good care of it.”
Ashley: “Yes. Thank you very much.”
World Emperor: “Well then, tomorrow, you should be hard at work on your military service.”
~World Emperor Begins to Leave~
Ashley: “——Father!”
World Emperor: “...What?”
Ashley: “I have always had a strong desire to help Father realize his ideal, a world without conflict and in perfect peace.”
Ashley: “Today, my wish finally came true... My heart is filled with hope and joy for the future.”
Ashley: “For the sake of my father, mother, and the peace-loving people, I will push forward with this Mauser!
World Emperor: “...I am counting on you, my son.”
Ashley: “——Yes!”
~Scene Fades to World Empire Strategy Room~
WE Soldier A: “Hurry up! Major Sagan is coming to this city for an inspection! We must welcome him!”
WE Soldier A: “Set up a security net just in case!”
WE Soldiers: “Yes!”
~Scene Fades Into Town~
Ashley: “It’s a nice town... I thought it would be unbearable to turn this landscape into a pile of rubble.”
~World Empire Soldiers Appear~
WE Soldiers: “Salute to Major Sagan!”
Ashley: “Thank you for your efforts, men. How is the occupation going?”
WE Soldier: “Yes, things are going well for the most part. However, we have information that there are still remnants of the Resistance hiding in the suburbs, so we are still searching for them.”
WE Soldier: “In the city center, there have been frequent clashes with rebellious residents, all of whom have been imprisoned.”
Ashley: “*whistles*, imprisonment. It's too sweet of a father to go out of his way to imprison a rebellious force. Everyone should be fine with capital punishment.”
Ashley: “Maybe we can get Mauser to spill some dirty blood during the inspection.”
WE Soldier: “Mauser… a handgun from half a century ago...?”
Ashley: “Yes, it is. It's my favorite gun, my father gave it to me as a gift for joining the army. Let me show you. See, isn't it beautiful?”
WE Soldier: “I see... But in terms of performance... Wouldn't you be better off with a more modern gun?”
Ashley: “Is it? I've been told that by my aides, but I've decided that my partner is this Mauser.”
Ashley: “We have shared many experiences together since our first days in the military, and we will continue to do so until we build our ideal future.”
WE Soldier: “Ha ha…”
Ashley: “Nice city. I wish I could show my mother around…”
~Scene Fades to Black~
A few days later, Ashley's mother was murdered by a mob of resistance fighters.
In the wake of the incident, Ashley's stance of oppression against the resistance became extremely severe.
At the same time, an unknown ore is discovered at the site of a nuclear war. It was later revealed to be a powerful energy source that could replace nuclear weapons,
Ashley and his team secretly begin researching a bomb that uses the new ore as a trump card against the insurgents.
~End of Episode 1~
Mauser —— Episode 2
The Gunshot of Rebellion
When the World Emperor saw the power of the completed myrrh, he firmly refused to approve its practical application on the grounds that it was inhumane.
As Ashley became ill, the World Emperor became increasingly concerned about his radical ideas.
One day, Ashley is involved in an accident and survives, but he learns that the accident was by the order of the World Emperor.
Finally, Ashley turns against his own father.
~Scene Fades to Inside World Empire~
Ashley: “Ggh... AHHHHHH!!!”
Ashley: “Damn... I failed...! You sneaky, cowardly, World Emperor...!”
Ashley: “I will never, ever consider that man as my father! He never got justice for my mother and denied me the myrrh I created!”
Ashley: “You son of a bitch, plotting the assassination of your own son...! I'll kill you...! I'll kill you...!”
Ashley: “——Gah! Ggh...! Haa... Haa...”
Ashley: “I... what will happen.. If I attempted to take the life of the World Emperor—— that's high treason. I can't escape the death penalty, can I?”
Ashley: “... No, I will fight...! No matter what it takes, I will prove my righteousness...!”
Ashley: “That's what I've been preparing for...! I have a lot of supporters who are looking forward to a new era...!”
Ashley: “Your miserable, stupid father, and the conservatives who defend him...! They will be destroyed!”
