#🎬 || ᶰᶤᶜᵉˑˑˑᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗˢˑ (headcanons.) || 🎬
1-800-scaryphone · 11 months
idk if i already had height hcs listed on here but i'll expand on them now bc i just think they're Neat. i love getting to add random trivia to my carrds
gingi is 7'0" (estimated). nobody has ever dared to properly measure this creechur before (aside from t.heoroar) and they absolutely REFUSE to visit an actual doctor or let t.heoroar anywhere NEAR them now. the last time theoroar measured them was around a week before their escape, and they were somewhere around 7'2" at the time (which is why it's the only precise measurement you'll find, even if it's inaccurate at this point). basically, they're TALL, and tower easily over most d.ialtown residents.
callum is 6'6", which is pretty fucking tall for just a regular guy. as i once saw someone ask on doggo's blog, though, callum made his own limbs- why the fuck WOULDN'T he make himself tall??
norm is 5'10" - astronauts have to be somewhere between 4'10" and 6'4", and that feels like a happy medium. it's also just one inch above average, so lol, normie.
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1-800-scaryphone · 5 months
also thinking about how (in my canon where i make the rules) norm hasn't shot a damn soul. he makes a big show of how he has allegedly shot trespassers and wields his pistol when he gets riled up, but it's literally all bark and no bite. when actually PROMPTED to shoot a person, he becomes very hesitant (unless his aim is directed at the mayor).
he's also DEFINITELY fired warning shots, but because his aim is perfect, he knows how to avoid actually hurting someone. that's the extent of it- just shots fired into his yard to scare people off.
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1-800-scaryphone · 5 months
i would like to amend previous headcanons and say that norm CAN (and HAS) catch up on modern technology, but refuses to do so on principle. he can roughly learn how to use a smartphone within a week or two, but he HATES using them ((norm vc) i hate phones), so that makes the process much slower. he uses it almost like a pager- primarily for emergencies.
norm is relatively up-to-date on other technology (TVs, streaming services, music players, social media (which he avoids like the plague), etc), but he is also super slow on the uptake when it comes to meme culture. if he really wanted to delve into it, he is capable of doing his research, but it'd be rare to find a dank maymay that would make him laugh.
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
random thought/hc of the day: hound confirmed that norm has sibbings via mention of norm having living nieces/nephews. therefore i am going to project and say , loud and clear: oldest sibling norm
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
staring at the list of reasons that d.ogman listed for norm never taking his bag off.....allow me to offer my insights
ok first off i’m gonna put the ones i think are more or less “canon” among the misleads / joke answers:
Norm wears a shirt in the pool. It's just a part of that.
Norm is very insecure about his gross human face.
Oliver asked what colour Norm's eyes are once and the way he asked was weird enough that Norm will never let see Oliver see them under ANY circumstances.
Norm is too cheap to buy sunglasses or a sleep mask, and the bag functions as both, technically.
Norm tried to take off the bag off-screen and somehow got a papercut, and he hasn't tried again since.
Norm is afraid that Billy will doxx him. (he totally would, too)
i feel like the shirt in the pool + insecure about his gross human face answers go hand-in-hand, to an extent. also, i just really like the idea of norm being the kinda guy to wear a shirt in a pool. don’t take this from me.
also, oliver asking what color his eyes are and norm being SO weirded out by the way he asked just SOUNDS canon. oliver is forbidden from eye-sight (haha get it). so is little billy, possibly because of doxxing reasons, or because the little shit probably wants to take his EYES (as stated in the relationships section of his profile):
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norm taking the bag off offscreen and getting a papercut is just too slice-of-life funny not to include. it’d probably be a regularity if he switched between wearing it and not, too. not worth it.
speaking of not worth it- neither are sunglasses or a sleep mask. why buy those when you can just cover your head with a paper bag, forever??
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
@plushmenace replied: (The Norm detail is a *really* good point! The guy has nothing but good things to say about the dude who sent him on a one-way trip through a potentially LETHAL wormhole)
LITERALLY. like, that's the kind of "charisma" and "infectious personality" that you would expect from a SERIAL KILLER?? ANYONE who's met the guy has NOTHING but kind words for him, to an almost scary extent. norm harbors a grudge against mingus and literally wants to SHOOT HER DEAD but he does not hold ANY grudges whatsoever against callum, the man who not only sent him through the wormhole, BUT INITIATED THE DIALUP THAT MADE HIM AN OUTCAST AND GOT HIM EXILED IN THE FIRST PLACE?????
