#🎤 og mrs white did you ever notice him tormenting small animals as a child
I know it’s not at all plot relevant and I definitely don’t think it’s necessary to elaborate further on Walter’s backstory to explain why he is Like That but I still really want to know what the deal with his mom was? They set it up- she’s still alive, they’re seemingly estranged, or at least, he doesn’t tell her about his diagnosis and we don’t see him speaking with her once over the course of the series even after Skyler accidentally reveals it to her, her husband died of Huntington’s, she doesn’t get along with her daughter-in-law- she is mentioned very sparingly even though it feels like the writers definitely had a story in mind for her. As much as I hate Walter, I like to think he didn’t want to tell her out of some measure of love for her, because of how his dad died and how much she worried about his health as a kid, rather than it just being another facet of their estrangement. I think it would be boring and kind of a cop-out to have her be abusive and have that serve as an explanation for her son's dickhead behavior (understatement), but I guess in the context of how he treats his family and Jesse it's very maybe-the-poison-drips-through. Maybe she could be stifling out of fear for his health, maybe he felt like he had to constantly reassure her, and that's why Walt is so resentful of his family's attempts to care for him after his diagnosis and of his familial attachments in general. Not trying to be the blame the mom person, I just want to know why they were estranged and how it ties back into Walter’s motivations and apocalyptic midlife crisis. Also could be a maybe-the-poison-drips-through but he dialed it up to an eleven bc he’s Walter situation, like she wasn’t outright abusive like he is but she could be protective to the point of being controlling like Walt is with Jesse.
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