Ashley: “Know this... I, and my Myrrh, are the gospel that will lead mankind to a great future!”
~Scene Flickers~
Ashley: “Ugh… I’m stumbling… Am I dizzy?… Ugh…”
Ashley: “Is there somewhere I can rest... Oh, yes, that’s right…”
~Scene Fades~
Ashley: “——Guh...”
~Scene Fades to Ashley's Room~
Ashley: “My room... It's been a long time. It's just like when I was a student... It hasn’t changed.”
Ashley: “Ugh…*cough* *cough*... Hah.”
Ashley: “Mauser... You are the only one on my side. To lead the world... To lead the world…”
~Scene Flickers~
Ashley: “I want the power to overcome my father... I want power…”
~Scene Fades to Black~
... ...
~Scene Fades to Ashley's Room~
Ashley: “...Hmm... I was asleep…”
Ashley: “What the...? I feel like a spirit’s possession over me has faded... I feel like I can see a thousand miles away.”
~Mauser Appears~
???: “You're awake, Ashley.”
Ashley: “...Who are you? I thought I locked the door to my room.”
Mauser: “I'm Mauser, your pistol. I am a Noble Musketeer awakened by your strong will.”
Ashley: “Mauser...? Noble musketeer...?”
Mauser: “As always, I will give my all for you. Please, order me to do whatever you wish.”
Ashley: “What the hell are you saying——”
WE Soldier: “It's locked! The crook must be in this room!”
WE Soldier: “Alright, break the locks!”
Ashley: “Oh, I think we have a guest. You. If you want me to give you orders, you're going to have to kill the people who are coming in. Can you do that?”
Mauser: “Yes.”
~WE Soldiers Enter~
WE Soldier: “There he is! Don't move, ugh…!?”
WE Soldiers: “Gwah...!”
Mauser: “Done.”
Ashley: “One precise shot between the eyes... Don't do that again.”
Ashley: “Mauser. Are you sure you want to give me everything?”
Mauser: “Yes, I do.”
Ashley: “Can you kill the World Emperor?”
Mauser: “Yes, I can.”
Ashley: “Can you travel to the ends of the world to find the traitor who killed my mother?”
Mauser: “Yes, I will.”
WE Soldier: “Shots fired this way!”
~More WE Soldiers Appear~
WE Soldier: “Ashley Sagan! You are hereby charged with the attempted murder of the World Emperor!”
Ashley: “——In that case, let's start here…”
~End of Episode 2~
Mauser —— Episode 3
Overture of Collapse
~Scene Begins in WE Prison Cell~
Jailer: “Walk quickly!”
Ashley: “Kuh…”
Jailer: “This is your cell. Come on, get in!”
Ashley: “...How dare you be so rough with me? What's your name? I'll remember it.”
Ashley: “Rejoice. In the near future, you and your entire clan will rest in peace.”
Jailer: “Don't be silly! You are a felon who has harmed the World Emperor! No matter what happens, you will never be forgiven!”
Ashley: “Hmm... Eternity is not enough time for me. Bring me some books. All you can get.”
~Scene Fades to Black~
~Scene Fades in to WE Prison Cell~
Jailer: “Ashley Sagan. You have a visitor.”
Ashley: “Name?”
Jailer: “Frederick Sagan. He is the personal guard of the World Emperor, but to you he is your brother-in-law.”
Ashley: “...I've been waiting for you. Frederick.”
~Scene Fades to Black~
——A few days later.
~Scene Fades in to WE Prison Cell~
Jailer: “Ah...gah...ugh!”
~Mauser Appears~
Mauser: “Ashley, we’re ready. Here is the detonator.”
Ashley: “Thank you. Now... Can you hear the ticking hands? Ticking towared the moment when the world is reborn!
Ashley: “Father, aah... I've always wanted to be World Emperor…”
Ashley: “Thank you for raising me. And... goodbye.”
Mauser: “…”
Mauser: “This is the Imperial Prison. World Empire Headquarters, respond.”
Wireless: “Gkk—— Gkk——”
Wireless: “This——the headquarters——during the general assembly——a large explosion of unknown cause——”
Wireless: “Survivors——none found!”