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
i saw a birthday post and now i gotta list off all the dates gingi has used as their birthday
4/2/0 (yes, the actual year 0)
4/1 (guess what day they made this claim on)
3 (just "3.")
11/19/1966 (hahahahhahaha wanna guess why??? this guess usually happens on days when they have some level of awareness)
1969 (just that year lol)
11/19/1923 (i bet you can guess EXACTLY where that comes from)
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1-800-scaryphone · 1 year
okay i've been wanting to discuss dad hcs for norm for a long time now (this may or may not be updated later):
norm never had children of his own in canon, and i'm carrying that over to my blog (despite how much i love changing canon).
his wife actually really wanted children, but norm was terrified of turning out like his dad and abandoning them (rightfully so, considering that wormhole... 😔)
ironically, norm would have made a great parent, though. he might have been a little more gung-ho about self-reliance and picking yourself up by your bootstraps than most parents, and he'd be the sort of dad to teach his kid to shoot a gun so they could protect themselves from "those commie bastards," but on the whole?? a great parent.
like, tucking his kid in every night and making sure they know they're loved?? that would've been him. he might not have been as scared of losing his family as he would be post-wormhole, but he WOULD want his existing family to know he's there and that he loves them.
which brings me to post-dialtown, because oh my god, i have two parenting scenarios for him and i love them to BITS.
norm would be either a godfather or a second father to gingi's kids (coughs in being shipping trash...). he doesn't understand gingi biology in the SLIGHTEST, but goddammit, he's gotta make sure those kids survive under gingi's care. after all, gingi doesn't even know how to take care of themself- how are they gonna take care of their childer??
norm is horrified and baffled by some of the shit he has to do to care for gingi's kids (feeding them centipedes, for example), but he does it anyway lmao.
one of gingi's babies calls him "daddy" for the first time and he starts tearing up lol
THAT'S NOT EVEN INCLUDING HOW HE REACTED WHEN GINGI NAMED ONE OF THEIR KIDS AFTER HIM, he was genuinely touched but refused to let it show lmao
he cares william so much, that kid is practically his own flesh and blood (genuinely, i think a lot abt how they LOOK like they could be related ok)
he was really REALLY reluctant to play any parental role in william's life at first (despite gradually looking to him as a son), mostly because he has a track record for losing everything he cares about in tragic ways and losing a SON would be devastating
things have turned out okay so far!
he's constantly insecure about his parenting ability even though he's literally the best parental william has EVER had.
basically, norm would do anything for william, and he has no fucking clue that william would do the same (nor the extent of william's appreciation for him).
he's also pretty clueless about most of william's sordid history. he just knows henry was an abusive piece of shit, which was what finally got him to formally adopt william in the first place.
this is another one where norm adopts feralreason's william, but this time, william is a baby and has been spared his Henry Trauma(tm)
basically, a baby william ran from the orphanage and was probably gonna pick norm's pocket or smth when norm was actually NICE to him, and the rest is history
again- despite all of norm's reservations about becoming a father beforehand, william is just too precious (in every sense of the word) and is clearly in need of a family. norm has to take this kid in.
norm spoils william a bit more than he would any kid of his own- mostly because of his self-reliant ideals. william is an exception because he's already BEEN living that life. he hasn't had anybody until now, of course norm's gonna give him the best home life he can
the one au where norm doesn't adopt dsilliam, only because dsilliam isn't there-
instead, he's a father to none other than cassidy (with her full name being "cassiopeia"). she gets her bloodlust and thirst for revenge from SOMEWHERE.
with norm still being so scared to have kids, he is incredibly careful to be there for his daughter and never leave her behind...this ultimately doesn't save her, though, and he blames himself BIG-TIME.
he also tried to teach her self-defense and wanted to teach her to shoot a gun before she died. his wife objected to the latter.
norm taught cassidy a good amount of skills and made sure she could take care of herself, though that didn't stop him from being a teensy bit overprotective....he cares ok??
norm reads his kids bedtime stories and tucks them in every night.
this applies moreso to verses that aren't d.ialtown, but he tells his kids he loves them as much as he can.
if he was to sing his kids a lullaby at night, it would be this.
he loves sharing his fondness for the stars (former fondness, in the case of d.ialtown) with his kids, and makes sure to stargaze with them. he also educates them on constellations along the way. (in cassidy's case, he makes sure to tell her allll about the cassiopeia constellation.)
