#🍯💛.bee's knees: [ nana♡ ]
icedhoneyy · 2 years
Hi Isa 😽 thank you so much for your incredibly kind tags on my atsumu fic!! I’m so glad best friend tsumu aka private nurse tsumu brought you some joy :) & tbh if I had a hot nurse like him I’d be tripping on purpose & hopefully falling face first into those very plush pectorals of his hehe 😏 & Atsumu having a big fat crush on his best friend will never not get my heart racing so I very much feel you 💗 Hope you have a fantastic day!!
Nanaaaa, hiiii 🥰🥰 no need to thank me bby, i should be the one thanking you bc that fic made me swoon💞💞!!
and omg yes, you're right lol if i had hot nurse tsumu wrapped around my fingers to tend my wounds i'd be tripping and scrapping my knees left and right 😝 (not that i'd have to try too hard with how clumsy i am on a daily basis lmao)
honestly, best friends to lovers is my favorite trope for him!! ITS SO GOOD!! i can see tsumu not having too many close friends, but the ones he has? he'd cherish those with all his heart 🥺🥺 thats why having romantic feelings for one of them could be so messy for him. ugh, i'm so weak for this trope😩
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icedhoneyy · 2 years
Happy Birthday Isa! 💐 I hope you have/ had a wonderful day filled with yummy treats & lots of joy & fun! 💓🥳
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Nanaaaa 🥰❤ help, this gif is adorable aidhjss i lub it so much hehehe <3333
thank youuuuu for the birthday wishes bby (≧◡≦) ♡
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