Mauser: “Roger that.”
Mauser: “Alright, let's go, your Majesty.”
Ashley: “Aah.”
~Scene Fades to Black~
The bombing by Frederick Sagan killed many of the major figures in the WE forces, including the World Emperor, and the World Empire was in turmoil.
Ashley, who had escaped from prison, went to the headquarters of the UN forces and tried to settle the situation together with his vassals.
He then ascended to the throne as the second World Emperor, and as his first step, he carried out a great purge by Myrrh against the Resistance.
The world was then swallowed up by the vortex of armed domination by the new World Emperor.
~End of Mauser’s Episode~
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senfan-san · 1 year
89's Episode
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This is a very late translation, isn't it? Hehe, school and work have been taking up all my attention but I managed to finish all the non-translated World Empire Episodes! This is great! I can finally focus on the Chassepot story which I was hoping I could translate! :D
This episode was pretty sweet in the middle! www \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/ Soldier-san is super cute in this one! Miso ramen for the win!
I will begin to make some new changes in the blog tomorrow. I'll be compiling all the WE Episodes from me and @/senjuushi 's into one post and update the resource list! Lol I need to get on top of that!
Please enjoy and thank you for your support everyone! 🙏❤️
Original Video (Skip to 9:46)
89 — Episode 1
The Spy Saw It! ~The Troublesome Monolouge~
~Scene Begins in Battlefield~
89: “… Ah... assigned... me. Ah, it's so dull. We don't need to collect a bunch of stupid rocks.”
89: “Why didn't you just let the soldiers do the work that normies do?”
89: “I don't understand why we're hunting rocks anyway... It's too dull.”
89: “Michael said, ‘I will help the soldiers improve their efficiency by playing the piano’...”
89: “Hah... Playing the piano won't make them better, that’s just common sense.”
89: “Why do I have to go on a treasure hunt with soldiers while listening to classical music at a war site... Damn it, just forget about it.”
89: “...Ah, that’s right.”
89: “I have to go report to "that guy" when I'm done. Ah, so annoying.”
89: “That's a total pain in the ass. I'll just skip it, then.”
89: “No, it's too much trouble to even skip the report. I'm afraid of what happens afterwards.”
89: “The other day, when I skipped a call from "that guy"... Mauser chased me around all day.”
89: “I hid in the bathroom because I didn't want to have to deal with running away from him…”
89: “The Mauser guy was so darn stubborn, he even searched the toilet cubicles.”
89: “It was a bit of a horror to hear the doors opening one by one from the back.”
89: “He's really persistent... I just want to disappear and become air.”
89: “...Oh, well, what the hell. I'll just have to go report it.”
89: “And after the report... I think I'll stay in my room today and break the deadlock.”
~End of Episode 1~
89 — Episode 2
The Spy Saw It! ~A Surprisingly Sensible Man?~
~Scene Begins Inside World Empire~
89: “...Aah? What… want? Don't talk to me while I’m in the middle of a game! I can't take my eyes off the screen right now!”
Soldier: “I'm—I’m sorry! I'm just trying to inform you about tomorrow's mission…”
89: “The operation? Shit... I get it!”
89: “...What do you want? You have 30 seconds to tell me.”
Soldier: “Sir, there's been a change in the start time for tomorrow's mission. 8 PM, at the appointed place!”
89: “That's it? Yeah, yeah, got it. Well, I'm going back…”
89: “...Next time you interfere with my game, I'll kill you.”
Soldier: “I-I understand...!”
Soldier: “...! Uh, sir!”
89: “...Aah?”
Soldier: “Uwah...! I'm sorry again and again!”
Soldier: “I got some Japanese instant noodles at the market and brought them to you…”
89: “Ramen? ...Oh, that's their miso flavor! I just ran out of stock, so I'll take it.”
89: “Well, I'll be going back this time... Thanks for the message.”
~89 Continues Gaming~
Soldier: “Yes, sir! Excuse me!”
Soldier: “...Phew, I was so nervous.”