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
childhood nostalgia based hc time!
if norm worked his way up to the n64 as he was being reintroduced to modern tech, he would be absolutely addicted to the game pilotwings 64. he mains goose and tries his damnedest to get gold medals on every fucking course. if he doesnt he gets mad frustrated like "i was a goddamn PILOT in th' AIR FORCE, bullSHIT!"
so yeah norm wouldnt be a gamer until this fucking game
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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oooo thinking so bad abt my hc that norm has never shot a man in his goddamn life (his first kill is reserved for m.ingus) oooooooo
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
this reminds me tho. i had a funny thought abt making gingi's birthday the same as old man callum's...they wouldn't remember it but it's there in spirit i suppose lol
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
a FINAL finalized version of norm’s timeline, i’m finally confident this time, let’s go:
norm says that he “had to leave his life behind, TWICE.” this means that he at least had some semblance of a life before mingus exiled him.
having done more research, i assume this implies that norm had some hope to resume his life after he landed. he must have had friends at n.as/a. i’m sure he had high hopes for when he landed (which were subsequently robbed), and eventually, plans for once he recovered. i’m sure that once he returned to earth, there were a handful of people who recognized and were thrilled to have sgt. allen back, and those who only saw his head and immediately feared him.
here’s my proposed timeline for this sequence of events, possibly subject to change:
norm lands on earth. he’s disoriented and in a daze. his vitals are out of wack, since he’s not only been traveling through space, but a WORMHOLE as well. therefore (despite his “odd condition” of not having a tech head) he is given medical attention.
during this time, norm most likely realizes the confusing condition of everyone he encounters and panics. he probably scurries away from people (to the best of his ability) when they approach him and freaks out until he either passes out or is “subdued” by medics.
people realize that this is sgt. norm allen, an astronaut who went missing five decades ago during an expedition.  n/a.sa experts freak out over his return. they want to ask all sorts of questions…now that callum can’t.
side note: i’m now of the mindset that this mission HAD to be secretive, considering that norm was hand-picked by the president and all, so i’m only counting those that would realize where he’d been- i.e. the folks at n.a/sa and, to some extent, mingus.
mingus also hears about norm’s recovery, as callum’s closest relative. she’s clearly not as thrilled that he’s back. her grandfather has spoken incoherently about the sergeant, and her jealousy spikes at the possibility that norm – of all people – might be the one to restore his memories.
norm slowly recovers, health-wise. he can walk around, barely; he experiences vertigo, far-sightedness, and blurry vision, and he’s still stumbling by the time he is banished from dialtown. while he’s around, though, his vitals are monitored closely, and he is studied because of his whole time-traveling wormhole experience. turns out he hasn’t aged a day. he does not fully recover before he is exiled.
norm, in the meanwhile, has the past fifty years summed up for him. callum started up the phone-ification craze, leading to the whole WORLD sporting all sorts of tech for heads. in the midst of his grandest speech, callum wiped his own memories…etc., etc. norm has a difficult time processing the news. his entire life is gone.
mingus forces n.a/sa to shorten his recovery time. although norm should be staying for a good few years (at LEAST six due to his extended stay in the cosmos + his wormhole travel), mingus pushes the narrative that norm is a menace. his initial reaction upon landing only serves to help her cause. everyone outside of n.as/a starts to believe her, and even a good few on the inside start turning.
eventually, everyone follows through on mingus’ policies, and they kick norm out. mingus exiles norm. norm is given equipment to continue his recovery “at home;” however, norm no longer HAS a home.
norm takes his issues up with the mayor, despite not being 100%. he stumbles over himself just trying to barge into her office. obviously, arguments are tough to deliver in that state. she kicks him out again.
you know the rest. he stews in his own bitterness and swears vengeance against the mayor.
a side note: norm went on this expedition in the summer of 1966, making him 33 years old when he left (the korean war started in 1950, 1950-18 = 1932, 1962-1932 = 34 - norm has an autumnal birthday, however, and he mentions leaving in summer, therefore? 33).
tacking on the extra six years (one year of recovery + five years of exile), this would make norm 39 (going on 40) as of the events of dialtown.
kudos to callum for being able to send norm on a successful space mission three full ass years before apollo 11, goddamn.