Soldier: “89, you're rather decent, unlike most Noble Musketeers. A great deal of them are a bunch of strange people… even though you’re scary when someone interrupts your game.”
Soldier: “I'll bring you some more miso seasoning when I find it.”
~End of Episode 2~
89 - Episode 3
The Spy Saw It! ~Pre-Operation Quarrel~
~Scene Begins in Battlefield~
89: “...Here? It’s not that... right?... If it's so hard just to be on a mission, why am I with this guy...?”
Belga: “I feel like ima’ puke if I share your opinion... That's the real problem here! I don't get it!”
89: “I'd rather play games and capture enemy bases than fight with you.”
Belga: “Hah? Real combat is definitely more exciting than virtual combat!”
Belga: “...Ahh, I see. You're a fuckin’ virgin, aren't you? Yahaha! Am I virtual enough for you~?”
89: “Huh…? Haah!? How the hell do you know if I'm a virgin or not!?”
Belga: “...Fuckin’ hell, that's soo funny! …Yahahahaha!”
89: “You really should kill yourself. I mean, what the hell does that have to do with fighting!”
Belga: “Woah... Your reaction is super stiff. Look at my arm, my hair it's standing up.”
89: “...Heh! Not only do you have the brain of a little bird, you've also got the arms of a bird. Shame, huh?”
Belga: “Aah? What the hell? You want a fight?”
89: “...This is no time to be stupid. It's time to go. Let's go, Belga.”
Belga: “Don't give me orders. Don't drag me down to your level, virgin~! ♡”
~Belga Runs Away~
89: “Meh…!? Damn it, he's gone... Aah, this sucks. Everything is seriously so dull.”
89: “Hah... Fine. Let's go smash some old guns and relieve some stress.”
~End of 89's Episode~
[Extra Tibit From Senfan-San!]
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Before I say anything, thank you for reading the translation! I really appreciate it when people see my work, even if they aren't vocal about it. I also cuss a bit here than usual, lol ignore it :D
Work(TA and programmer @ a school) was crazy man... They brought a whole petting zoo(where a goat almost ate my phone) and I saw the kids assault each other with chairs heehee
I also got to help operate the t-shirt launcher and that shit went higher than a drug addict... like hit the ceiling high.... im surprised that the big gym couldn't withstand the power of that thing
I also got a really nice lunch today! The parent were so sweet and gave us philly cheesesteaks and lemonade to begin the spring semester :)
That's all I have for today! Thank you for staying until the end!
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senfan-san · 1 year
Eins' Episode
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Dude, F is a menace when he is in any episode that I translate. I have to constantly lower my computer volume so that his pornographic-sounding voice lines don't reverberate though my room. At least Eins was sweet—
*sees that one line* whoop I forgot Eins is still a weapon of violence hahaha—
I have no new announcements, so please enjoy the translation!
Original Video
Eins — Episode 1
The Spy Saw It! ~Cruel Kindness~
~Scene Begins Outside At Sunset~
Eins: “Ah… target… secured… And the village is gone. That is all I have to report.”
Eins: “...Hmm. As soon as he heard the news of the successful operation, he was on to the next military meeting. You are as busy as ever.”
Eins: “Speaking of it, this annihilation battle...the difference in strength between us and the villagers was obvious. It was a futile battle.”
Eins: “Those poor villagers... They cooperated with the resistance.”
Eins: “At least I was able to kill all the children at the orphanage inside the village.
Eins: “If they had lived on like that, they would have been miserable.”
Eins: “However... I think it was too much to shoot them down one by one.”
Eins: “Even Fal reprimanded me for it. He's got a point.”
Eins: “I want to kill people who will soon die, yet I wish to do it now... It's not wise to waste expensive bullets.”
Eins: “From now on, I have to think of a way to kill everyone at once.”
Eins: “...I have a bad habit of following my impulses.”
Eins: “On the other hand, Fal is calm and notices details well. He's too good of an assistant for me.”
Eins: “Well, now that the mission has been a success, even if it wasn't a surprise... Let's give Fal a good meal for the occasion.”
Eins: “I'll call his favorite steakhouse.”
Eins: “I have to get him a bottle of red wine to go with the blue cheese he likes.”
~End of Episode 1~
Eins — Episode 2
The Spy Saw It! ~A Glimpse of Ruthlessness~
~Scene Begins Outside World Empire~
Eins: “...Do you want to ... do the... I'm going to... Hmm? Hey, you there! What happened to the watering can you had here?!
Soldier: “The watering can? If you’re looking for it, there it is…”
Eins: “Aah? Hey... I told you to put the can back in its place as soon as you use it, asshole!”
Soldier: “I-I'm so sorry!”
Eins: “Tsk... There's not gonna be a next time, is there? ... Well, let's start over. How are the flower beds…”
Eins: “...Oh. This flower is about to bloom. The color of the buds suggests that the petals are red.”
Soldier: “...! That flower…”
Eins: “Hmm? What about it?”
Soldier: “That flower is the flower of my hometown.”
Eins: “Oh, I think... some royal family gave it to the World Emperor.”
Eins: “At first, he seemed to be against the subjugation, but... I gave him a little smack and he changed his tune.”
Eins: “Now they're wagging their tails to the world emperor and pleasing him, while ignoring the public. Royalty is not a trustworthy lot, you know.”
Eins: “...Are you one of those traitors who turn on us when we hit you?”
Soldier: “No, no! I am loyal to the World Emperor!”
Eins: “I see... Well then, good.”
Eins: “I don't trust anyone but my family. Even if we're both servants to the Emperor now... Remember that.”
~End of Episode 2~
Eins — Episode 3
The Spy Saw It! ~A Dangerous Movie Appreciation~
~Scene Begins Inside World Empire~
F: “Ah, this... he’s... I'm so happy to see you, Brother Eins♡ Is this a good time?”
Eins: “Oh, F. What's up?”
F: “Fufu♡ You know, I found out that Brother Eins loves movies, don't you?”
Eins: “Oh, I was just thinking of watching one now. The projector in the conference room is free.”
F: “Oh, I see... As a matter of fact, I've got a film that I'm interested in too.”
Eins: “Oh? Are you interested in movies too? What kind of film?”
F: “It's a romance movie... It's a very graphic and sensual movie♡”
F: “Hey, Brother Eins. Can you teach me how to use the projector…?”
Eins: “I don't mind. I'll watch it with you while I teach you.”
F: “This is a hardcore romance movie, you know? With just Brother Eins and me? I'm so happy, but I'm not prepared for it…”
Eins: “Hm? Preparation? Then, I'll just teach you how to use the projector tomorrow, right?”
Eins: “If you want to come back another day, let’s invite Fal.”
F: “It's okay! I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! Now! Let's watch it now, brother!”
Eins: “Oh, yeah? Well, if you insist, let's watch it right now.”
F: “Fufufu… I wonder if I'll ever be so lucky again? I'm going to die…♡”
Eins: “Hey, what are you doing? Let's go.”
*Eins Leaves*
F: “Y-Yes! Wait for me, big brother!”
*F Chases After Him*
~End of Eins' Episode~
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senfan-san · 1 year
Ghost's Episode
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HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY GIFT GHOST!!! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ ♥️🎉✨
Lol I'm so happy I got to finish this episode faster than my estimated time(2~ Days)! This was a shockingly short episode, so I can now begin translating Fal's episode! www Ghost has such a soft, sweet voice... It was such a pleasure! This episode also features Eins' being so cute and brotherly like towards Ghost! www I'm starting to like Eins even more!
Before you read, I would like you all to know that once I finish the WE Episodes, I will begin to do requests! Please look forward to this and have patience in me! 🙏
Original Video (Begin at 3:45)
Translation + Notes
Ghost — Episode 1
The Spy Saw It! 〜Curse You...〜
~Scene Begins in a Ruined Battlefield~
Ghost: "...Oh, really... Uwah… That old man lost track of me(1) and left me on the battlefield."
Ghost: "That's because the resistance guys are all sparkly and… distracted him. Why are they doing that? It's blinding."
Ghost: "I really don't like this... Curse them."