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
today's random headcanon: norm [drank] wilkins coffee (because of the commercials). he will lose his mind if you tell him it isn't around anymore
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
okay so i am on my lunch break and i WILL go off in a more coherent manner later (i'm definitely adding this to my list of "things to ramble about later" list) but. here's my thoughts on callum being more selfish than the game really lets on, first draft:
first off, there were hints dropped in the dialtown discord. among things like "sgt. allen, is that you?" and "i can't get a signal...", we also had stuff like "DIALTOWN IS MINE!" which sounds SIGNIFICANTLY less like the callum we see in-game?? EVERYTHING ELSE seems to be a direct quote from callum, but that has always stood out to me. seems like something that would come after he was elected, and it sounds very...megalomaniacal.
phonegingi always, ALWAYS has options to diss callum, as though they have some personal knowledge/vendetta against the guy. a stand-out among these is "he decided to make everyone miserable and give them phones for heads." they also have the option to call his postcard "toilet paper." phonegingi, who i've always likened to callum, is the only one who judges and/or harbors a grudge against the guy - and it could be argued that they're the only "reliable" narrator when it comes to callum, too. it's interesting to think about.
NORM, NORM, NORM. no matter what, i cannot stop thinking about this. norm's mission was without one-manned (this isn't even really headcanon-based, you can tell from his dialogue) which is VERY unorthodox, and he was asked to man this mission by callum PERSONALLY. bear in mind, every. single. bot. they sent out did NOT come back, and all transmissions had ceased - norm also had a fucking family. even still, callum was charismatic enough to convince him, and STILL come across as the good guy in the end (just listen to how norm idolizes the guy when he tells callum's story?? christ???). but norm did not come back, obviously. the only reason i can think for callum to try this with a person is to see what the wormhole actually did, and use a goddamn human test subject.
phonegingi themself. i am genuinely starting to think that they were a mutant creechur created by callum himself so he could implant his own consciousness as a "backup" or something and thats pretty fucked up in itself.
more to come possibly when i have more time / finalize all this
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
something i thought of at work today (that i was so desperate to get down that i pulled out my phone mid-shift to jot down rushed notes of gibberish):
y'know how a TON of historical figures (most notably, the dead ones) have their names changed to phone puns?? i.e. (goin off of memory, bear with me) willine ringspeare, phonald ringin, and phone-bill clington??? YEAH.....WHO THE FUCK DID THAT??? the worldwide dial-up (therefore phone-heads, therefore puns) is a known historical event, and people would/SHOULD know that aforementioned historical figures would not...have phone names???
which brings me to: theories. my first instinct is one of the crowns, i.e. callum or mingus - it depends on your perspective of callum and whether he'd be megolamaniacal enough to literally rewrite history tbh?? part of me is more inclined to believe that it's mingus' doing because EVERY SINGLE ONE is phone-based and she might be doing it to honor her grandfather in some twisted way.....
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
so like-
i mentioned this on my list of things to ramble about, and AGAIN, this is gonna be sloppy because i'm not working with my references - this is all memory babey. but here's some stuff i'm thinking about with regard to why oliver's might not be the funky fresh lil route i thought it was when i first played :((
okay, this might be one of the biggest key points i have: depending on whether or not phonegingi lets oliver use the footage he got of their egglaying, his attitude towards them changes completely. if they let him use it, he refers to them super affectionately and treats them like an actual datemate and everything, etc. - but if phonegingi doesn't, then he is comparatively standoffish??? his enthusiasm towards seeing them again is DEFINITELY lower and he doesn't even get excited about seeing their tent (i WILL pull up screenshots in the full version of this rant). my point?? it feels like he's using gingi more than anything, at least at first (his feelings probably develop a little beyond "wow freaky" and shit after their route lmao) .
oliver's attraction towards gingi just generally seems to come from being a monster-fucker, and that's about it...hence why i'm making this honestly??? it might not seem like a big deal, and hey, it might even seem like a plus for phonegingi (because nobody else on planet earth is ever gonna find them attractive!!!) but. it really isn't. like, if anything, it just kind of solidifies the point that they ARE a monster and a freak, even if oliver thinks thats sexey
theres more but these are the key points that my brain made me hyperfixate on tonight sobs...
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