Ghost: "My lunch pasta is getting cold because of their sudden attack..."
Ghost: "What’s more, I told that old man a funny story I got the other day, but he didn’t get it."
Ghost: "It's all the Resistance's fault. Of course it is... I'll curse them for the rest of my life...!"
Ghost: "I bet that old man will sleep better once the resistance is destroyed."
Ghost: "And yet... He's an odd one."
Ghost: "I wonder why he likes to have such a gloomy gun like me in the World Empire’s Imperial Army..."
Ghost: "I'm a very minor gun, produced only for testing purposes..."
Ghost: "Then he even went through the trouble of producing my special bullets... I can only say that he is strange."
Ghost: "...I guess it's all right. Just the fact that he found me is reason enough for me to follow him."
Ghost: "Okay, let's get back on track... First, let's go find that old man."
~End of Episode 1~
NOTE 1: Ghost uses the Kansai dialect “ワイ” or “Wai” to refer to himself. I did not know this beforehand lol. He confused me <:D
Ghost — Episode 2
The Spy Saw It! 〜The Missing Musketeer〜
~Scene Begins Inside World Empire~
Ghost: "You… Hey… You… Oi, I’m talking to you(2). You, you."
Soldier: "Eh… U-Uwah!? Ghost, how long have you been there?"
Ghost: "I've been talking to you since a while ago. Hey, you. I’ve heard you've been looking for me for a while now, what do you want?"
Soldier: "Aah, that's right! As of today, a new wanted poster has been issued. I have been ordered to bring it to you."
Solder: "You know… I heard he was in cahoots with the Resistance and leaked base plans."
Ghost: "Hmm... another turncoat. I'm sure those sparkly guys manipulated him."
Ghost: "It's just like a winged insect to be attracted to a fleeting light."
Ghost: "If the wanted poster is circulated around the world, he should be easy to find."
Ghost: "...That's the only part I envy of him, having so many people striving to find you."
Ghost: "If it was me who was wanted... Even if I was right in front of you, you wouldn't even notice me, would you?"
Soldier: "No, nothing like that! I don't think..."
Ghost: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have zero presence anyway. Damn...."
Ghost: "The Resistance, the opposing Musketeers, the wanted man... I curse them all."
~End of Episode 2~
NOTE 2: “ってば” or “tteba” is used to express annoyance, but can also be used to indicate closeness to the person being referred to. This is only here because I found it cute (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Ghost — Episode 3
The Spy Saw It! 〜He Found Me〜(3)
~Scene Begins Inside World Empire~
Ghost: "... of... but... to eat... What is today’s lunch? I hope it’s not burgers again... Whoa!?"
Eins: "...Oops! You hurt, Ghost? Look ahead when you walk."
Ghost: "Older brother Eins... I'm sorry."
Eins: "It's nothing to worry about. You're lucky you didn't get hurt."
Ghost: "I... It's not uncommon for people to notice me after I bump into them..."
Ghost: "You're the only one who can find me before I bump into you. You're a really nice guy... I bless you."
Eins: "Ha ha ha! You don’t have to thank me, you know."
Ghost: "I know, but... Hmm? Why are you alone today?"
Ghost: "You’re usually stuck with F and Fal..."
Ghost: "...Isn’t it tough being stuck with those guys?"
Ghost: "If that's the case, I'll make sure they don't get too close to you... I'll curse them."
Eins: "Tough to do what? I'm lucky to have such competent men by my side at all times."
Ghost: "*sigh*...Well, alright. If you're okay with it, then I won't interfere."
Eins: "More importantly, you... You said earlier that I'm the only one who can find you."
Eins: "Is there no one around you that you trust? If you're all alone, talk to me. I can help you."
Ghost: "Hee…! How scary… my heart is fluttering."
Ghost: "That's so sweet of you to say... I’m so touched."
Ghost: "... Okay, I've made up my mind. If you ever need anything, I'm here for you."
Ghost: "With my blessing, of course... Kukuku!"
~End of Ghost's Episode~
NOTE 3: I debated on whether this should be ”He Who Finds” or “He Found Me”, but I decided on the latter.
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